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Neutrophils undergo rapid morphological changes as well as metabolic perturbations when stimulated with certain phorbol esters. Stimulated cells initially exhibit pronounced projections emanating from the cell bodies, followed by rounding of the cells, reduction in granule number, and the appearance of intracellular vesicles. We show these vesicles to be derived, at least in part, from the plasmalemma. The experimental approach involved labeling stimulated and unstimulated cells with native ferritin and cationized ferritin, along with the cytochemical localization of ecto-5'-nucleotidase. The labeling patterns of the vesicles indicate that these structures are involved in both phorbol ester-stimulated adsorptive and fluid-phase endocytosis. Neutrophils stimulated with 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) exhibit two distinct rates of superoxide release in which the second, prolonged level is approximately 50% of the initial rate. All-trans-retinal, which we have recently shown to stimulate O2- release but not granule exocytosis or cell vesiculation, induces a single prolonged rate of maximal O2- release. Neutrophils treated with both all-trans-retinal and TPA exhibit only a single sustained rate of maximal O2- release similar to that observed with all-trans-retinal alone. Moreover, treatment of cells with all-trans-retinal blocks the vesiculation of neutrophils induced by TPA in a dose-dependent manner. This observation provides a possible explanation for the differences in the kinetics of superoxide release.  相似文献   
Unusual tubular structures have been observed in rat aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC) grown in culture. These tubular structures have several characteristics that strongly suggest that they are lysosomes: they are bounded by a single membrane bilayer, contain densely staining material, and acid phosphatase activity. Furthermore, these structures are present in living cells, as demonstrated by their ability to accumulate the membrane-impermeable fluorescent dye lucifer yellow CH. In ultrastructural preparations they are best seen in samples that are cryofixed by rapid freezing and then freeze-substituted in osmium-acetone solutions. Conventional chemical fixation did not appear to preserve these structures to as great an extent as did rapid freezing. Comparison of SMC in vitro to the same cells in situ revealed differences in lysosome number as well as morphological appearance. Thus, the culturing of rat SMC leads to the formation of unusual tubular lysosomes whose ultrastructural appearance is particularly sensitive to the methods employed for examination.  相似文献   
All-trans-retinal stimulated the release of superoxide by human and guinea pig neutrophils 63 +/- 14 SD and 53 +/- 5 SD nmol of O2-/min/10(7) cells, respectively. Superoxide release by unstimulated cells was negligible. All-trans-retinal also induced morphological changes (i.e., evaginations) in these cells. Other retinoids were effective in instigating these phenomena. The similarities of these effects to those instigated by cis-unsaturated fatty acids (Badwey, J.A., et al., 1984, J. Biol. Chem., 259:7870-7877) are discussed in light of possible mechanisms.  相似文献   
Binding and internalization of heparin by vascular smooth muscle cells   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Previous work from our laboratory has demonstrated that heparin specifically inhibits the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells in vivo and in vitro. In this paper, we examine the binding and mode of internalization of heparin by smooth muscle cells. For these studies, radiolabeled and fluoresceinated (FITC) heparin probes were synthesized that retained their antiproliferative capacity. Binding of 3H-heparin to these cells occurs via specific, high-affinity binding sites (Kd = 10(-9) M, 100,000 binding sites per cell). Approximately 80% of the heparin bound to the cell surface was shed into the culture medium within 2 hr. The heparin that was left on the cell surface was internalized with biphasic kinetics. Approximately 50% of the bound material was internalized within 2 hr. After this initial rapid uptake, the rate slowed substantially, with the remaining heparin requiring 1-2 days to be internalized. Binding and uptake of FITC heparin was monitored using video image intensification fluorescence microscopy. When smooth muscle cells were exposed to FITC heparin at 4 degrees C, a diffuse surface staining pattern was observed. After warming the cells to 37 degrees C, intensely fluorescent vesicles were seen superimposed over the diffuse surface staining within 2 min. After 15 min at 37 degrees C, numerous large punctate vesicles were seen inside the cell. After 2 hr these vesicles had concentrated in the perinuclear region. This pattern of uptake, when considered along with the presence of specific, high-affinity binding sites and the initial rapid uptake of 3H-heparin, suggests that heparin enters smooth muscle cells by both receptor-mediated and other endocytic pathways.  相似文献   
