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Kitner  Miloslav  Poulícková  Aloisie 《Hydrobiologia》2003,506(1-3):519-524

The littoral zone of shallow water bodies in the Czech Republic has been studied quite consistently at several fishponds. The use of algae, especially diatoms, for the monitoring of the state of lotic freshwater also has a long tradition. The main objective of the presented paper is to validate the feasibility of the use of littoral periphyton comunities for the biomonitoring of standing waters. At the investigated sites, littoral periphytic diatoms were studied together with selected enviromental variables (pH, conductivity, nutrients – especially total phosphorus) on three types of natural substrates (epilithon, epiphyton, epipelon). The evaluation of the diatom community was performed on the basis of the checklists of algal indicator species published by authors from the Czech Republic, Austria and the Netherlands. The data were subjected to statistical software NCCS 2000 (GLM Anova and ``Ward's minimum'' variance cluster analysis). Littoral periphytic diatoms appear to be good indicators of the fishpond water quality. The selected substrates show non-significant differences therefore the average values from all substrates were used. The best indicatory system for evaluation of Czech fishponds was van Dam's index.

Barcoding diatoms: exploring alternatives to COI-5P   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Diatoms are a diverse lineage with species that can be difficult to identify or cryptic, but DNA barcoding, a molecular technique, can assist identification and facilitate studies of speciation and biogeography. The most common region used for DNA barcoding, COI-5P, can distinguish diatom species, but has not displayed universality (i.e., successful PCR amplification from diverse taxa). Therefore, we have assessed the following alternative markers: ~1400bp of rbcL; 748bp at the 3' end of rbcL (rbcL-3P); LSU D2/D3 and UPA. Sellaphora isolates were used to determine each marker's ability to discriminate among closely related species and culture collection material was utilized to explore further marker universality. All of the alternative markers investigated have greater universality than COI-5P. Both full and partial (3P) rbcL regions had the power to discriminate between all species, but rbcL-3P can be sequenced more easily. LSU D2/D3 could distinguish between all but the most closely related species (96%), whereas UPA only distinguished 20% of species. Our observations suggest that rbcL-3P should be used as the primary marker for diatom barcoding, while LSU D2/D3 should be sequenced as a secondary marker to facilitate environmental surveys.  相似文献   
Homothallic sexual reproduction and auxosporulation were studied in monoclonal cultures and seminatural populations of the freshwater epipelic diatom Navicula cryptocephala Kütz. Gametangia paired via the girdle, one gamete was formed per gametangium (and hence one zygote per pair of gametangia), and gamete fusion took place without the formation of any copulation envelope or copulation canal. Superfluous nuclei from meiosis survived unusually long, so that gametes and young zygotes were probably functionally polyploid; later, all but two haploid nuclei degenerated. Expanded auxospores had a swollen center, but during formation of the initial valves, the auxospore contracted away from the perizonium to produce linear‐lanceolate valves. The pattern of reproductive behavior found in N. cryptocephala can be classified as type IIA2a auxosporulation in Geitler's system. The same type of zygote and auxospore formation seen in clonal cultures was observed in seminatural material from four lakes in Scotland and the Czech Republic. Variation in nuclear structure and auxosporulation in the N. cryptocephala species complex is discussed, as is the evolution of type II auxosporulation (one zygote per pair of gametangia) from type I auxosporulation (two zygotes per pair). The penalty of smaller numbers of zygote produced in type II may be outweighed by formation of larger auxospores (prolonging the vegetative phase) or more vigorous auxospores. The variation present among members of the N. cryptocephala complex indicates that biogeographical analyses based on use of the name N. cryptocephala, as performed recently to support the ubiquity hypothesis of protist distributions, are almost meaningless.  相似文献   
Morphological species of freshwater microalgae often have broad geographic distribution. However, traditional species concepts have been challenged by the results of molecular phylogenetic analyses that mostly indicate higher diversity than was previously recognized by purely morphological approaches. A degree of phenotypic differentiation or different geographic distribution of species defined by molecular data remains largely unknown. In this study, we analyzed a pair of well-known and widely distributed desmid species (Micrasterias fimbriata and M. rotata) and tested for their phylogenetic and morphological homogeneity as well as their geographic distribution. Geometric morphometric and morphological attributes of cells were used in combination with genetic analysis of the trnG ucc sequences of 30 strains isolated from a variety of European locations and obtained from culture collections. Micrasterias rotata proved to be phylogenetically homogenous across Europe while M. fimbriata turned out to be composed of two firmly delimited lineages, differing by molecular as well as by morphometric and morphological data. Published records of traditional M. fimbriata were also included in the classification discrimination analysis and were placed into the newly identified lineages upon comparison to the morphometric data collected from living material. Largely disparate geographic patterns were revealed within traditional M. fimbriata. One phylogenetic lineage is frequent in central and eastern Europe, but occurs also in the British Isles. A second lineage has been recorded in North America and in Western Europe, where its distribution is possibly limited to the west of the Rhine River. Interestingly, the morphometric analyses of the published records illustrated that the geographic differences have remained largely unchanged since the 1850s indicating a previously unknown distributional stability among microalgal species groups such as the desmids.  相似文献   
