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Fragile X syndrome is a developmental disorder that affects sensory systems. A null mutation of the Fragile X Mental Retardation protein 1 (Fmr1) gene in mice has varied effects on developmental plasticity in different sensory systems, including normal barrel cortical plasticity, altered ocular dominance plasticity and grossly impaired auditory frequency map plasticity. The mutation also has different effects on long-term synaptic plasticity in somatosensory and visual cortical neurons, providing insights on how it may differentially affect the sensory systems. Here we present evidence that long-term potentiation (LTP) is impaired in the developing auditory cortex of the Fmr1 knockout (KO) mice. This impairment of synaptic plasticity is consistent with impaired frequency map plasticity in the Fmr1 KO mouse. Together, these results suggest a potential role of LTP in sensory map plasticity during early sensory development.  相似文献   
Cell-free translation of polyadenylated mRNA from human term placenta in a wheat germ extract, after immunoprecipitation with antibodies directed against purified pregnant serum SP1, yielded a single polypeptide of 31 kDa. Addition of dog pancreatic microsomal vesicles to the translation system resulted in the appearance of two polypeptides, one of them of 46 kDa and the other of 28 kDa. Both polypeptides were protected from limited proteolysis and when the assay was performed with lytic detergent concentrations in addition to proteases, this protection was abolished indicating that the polypeptides were segregated into the microsomal vesicles. The cleavage of a signal peptide of 3 kDa from the 31 kDa primary translation product gives rise to 28 kDa and accounts for the slight increase in electrophoretic mobility. The treatment of the immunoprecipitated products with Endoglycosidase H and -mannosidase, suggested that only the 46 kDa polypeptide is a glycoprotein.From the results obtained we conclude that SP1 is synthesized and processed to a glycoprotein of 46 kDa which would be a protomeric form of the oligomers reported in pregnant serum by other authors.Abbreviations PMSF phenylmethyl sulfonylfluoride - TCA trichloroacetic acid - DTT dithiotreitol  相似文献   
Summary A new method of functional morphological analysis is presented. Combining stereophotogrammetry with the finite element technique, a new approach, permits a three-dimensional numerical stress analysis of arbitrarily shaped bodies to be performed. The stereophotogrammetric method which originated for three-dimensional calculations in the study of surfaces in land surveying is well suited for the determination of the nodal co-ordinates required for the finite element method, an engineering technique developed for behavioural analysis of solids and fluids responding to external forces. This approach was tested in a study of the functional morphology of the bill of an African wading bird, the shoebill Balaeniceps rex. A few findings of that study are given here in order to demonstrate the method. Advantages of the finite element method compared with other techniques for stress analysis of anatomical structures are also discussed. The method presents exciting possibilities for predicting displacement and stress responses more accurately and in much greater detail. The scope of this powerful computerized stress analysis technique is greatly enhanced with the introduction of stereophotogrammetry for determining the three-dimensional co-ordinates of complex anatomical structures. With the finite element method, the properties of the bone structure can be modelled as they occur in the life of the animal. This is not possible with physical models. Furthermore, rare specimens can be analysed non-destructively.  相似文献   
Abstract Hydroperoxide inactivation of the protoplast enzymes enolase, aldolase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in intact spores of Bacillus megaterium ATCC19213 was assessed by first treating the cells with lethal levels of H2O2, then germinating them in the presence of chloramphenicol prior to permeabilization and enzyme assays. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase proved to be more sensitive to H2O2than enolase or aldolase, in agreement with findings for isolated enzymes. Average D values (time for 90% inactivation) for spores treated with 0.50% H2O2 were 173 min for enolase, 67 min for aldolase and 32 min for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, compared with a D value of 34 min for spore killing. H2O2 killing of spores was found to be conditional in that recoveries of survivors were greater on complex medium than on minimal medium. Overall, it appeared that oxidative inactivation of enzymes may be important for hydroperoxide killing of spores.  相似文献   
Akaboshi et al. (1990) has found an unexpected protection of the achiral amino acid, glycine, towards ionizing radiation at the expense of the selective destruction of the chiral amino acids, alanine and aspartic acid. The present work examines the mechanism of this protection for the case of alanine. We have developed a computer model for the radiolysis of glycine, alanine and glycine-alanine mixtures in aqueous solution. It is established that this protection is due in part to the reaction of the α-radical of glycine with alanine to regenerate a more stable α-radical, according to the following reaction, $$ \cdot CH(NH_3^ + )CO_2^ - + CH_3 CH(NH_3^ + )CO_2^ - \to CH_2 (NH_3^ + )CO_2^ - + CH_3 \dot C(NH_3^ + )CO_2^ -$$ The rate constant of this reaction was estimated to be ≤104M-1s-1. The implications for this selective protection of glycine are considered for a hypothetical case in which there would be an enrichment of about 10% ofL-alanine in the primitive ocean and taking the glycine/alanine ratios obtained in CH4-and CO2- dominated atmospheres using electric discharge experiments. It is predicted that alanine would be rapidly destroyed and radioracemized in spite of the fact that the concentration of alanine is equal or significantly lower than that of glycine. Assuming that chiral amino acids were a prerequisite for the origin of life, it can be deduced that life could have appeared in a relatively short period of time unless there was a constant supply of optical amino acids from extraterrestrial sources.  相似文献   
