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Recent studies point to an association between the late-onset sporadic Parkinson’s disease (PD) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs1559085 and rs27852 in Ca2+-dependent protease calpain inhibitor calpastatin (CAST) gene. This finding is of interest since loss of CAST activity could result in over activated calpain, potentially leading to Ca2+ dysregulation and loss of substantia nigra neurons in PD. We explored the association between CAST SNPs and late-onset sporadic PD in the Han Chinese population. The study included 615 evaluable patients (363 male, 252 female) with PD and 636 neurologically healthy controls (380 male, 256 female) matched for age, gender, ethnicity, and area of residence. PD cases were identified from the PD cohort of the Chinese National Consortium on Neurodegenerative Diseases (www.chinapd.cn). A total of 24 tag-SNPs were genotyped capturing 95% of the genetic variation across the CAST gene. There was no association found between any of the polymorphisms and PD in all models tested (co-dominant, dominant-effect and recessive-effect). Similarly, none of the common haplotypes was associated with a risk for PD. Our data do not support a significant association between the CAST gene polymorphisms and late onset sporadic PD in the Han Chinese population.  相似文献   
As the only mammalian Argonaute protein capable of directly cleaving mRNAs in a small RNA-guided manner, Argonaute-2 (Ago2) is a keyplayer in RNA interference (RNAi) silencing via small interfering (si) or short hairpin (sh) RNAs. It is also a rate-limiting factor whose saturation by si/shRNAs limits RNAi efficiency and causes numerous adverse side effects. Here, we report a set of versatile tools and widely applicable strategies for transient or stable Ago2 co-expression, which overcome these concerns. Specifically, we engineered plasmids and viral vectors to co-encode a codon-optimized human Ago2 cDNA along with custom shRNAs. Furthermore, we stably integrated this Ago2 cDNA into a panel of standard human cell lines via plasmid transfection or lentiviral transduction. Using various endo- or exogenous targets, we demonstrate the potential of all three strategies to boost mRNA silencing efficiencies in cell culture by up to 10-fold, and to facilitate combinatorial knockdowns. Importantly, these robust improvements were reflected by augmented RNAi phenotypes and accompanied by reduced off-targeting effects. We moreover show that Ago2/shRNA-co-encoding vectors can enhance and prolong transgene silencing in livers of adult mice, while concurrently alleviating hepatotoxicity. Our customizable reagents and avenues should broadly improve future in vitro and in vivo RNAi experiments in mammalian systems.  相似文献   
Intravital microscopy encompasses various optical microscopy techniques aimed at visualizing biological processes in live animals. In the last decade, the development of non-linear optical microscopy resulted in an enormous increase of in vivo studies, which have addressed key biological questions in fields such as neurobiology, immunology and tumor biology. Recently, few studies have shown that subcellular processes can be imaged dynamically in the live animal at a resolution comparable to that achieved in cell cultures, providing new opportunities to study cell biology under physiological conditions. The overall aim of this review is to give the reader a general idea of the potential applications of intravital microscopy with a particular emphasis on subcellular imaging. An overview of some of the most exciting studies in this field will be presented using resolution as a main organizing criterion. Indeed, first we will focus on those studies in which organs were imaged at the tissue level, then on those focusing on single cells imaging, and finally on those imaging subcellular organelles and structures.  相似文献   
The lysosomal protease cathepsin B has been implicated in a variety of pathologies including pancreatitis, tumor angiogenesis, and neuronal diseases. We used a tube formation assay to investigate the role of cathepsin B in angiogenesis. When cultured between two layers of collagen I, primary endothelial cells formed tubes in response to exogenously added VEGF. Overexpressing cathepsin B reduced the VEGF-dependent tube response, whereas pharmacologically or molecularly suppressing cathepsin B eliminated the dependence on exogenous VEGF. However, tube formation still required VEGF receptor activity, which suggested that endothelial cells generated VEGF. Indeed, VEGF mRNA and protein was detectable in cells treated with cathepsin B inhibitor, which correlated with a rise in the level of HIF-1alpha. In addition to boosting the level of proangiogenic factors, blocking cathepsin B activity reduced the amount of the antiangiogenic protein endostatin. Thus endothelial cells have the intrinsic capacity to generate pro- and antiangiogenic agents. These observations complement and expand our appreciation of how endothelial cell-derived proteases regulate angiogenesis.  相似文献   
