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The work was focused on the investigation of possible dependencies between the development of viral infection in plants and the presence of high heavy metal concentrations in soil. Field experiments have been conducted in order to study the development of systemic tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) infection in Lycopersicon esculentum L. cv. Miliana plants under effect of separate salts of heavy metals Cu, Zn and Pb deposited in soil. As it is shown, simultaneous effect of viral infection and heavy metals in tenfold maximum permissible concentration leads to decrease of total chlorophyll content in experiment plants mainly due to the degradation of chlorophyll a. The reduction of chlorophyll concentration under the combined influence of both stress factors was more serious comparing to the separate effect of every single factor. Plants' treatment with toxic concentrations of lead and zinc leaded to slight delay in the development of systemic TMV infection together with more than twofold increase of virus content in plants that may be an evidence of synergism between these heavy metal's and virus' effects. Contrary, copper although decreased total chlorophyll content but showed protective properties and significantly reduced amount of virus in plants.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the neuromuscular efficiency of women with knee osteoarthritis (OA) when performing a sit-to-stand movement and during maximum strength efforts. Twelve women with unilateral knee OA (age 60.33 ± 6.66 years, height 1.61 ± 0.05 m, mass 77.08 ± 9.2 kg) and 11 controls (age 56.54 ± 5.46 years, height 1.64 ± 0.05 m, mass 77.36 ± 13.34 kg) participated in this study. Subjects performed a sit-to-stand movement from a chair while position of center of pressure and knee angular speed were recorded. Furthermore, maximal isokinetic knee extension and flexion strength at 60°/s, 120°/s and 150°/s was measured. Surface, electromyography (EMG) from the biceps femoris (BF), vastus lateralis (VL) and vastus medialis (VM) was recorded during all tests. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that during the sit-to-stand OA group demonstrated significantly lower knee angular speed (44.49 ± 9.61°/s vs. 71.68 ± 19.86°/s), a more posterior position of the center of pressure (39.20 ± 7.02% vs. 41.95 ± 2.49%) and a higher antagonist BF activation (57.13 ± 20.55% vs. 32.01 ± 19.5%) compared with controls (p < 0.05). Further, women with knee OA demonstrated a lower Moment-to-EMG ratio than controls in extension and eccentric flexion at 60°/s and 150°/s, while the opposite was found for concentric flexion at 60°/s (p < 0.05). Among other factors, the slower performance of the sit-to-stand movement in women with OA is due to a less efficient use of the knee extensor muscles (less force per unit of EMG) and, perhaps, a higher BF antagonist co-activation. This may lead subjects with OA to adopt a different movement strategy compared with controls.  相似文献   
Forty superovulated dairy ewes of the Greek Chios breed were used in an experiment to evaluate the efficiency of laparoscopic intrauterine insemination on fertilization and embryo recovery rates as well as embryo quality. Estrus was synchronized by intravaginal progestagen impregnated sponges and superovulation was induced by administration of 8.8 mg o-FSH i.m. following a standard 8 dose protocol. A small volume (0.3 mL) of diluted fresh ram semen was deposited in each uterine horn 24 to 28 h after onset of the estrus by a laparoscopic technique. The animals were allocated randomly into two groups (Group A and B) of 20 animals each. In Group A, embryos were recovered 18 to 24 h after the intrauterine insemination and in Group B on Day 6. The average number of corpora lutea was 12.8 +/- 1.2 and 11.5 +/- 1.1 (+/- SEM); the overall embryo recovery was 66.4% and 57% and the percentage of recovered fertilized ova was 81% and 82.8% in Groups A and B, respectively. More fertilized ova were collected per ewe from Group A (P < or = 0.1). Results indicated that in Chios breed, superovulation using homologous FSH combined with laparoscopic AI leads to good ovarian response with satisfactory results in fertilization, embryo recovery and quality of embryos. This could lead to improved and more efficient methods for obtaining large numbers of high quality oocytes and embryos for embryo transfer programs which could contribute to genetic improvement and increase of the population size.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to show that velocity-specific training may be implicated in modifications in the level of coactivation of agonist and antagonist muscles. Healthy males (n = 20) were randomly placed in to two groups: one group trained using concentric contractions (n = 12), the other was an untrained control group (n = 8). The training group underwent unilateral resistance training at a level of 35 (5)% of a one-repetition maximal contraction of the elbow flexors, executed at maximal angular velocity. Training sessions consisted of six sets of eight consecutive elbow flexions, three times per weak for a total of seven weeks. The velocity of the ballistic movements executed during training were measured using an optoelectronic measuring device (Elite), both at the beginning and at the end of the training period. Subjects