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The goal of this study was to determine the effect of angiotensin type 1 (AT(1)) receptor antagonism on vasodilator responses in isolated skeletal muscle resistance arteries. Normotensive Sprague-Dawley rats were fed normal rat chow with the AT(1) receptor antagonist losartan (1mg/ml) in the drinking water for 7 days and compared with untreated control rats. Changes in the diameter of isolated resistance arteries supplying the gracilis muscle were assessed with a video micrometer. Arteriolar responses to acetylcholine, iloprost, and sodium nitroprusside were unaffected by losartan administration, whereas dilation to reduced Po(2) was converted into a constriction. Hypoxia-induced constriction of vessels from losartan-treated rats was inhibited by endothelium removal or indomethacin (1 microM). Blockade of the PGH(2)-thromboxane A(2) receptor with SQ-29548 (10 microM), thromboxane synthase inhibition with dazoxiben (10 microM), or the addition of the superoxide dismutase mimetic 4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine 1-oxyl (TEMPOL, 100 microM) converted hypoxic vasoconstriction to a dilation that was blocked by inhibiting nitric oxide synthase with N(omega)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (100 microM). These data suggest that AT(1) receptor activation has an important role in maintaining the vascular release of prostaglandins responsible for mediating hypoxic dilation in skeletal muscle microvessels.  相似文献   
Peripheral microvascular dysfunction is a common affliction in patients with the metabolic syndrome X. Previous studies have described a number of vascular impairments in vasomotor control in both human patients and animal models of syndrome X, but the net effect of these impairments on microvascular structure has not been examined. The goal of the current study was to test the hypothesis that syndrome X reduces muscle perfusion and induces vascular remodeling. The obese Zucker rat was used as a model of syndrome X, and the microcirculation of the hindlimb and brain were examined. Obese Zucker rats were obese, hyperlipidemic, hyperinsulinemic, and hyperglycemic. Blood flow to the hindlimb was reduced by 59% in obese rats relative to lean rats. Skeletal muscle resistance arteries of the hindlimb microcirculation of obese rats had thinner walls, smaller lumens, and reduced distensibility. Hindlimb microvessels from obese rats also demonstrated reduced expression of vascular smooth muscle cell markers. Each of these traits is consistent with low-flow remodeling. In contrast, the cerebral microcirculation, where flow is vigorously autoregulated, showed no vascular remodeling nor were there changes in microvascular smooth muscle marker expression. Neither physical activity nor muscle mass were significantly different between lean and obese rats. Taken together, these findings suggest that syndrome X, by reducing hindlimb blood flow, induces a marked remodeling of microcirculation to favor smaller, less distensible vessels. This remodeling may result in an architectural limitation of maximum perfusion capacity and may be an important maladaption in the progression of peripheral microvascular disease.  相似文献   
Mediator contributions to hypoxic dilation of rat gracilis muscle resistance arteries were determined by measuring dilation, vascular smooth muscle hyperpolarization, and metabolite production after incremental hypoxia. Nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibition abolished responses to mild hypoxia, whereas COX inhibition impaired responses to more severe hypoxia by 77%. Blocking 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE) impaired responses to moderate hypoxia. With only NO systems intact, responses were maintained with mild hypoxia (88% normal) mediated via K(Ca) channels. When only COX pathways were intact, responses to moderate-severe hypoxia were largely retained (79% of normal) mediated via K(ATP) channels. Vessel responses to moderate hypoxia were retained with only 20-HETE systems intact mediated via K(Ca) channels. NO production increased 5.6-fold with mild hypoxia; greater hypoxia was without further effect. With increased hypoxia, 20-HETE levels fell to 40% of control values. 6-keto-PGF(1alpha) levels were not altered with mild hypoxia, but increased 4.6-fold with severe hypoxia. These results suggest vascular reactivity to progressive hypoxia represents an integration of NO production (mild hypoxia), PGI(2) production (severe hypoxia), and reduced 20-HETE levels (moderate hypoxia).  相似文献   
