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The crystal structure of the aspartyl protease encoded by the gene pol of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1, isolate BRU) has been determined to 2.7 A resolution. The enzyme, expressed as an insoluble denatured polypeptide in inclusion bodies of Escherichia coli has been renatured and crystallized. It differs by several amino acid replacements from the homologous enzymes of other HIV-1 isolates. A superposition of the C alpha-backbone of the BRU protease with that of the SF2 protease gives a roots mean square positional difference of 0.45 A. Thus, neither the denaturation/renaturation process nor the amino acid replacements have a noticeable effect on the three-dimensional structure of the BRU protease or on the detailed conformation of the catalytic site, which is very similar to that of other aspartyl proteases.  相似文献   
Endoglucanase D, a cellulose degradation enzyme from Clostridium thermocellum has been cloned in Escherichia coli, purified and crystallized. The crystals are trigonal, space group P3(1)12 (or P3(2)12) with a = 57.7 (+/- 0.1) A, c = 192.1 (+/- 0.2) A, and diffract X-rays to a resolution of 2.8 A. They are suitable for a high-resolution X-ray diffraction analysis.  相似文献   
An Escherichia coli clone encoding a single cohesin domain of the cellulosome-integrating protein CipA from Clostridium thermocellum was constructed, and the corresponding polypeptide was purified, treated with papain, and crystallized from a PEG 8000 solution. Crystals exhibit orthorhombic symmetry, space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with cell dimensions a = 37.7 A, b = 80.7 A, c = 93.3 A, and four or eight molecules in the unit cell. The crystals diffract X-rays to beyond 2 A resolution and are suitable for further crystallographic studies.  相似文献   
Trypanosoma rangeli sialidase is a glycoside hydrolase (family GH33) that catalyzes the cleavage of alpha-2-->3-linked sialic acid residues from sialoglycoconjugates with overall retention of anomeric configuration. Retaining glycosidases usually operate through a ping-pong mechanism, wherein a covalent intermediate is formed between the carbohydrate and an active site carboxylic acid of the enzyme. Sialidases, instead, appear to use a tyrosine as the catalytic nucleophile, leaving the possibility of an essentially different catalytic mechanism. Indeed, a direct nucleophilic role for a tyrosine was shown for the homologous trans-sialidase from Trypanosoma cruzi, although itself not a typical sialidase. Here we present the three-dimensional structures of the covalent glycosyl-enzyme complexes formed by the T. rangeli sialidase with two different mechanism-based inactivators at 1.9 and 1.7 Angstroms resolution. To our knowledge, these are the first reported structures of enzymatically competent covalent intermediates for a strictly hydrolytic sialidase. Kinetic analyses have been carried out on the formation and turnover of both intermediates, showing that structural modifications to these inactivators can be used to modify the lifetimes of covalent intermediates. These results provide further evidence that all sialidases likely operate through a similar mechanism involving the transient formation of a covalently sialylated enzyme. Furthermore, we believe that the ability to "tune" the inactivation and reactivation rates of mechanism-based inactivators toward specific enzymes represents an important step toward developing this class of inactivators into therapeutically useful compounds.  相似文献   
Mycobacteria produce two unusual polymethylated polysaccharides, the 6-O-methylglucosyl-containing lipopolysaccharides (MGLP) and the 3-O-methylmannose polysaccharides, which have been shown to regulate fatty acid biosynthesis in vitro. A cluster of genes dedicated to the synthesis of MGLP was identified in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium smegmatis. Overexpression of the putative glycosyltransferase gene Rv3032 in M. smegmatis greatly stimulated MGLP production, whereas the targeted disruption of Rv3032 in M. tuberculosis and that of the putative methyltransferase gene MSMEG2349 in M. smegmatis resulted in a dramatic reduction in the amounts of MGLP synthesized and in the accumulation of precursors of these molecules. Disruption of Rv3032 also led to a significant decrease in the glycogen content of the tubercle bacillus, indicating that the product of this gene is likely to be involved in the elongation of more than one alpha-(1-->4)-glucan in this bacterium. Results thus suggest that Rv3032 encodes the alpha-(1-->4)-glucosyltransferase responsible for the elongation of MGLP, whereas MSMEG2349 encodes the O-methyltransferase required for the 6-O-methylation of these compounds.  相似文献   
Alternaria alternata is a common fungal parasite on fruits and other plants and produces a number of mycotoxins, including alternariol (3,7,9-trihydroxy-1-methyl-6H-dibenzo [b,d]pyran-6-one), alternariol monomethyl ether (3,7-dihydroxy-9-methoxy-1-methyl-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-6-one), and the mutagen altertoxin I {[1S-(1α,12aβ,12bα)] 1,2,11,12,12a, 12b-hexahydro-1,4,9,12a-tetrahydroxy-3,10-perylenedione}. Alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether have previously been detected in some samples of fruit beverages. Stability studies of these toxins as well as altertoxin I added to fruit juices and wine (10–100 ng/mL) were carried out. To include altertoxin I in the analysis, cleanup with a polymer-based Varian Abselut solid phase extraction column was used, as recoveries from C-18 columns were low. The stabilities of alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether in a low acid apple juice containing no declared vitamin C were compared with those in the same juice containing added vitamin C (60 mg/175 ml); there were no apparent losses at room temperature over 20 days or at 80°C after 20 min. in either juice. Altertoxin I was moderately stable in pH 3 buffer (75% remaining after a two week period). Furthermore, altertoxin I was stable or moderately stable in three brands of apple juice tested over 1–27 day periods and in a sample of red grape juice over 7 days. It is concluded that altertoxin I is sufficiently stable to be found in fruit juices and should be included in methods for alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether.  相似文献   
