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The genes encoding the six polypeptide components of the alkene monooxygenase from Xanthobacter Py2 have been sequenced. The predicted amino acid sequence of the first ORF shows homology with the iron binding subunits of binuclear non-haem iron containing monooxygenases including benzene monooxygenase, toluene 4-monooxygenase (>60% sequence similarity) and methane monooxygenase (>40% sequence similarity) and that the necessary sequence motifs associated with iron co-ordination are also present. Secondary structure prediction based on the amino acid sequence showed that the predominantly α-helical structure that surrounds the binuclear iron binding site was conserved allowing the sequence to be modelled on the co-ordinates of the methane monooxygenase α-subunit. Significant differences in the residues forming the hydrophobic cavity which forms the substrate binding site are discussed with reference to the differences in reaction specificity and stereospecificity of binuclear non-haem iron monooxygenases.  相似文献   
Birds use change in daylength during the year to time events during their annual cycles. Individual Eurasian siskins Carduelis spinus can breed and winter in widely separated areas in different years. Birds at different latitudes will experience different changes in photoperiod. So how does latitude affect photoperiodic control? Our aim in this study was to find whether Siskins caught from the wild in Britain and exposed to different photoperiodic regimes, typical of widely separated latitudes, would differ in the subsequent timing and duration of their moults and associated processes. Siskins were caught in late February and early March, and initially kept outside on natural photoperiods. From the spring equinox (21 March), they were divided into three groups kept under photoperiodic regimes that simulated latitudes 40°, 55° and 70°N respectively. All three groups showed highly significant subsequent changes in body mass, fat scores and cloacal protuberance size. Moult of the primary feathers started during June – August (mean 9 July), and lasted 61–99 days (mean 75 days). Birds that started to moult late in the season had shorter moult durations. All individuals showed lower mass and fat levels during moult than before or after moult. Crucially, there were no significant differences in the timing of these events between the three photoperiodic groups. Apparently these birds did not use prevailing absolute photoperiod or the prevailing rate of change in photoperiod to time moult‐related seasonal events, but used instead some other feature of the annual photoperiod cycle or some form of interval timer linked to photoperiod.  相似文献   
Catalysis of ADP-ATP exchange by nucleotide exchange factors (NEFs) is central to the activity of Hsp70 molecular chaperones. Yet, the mechanism of interaction of this family of chaperones with NEFs is not well understood in the context of the sequence evolution and structural dynamics of Hsp70 ATPase domains. We studied the interactions of Hsp70 ATPase domains with four different NEFs on the basis of the evolutionary trace and co-evolution of the ATPase domain sequence, combined with elastic network modeling of the collective dynamics of the complexes. Our study reveals a subtle balance between the intrinsic (to the ATPase domain) and specific (to interactions with NEFs) mechanisms shared by the four complexes. Two classes of key residues are distinguished in the Hsp70 ATPase domain: (i) highly conserved residues, involved in nucleotide binding, which mediate, via a global hinge-bending, the ATPase domain opening irrespective of NEF binding, and (ii) not-conserved but co-evolved and highly mobile residues, engaged in specific interactions with NEFs (e.g., N57, R258, R262, E283, D285). The observed interplay between these respective intrinsic (pre-existing, structure-encoded) and specific (co-evolved, sequence-dependent) interactions provides us with insights into the allosteric dynamics and functional evolution of the modular Hsp70 ATPase domain.  相似文献   
A new flavone, asplenetin, has been isolated from Launea asplenifolia and characterized as 5,7,3′,4′,5′-pentahydroxy-3-(3-methylbutyl)flavone. Its glycoside, asplenetin 5-O-neohesperidoside, is also reported.  相似文献   
Alistair  McVvean 《Journal of Zoology》1989,219(2):251-267
