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COPII and COPI mediate the formation of membrane vesicles translocating in opposite directions within the secretory pathway. Live-cell and electron microscopy revealed a novel mode of function for COPII during cargo export from the ER. COPII is recruited to membranes defining the boundary between the ER and ER exit sites, facilitating selective cargo concentration. Using direct observation of living cells, we monitored cargo selection processes, accumulation, and fission of COPII-free ERES membranes. CRISPR/Cas12a tagging, the RUSH system, and pharmaceutical and genetic perturbations of ER-Golgi transport demonstrated that the COPII coat remains bound to the ER–ERES boundary during protein export. Manipulation of the cargo-binding domain in COPII Sec24B prohibits cargo accumulation in ERES. These findings suggest a role for COPII in selecting and concentrating exported cargo rather than coating Golgi-bound carriers. These findings transform our understanding of coat proteins’ role in ER-to-Golgi transport.  相似文献   
The vine mealybug, Planococcus ficus (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), is a major pest of vineyards. Here, we tested the efficacy of the mating disruption method against the pest when applied during one or two successive years in high and low infestation levels. Following 1 year of treatment, at low initial infestation levels a shutdown of pheromone traps was observed, along with a significant reduction in infested vines. With initially high infestation levels, a gradual reduction in infested vines was observed, with a trap shutdown seen only after the second year of pheromone application. We discuss the implications of the male mating disruption method for this pest in which the wingless females are aggregated with limited movement among vines, offering multiple mating opportunities for the flying male.  相似文献   
In the course of identifying the vector(s) of the grapevine yellows (GY) and western-X (WX) phytoplasmas in the Golan Heights, leafhopper and planthopper species were examined. The planthopper, Hyalesthes obsoletus , was trapped on yellow sticky traps or collected on weeds; there was a relatively small peak during two weeks in June and during four weeks starting mid-September. The leafhoppers, Neoaliturus spp. and Circulifer sp. (of the haematoceps complex) were both trapped early or very late in summer, but could be collected on weeds throughout the summer. The two remaining leafhopper species, Macrosteles quadripunctulatus and Orosius orientalis (= albicinctus ) were only rarely caught on sticky traps, but were found on weeds throughout the summer. Phytoplasmas were found within the body of these five species; all are historically known to be efficient vectors of various phytoplasmas and were therefore chosen for further investigations.  相似文献   
Gliomas are characterized by increased infiltration into the surrounding normal brain tissue. We recently reported that RTVP-1 is highly expressed in gliomas and plays a role in the migration of these cells, however the regulation of RTVP-1 expression in these cells is not yet described. In this study we examined the role of PKC in the regulation of RTVP-1 expression and found that PMA and overexpression of PKCα and PKCε increased the expression of RTVP-1, whereas PKCδ exerted an opposite effect. Using the MatInspector software, we identified a SRF binding site on the RTVP-1 promoter. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay revealed that SRF binds to the RTVP-1 promoter in U87 cells, and that this binding was significantly increased in response to serum addition. Moreover, silencing of SRF blocked the induction of RTVP-1 expression in response to serum. We found that overexpression of PKCα and PKCε increased the activity of the RTVP-1 promoter and the binding of SRF to the promoter. In contrast, overexpression of PKCδ blocked the increase in RTVP-1 expression in response to serum and the inhibitory effect of PKCδ was abrogated in cells expressing a SRFT160A mutant. SRF regulated the migration of glioma cells and its effect was partially mediated by RTVP-1. We conclude that RTVP-1 is a PKC-regulated gene and that this regulation is at least partly mediated by SRF. Moreover, RTVP-1 plays a role in the effect of SRF on glioma cell migration.  相似文献   
Pollination of Cyclamen persicum (Primulaceae) was studied in two wild populations in Israel. Buzz-pollination proved to be extremely rare, and performed by a large Anthophora bee only. The most frequent pollinators were various unspecialized species of thrips (Thysanoptera) and hoverflies (Syrphidae). In the Winter-flowering populations the commonest visitor was a small primitive moth, Micropteris elegans (Micropterigidae, Lepidoptera). These moths feed on pollen, copulate and oviposit within the flowers. From the rarity of buzz-pollination it is concluded that the genus Cyclamen co-evolved with large bees capable of buzz-pollination, but lost its original pollinators for unknown historical reasons. The vacant niche was then open to various unspecialized pollen consumers such as thrips, hoverflies and small solitary bees. While these insects are not specific to C. persicum and seem to play a minor role only, the moth strictly relies upon Cyclamen and seems to be the most efficient pollinator.  相似文献   
In Dictyostelium discoideum, cells that become part of the stalk or basal disc display behaviour that can be interpreted as altruistic. Atzmony et al. (Curr Sci 72:142–145, 1997) had hypothesised that this behaviour could be the outcome of an adaptive strategy based on differing intrinsic quality as reflected by phenotypes that indicate differences in potential for survival and reproduction, followed by intercellular competition among amoebae of differing qualities. Low-quality amoebae would have a poor chance of succeeding in the competition to form spores; they could enhance their chances of survival by adopting a presumptive stalk strategy. Here we extend the hypothesis by making use of recent findings. Our approach is based on the view that an evolutionary explanation for the apparent altruism of stalk cells in D. discoideum must apply broadly to other cellular slime moulds (CSMs) that exhibit stalk cell death. Further, it must be capable of being modified to cover social behaviour in CSMs with an extracellular stalk, as well as in sorocarpic amoebae whose stalk cells are viable. With regard to D. discoideum, we suggest that (a) differentiation-inducing factor, thought of as a signal that inhibits amoebae from forming spores and induces them to differentiate into basal disc cells, is better viewed as a mediator of competition among post-aggregation amoebae and (b) the products of the ‘recognition genes’, tgrB and tgrC, allow an amoeba to assess its quality relative to that of its neighbours and move to a position within the aggregate that optimises its reproductive fitness. From this perspective, all cells behave in a manner that is ‘selfish’ rather than ‘altruistic’, albeit with different expectations of success.  相似文献   
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