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Apparent sucrose uptake. ATPase activity and membrane fluidity changes were studied during the development and senescence of carnation flowers ( Dianthus caryophyllus L., cv. Cerise Royallette). Typical changes associated with senescence of a cut flower, such as respiration, ethylene production and fresh weight, were measured. Concomitant with a rise in respiration and ethylene production and a decline in fresh weight, a sharp decrease in apparent sucrose uptake was observed. Sucrose uptake was pH dependent (pH optimum, 5.5) and influenced by membrane integrity. Apparently, the activity of ATPase is related to sucrose uptake, because similar changes occurred during flower development. In addition, the activity of ATPase was well correlated with membrane fluidity.
It is suggested that sucrose uptake is controlled by ATPase activity, which in turn is modulated by membrane lipid fluidity. The decline in membrane fluidity associated with senescence leads to a corresponding reduction in ATPase activity and sucrose uptake. Further evidence supporting this view comes from experiments in which senescence was enhanced by 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid. It shortened the time to decline in fresh weight, rise in respiration and ethylene production. In parallel, reduction in membrane fluidity, ATPase activity and sucrose uptake were observed.  相似文献   
Accumulated experimental evidence suggests that the decline in the content of membrane components such as phospholipids (PL), is a key event in flower senescence. This loss of membrane integrity can be modulated by ethylene. The aim of this work was to examine the interrelationship between ethylene and one of the products of PL metabolism, diacylglycerol (DAG), during petunia ( Petunia hybrida ) flower senescence. DAG's role was studied using phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), which acts similarly in kinase activation. Our results demonstrate for the first time a senescence-related transient increase in the content of DAG in petunia plasma membranes. The climacteric-like ethylene rise associated with petal wilting appeared in petunia flowers well after PL degradation and DAG increase had commenced. The appearance and peak magnitude of the ethylene rise was enhanced or increased, respectively, by PMA treatment, thereby accelerating appearance and magnitude of all senescence parameters assayed. Conversely, suppression of ethylene action by silver thiosulfate (STS) resulted in retardation of flower wilting, as well as in abolishment of the PMA-enhancing effects on senescence. The results suggest an active role for lipid metabolites like DAG in enhancing flower senescence, through regulation of ethylene production and action, or possible activation of kinases. This sequence of events implies that ethylene is a mediator of flower senescence, rather than a trigger of the process.  相似文献   
Pollination greatly accelerates petal senescence. The first observed event after pollination is an increase in the flower's sensitivity to ethylene, followed by an increase in ethylene biosynthesis. Our objectives were to study the mode of action of the increase in ethylene sensitivity and the possible involvement of short-chain saturated fatty acids (SCSFAs) in this process. Application of SCSFAs, ranging in chain length from 7 to 10 carbons onto stigmas of Phalaenopsis (Phalaenopsis hybrid, cv. Herbert Hager) flowers increased their sensitivity to ethylene in the same way as pollination. Following pollination, there was a significant increase in the endogenous content of these fatty acids in the flower's column and perianth, with octanoic acid (C8) being the main SCSFA observed. The increase in SCSFA content was observed as early as 6 h after pollination and began to decline 6 h later. Incorporation of octanoic acid into liposomes or microsomal membranes isolated from Phalaenopsis petals resulted in a decrease in lipid order that was detected by fluorescence polarization of dansyl pyrrolidine (DNSP) but not of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH). At peak ethylene sensitivity, 10 h after pollination, there was a significant decrease in the lipid order of microsomal membranes isolated from Phalaenopsis columns and perianths, again as detected by DNSP but not by DPH. Stigmatic application of octanoic acid mimicked the effect of pollination on membrane lipid order. We suggest that SCSFAs may be the ethylene 'sensitivity factors' produced following pollination, and that their mode of action involves a decrease in the order of specific regions in the membrane lipid bilayer, consequently altering ethylene action.  相似文献   
Gibberellin regulates post-microsporogenesis processes in petunia anthers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Previous studies have suggested that gibberellins (GAs) are produced in petunia anthers and transported to the corolla to induce growth and pigmentation. In this work, we studied the role of GA in the regulation of anther development. When petunia plants were treated with the GA-biosynthesis inhibitor paclobutrazol, anther development was arrested. Microscopic analysis of these anthers revealed that paclobutrazol inhibits post-meiotic developmental processes. The treated anthers contained pollen grains but the connective tissue and tapetum cells were degenerated. A similar phenotype was obtained when the Arabidopsis GA-signal repressor, SPY, was over-expressed in transgenic petunia plants, i.e. anther development was arrested following microsporogenesis. The expression of the GA-induced gene, GIP , can be used in petunia as a molecular marker to study GA responses. GA3 treatment of young anthers promoted, and paclobutrazol inhibited, GIP expression, suggesting that the hormone controls the natural activation of the gene in the anthers. Analyses of GIP expression during anther development revealed that the gene is induced only after microsporogenesis. This observation further suggests a role for GA in the regulation of post-meiotic processes during petunia anther development.  相似文献   