The skin of Myxine glutinosn contains both velocity-sensitive and displacement-sensitive mechanoreceptors. These can be distinguished from each other by the different time course of their response to skin indentation. Velocity receptors gave a brief response, consisting usually of three to four action potentials which could only be elicited by movement of the skin. No velocity receptor was spontaneously active. Displacement receptors, some of which were spontaneously active, gave a prolonged discharge which continued, with only slight adaptation, while the skin was indented. Velocity receptors code for velocity of indentation and continue to respond to repeated stimuli. Displacement receptor action potentials occur irregularly, with a Poisson-like distribution of interspike interval. The mean frequency of displacement receptor discharge increases with depth of skin indentation, while the interspike interval distribution becomes progressively biased towards shorter intervals. The threshold of displacement receptors is related to displacement velocity; sinusoidal indentations of the skin produce a minimum threshold around 60 Hz. These receptors fail to respond to oscillations in excess of 120 Hz. The structure of the skin is described. Stress-strain curves are given both for static and dynamic compression of the skin and these are discussed in relation to the properties of the skin mechanoreceptors.  相似文献   
Test strains suspended in skim milk, quickly frozen in dry ice-ethanol, and stored at - 70°C can be used as quality control samples that are immediately available by quickly thawing at 37°C. The samples remain homogeneous and stable for at least 1 year, except for Aeromonas hydrophila, which decreases 20 to 30% in 1 year.  相似文献   
Abstract The regulation of the spvR promoter from the Salmonella dublin virulence plasmid was monitored using proter-reporter gene fusion constructs. Activity was dependent upon the presence of the spv region and was affected by the number of copies of the spv region present with the cell. Activity remained constant throughout exponential growth, and increased rapidly with the onset of stationary phase, under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Additionally, the level of spvR expression was controlled by the availability of iron, activity being greatest under low iron conditions in stationary phase. The spvA gene product negatively regulated spvR expression in a dose-dependent manner, indicating that SpvA provides a negative feedback mechanism for this operon.  相似文献   
Components of the polyphosphoinositide signalling pathway have been identified in stomatal guard cells of Commelina communis L., one of the few plant systems shown unequivocally to be capable of responding to release of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate in the cytoplasm by increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+. 'Isolated' epidermal strips of C. communis (in which all cells other than guard cells have been killed by treatment at low pH) were radiolabelled with myo -[2n-3H]inositol or [32P]orthophosphate for 17–18 h. The phosphoinositides and inositol phosphates were extracted. Phosphoinositides were deacylated and the head groups resolved by HPLC. The water-soluble products generated by mild periodate cleavage of HPLC-purified, deacylated lipid fractions were examined. The resulting biochemical analysis led to the identification of: PtdIns, PtdIns3 P , PtdIns4 P , PtdIns(3,4) P 2 and PtdIns(4,5) P 2. Thex inositol phosphates were resolved by HPLC. Preliminary analysis of HPLC-purified putative inositol phosphate fractions resulted in the identification of each inositol phosphate class, that is, Ins P , Ins P 2, Ins P 3, Ins P 4, Ins P 5 and InsP6. Many of these inositol phosphates occurred in different isomeric forms. The presence of 3-phosphorylated phosphoinositides suggests that they may have a role in signalling in stomatal guard cells.  相似文献   
In this study, three new axially disubstituted silicon phthalocyanines ( SiPc1–3 ) and their quaternized phthalocyanine derivatives ( QSiPc1–3 ) were prepared and characterized. The biological properties (antioxidant, antimicrobial, antibiofilm, and microbial cell viability activities) of the water-soluble silicon phthalocyanines were examined, as well. A 1 % DMSO diluted with pure water was used as a solvent in biological activity studies. All the compounds exhibited high antioxidant activity. They displayed efficient antimicrobial and antimicrobial photodynamic therapeutic properties against various microorganisms, especially Gram (+) bacteria. Additionally, they demonstrated high antibiofilm activities against S. aureus and P. aeruginosa. In addition, 100 % bacterial reduction was obtained for all the studied phthalocyanines against E. coli viable cells. Besides, the DNA cleavage and binding features of compounds ( QSiPc1–3 ) were studied using pBR322 DNA and CT-DNA, respectively. Furthermore, the human topoisomerase I enzyme inhibition activities of compounds QSiPc1 – 3 were studied. Anticancer properties of the water-soluble compounds were investigated using cell proliferation MTT assay. They exhibited anticarcinogenic activity against the human colon cancer cell line (DLD-1). Compounds QSiPc1 and QSiPc3 displayed a high anticarcinogenic effect on the DLD-1 cell line. The obtained results indicated that all the studied compounds may be effective biological agents and anticancer drugs after further investigations.  相似文献   
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