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Eight embryonic thresher sharks Alopias vulpinus (53·9–124 cm total length) were collected from two females caught by commercial longline off southern Brazil in September and November 2004. Morphometric measurements are provided.  相似文献   
Anthracnose, caused by Elsinoë ampelina, is an economically important grapevine disease in south and southeast Brazil. Control is achieved by lime sulphur application during grapevine dormancy and foliar fungicide sprays until the berries are half-grown. This study assessed the temporal and spatial progress of grapevine anthracnose under field conditions in order to describe the disease dynamics and its relationship to pathogen survival. The experiment was carried out in a vineyard of table grape Vitis labrusca in Brazil, during the 2014 and 2015 growing seasons. The incidence of vines with diseased leaves, stems and berries and the disease severity on leaves were recorded from bud break to veraison. Monomolecular, logistic and Gompertz models were fitted by non-linear regression to the incidence and severity data over time to characterize the temporal progress. Ordinary runs, dispersion index, modified Taylor's power law and spatial hierarchy analyses were used to characterize the spatial pattern of diseased plants. The monomolecular model showed the best fit for the incidence progress, with disease progress rates ranging from 0.051 to 0.136 per day. In both seasons, the incidence of diseased plants reached 100% 1 month after bud break. However, the incidence of diseased leaves per plant was around 60% and leaf disease severity was lower than 5% for both years. Ordinary runs and dispersion index analyses revealed that diseased grapevines were distributed randomly on the majority of the assessment dates. Meanwhile, a slight aggregation of diseased vines was observed in the modified Taylor's power law analysis. Our results suggested that the progress of anthracnose incidence and severity over time was governed mainly by the income of the primary inoculum, which survived in the vineyard. Therefore, anthracnose control measures in Brazilian vineyards should be focused on the reduction in inoculum within the vineyard.  相似文献   
The Mediterranean Basin is a global biodiversity hotspot, hosting a number of native species belonging to families that are found almost exclusively in tropical climates. Yet, whether or not these taxa were able to survive in the Mediterranean region during the Quaternary climatic oscillations remains unknown. Focusing on the European free-tailed bat (Tadarida teniotis), we aimed to (a) identify potential ancient populations and glacial refugia; (b) determine the post-glacial colonization routes across the Mediterranean; and (c) evaluate current population structure and demography. Mitochondrial and nuclear markers were used to understand T. teniotis evolutionary and demographic history. We show that T. teniotis is likely restricted to the Western Palearctic, with mitochondrial phylogeny suggesting a split between an Anatolian/Middle East clade and a European clade. Nuclear data pointed to three genetic populations, one of which is an isolated and highly differentiated group in the Canary Islands, another distributed across Iberia, Morocco, and France, and a third stretching from Italy to the east, with admixture following a pattern of isolation by distance. Evolutionary and demographic reconstruction supports a pre-Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) colonization of Italy and the Anatolian/Middle East, while the remaining populations were colonized from Italy after the Younger Dryas. We also found support for demographic expansion following the Iberian colonization. The results show that during the LGM T. teniotis persisted in Mediterranean refugia and has subsequently expanded to its current circum-Mediterranean range. Our findings raise questions regarding the physiological and ecological traits that enabled species with tropical affinities to survive in colder climates.  相似文献   
Inga species present brush‐type flower morphology allowing them to be visited by distinct groups of pollinators. Nectar features in relation to the main pollinators have seldom been studied in this genus. To test the hypothesis of floral adaptation to both diurnal and nocturnal pollinators, we studied the pollination ecology of Inga sessilis, with emphasis on the nectar secretion patterns, effects of sequential removals on nectar production, sugar composition and the role of diurnal and nocturnal pollinators in its reproductive success. Inga sessilis is self‐incompatible and pollinated by hummingbirds, hawkmoths and bats. Fruit set under natural conditions is very low despite the fact that most stigmas receive polyads with sufficient pollen to fertilise all ovules in a flower. Nectar secretion starts in the bud stage and flowers continually secreting nectar for a period of 8 h. Flowers actively reabsorbed the nectar a few hours before senescence. Sugar production increased after nectar removal, especially when flowers were drained during the night. Nectar sugar composition changed over flower life span, from sucrose‐dominant (just after flower opening, when hummingbirds were the main visitors) to hexose‐rich (throughout the night, when bats and hawkmoths were the main visitors). Diurnal pollinators contributed less than nocturnal ones to fruit production, but the former were more constant and reliable visitors through time. Our results indicate I. sessilis has floral adaptations, beyond the morphology, that encompass both diurnal and nocturnal pollinator requirements, suggesting a complementary and mixed pollination system.  相似文献   