The Zn metabolism in experimental diabetic rats after maximal exercise was investigated. Forty male wistar rats were used, weighing 240±10 g at the beginning of this experiment. The animals were assigned to one of four experimental groups (n=10): control at rest (CR), control plus exercise (CE), diabetic at rest (DR), and diabetic plus exercise (DE). Experimental diabetes was produced by a single intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (STZ) (60 mg/kg). Thirty days after injection of streptozotocin, the animals of groups CE and DE were forced to acute exercise (swimming) until exhaustion. Glucose, rectal temperature (RT), pH, swimming time (ST), hematocrit (Hct), serum, and tissue (heart, liver, kidney, and muscle) Zn concentrations were measured. The streptozotocin treated animals used in the current experiment were diabetic. Increases in hepatic, renal muscle, and serum levels Zn at rest and after exercise until exhaustion were found in normal and diabetic rats. ST decreased (?180%) in the diabetic rat group. In conclusion, the results of the present study indicate that STZ-induced diabetes was associated with altered tissue Zn concentration, both at rest and after exercise.  相似文献   
The effects of the interaction between low molecular weight iron complexes (citrate, lactate, and ATP complexes) with ATP and proteins, on the modification of Ehrlich carcinoma cell calcium homeostasis have been studied. In that modification the ferric-ATP complex shows much higher activity than the others. Sodium ATP, by iron translocation from citrate and lactate, increases their activity. This phenomenon implicates ATP as a mediator on the cellular activity of the complexes. Proteins, particularly ferritin, appear to moderately reduce their activity, whereas glutathione and ascorbic acid, acting as lipid peroxidation-inhibitors, show only a slight reduction of the iron complex’s effects on cellular calcium uptake.  相似文献   
European Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations inhabit rivers from northern Portugal to northern Norway across a wide spectrum of environmental variability. To address whether single physical factors might lead to genetic divergence of isolated populations, we compared the digestive performances total digestibility, relative nitrogen digestibility, passage time, and digestion rate (g dry matter · h–1) — of northern (Scotland) and southern (Asturias, northern Spain) populations at three temperature regimes (5, 12, and 20° C). Total dry matter digestibilities increased directly with temperature but were similar for both populations at each of the three trials. Relative nitrogen digestibility did not differ between populations nor among temperature regimes. In contrast, passage time was significantly longer for low-than for high-latitude fish at both 5 and 20° C. When the percentage of food digested and the passage time were integrated as digestion rates (food digested per unit time), a significant population × temperature interaction consistent with a genotype × environment interaction was detected in addition to the population and temperature effects. This implies that not only is the digestive performance of the high-latitude population higher throughout the range of temperatures examined, but moreover the difference is reinforced at high temperatures, where the digestion rate of high-latitude fish was 1.6 times greater. Taken together, these two results provide preliminary evidence for countergradient variation in digestive rates of salmonids in response to variation in growth opportunity. The data support our previous work on the same two populations showing differences in growth rates, and underlie one of the possible mechnisms leading to more rapid growth of the high-latitude fish when both populations are reared in a common environment.  相似文献   
Three new allelic forms of the HLA-G DNA sequence (HLA-G*II, HLA-G*III, and HLA-G*IV) have been identified. With the HLA-G*I sequence (previously designated HLA 6.0) as a reference, HLA-G*II shows a silent (G A) mutation at the third base of codon 57, HLA-G*III bears a non-synonymous (A T), but conservative, (Thr Ser) substitution at the first base of codon 31, and HLA-G*IV shows two silent substitutions: (A T) at the third base of codon 107 and (G A) at the third base of codon 57. A rapid method of singling out each allele on genomic DNA has been developed by using polymerase chain reaction amplification followed by restriction endonuclease treatment. Also, more or less strong linkage disequilibria has been found between most HLA-A alleles and either HLA-G*I or *II, both being the most prevalent alleles in the population, with a genotypic frequency of 0.55 and 0.38, respectively; HLA-G*III is very rare and HLA-G*IV has a genotypic frequency of 0.07. An evolutive classification of HLA-A alleles results according to their association with either HLA-G*I or HLA-G*II, which does not correlate with the classical serological cross-reacting groups classification. The finding of a strong and selective A/G linkage disequilibria with most HLA-A alleles, together with the existence of less frequent random A/G associations, may suggest that there exist in different haplotypes true and varied A/G genetic distances (and not a recombinational hotspot). It may be inferred from preliminary data that in primates HLA-A/G haplotypes bearing G*II may have appeared later than those bearing G*I.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank and EMBL nucleotide sequence databases and have been assigned the following accession numbers: EMBL-X60983 (HLA-G*II), GenBank-M99048 (HLA-G*III), and GenBank-L07784 (HLA-G*IV).The contribution to this paper by P. Morales and A. Corell is equal, and the order of authorship is arbitrary. Correspondence to: A. Arnaiz-Villena.  相似文献   
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