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The conformation of the glucotriose unit of the protein glycosylation precursor Glc3Man9GlcNAc2 was assessed by deuterium exchange studies on the model tetrasaccharide alpha Glc----2 alpha Glc----3 alpha Glc----3 alpha Man----OCH2CH2CH3 dissolved in deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide. The hydroxyl proton on C-2 of the nonreducing end glucose and on C-4 of the glucose attached to mannose both show dramatic isotope shifts indicative of a strong hydrogen bond between these two hydroxyl groups. Such a hydrogen bond requires a fixed conformation of the glucotriose unit that brings these hydroxyl groups within 3 A of each other, a conformation that is supported by molecular modeling based on hard-sphere exo-anomeric (HSEA) calculations. The temperature dependence of the hydroxyl proton chemical shifts supports the postulated hydrogen bond, and the torsional angles between the three glucose units derived from the HSEA calculations are consistent with results from related studies on other saccharides. The results support a model for biochemical function in which the glucotriose unit could modulate the activity of the oligosaccharyltransferase by binding in a fixed conformation to a specific effector site in the enzyme.  相似文献   
Isolated perfused fed rat livers spontaneously liberated glucose and orthophosphate to the medium; 24-hr fasted rat livers did not exhibit these phenomena. In perfused fed rat livers, glucagon (2 mug) increased glucose output and promoted orthophosphate incorporation. In perfused fed rat livers, insulin (250 or 500 mU) inhibited the spontaneous liberation of glucose and orthophosphate. Comparable doses of insulin significantly reduced the glucagon (2 mug)-induced increase in glucose output from perfused fed rat liver, but did not affect orthophosphate uptake by the organ.  相似文献   
As approaches to ecological restoration become increasingly large scale and collaborative, there is a need to better understand social aspects of restoration and how they influence land management. In this article, we examine social perspectives that influence the determination of ecological reference conditions in restoration. Our analysis is based on in‐depth interviews with diverse stakeholders involved in collaborative restoration of fire‐adapted forest landscapes. We conducted interviews with 86 respondents from six forest collaboratives that are part of the U.S. Forest Service's Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program. Collaboratives use a variety of approaches to develop reference conditions, including historic, contemporary, and future scenarios. Historical conditions prior to European settlement (nineteenth century or “pre‐settlement” conditions), or prior to more recent grazing, logging, and exclusion of fire, were the predominant type of reference used in all sites. Stakeholders described benefits and limitations of reference conditions. Primary benefits include (1) providing a science‐based framework for bringing stakeholders together around a common vision; (2) gaining social understanding and acceptance of the underlying need for restoration; and (3) serving to neutralize otherwise value‐laden discussions about multiple, sometimes competing, resource objectives. Limitations stem from (1) concerns over social conflict when reference conditions are perceived to contradict other stakeholder values and interests, (2) differing interpretations of reference condition science, (3) inappropriate application or over‐generalization of reference information, and (4) limited relevance of historical references for current and future conditions in some ecosystems. At the same time, collaboratives are adopting innovative strategies to address conceptual and methodological limitations of reference conditions.  相似文献   
In this study, autometallography and immunohistochemistry were used to localize and quantify cadmium and metallothionein (MT) levels, respectively, in cellular compartments of turbot liver on exposure to cadmium for 7 days and further depuration treatment for 14 days. Metals weakly bound to proteins (i.e. MTs) in hepatocyte lysosomes were visualized as black silver deposits (BSDs) using a light microscope. With the aid of a newly developed immunohistochemical procedure, MTs were localized and semi-quantified in both the cytosolic and the lysosomal compartments of hepatocytes. The BSD extent in the lysosomes of hepatocytes increased significantly as a result of cadmium exposure. This response was evidenced after 1h. Further, a progressive increase in the volume density of BSDs occurred up to the seventh day. Total MT immunohistochemical levels increased at a lower rate, starting after 1 day of cadmium exposure. BSD extent values recovered after depuration, whilst MT levels remain unchanged. It is possible that the detoxification rate of metals via lysosomes was diminished, whilst MT levels remained unchanged, at least after 14 days of depuration. It can be concluded that autometallography and MT immunohistochemistry are good tools for clarifying metal and metal-MT trafficking routes in hepatocytes, and also that BSD extent and MT immunohistochemical levels in the lysosomes and cytosol of fish hepatocytes can be considered to be useful biomarkers of metal exposure.  相似文献   
