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Insulin-responsive aminopeptidase (IRAP) colocalizes with glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4) in adipocytes and is recruited to the plasma membrane in response to insulin. Microinjection of peptides corresponding to the IRAP cytoplasmic domain sequences causes GLUT4 recruitment in adipocytes. Inhibitors of protein kinase C-zeta (PKC-zeta) abolish the insulin-induced GLUT4 recruitment in rat adipocytes. These findings suggest an interesting possibility that PKC-zeta may phosphorylate IRAP, playing a key role in GLUT4/IRAP recruitment. To test this possibility, here we studied the (32)P incorporation into IRAP catalyzed by PKC-zeta in insulin-stimulated cells. There was a small but significant (32)P incorporation into IRAP in rat adipocytes, which was partly abolished upon addition of a PKC-zeta pseudosubstrate, suggesting that PKC-zeta may be responsible in part for the IRAP phosphorylation in adipocytes. PKC-zeta also catalyzed the incorporation of (32)P not only into IRAP in GLUT4 vesicles isolated from rat adipocytes but also into the IRAP cytoplasmic domain inserts in glutathione S-transferase-fusion proteins, demonstrating direct IRAP phosphorylation by PKC-zeta. Reversed-phase HPLC, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry, and radiosequencing of the tryptic digests of the (32)P-labeled IRAP fusion proteins identified Ser-80 and Ser-91 as major phosphorylation sites. In GLUT4 vesicles, the (32)P incorporation into IRAP was exclusively localized at a 6.9-kDa tryptic fragment identified as IRAP(76-138) and the (32)P labeling at Ser-80 accounted for 80-90% of the total IRAP labeling, suggesting that Ser-80 is the major phosphorylation site in intact IRAP. These findings are consistent with the possibility that the IRAP cytoplasmic domain phosphorylation by PKC-zeta plays a key role in insulin-induced IRAP or GLUT4 recruitment in adipocytes.  相似文献   
The aqueous solubility (S(w)) of liquids and solids, expressed as log S(w) as well as their partition coefficients in different solvent systems viz. P(oct) (partition coefficient in octanol-water), P(16) (partition coefficient in water-hexadecane), P(alk) (partition coefficient in water-alkane), and P(cyc) (partition coefficient in water-cyclohexane), and aqueous solubility (S(w)) have been estimated using the PI (Padmakar-Ivan) index and the results compared with those obtained using the widely used Wiener index (W). Regression analysis of the data using n-alkanes show that the PI index gives better results than the W index.  相似文献   
Members of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) superfamily of signaling molecules are involved in the regulation of many developmental processes that involve the interaction between mesenchymal and epithelial tissues. Smad7 is a potent inhibitor of many members of the TGF-beta family, notably TGF-beta and activin. In this study, we show that embryonic overexpression of Smad7 in stratified epithelia using a keratin 5 promoter, results in severe morphogenetic defects in skin and teeth and leads to embryonic and perinatal lethality. To further analyze the functions of Smad7 in epithelial tissues of adult mice, we used an expression system that allowed a controlled overexpression of Smad7 in terms of both space and time. Skin defects in adult mice overexpressing Smad7 were characterized by hyper-proliferation and missing expression of early markers of keratinocyte differentiation. Upon Smad7-mediated blockade of TGF-beta superfamily signaling, ameloblasts failed to produce an enamel layer in incisor teeth. In addition, TGF-beta blockade in adult mice altered the pattern of thymic T cell differentiation and the number of thymic T cells was significantly reduced. This study shows that TGF-beta superfamily signaling is essential for development of hair, tooth and T-cells as well as differentiation and proliferation control in adult tissues.  相似文献   
Data regarding the role of TGF-beta for the in vivo function of regulatory CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells (Treg) are controversial. A transgenic mouse model with impaired TGF-beta signaling specifically in T cells was used to assess the role of endogenous TGF-beta for the in vivo function of CD4(+)CD25(+) Treg in a murine model of colitis induced by dextran sulfate. Transfer of wild-type, but not transgenic CD4(+)CD25(+) Treg was found to suppress colitis in wild-type mice. In addition, by transferring CFSE-labeled CD4(+)CD25(+) Treg we could demonstrate that endogenous TGF-beta promotes the expansion of CD4(+)CD25(+) Treg in vivo. Transgenic mice themselves developed reduced numbers of peripheral CD4(+)CD25(+) Treg and were more susceptible to the induction of colitis, which could be prevented by the transfer of wild-type Treg. These data indicate that TGF-beta signaling in CD4(+)CD25(+) Treg is required for their in vivo expansion and suppressive capacity.  相似文献   