This study determined the effects of hypoxia on diameter, vascular smooth muscle (VSM) transmembrane potential (E(m)), and vascular cAMP levels for in vitro cannulated skeletal muscle resistance arteries (gracilis arteries) from Sprague-Dawley rats fed a low-salt (LS) or a high-salt (HS) diet. Arterial diameter and VSM E(m) were measured in response to hypoxia, iloprost, cholera toxin, forskolin, and aprikalim. In HS rats, arterial dilation and VSM hyperpolarization after hypoxia, iloprost, and cholera toxin were impaired versus responses in LS rats, whereas responses to forskolin and aprikalim were unaltered. Blockade of prostaglandin H(2) and thromboxane A(2) receptors had no effect on responses to hypoxia or iloprost in vessels from both rat groups, suggesting that inappropriate activation of these receptors does not contribute to the impaired hypoxic dilation with HS. Hypoxia, cholera toxin, and iloprost increased vascular cAMP levels in vessels of LS rats only, whereas forskolin increased cAMP levels in all vessels. These data suggest that reduced hypoxic dilation of skeletal muscle microvessels in rats on a HS diet may reflect an impaired ability of VSM to produce cAMP after exposure to prostacyclin.  相似文献   
As obese Zucker rats (OZR) manifesting the metabolic syndrome exhibit enhanced vascular adrenergic constriction and potentially an enhanced adrenergic activity vs. lean Zucker rats (LZR), this study tested the hypothesis that OZR exhibit an improved tolerance to progressive hemorrhage. Preliminary experiments indicated that, corrected for body mass, total blood volume was reduced in OZR vs. LZR. Anesthetized LZR and OZR had a cremaster muscle prepared for in situ videomicroscopy and had renal, splanchnic, hindlimb, and skeletal muscle perfusion monitored with flow probes. Arterial pressure, arteriolar reactivity to norepinephrine, and tissue/organ perfusion were monitored after either infusion of phentolamine or successive withdrawals of 10% total blood volume. Phentolamine infusion indicated that regional adrenergic tone under control conditions differs substantially between LZR and OZR, whereas with hemorrhage OZR exhibit decompensation in arterial pressure before LZR. Renal, distal hindlimb, and skeletal muscle perfusion decreased more rapidly and to a greater extent in OZR vs. LZR after hemorrhage. In contrast, hemorrhage-induced reductions in splanchnic perfusion in OZR lagged behind those in LZR, although a similar maximum reduction was ultimately attained. With increasing hemorrhage, cremasteric arteriolar tone increased more in OZR than LZR, and this increase in active tone was entirely due to an elevated adrenergic contribution. Norepinephrine-induced arteriolar constriction was greater in OZR vs. LZR under control conditions and during hemorrhage, with arterioles from OZR demonstrating early closure vs. LZR. These results suggest that a combination of reduced blood volume and elevated peripheral adrenergic constriction contribute to impaired hemorrhage tolerance in OZR.  相似文献   
This study determined if altered vascular prostacyclin (PGI(2)) and/or thromboxane A(2) (TxA(2)) production with reduced Po(2) contributes to impaired hypoxic dilation of skeletal muscle resistance arterioles of obese Zucker rats (OZRs) versus lean Zucker rats (LZRs). Mechanical responses were assessed in isolated gracilis muscle arterioles following reductions in Po(2) under control conditions and following pharmacological interventions inhibiting arachidonic acid metabolism and nitric oxide synthase and alleviating elevated vascular oxidant stress. The production of arachidonic acid metabolites was assessed using pooled arteries from OZRs and LZRs in response to reduced Po(2). Hypoxic dilation, endothelium-dependent in both strains, was attenuated in OZRs versus LZRs. Nitric oxide synthase inhibition had no significant impact on hypoxic dilation in either strain. Cyclooxygenase inhibition dramatically reduced hypoxic dilation in LZRs and abolished responses in OZRs. Treatment of arterioles from OZRs with polyethylene glycol-superoxide dismutase improved hypoxic dilation, and this improvement was entirely cyclooxygenase dependent. Vascular PGI(2) production with reduced Po(2) was similar between strains, although TxA(2) production was increased in OZRs, a difference that was attenuated by treatment of vessels from OZRs with polyethylene glycol-superoxide dismutase. Both blockade of PGH(2)/TxA(2) receptors and inhibition of thromboxane synthase increased hypoxic dilation in OZR arterioles. These results suggest that a contributing mechanism underlying impaired hypoxic dilation of skeletal muscle arterioles of OZRs may be an increased vascular production of TxA(2), which competes against the vasodilator influences of PGI(2). These results also suggest that the elevated vascular oxidant stress inherent in metabolic syndrome may contribute to the increased vascular TxA(2) production and may blunt vascular sensitivity to PGI(2).  相似文献   