Transendothelial leukocyte migration is a major aspect of the innate immune response. It is essential in repair and regeneration of damaged tissues and is regulated by multiple cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) including members of the immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily. Activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule (ALCAM/CD166) is an Ig CAM expressed by activated monocytes and endothelial cells. Hitherto, the functional relevance of ALCAM expression by endothelial cells and activated monocytes remained unknown. In this report, we demonstrate soluble recombinant human ALCAM significantly inhibited the rate of transendothelial migration of monocyte cell lines. Direct involvement of ALCAM in transendothelial migration was evident from the robust inhibition of this process by ALCAM blocking antibodies. However, soluble recombinant ALCAM had no impact on monocyte migration or adhesion to endothelium. Localization of ALCAM specifically at cell-cell junctions in endothelial cells supported its role in transendothelial migration. This study is the first to localize ALCAM to endothelial cell junctions and demonstrate a functional relevance for co-expression of ALCAM by activated monocytes and endothelial cells.  相似文献   
miRNA cluster miR-17-92 is known as oncomir-1 due to its potent oncogenic function. miR-17-92 is a polycistronic cluster that encodes 6 miRNAs, and can both facilitate and inhibit cell proliferation. Known targets of miRNAs encoded by this cluster are largely regulators of cell cycle progression and apoptosis. Here, we show that miRNAs encoded by this cluster and sharing the seed sequence of miR-17 exert their influence on one of the most essential cellular processes – endocytic trafficking. By mRNA expression analysis we identified that regulation of endocytic trafficking by miR-17 can potentially be achieved by targeting of a number of trafficking regulators. We have thoroughly validated TBC1D2/Armus, a GAP of Rab7 GTPase, as a novel target of miR-17. Our study reveals regulation of endocytic trafficking as a novel function of miR-17, which might act cooperatively with other functions of miR-17 and related miRNAs in health and disease.  相似文献   
The aggregation of amyloidogenic proteins is linked to several amyloidoses, including neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. Currently there are very few effective cures or treatments available, despite countless screenings and clinical trials. One of the most challenging aspects of potential anti-amyloid drug discovery is finding which molecules are the actual inhibitors out of mixtures, which may contain hundreds of distinct compounds. Considering that anti-amyloid compounds would interact with the aggregate, this affinity could be used as a means of separating such compounds from ineffective ones. In this work, we attempt to scavenge potential aggregation-inhibiting molecules out of four, different complexity mixtures, ranging from oxidized gallic acid to tea extract, using lysozyme amyloid fibrils. We show that these compounds bind to aggregates with high affinity and can be later separated from them by different methods.  相似文献   
In this study, we describe an experimental system based on intravital two-photon microscopy for studying endocytosis in live animals. The rodent submandibular glands were chosen as model organs because they can be exposed easily, imaged without compromising their function and, furthermore, they are amenable to pharmacological and genetic manipulations. We show that the fibroblasts within the stroma of the glands readily internalize systemically injected molecules such as fluorescently conjugated dextran and BSA, providing a robust model to study endocytosis. We dynamically image the trafficking of these probes from the early endosomes to the late endosomes and lysosomes while also visualizing homotypic fusion events between early endosomes. Finally, we demonstrate that pharmacological agents can be delivered specifically to the submandibular salivary glands, thus providing a powerful tool to study the molecular machinery regulating endocytosis in a physiological context.  相似文献   
Ultrafast relaxation processes in diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin films with embedded Cu nanoparticles (DLC:Cu nanocomposites) were investigated by means of transient absorption spectroscopy focusing on localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of photoexcited Cu nanoparticles. Absorption spectra of the composite films correspond to the sum of absorption spectra of DLC matrix and Cu nanoparticles; however, Cu nanoparticles strongly dominate in the transient differential absorption. Excitations of DLC matrix and of Cu nanoparticles relax independently revealing no strong interaction. High sensitivity measurements enabled to obtain the hot electron relaxation dynamics in Cu nanoparticles in the low excitation intensity conditions. The relaxation time was found to be independent of the excitation intensity up to tens of microjoule per square centimeter per pulse and to increase at higher intensities. The relaxation time obtained at low excitation intensity was also found to increase by about 30 % in the samples with high Cu concentration, where larger nanoparticles were formed.  相似文献   
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