were tested pre- and post-training during isokinetic maximal elbow flexions with constant angular torque (CAT) at 90 degrees (0 degrees = full extension), and at different velocities (60, 120, 180, 240 and 300 degrees x s(-1)) for concentric actions, and -60 and -30 degrees x s(-1) for eccentric and isometric contractions at 90 degrees. In order to verify the levels of activation of the agonist biceps brachii (BB) muscles and antagonist triceps brachii (TB) muscles during maximal voluntary activation, their myoelectrical activities were recorded and quantified as root mean square (RMS) amplitudes, between angles of 75 and 105 degrees . The results show that mean angular velocities between elbow angles of 75 and 105 degrees were similar before [302 (32) degrees x s(-1)] and after [312 (27) degrees x s(-1)] the training period. CAT significantly increased measures at angular velocities of 240 and 300 degrees x s(-1) by 18.7% and 23.5%, respectively. The RMS activity of BB agonist muscles was not significantly modified by training. Post-training normalized RMS amplitudes of TB antagonist muscles were inferior to those observed at pre-training, but values were only significantly different at 300 x s(-1). In conclusion, in this study we attempted to show that an increase of CAT to 240 and 300 degrees x s(-1), though velocity-specific training, may be due, in part, to a lowering of the level of coactivation.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to describe the features of experimentally induced orchitis associated with Arcanobacterium pyogenes and confirm the pathogenicity of the organism for the ovine testicle. One testicle of each of nine rams was inoculated with 1.3 +/- 10(4) colony-forming-units of an A. pyogenes isolate and regular clinical, ultrasonographic, bacteriological and seminological examinations were carried out up to 204 days after challenge. The rams were sequentially euthanatized 3, 6, 9, 18, 30, 50, 71, 113 and 204 days after challenge and a gross- and histopathological examination of their testicles was performed. All rams developed clinical orchitis and general signs. The initial ultrasonographic findings were changes of size and echogenicity of the genitalia, whilst in the long-standing phase they were wider appearance of the mediastinum testis, presence of hyperechogenic foci, changes of echogenicity of the genitalia and increased echogenicity of the scrotum and tunics. The following changes in semen evaluation parametres were recorded: the pH, the percentage of dead sperms, the percentage of abnormal sperms and the number of nonsperm round cells increased, whilst the mass motility, the individual motility and the sperm concentration decreased; the following sperm defects were observed: misshapen or piriform heads, sperms with coiled tails, sperms without tail and sperms with proximal cytoplasmic droplet; at the early stages neutrophils were the prevailing nonsperm round cell type, later the proportion of immature germ cells increased and in the long-standing phase there were enlogated spermatids and leucocytes; it is noteworthy that semen evaluation parametres were restored to normal at the late stages of the disease. A. pyogenes was consistently isolated from the semen samples after challenge, as well as from the dissected genitalia. The salient post-mortem findings were: initially, subcutaneous oedema, fluid into the vaginal cavity, congested and distended vessels, increased size of the genitalia and a hard dark area inside the testicles; subsequently, there were changes of size of the genitalia, thickening of scrotum and tunics and presence of fibrin on the testicular surface; in the long-standing phase of the disorder, there were induration of scrotum and tunics with adhesion between the tunics and discolouration of the surface of the genitalia. The prominent histopathological changes were observed in the inoculated testicles; milder changes were seen in the respective epididymides; interstitial oedema, diffuse neutrophilic infiltration and extravasation were observed in the early stages after challenge; lymphocytic infiltration with concurrent fibrosis, mineralization and inspissation of the tubular elements of the seminiferous tubules and presence of vacuolated Sertoli cells were seen later; finally, regeneration of the epithelium and presence of Sertoli cells and spermatogonia with various degrees of spermatogenic activity were evident. These findings, allied to the isolation of A. pyogenes from field cases of ovine orchitis, provide clear evidence that A. pyogenes is pathogenic for the ovine genitalia; however, the mechanisms of transition of the organism from commensal to pathogenic state are not clear. It is also noteworthy that some degree of fertility was restored in the late stages of the disorder. Ultrasonography appeared to be useful for the diagnosis of intra-scrotal abnormalities, especially during investigation of the long-standing stage of the disease, after clinical findings have subsided.  相似文献   
