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A family of head-to-tail cyclic peptide models of the antigenic site A (G-H loop of viral protein 1) of foot-and-mouth disease virus has been designed on the basis of the three-dimensional structure adopted by the linear peptide YTASARGDLAHLTTT upon binding to neutralizing monoclonal antibodies. Three different methods of cyclization have been examined to access the peptides. Solution cyclization of a minimally protected linear precursor provided the expected products but required several purification steps that lowered the yields to approximately 10%. The two other approaches relied on side-chain anchoring of the peptide through the Asp residue and cyclization on the solid phase. A synthetic scheme combining Fmoc, tBu and OAI protections was practicable but inefficient when scaled-up. The combination of Boc, Bzl and OFm protections was more promising, but suffered from high epimerization during the initial esterification of Boc-Asp-OFm to benzyl alcohol-type resins. This problem was solved by performing the esterification via the cesium salt of Boc-Asp-OFm. With this improvement, the Boc/Bzl/OFm has become the method of choice for the preparation of cyclic head-to-tail peptides in satisfactory yields and with minimal purification.  相似文献   
Progesterone-treated pregnancy lymphocytes release an immunologic blocking factor. The mode of action of this substance was investigated. The supernatant of progesterone-treated pregnancy lymphocytes was highly suppressive of natural cytotoxicity toward human embryonic fibroblast target cells as well as of natural killer cell activity. The effect was not observed when progesterone induction was performed in the presence of RU 486, a progesterone receptor blocking agent. The factor was able to inhibit mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLRs), and transfer coculture experiments revealed that this effect was dependent on major histocompatibility complex nonspecific, nonrestricted suppressor T cells. The activation/expansion of suppressor inducer and suppressor effector T cells was further proved by fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis of the populations from MLRs cultured in the presence of the inhibitory factor. These changes were not observed with MLRs performed in the presence of supernatants from progesterone + RU 486-treated peripheral blood lymphocytes. The inhibitory material, on the other hand, did not affect either production or function of IL-2. We conclude that in the presence of high local concentrations of progesterone, a suppressive pathway dependent on specific progesterone-CD8+ lymphocyte interaction might be established. This mechanism might play an important role in the maintenance of pregnancy.  相似文献   
The mechanism of action of cecropin was studied by using liposomes as a model system. The bilayer was efficiently destroyed if the liposome net charge was zero or negative. Cecropin analogues with an impaired N-terminal helix had reduced membrane disrupting abilities that correlate with their lower antibacterial activity. The reduced bactericidal activity of the analogues was rationalized in terms of reduced binding to bacteria. The stoichiometry of cecropin killing of bacteria suggests that amounts of cecropin sufficient to form a monolayer strongly modify the bacterial membrane. Although some bacteria were resistant to cecropin they did bind large amounts in a non-productive manner. In contrast, mammalian erythrocytes achieve resistance by avoiding the binding of cecropin.  相似文献   
Summary The conformation of a peptide that represents antigenic site A of foot-and-mouth disease virus strain C-S8c1 (residues 136–156 of VP1; YTASARGDLAHLTTTHARHLP) has been studied by circular dichroism and compared with three analogs that reproduce amino acid substitutions at position 146 (HisArg, Gln or Asp) which affect antibody recognition. Four other peptides, incorporating replacements at position 147 predicted to maintain (LeuIle, Nle and Ala) or disrupt (LeuGly) helical structure at this site, have also been studied. In aqueous solution or in 4 M urea, the spectra of all eight peptides were typical of aperiodic conformation and independent of concentration or pH. However, upon addition of solvents such as methanol or hexafluoroisopropanol, spectral patterns evidenced significant levels (ca. 50%) of helical structure. The single residue substitutions at positions 146 and 147 caused minor to significant variations in the calculated amount of -helix of the peptides. An attempt to relate these changes in helical content to the antigenic behaviour of the peptides towards five monoclonal antibodies elicited with virus and mapping at site A could not find any straightforward correspondence between the two sets of results. The parent peptide and its His146Arg analog were also analyzed by circular dichroism