Calcium regulation of senescence in rose petals   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Rose plants grown at high relative humidity (RH) produce flowers with a shorter vase life than those grown at low RH. The calcium content of the former is lower than that of the latter. The present study was conducted to examine the possible involvement of calcium in the regulation of rose flower senescence. In whole cut flowers and in detached petals of cvs Mercedes and Baroness, CaCl2 treatment promoted bud-opening and delayed senescence. The treated flowers stayed turgid and continued their initial postharvest growth for longer periods of time. The membrane protein content in detached petals decreased with time, in parallel to the decline in membrane phospholipids (PLs). Calcium treatment delayed the decrease in both membrane proteins and PL and increased ATPase activity in the aging petals. Electrolyte leakage, which is a reliable indicator of petal-membrane senescence, was postponed in calcium-treated flowers. Calcium treatments also sukppressed ethylene production with age. We suggest that the calcium-induced delay in rose petal senescence involves the protection of membrane proteins and PLs from degradation, thus preserving the integrity of the membranes, reducing ethylene production, and hence maintaining solute transport and tissue vitality.  相似文献   
Osmotic gradient across the membrane of nonsonicated liposomes and rose petal protoplasts are shown to induce swelling. Concomitantly, the lipid fluidity as measured by fluorescence depolarization is increased, probably due to increase in molar free volume. It is suggested that osmotic swelling can affect cell physiology via changes in membrane fluidity.  相似文献   
The possible participation of several major components of the signal transduction pathway in photoperiodic flower induction was examined in Pharbitis cotyledons. Exogenous applications of GTP-γ-S (1–10 μ M ) or of the phorbol ester, phorbol 12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA, 0.1–5.0 μ M ) to Pharbitis plants held under a marginal inductive period (11.5 h dark) significantly increased their flowering response. Membrane lipid fluidity, GTP-binding and protein kinase activity were increased following a single flowering-inducing dark period of 16 h; however, a light-break of 10 min that abolished flower induction failed to reverse the dark-induced increase in these processes. Photo-inductive dark conditions significantly increased the content of diacylglycerol (DAG) and phosphoinositides in the cotyledon membranes, together with the activities of their kinases, and a light break decreased them to control levels and below. In addition, a single spraying with GTP-γ-S or PMA at 1 μ M significantly increased both the lipid content and the kinase activities. These compounds also enhanced the kinase activities in vitro. It is concluded that DAG and phosphoinositide metabolism play a role in the linking of the photoperiodic induction of the phytochrome with the flowering response in Pharbitis nil .  相似文献   
The Petunia hybrida GA-induced proteins (GIPs) belong to a large group of proteins identified in numerous plant species. These proteins share a similar C-terminal region containing 12 cysteine residues in conserved positions. To date, the function of these proteins remains unclear. We previously found that GIP1 expression coincides with cell elongation in stems and flowers and is induced by gibberellic acid (GA3). Transient expression of a GIP1:green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion in tobacco bright yellow 2 (BY2) cells and immunoblot analyses suggest microsomal compartmentalization with possible endoplasmic reticulum (ER) localization. However, the polyclonal anti-GIP1 antibodies also reacted with proteins extracted from the cell wall. Three novel GIP homologs, GIP2, GIP4, and GIP5, were isolated. While GIP4, similar to GIP1, is putatively localized to the ER membrane, the cleavable hydrophobic N-terminal sequences of GIP2 and GIP5 suggest cell wall localization. GIP1 and GIP2 are expressed during cell elongation, whereas GIP4 and GIP5 are expressed during cell division; nevertheless, they all were induced by GA3. We generated transgenic petunia in which we repressed the putative cell wall protein GIP2. The transgenic plants exhibited late flowering and reduced stem elongation. These phenotypic alterations were found under low, but not moderate-high temperatures, suggesting functional redundancy under normal growth conditions. The expression pattern and cellular localization of GIP2, its regulation by GA, and the phenotype of the transgenic plants suggest a role in GA-mediated cell elongation and transition to flowering.  相似文献   
SPY acts as a negative regulator of gibberellin (GA) action in Arabidopsis, but its mode of action and regulation are still unknown. SPY over-expression in transgenic petunia plants affected various GA-regulated processes, including seed germination, shoot elongation, flower initiation, flower development and the expression of a GA-induced gene, GIP. A similar phenotype was obtained when wild-type petunia plants were treated with the GA-biosynthesis inhibitor, paclobutrazol. The N-terminus of SPY contains tetratricopeptide repeats (TPR). TPR motifs participate in protein-protein interactions, suggesting that SPY is part of a multiprotein complex. To test this hypothesis, we over-expressed the SPY's TPR region without the catalytic domain in transgenic petunia and generated a dominant-negative SPY mutant. The transgenic seeds were able to germinate on paclobutrazol, suggesting an enhanced GA signal. We cloned the petunia SPY homologue, PhSPY, and showed that its mRNA level is not affected by GA or ABA. The results of this study support the role of SPY as a negative regulator of GA action, suggest that the TPR domain is required for the interaction with other proteins to form an active complex and indicate that different plants use similar mechanisms to transduce the GA signal.  相似文献   
Corms of liatris (L. spicata, cv. Callilepsis) show a seasonal dormancy, being most active in the November harvest and least active in June. Storage of dormant corms at 3 °C for about 9 weeks resulted in a complete break of dormancy. This was accompanied by a sharp temporal increase in their rate of ethylene production, which was more pronounced in the buds than in the parenchyma tissue. Application of ethylene to the corms in the form of ethrel solution increased both ethylene production rate and sprouting. The ethylene-forming activity from ACC, measured both in vivo and in vitro, was higher in corms producing more ethylene. However, the content of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) of the corms was inversely related to their ethylene production rate. Ethylene thus seems to be involved in the dormancy control of liatris corms, and its production is apparently regulated mainly by the activity of the membranous ethylene-forming system.  相似文献   
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