Auxosporulation of the freshwater epipelic diatom Pinnularia nodosa (Ehrenb.) W. Sm. was studied in a clonal culture. Interphase cells possessed two chloroplasts with invaginated pyrenoids. The nucleus contained a single small body of heterochromatin at one end, also visible during most of meiotic prophase. During auxosporulation, induced by transfer of stationary‐phase cells to fresh medium and suppressed by high nitrogen (N), an unpaired mother cell produced a single auxospore. Although meiosis II and nuclear fusion were not observed, indirect evidence indicated that auxosporulation was autogamous (rarely reported in pennate diatoms), rather than apomictic; paedogamy was excluded. The protoplast produced after meiosis either (1) matured into a “pseudozygote,” via an asymmetrical contraction after meiosis I to form a single spherical cell at one end of the mother cell (pathway 1); or (2) constricted into two spherical cells (pathway 2). In pathway 2, the “pseudogametes” never fused and only one or none developed into a pseudozygote and then into an auxospore. Pathway 2 could be suppressed by continuous light. During metamorphosis of the spherical pseudozygote into an elongate young auxospore, a complete covering of thin siliceous incunabular strips was formed, separate from the organic wall formed around the pseudozygote when first formed and from the perizonium. Mature auxospores produced via pathway 2 had 60% of the volume as those produced via pathway 1 and had smaller chloroplasts (through loss of fragments during protoplast cleavage), but they achieved exactly the same lengths, suggesting that absolute length is monitored during expansion.  相似文献   
Diversity and ecology of desmids of peat bogs in the Jizerské hory Mts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study focuses on diversity and ecological preferences of desmids in peat bogs in the Jizerské hory Mts (Czech Republic). Altogether 76 desmid algae taxa have been recorded at 18 sites of the study area during our investigation in 2003–2006. Taxa Actinotaenium crassiusculum (De Bary) Teiling, Hyalotheca dissiliens var. tatrica Racib., Staurastrum avicula var. subarcuatum (Wolle) West & G. S. West, S. borgeanum Schmidle, S. simonyi var. semicirculare Coesel, Staurodesmus extensus var. isthmosus (Heimerl) Coesel, S. extensus var. vulgaris (Eichler & Racib.) Croasdale and S. spencerianus (Mask.) Teiling are new for the Czech Republic. In addition, several rare and remarkable taxa were also encountered. The species richness was relatively high in comparison to similar localities in the Czech Republic. Desmid distribution was influenced by pH and conductivity. Presented at the International Symposium Biology and Taxonomy of Green Algae V, Smolenice, June 26–29, 2007, Slovakia.  相似文献   
Cyanobacteria represent an ancient, monophyletic lineage of bacteria with the ability to undertake oxygenic photosynthesis. Although they possess a relatively high degree of morphological variability compared with other prokaryotes and there is a wealth of molecular data, there are still significant gaps in our knowledge of cyanobacterial diversity, especially in tropical areas. Here, we present a novel, filamentous, tropical cyanobacterium, which could be classified as Pseudophormidium based on morphological criteria. A total evidence investigation employing ecological, morphological and genomic data, indicated that our strains form a new and ancient evolutionary lineage among cyanobacteria unrelated to Pseudophormidium. Based on this polyphasic assessment, our strains represent a novel, monospecific genus: Elainella. This new genus represents an example of phenotypic convergence, which seems to be a prevalent macroevolutionary pattern in cyanobacteria, a likely cause of the frequently cited polyphyly within a majority of genera.  相似文献   
Cyanobacteria are among the most important primary producers on the Earth. However, the evolutionary forces driving cyanobacterial species diversity remain largely enigmatic due to both their distinction from macro‐organisms and an undersampling of sequenced genomes. Thus, we present a new genome of a Synechococcus‐like cyanobacterium from a novel evolutionary lineage. Further, we analyse all existing 16S rRNA sequences and genomes of Synechococcus‐like cyanobacteria. Chronograms showed extremely polyphyletic relationships in Synechococcus, which has not been observed in any other cyanobacteria. Moreover, most Synechococcus lineages bifurcated after the Great Oxidation Event, including the most abundant marine picoplankton lineage. Quantification of horizontal gene transfer among 70 cyanobacterial genomes revealed significant differences among studied genomes. Horizontal gene transfer levels were not correlated with ecology, genome size or phenotype, but were correlated with the age of divergence. All findings were synthetized into a novel model of cyanobacterial evolution, characterized by serial convergence of the features, that is multicellularity and ecology.  相似文献   
Uniparental auxosporulation was observed in a monoclonal culture of a Sellaphora clone isolated from the epipelon of a fishpond in the Czech Republic. The cox1 sequence for the clone confirmed that it belonged to the Sellaphora pupula–bacillum species complex but showed significant differences from all previously characterized Sellaphora species, and it is therefore described as S. marvanii sp. nov. Protoplast, valve, and girdle structure resembled those of other Sellaphora species, but a novel finding for all diatoms was a change in girdle structure during the life cycle: the most advalvar girdle band (valvocopula) bore a single line of pores in enlarged postauxospore cells but was entirely plain in small cells and gametangia. The young auxospores were covered by incunabula containing large, delicate, ± circular scales, resembling those of centric diatom auxospores; similar scales have been reported in a few other raphid diatoms (Pseudo‐nitzschia multiseries, Diploneis sp.) but contrast with the strip incunabula of some Nitzschia and Pinnularia and the helmet‐like caps of Neidium. The scales persisted during auxospore expansion, mostly as two caps over the auxospore poles. The transverse perizonium comprised a very wide, closed primary band, flanked by numerous secondary bands whose open ends were strongly incurved toward the center. Initial valves were differentiated from their immediate descendants by the very strong external demarcation of the raphe sternum, irregular shape, and curved transapical profile.  相似文献   
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