The structures of components of the sleep-promoting material purified from human urine were established by fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry, as reported in the accompanying paper (Martin, S. A., Karnovsky, M. L., Krueger, J. M., Pappenheimer, J. R., and Biemann, K. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 12652-12658). We report here that two substances isolated from that preparation, viz. N-acetylglucosaminyl-1,6 -anhydro-N-acetylmuramyl-Ala-gamma-Glu-diaminopimelyl-Ala) and that compound lacking the terminal alanine, are active as somnogens. Cerebro-intraventricular administration of 1 pmol of the glycotetrapeptide was sufficient to induce prolonged excess sleep in rabbits. A similar substance obtained from Brevibacterium divaricatum in which the free carboxyls of the glutamic and diaminopimelic moieties, indicated above, were amidated (N-acetylglucosaminyl-1,6-anhydro-N-anhydromura-myl-Ala-iso- Gln- epsilon-amido-diaminopimelyl -Ala-Ala) was not active as a promoter of slow-wave sleep. Deamidation of this peptide to a mixture of the free dicarboxylic forms produced a somnogenic substance. Our findings show that in addition to the muramyl form of peptidoglycan monomers, the anhydro muramyl form, with no reducing end, is compatible with somnogenic activity. Furthermore, the data obtained with a natural product amplify our earlier observations with smaller synthetic molecules of the importance of amidation/deamidation in the structure-activity relationships of muramyl peptides.  相似文献   
Superoxide production by polymorphonuclear leukocytes   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Summary Phagocytosis by polymorphonuclear leukocytes triggers a burst of oxidative metabolism resulting in hydrogen peroxide and superoxide production, and these active oxygen species function in the killing of microorganisms. A new cytochemical technique, based on a manganese dependent diaminobenzidine oxidation, has been developed to detect superoxide in these cells. It has been shown that superoxide generation is associated with the plasma membrane in cells activated by particulate (zymosan) and nonparticulate (phorbol myristate acetate) stimuli. This membraned activity is maintained during invagination such that reduced oxygen is generated within the endocytic vacuoles. Reaction product is absent from unstimulated cells; additionally, formation of precipitate is blocked by omission of Mn++, low temperature, glutaraldehyde prefixation, and the presence of superoxide dismutase in the incubation medium.In honour of Prof. P. van Duijn  相似文献   
Summary Normal skeletal and cardiac striated muscle from adult rats was incubated for the cytochemical detection of acid phosphatase activity with cerium as the capture metal. Results from these experiments show that normal striated muscle has a greater number of acid phosphatase-positive structures, which are presumed to be lysosomes, than has been indicated by several previous cytochemical studies.Supported in part by grants AI 17945 and HL 17747 from the United States Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health  相似文献   
The glycosaminoglycan heparin inhibits the growth of several cell types in vitro including smooth muscle cells and rat cervical epithelial cells. The commercially available heparin which has antiproliferative activity is a structurally heterogeneous polymer that undergoes extensive modifications during maturation. In this report we have performed structure-function studies on heparin's antiproliferative activity using three different cell types: both rat and calf vascular aortic smooth muscle cells and rat cervical epithelial cells. The minimal oligosaccharide size requirements for antiproliferative activity were determined for the three cell types by using oligosaccharide fragments of defined length prepared by nitrous acid cleavage and gel filtration and a synthetic pentasaccharide. The size requirements are similar but not identical for the different cell types. Hexasaccharide fragments are antiproliferative for all three cell types but the synthetic pentasaccharide inhibits the growth of only the rat and calf vascular aortic smooth muscle cells. The interdependence between size and charge for antiproliferative activity was investigated using chemically modified oligosaccharides as well as oligosaccharides prepared from heparin and separated into fractions of differing charge by ion-exchange chromatography. There is a strong interdependence between size and charge for antiproliferative activity. For example, increasing the charge of inactive tetrasaccharide fragments by O-oversulfation makes them antiproliferative whereas reducing the charge of active larger fragments causes them to loose their antiproliferative activity. Finally the importance of 2-O-sulfate glucuronic acid moieties for antiproliferative activity was investigated using heparin preparations that lack 2-O-sulfate glucuronic acid. These compounds possess antiproliferative activity indicating that 2-O-sulfate glucuronic acid is not required for antiproliferative activity.  相似文献   
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