A study was designed to evaluate whether the time of onset of puberty and fertility of young ewe lambs would be affected by oocyte pick-up conducted in single or repeated sessions during the first months of lambs' live. Five groups of lambs from the Karagouniko breed were used (A-E each n=12). In group A no treatments were applied (control group) while, laparoscopical follicular aspiration (OPU) was performed early in the third, fourth and fifth month of lambs age (groups C-E, respectively). From the second to fifth month of their age, group B lambs were aspirated four times in monthly intervals. All lambs were weighed at birth, weaning, at second month and monthly thereafter until the eighth month of age. Progesterone priming and ovarian stimulation by serial FSH administrations proceeded each OPU session. To determine onset of puberty blood progesterone concentration was assayed in samples collected initially every week and after the seventh month of age twice weekly. From the seventh month a fertile ram was introduced in each group and oestrous behavior/mating was daily monitored and recorded. Pregnancy diagnosis was carried out by transabdominal ultrasound scanning 55 days after rams' removal. At the fourth and fifth month of age group B lambs were lighter (p<0.05) than controls, but this difference was later equalized. The time of onset of puberty did not differ between groups (p=0.069) and ranged between 224 and 270 days. Some animals (n=15) entered puberty with a full-length luteal phase having progesterone concentration greater than 1ng/ml, while others (n=32) exhibited one or two short luteal phases before luteal length restoration. During the first breeding season 41 animals were fertilized and maintained pregnancy to term, without noticeable differences between groups (p=0.555). During the second breeding season, all ewes were naturally served and lambed at the expected time. It is concluded that OPU in young dairy lambs does not affect the time of onset of puberty, the endocrine profile of the lambs and it does not compromise their future fertility even if it is applied at four successive months.  相似文献   


The distribution area of pearl millet in West and Central Africa (WCA) harbours a wide range of climatic and environmental conditions as well as diverse farmer preferences and pearl millet utilization habits which have the potential to lead to local adaptation and thereby to population structure. The objectives of our research were to (i) assess the geographical distribution of genetic diversity in pearl millet inbreds derived from landraces, (ii) assess the population structure of pearl millet from WCA, and (iii) identify those geographical parameters and environmental factors from the location at which landraces were sampled, as well as those phenotypic traits that may have affected or led to this population structure. Our study was based on a set of 145 inbred lines derived from 122 different pearl millet landraces from WCA.  相似文献   
The clinically healthy testicles and epididymides of 31 rams were imaged inside and outside the breeding period, by using a real time ultrasound scanner. A scanning technique based on multiple imaging planes from the caudal and the lateral surface of the genitalia was employed. Optimum imaging was achieved by using a 6.0 MHz frequency sector transducer. The testicular parenchyma appeared homogeneous with a coarse medium echo-pattern. The mediastinum testis was present in 87% of rams and 77% of testicles; its median echogenicity score was 2 (range: 0-3) among rams aged 13 months or older and 1 among rams aged less than 13 months (P = 0.001). The tail of the epididymis was always clearly visible; it appeared less echoic than the testicular parenchyma and with a heterogeneous structure. The epididymal body was not visible, whilst the epididymal head was consistently partially imaged. The pampiniform plexus was clearly imaged as a dome-shaped structure masking the upper part of the head of the epididymis. The scrotal septum was seen in lateral sonograms as a highly echogenic line between the testicles. The scrotal skin formed a thick hyper-echoic peripheral structure.  相似文献   
We investigated the prediction of the ovarian response to superovulation using progesterone (P4) determination in Chios ewes. During the estrus period. estrus synchronization and multiple ovulations were induced in 100 non-pregnant, non-lactating Chios ewes by a combination of FGA-impregnated intravaginal sponges and 8.8 mg of ovine FSH. Laparoscopic insemination was conducted 24-28 h after the onset of estrus. A concentration of P4 was determined on Day 5 of the estrous cycle and on Day 6 the ovarian response was evaluated by counting the corpus lutea (CL); subsequently, embryo collection was performed. According to the response of their ovaries, ewes were allocated into four groups: A (n = 30); B (n = 37); C (n = 22); D (n = 11), with minimal (0-3 CL), moderate (4-8 CL), good (9-13 CL) or extreme (> 13 CL) ovarian response, respectively. In groups C and D, the mean blood serum P4 concentration (23.2 and 27.3 ng/ml, respectively) was higher (P < 0.001) than that in groups A and B (4.6 and 13.1 ng/ml, respectively); no difference was detected in blood P4 concentration between groups C and D. A strong linear relation (F < 0.00005) was found between blood P4 concentration and the number of CL, as well as between blood P4 and a dummy variable corresponding to poor (< 4 CL) or moderate/good/extreme ovarian response (>3 CL). Our results indicate that based on blood P4 measurement, it is feasible to identify ewes that should show the highest embryo recovery, while it is impossible to predict the exact number of CL formed.  相似文献   
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