Phospho-Ser/Thr protein phosphatases (PPs) are dinuclear metalloenzymes classed into two large families, PPP and PPM, on the basis of sequence similarity and metal ion dependence. The archetype of the PPM family is the α isoform of human PP2C (PP2Cα), which folds into an α/β domain similar to those of PPP enzymes. The recent structural studies of three bacterial PPM phosphatases, Mycobacterium tuberculosis MtPstP, Mycobacterium smegmatis MspP, and Streptococcus agalactiae STP, confirmed the conservation of the overall fold and dinuclear metal center in the family, but surprisingly revealed the presence of a third conserved metal-binding site in the active site. To gain insight into the roles of the three-metal center in bacterial enzymes, we report structural and metal-binding studies of MtPstP and MspP. The structure of MtPstP in a new trigonal crystal form revealed a fully active enzyme with the canonical dinuclear metal center but without the third metal ion bound to the catalytic site. The absence of metal correlates with a partially unstructured flap segment, indicating that the third manganese ion contributes to reposition the flap, but is dispensable for catalysis. Studies of metal binding to MspP using isothermal titration calorimetry revealed that the three Mn2+-binding sites display distinct affinities, with dissociation constants in the nano- and micromolar range for the two catalytic metal ions and a significantly lower affinity for the third metal-binding site. In agreement, the structure of inactive MspP at acidic pH was determined at atomic resolution and shown to lack the third metal ion in the active site. Structural comparisons of all bacterial phosphatases revealed positional variations in the third metal-binding site that are correlated with the presence of bound substrate and the conformation of the flap segment, supporting a role of this metal ion in assisting enzyme-substrate interactions.  相似文献   

Uxmal and Tulum are two important Mayan sites in the Yucatan peninsula. The buildings are mainly composed of limestone and grey/black discoloration is seen on exposed walls and copious greenish biofilms on inner walls. The principal microorganisms detected on interior walls at both Uxmal and Tulum were cyanobacteria; heterotrophic bacteria and filamentous fungi were also present. A dark‐pigmented mitosporic fungus and Bacillus cereus, both isolated from Uxmal, were shown to be acidogenic in laboratory cultures. Cyanobacteria belonging to rock‐degrading genera Synechocystis and Gloeocapsa were identified at both sites. Surface analysis previously showed that calcium ions were present in the biofilms on buildings at Uxmal and Tulum, suggesting the deposition of biosolubilized stone. Apart from their potential to degrade the substrate, the coccoid cyanobacteria supply organic nutrients for bacteria and fungi, which can produce organic acids, further increasing stone degradation.  相似文献   
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common joint disease, mainly effecting the elderly population. The cause of OA seems to be an imbalance in catabolic and anabolic factors that develops with age. IL-1 is a catabolic factor known to induce cartilage damage, and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta is an anabolic factor that can counteract many IL-1-induced effects. In old mice, we observed reduced responsiveness to TGF-beta-induced IL-1 counteraction. We investigated whether expression of TGF-beta and its signaling molecules altered with age. To mimic the TGF-beta deprived conditions in aged mice, we assessed the functional consequence of TGF-beta blocking. We isolated knee joints of mice aged 5 months or 2 years, half of which were exposed to IL-1 by intra-articular injection 24 h prior to knee joint isolation. Immunohistochemistry was performed, staining for TGF-beta1, -2 or -3, TGF-betaRI or -RII, Smad2, -3, -4, -6 and -7 and Smad-2P. The percentage of cells staining positive was determined in tibial cartilage. To mimic the lack of TGF-beta signaling in old mice, young mice were injected with IL-1 and after 2 days Ad-LAP (TGF-beta inhibitor) or a control virus were injected. Proteoglycan (PG) synthesis (35S-sulfate incorporation) and PG content of the cartilage were determined. Our experiments revealed that TGF-beta2 and -3 expression decreased with age, as did the TGF-beta receptors. Although the number of cells positive for the Smad proteins was not altered, the number of cells expressing Smad2P strongly dropped in old mice. IL-1 did not alter the expression patterns. We mimicked the lack of TGF-beta signaling in old mice by TGF-beta inhibition with LAP. This resulted in a reduced level of PG synthesis and aggravation of PG depletion. The limited response of old mice to TGF-beta induced-IL-1 counteraction is not due to a diminished level of intracellular signaling molecules or an upregulation of intracellular inhibitors, but is likely due to an intrinsic absence of sufficient TGF-beta receptor expression. Blocking TGF-beta distorted the natural repair response after IL-1 injection. In conclusion, TGF-beta appears to play an important role in repair of cartilage and a lack of TGF-beta responsiveness in old mice might be at the root of OA development.  相似文献   
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