A trial was conducted to determine the efficacy of termiticidal dusts (arsenic trioxide, triflumuron, and Metarhizium anisopliae), a timber fumigant (dazomet) and liquid termiticides (bifenthrin, chlorfenapyr, chlorpyrifos, fipronil, and imidacloprid) for controlling subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) infesting in-service power poles in New South Wales, Australia. Dusts were applied to parts of the pole where termites were present. Fumigant was inserted into holes drilled into the base of the pole. Liquid termiticides were mixed with soil around the base of the pole and injected into internal voids if present. Poles were inspected for up to 5 yr, and the time taken for reinfestation to occur was recorded. Before the start of the trial, the major Australian pole owners were surveyed to obtain an estimate of the annual national cost of termite infestation to the power supply industry. The annual costs of termite treatment and replacing damaged poles were estimated at AU$2 million and AU$13 million, respectively. Infestation rates were lower for all treatments compared with controls within the first 12 mo of the study. Dazomet, arsenic trioxide, fipronil, and chlorpyrifos were the most efficacious treatments. Efficacy was positively related to the amount of termiticide applied and negatively related to the infestation severity but was unaffected by geographical location. Survival curves were calculated of the time elapsed before the recurrence of termite infestations (survival absence of reinfestation). Survival was highest for poles treated with liquid termiticides.  相似文献   
The transition from water to land was a major evolutionary step for the green lineage. Based on fossil data, this event probably occurred some 480–430 million years ago, during the Ordovician and the early Silurian and initiated the explosive evolution that led to the modern diversity of photosynthetic organisms living on Earth. The chronological steps are still puzzling, but the great advances in genetics have allowed some of them to be positioned on the time axis.Chloroplastic organisms evolving towards terrestrialization have had to solve many problems: limited water supply, scarcity of mineral and especially phosphorus, harmful effect of ultraviolet and cosmic rays, pronounced fluctuations of temperature and attacks from new and diversified microbes. Many adaptations, such as the modification of the life cycle (sporophytes, seeds), organ diversification (root and leaves), the appearance of complex phenolic compounds (lignin, flavonoids), vascularization, the accumulation of new compounds (cutin, suberin), the development of specialized cells and the establishment of symbiotic interactions, have all played major roles during the transition from water to land and have resulted in the rich plant biodiversity of today. Some molecular and biochemical aspects putatively associated with land plant emergence are summarized here.  相似文献   
The importance of SULF1 in modulating the activities of multiple signalling molecules is now well established. Several studies, however, reported little or no effect of Sulf1 null mutations, questioning the relevance of this gene to in vivo development. The failure of SULF1 deletion to influence development may be predicted if one considers the involvement of a naturally occurring SULF1 antagonist, generated by alternative splicing of the same gene. We demonstrate that while the previously described SULF1 (SULF1A) enhances Wnt signalling, the novel shorter isoform (SULF1B) inhibits Wnt signalling. Our studies show developmental stage specific changes in the proportions of SULF1A and SULF1B isoforms at both the mRNA and protein levels in many developing tissues, with particularly pronounced changes in developing and adult blood vessels. Unlike SULF1A, SULF1B promotes angiogenesis and is highly expressed in endothelial cells during early blood vessel development while SULF1A predominates in mature endothelial cells. We propose that the balance of two naturally occurring SULF1 variants, with opposing functional activities, may regulate the overall net activities of multiple secreted factors and the associated signalling cascades essential for normal development and maintenance of most tissues.  相似文献   
Ferrous ascorbate (FeAA: FeSO4+ascorbic acid) has been used in the past by different investigators to induce oxidative stress. The optimum dose of FeAA for inducing oxidative stress by affecting thiols [total thiols (TSH), glutathione reduced (GSH), glutathione oxidized (GSSG), redox ratio (GSH/GSSG)], total lipids and phospholipids has been ascertained in the local crossbred cattle bull spermatozoa. The fractions of spermatozoa suspended in 2.9% sodium citrate were subjected to three doses of FeAA (100 microM:500 microM, 150 microM:750 microM, 200 microM:1000 microM; FeSO4:ascorbic acid), and were assessed for various parameters. On increasing the concentration of FeAA, a gradual decrease in TSH, GSH, GSH/GSSG, lipid and phospholipid levels, but increase in GSSG content were observed. It is concluded that thiol groups play an important role in antioxidation and detoxification of ROS as well as maintaining intracellular redox status. Thiol groups, thus, serve as defense mechanisms of sperm cells to fight against oxidative stress. In addition, all doses of FeAA cause leakage of lipids and phospholipids from the bull sperm membranes.  相似文献   
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