in the presence of the Fab fragment of SD6, a monoclonal antibody mapping at site A and much less reactive with viruses carrying the referred mutation. Although a peptide-antibody interaction was evident from spectral changes, careful inspection of the difference spectra (peptide-Fab minus Fab) of both peptides failed to detect any significant distinction between them that could be attributed to their different immunoreactivity. While these findings do not necessarily conflict with previous reports that the interaction of antigenic site A with antibodies is mediated to some extent by the adoption of a helix structure, they suggest that, at least for C-serotype viruses, other structural features in addition to a helical conformation are critically involved in antigenic recognition.  相似文献   
The energy-transducing ATPase and a low-molecular-weight fraction ofMicrococcus lysodeikticus membranes incorporated14C label fromd-[U-14C]glucose fed to the bacteria in synthetic medium. The specific radioactivity of the sugar portion of the ATPase and low-molecular-weight fraction was, respectively, 2.65 and 2.88 times that of their amino acids. Glucose and mannose in approximately equimolar amounts were identified as the main sugars of the glycoprotein ATPase, thus confirming previous structural studies. Glucose, galactose, and mannose (1:1:2) were identified as the main sugars of the low-molecular-weight glycopeptides. These results confirm and extend the notion that glycoprotein are constituents of prokaryotic membranes.  相似文献   
Summary Two new forms of the plasma membrane ATP-ase ofMicrococcus lysodeikticus NCTC 2665 were isolated from a sub-strain of the microorganism by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. One of them had a mol.wt of 368,000 and a very low specific activity (0.80 µ mol.min–1.mg protein–1) that could not be stimulated by trypsin. This form has been called BI (strain B, inactive). If the electrophoresis was carried out in the presence of reducing agents (i.e., dithiothreitol) and the pH of the effluent maintained at a value of 8.5 another form of the enzyme was obtained. This had a mol.wt of 385,000 and a specific activity of 2.5–5.0 µ mol.min–1.mg protein–1 that could be stimulated by trypsin to 5–10 µ mol.min–1.mg protein–1. This preparation of the ATPase has been called form BA (strain B, enzyme active). The subunit composition of both forms has been studied by sodium dodecyl sulphate and urea gel electrophoresis and compared to that of the enzyme previously purified from the original strain (form A). The three forms of the enzyme had similar and subunits, with mol.wt of about 50,000 and 30,000 dalton, respectively. They also had in common the component(s) of relative mobility 1.0, whose status as true subunit(s) of the enzyme remains yet to be established. However, subunit, that had a mol.wt of about a 52,500 in form A (Andreu et al. Eur. J. Biochem. (1973) 37, 505–515), had a mol.wt similar to in form BI and about 60,000 in form BA. Furthermore BA usually showed two types of this subunit ( and) and an additional peptide chain () with a mol.wt of about 25,000 dalton. This latter subunit seemed to account for the stimulation by trypsin of form BA.Forms BA could be converted to BI by storage and freezing and thawing. Conventional protease activity could not be detected in any of the purified ATPase forms and addition of protease inhibitors to form BA failed to prevent its conversion to form BI. The low activity form (BI) was more stable than the active forms of the enzyme and also differed in its circular dichroism. These results show thatM. lysodeikticus ATPase can be isolated in several forms. Although these variations may be artifacts caused by the purification procedures, they provide model systems for understanding the structural and functional relationships of the enzyme and for drawing some speculations about its functionin vivo.  相似文献   
A soluble purified form of Micrococcus lysodeikticus ATPase (form BAT, from strain B, active, trypsin-stimulated) was stimulated 100% by trypsin and this stimulation was inhibited by preincubation of the protease with phenyl methyl sulphonylfluoride. This form of the enzyme was also stimulated 125–150% by filtration on Sephadex G-200. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulphate-gel electrophoresis showed that stimulation of this form of M. lysodeikticus ATPase was always accompanied by the disappearance of a subunit of mol. wt. 25 000 (ε subunit). It suggests that this subunit is the natural inhibitor of M. lysodeikticus ATPase. In the case of ATPase stimulation by trypsin, a partial and limited degradation of the α subunit was also observed. The interaction between the ε subunit and the rest of the ATPase complex was reversibly affected by pH, suggesting its non-covalent nature.  相似文献   
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