Acoustic signals can encode crucial information about species identity and individual quality. We recorded and compared male courtship drum sounds of the sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus and the painted goby P. pictus and examined if they can function in species recognition within sympatric populations. We also examined which acoustic features are related to male quality and the factors that affect female courtship in the sand goby, to determine whether vocalisations potentially play a role in mate assessment. Drums produced by the painted goby showed significantly higher dominant frequencies, higher sound pulse repetition rates and longer intervals between sounds than those of the sand goby. In the sand goby, male quality was predicted by visual and acoustic courtship signals. Regression analyses showed that sound amplitude was a good predictor of male length, whereas the duration of nest behaviour and active calling rate (i.e. excluding silent periods) were good predictors of male condition factor and fat reserves respectively. In addition, the level of female courtship was predicted by male nest behaviour. The results suggest that the frequency and temporal patterns of sounds can encode species identity, whereas sound amplitude and calling activity reflects male size and fat reserves. Visual courtship duration (nest-related behaviour) also seems relevant to mate choice, since it reflects male condition and is related to female courtship. Our work suggests that acoustic communication can contribute to mate choice in the sand goby group, and invites further study.  相似文献   
Gonadal failure, along with early pregnancy loss and perinatal death, may be an important filter that limits the propagation of harmful mutations in the human population. We hypothesized that men with spermatogenic impairment, a disease with unknown genetic architecture and a common cause of male infertility, are enriched for rare deleterious mutations compared to men with normal spermatogenesis. After assaying genomewide SNPs and CNVs in 323 Caucasian men with idiopathic spermatogenic impairment and more than 1,100 controls, we estimate that each rare autosomal deletion detected in our study multiplicatively changes a man''s risk of disease by 10% (OR 1.10 [1.04–1.16], p<2×10−3), rare X-linked CNVs by 29%, (OR 1.29 [1.11–1.50], p<1×10−3), and rare Y-linked duplications by 88% (OR 1.88 [1.13–3.13], p<0.03). By contrasting the properties of our case-specific CNVs with those of CNV callsets from cases of autism, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and intellectual disability, we propose that the CNV burden in spermatogenic impairment is distinct from the burden of large, dominant mutations described for neurodevelopmental disorders. We identified two patients with deletions of DMRT1, a gene on chromosome 9p24.3 orthologous to the putative sex determination locus of the avian ZW chromosome system. In an independent sample of Han Chinese men, we identified 3 more DMRT1 deletions in 979 cases of idiopathic azoospermia and none in 1,734 controls, and found none in an additional 4,519 controls from public databases. The combined results indicate that DMRT1 loss-of-function mutations are a risk factor and potential genetic cause of human spermatogenic failure (frequency of 0.38% in 1306 cases and 0% in 7,754 controls, p = 6.2×10−5). Our study identifies other recurrent CNVs as potential causes of idiopathic azoospermia and generates hypotheses for directing future studies on the genetic basis of male infertility and IVF outcomes.  相似文献   
The first two fossil species of the canthyloscelid genus Synneuron are described based on compression wings. Synneuron eomontana sp. nov. is described from the Middle Eocene Coal Creek Member of the Kishenehn Formation, in the USA, and Synneuron jelli sp. nov. is described from the Lower Cretaceous Koonwarra Fossil Bed of the Korumburra Group, in Australia. The wings are illustrated and compared to the extant species of the genus, to species of the three other recent genera of Canthyloscelidae and to an anisopodid. A phylogenetic analysis of the relationships between the species of Synneuron was performed. The Eocene fossil S. eomontana appears as sister of the pair of recent Holarctic species of the genus, while the Australian Cretaceous species S. jelli is sister of the clade with the species of Synneuron of the northern hemisphere. The sister group of Synneuron is the canthyloscelid clade (Hyperoscelis + Canthyloscelis), for which a middle Jurassic fossil is known. At the early Cretaceous, Gondwana was already separated from Laurasia and the disjunction between the species of Synneuron in Australia and the northern hemisphere clade of the genus suggest a true pangeic origin for the genus. The biology of the canthyloscelid larvae is shaped by its trophic specialization—xylosaprophagous. This suggests that the transition from the Pangean Jurassic gymnosperm-dominated forests to the late Cretaceous angiosperm-dominated forests may be related to the low recent diversity of Synneuron or of the canthyloscelids in the world—and maybe to the extinction of the genus in the southern hemisphere. This major turnover of the vegetation type along the Cretaceous may be also somehow related to the complete extinction of other groups of flies strictly associated with gymnosperms, as may be the case of the lower brachyceran family Zhangsolvidae. This speculation needs additional corroboration from other groups, that will become available with the combination of systematics, paleontology and biogeographical information of different early Cretaceous clades.  相似文献   
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