Biological Trace Element Research - Fluoride accumulates and is toxic to bones. Clinical bone lesions occur in a phased manner, being less severe early in the natural course of skeletal fluorosis....  相似文献   
Previous genetic studies of Atlantic swordfish (Xiphias gladius L.) revealed significant differentiation among Mediterranean, North Atlantic and South Atlantic populations using both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data. However, limitations in geographic sampling coverage, and the use of single loci, precluded an accurate placement of boundaries and of estimates of admixture. In this study, we present multilocus analyses of 26 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within 10 nuclear genes to estimate population differentiation and admixture based on the characterization of 774 individuals representing North Atlantic, South Atlantic, and Mediterranean swordfish populations. Pairwise F ST values, AMOVA, PCoA, and Bayesian individual assignments support the differentiation of swordfish inhabiting these three basins, but not the current placement of the boundaries that separate them. Specifically, the range of the South Atlantic population extends beyond 5°N management boundary to 20°N-25°N from 45°W. Likewise the Mediterranean population extends beyond the current management boundary at the Strait of Gibraltar to approximately 10°W. Further, admixture zones, characterized by asymmetric contributions of adjacent populations within samples, are confined to the Northeast Atlantic. While South Atlantic and Mediterranean migrants were identified within these Northeast Atlantic admixture zones no North Atlantic migrants were identified respectively in these two neighboring basins. Owing to both, the characterization of larger number of loci and a more ample spatial sampling coverage, it was possible to provide a finer resolution of the boundaries separating Atlantic swordfish populations than previous studies. Finally, the patterns of population structure and admixture are discussed in the light of the reproductive biology, the known patterns of dispersal, and oceanographic features that may act as barriers to gene flow to Atlantic swordfish.  相似文献   
By applying a rapid filtration technique to isolated brush border membrane vesicles from guinea pig ileum, 36Cl uptake was quantified in the presence and absence of electrical, pH and alkali-metal ion gradients. A mixture of 20 mM-Hepes and 40 mM-citric acid, adjusted to the desired pH with Tris base, was found to be the most suitable buffer. Malate and Mes could be used to replace the citrate, but succinate, acetate and maleate proved to be unsuitable. In the absence of a pH gradient (pHout:pHin = 7.5:7.5), Cl- uptake increased slightly when an inside-positive membrane potential was applied, but uphill transport was never observed. A pH gradient (pHout:pHin = 5.0:7.5) induced both a 400% increase in the initial Cl- influx rate and a long-lasting (20 to 300 s) overshoot, indicating that a proton gradient can furnish the driving force for uphill Cl- transport. Under pH gradient conditions, initial Cl- entry rates had the following characteristics. (1) They were unaffected by cis-Na+ and/or -K+, indicating the absence of Cl-/K+, Cl-/Na+ or Cl-/K+/Na+ symport activity. (2) Inhibition by 20-100 mM-trans-Na+ and/or -K+ occurred, independent of the existence of an ion gradient. (3) Cl- entry was practically unaffected by short-circuiting the membrane potential with equilibrated potassium and valinomycin. (4) Carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone was strongly inhibitory and so, to a lesser extent, was 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid [(SITS)], independent of the sign and size of the membrane potential. (5) Cl- entry was negligibly increased (less than 30%) by either trans-Cl- or -HCO3-, indicating the absence of an obligatory Cl-/anion antiport activity. In contrast, the height of the overshoot at 60 s was increased by trans-Cl-, indicating time-dependent inhibition of 36Cl efflux. That competitive inhibition of 36Cl fluxes by anions is involved here is supported by initial influx rate experiments demonstrating: (1) the saturability of Cl- influx, which was found to exhibit Michaelis-Menten kinetics; and (2) competitive inhibition of influx by cis-Cl- and -Br-. Quantitatively, the conclusion is warranted that over 85% of the total initial Cl- uptake energized by a pH gradient involves an electroneutral Cl-/H+ symporter or its physicochemical equivalent, a Cl-/OH- antiporter, exhibiting little Cl- uniport and either Cl-/Cl- or Cl-/HCO3- antiport activities.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
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