This video documents methods for collecting coastal marine water samples and processing them for various downstream applications including biomass concentration, nucleic acid purification, cell abundance, nutrient and trace gas analyses. For today''s demonstration samples were collected from the deck of the HMS John Strickland operating in Saanich Inlet. An A-frame derrick, with a multi-purpose winch and cable system, is used in combination with Niskin or Go-Flo water sampling bottles. Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth (CTD) sensors are also used to sample the underlying water mass. To minimize outgassing, trace gas samples are collected first. Then, nutrients, water chemistry, and cell counts are determined. Finally, waters are collected for biomass filtration. The set-up and collection time for a single cast is ~1.5 hours at a maximum depth of 215 meters. Therefore, a total of 6 hours is generally needed to complete the collection series described here.Download video file.(98M, mp4)  相似文献   
The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway (UPP) is the main route of protein degradation in eukaryotic cells and is a common mechanism through which numerous cellular pathways are regulated. To date, several reverse genetics techniques have been reported that harness the power of the UPP for selectively reducing the levels of otherwise stable proteins. However, each of these approaches has been narrowly developed for a single substrate and cannot be easily extended to other protein substrates of interest. To address this shortcoming, we created a generalizable protein knock-out method by engineering protein chimeras called “ubiquibodies” that combine the activity of E3 ubiquitin ligases with designer binding proteins to steer virtually any protein to the UPP for degradation. Specifically, we reprogrammed the substrate specificity of a modular human E3 ubiquitin ligase called CHIP (carboxyl terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein) by replacing its natural substrate-binding domain with a single-chain Fv (scFv) intrabody or a fibronectin type III domain monobody that target their respective antigens with high specificity and affinity. Engineered ubiquibodies reliably transferred ubiquitin to surface exposed lysines on target proteins and even catalyzed the formation of biologically relevant polyubiquitin chains. Following ectopic expression of ubiquibodies in mammalian cells, specific and systematic depletion of desired target proteins was achieved, whereas the levels of a natural substrate of CHIP were unaffected. Taken together, engineered ubiquibodies offer a simple, reproducible, and customizable means for directly removing specific cellular proteins through accelerated proteolysis.  相似文献   
To assess CFTR function in vivo, we developed a bioassay that monitors and compares CFTR-dependent and CFTR-independent sweat secretion in parallel for multiple (∼50) individual, identified glands in each subject. Sweating was stimulated by intradermally injected agonists and quantified by optically measuring spherical sweat bubbles in an oil-layer that contained dispersed, water soluble dye particles that partitioned into the sweat bubbles, making them highly visible. CFTR-independent secretion (M-sweat) was stimulated with methacholine, which binds to muscarinic receptors and elevates cytosolic calcium. CFTR-dependent secretion (C-sweat) was stimulated with a β-adrenergic cocktail that elevates cytosolic cAMP while blocking muscarinic receptors. A C-sweat/M-sweat ratio was determined on a gland-by-gland basis to compensate for differences unrelated to CFTR function, such as gland size. The average ratio provides an approximately linear readout of CFTR function: the heterozygote ratio is ∼0.5 the control ratio and for CF subjects the ratio is zero. During assay development, we measured C/M ratios in 6 healthy controls, 4 CF heterozygotes, 18 CF subjects and 4 subjects with ‘CFTR-related’ conditions. The assay discriminated all groups clearly. It also revealed consistent differences in the C/M ratio among subjects within groups. We hypothesize that these differences reflect, at least in part, levels of CFTR expression, which are known to vary widely. When C-sweat rates become very low the C/M ratio also tended to decrease; we hypothesize that this nonlinearity reflects ductal fluid absorption. We also discovered that M-sweating potentiates the subsequent C-sweat response. We then used potentiation as a surrogate for drugs that can increase CFTR-dependent secretion. This bioassay provides an additional method for assessing CFTR function in vivo, and is well suited for within-subject tests of systemic, CFTR-directed therapeutics.  相似文献   
Therapeutic strategies such as using channel blockers and reducing culture temperature have been used to rescue some long QT-associated voltage-gated potassium Kv trafficking defective mutant channels. A hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated HCN4 pacemaker channel mutant (D553N) has been recently found in a patient associated with cardiac arrhythmias including long QT. D553N showed the defective trafficking to the cell surface, leading to little ionic current expression (loss-of-function). We show in this report that enhanced tyrosine phosphorylation mediated by Src, Fyn, and Yes kinases was able to restore the surface expression of D553N for normal current expression. Src or Yes, but not Fyn, significantly increased the current density and surface expression of D553N. Fyn accelerated the activation kinetics of the rescued D553N. Co-expression of D553N with Yes exhibited the slowest activation kinetics of D553N. Src, Fyn, and Yes significantly enhanced the tyrosine phosphorylation of D553N. A combination of Src, Fyn, and Yes rescued the current expression and the gating of D553N comparable with those of wild-type HCN4. In conclusion, we demonstrate a novel mechanism using three endogenous Src kinases to rescue a trafficking defective HCN4 mutant channel (D553N) by enhancing the tyrosine phosphorylation of the mutant channel protein.Defective trafficking leading to the reduced surface expression of ion channels is one of the mechanisms responsible for a loss-of-function of the ion channel on the plasma membrane (1). Several methods have been developed to rescue the voltage-gated potassium Kv trafficking defective channels: reducing the culture temperature, applying the channel blockers, altering the molar ratio of glycerol, and using the sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase inhibitor thapsigargin (26).Hyperpolarizing-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN)3 pacemaker channels generate time- and voltage-dependent inward currents, named Ih in neurons or If in the heart (7). They are important in various cell functions including excitability, synapse transmission, and rhythmic activity (7). The most well studied regulation of If is its response to autonomic stimulation. β-Adrenergic receptor activation increases and acetylcholine receptor activation decreases the intracellular cAMP levels, which in turn increases/decreases If by binding to the cyclic nucleotide-binding domain of the HCN channels, respectively (7). Other important mechanisms for the modulation of If/HCN channels have recently been found including β-subunit (8), lipids (9, 10), and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (11).Accumulating evidence has revealed tyrosine phosphorylation as an important mechanism for modulation of HCN channel properties (1216). An acute increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of If or HCN channels increases the channel activity, including an increase in the current amplitude, a positive shift of the voltage-dependent activation, an acceleration of activation kinetics, and an increase in whole cell conductance (1215). Recently, we discovered that the cell surface expression of HCN2 channels can be remarkably inhibited by tyrosine dephosphorylation mediated by receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatase α (RPTPα) and increased by tyrosine phosphorylation via Src kinase after long term treatment (17).D553N, a missense HCN4 mutant, was recently identified in a patient with cardiac arrhythmia associated with depressed HCN gating properties (18). Functional and structural assays revealed that D553N expresses little ionic currents, which is possibly due to the defective channel trafficking so that the channels cannot reach the plasma membrane for normal functions (18).The Src kinase family has nine members (19). They are closely related and share the same regulatory function. Three of them, Src, Fyn, and Yes, are ubiquitously expressed in a variety of tissues including neurons and myocytes (19, 20). Without stimulation, they are inactive. However, mutation of key tyrosine residue results in the constitutively active form of the kinase, SrcY529F, FynY531F, and YesY537F, respectively (15, 21, 22). Using these Src kinases, we show in this report a novel approach that can restore the surface expression of D553N for normal current expression via tyrosine phosphorylation.  相似文献   
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