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Alexopoulos , Constantine J. (State U. Iowa, Iowa City.) Morphology and laboratory cultivation of Echinostelium minutum. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(1): 37—43. Illus. 1960.—The morphology of the sporangium, spores, swarm cells and Plasmodium of the white form of Echinostelium minutum is described. A peridium is present in the early stages of sporangial formation. It eventually disappears leaving only a small collar at the base of the columella. The structure of the spore wall is unique in this genus. The spore case may be described as consisting of a thin wall with several thickened portions distributed over its surface. These are particularly evident in germinated spores. Spore germination and swarm cells are described for the first time. Swarm cells are biflagellate with two long anterior flagella of nearly equal length. The Plasmodium remains microscopic until fruiting time, when it gives rise to but a single sporangium. The plasmodial protoplast never becomes differentiated into veins but remains more or less homogeneous. It exhibits almost imperceptibly slow, irregular streaming instead of the reversible, rapid, rhythmic motion characteristic of plasmodia of most other Myxomycetes which have been studied. It typifies, therefore, a third type of Plasmodium which may be placed alongside that of the Physarales, and that of Stemonitis flavogenita. The laboratory cultivation of E. minutum from spore to spore on agar media is reported here for the first time.  相似文献   
Alexopoulos , Constantine J. (State U. Iowa, Iowa City.) The laboratory cultivation of Stemonitis. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(2): 140-142. Illus. 1959.—The cultivation of a species of Stemonitis, probably S. flavogenita, in laboratory culture is reported here for the first time. The organism completed its entire life cycle on artificial media from spore to spore, in the presence of contaminating bacteria, in 36 days. The plasmodium, characteristically different from those of the Physarales, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   
The Escherichia coli inducible lysine decarboxylase, LdcI/CadA, together with the inner-membrane lysine-cadaverine antiporter, CadB, provide cells with protection against mild acidic conditions (pH~5). To gain a better understanding of the molecular processes underlying the acid stress response, the X-ray crystal structure of LdcI was determined. The structure revealed that the protein is an oligomer of five dimers that associate to form a decamer. Surprisingly, LdcI was found to co-crystallize with the stringent response effector molecule ppGpp, also known as the alarmone, with 10 ppGpp molecules in the decamer. ppGpp is known to mediate the stringent response, which occurs in response to nutrient deprivation. The alarmone strongly inhibited LdcI enzymatic activity. This inhibition is important for modulating the consumption of lysine in cells during acid stress under nutrient limiting conditions. Hence, our data provide direct evidence for a link between the bacterial acid stress and stringent responses.  相似文献   
Alexopoulos C 《Theriogenology》2001,55(8):1745-1757
This trial was conducted in a farrow-to-finish pig unit from November 1999 to February 2000. Since November 1998 an induction-of-parturition program was applied in gilts and sows with PGF2alpha (2 mL Dinolytic, i.m.) 113 d post service, followed by oxytocin (1 mL Intertocine-S, i.m.) 24 h later. This program resulted in a high proportion of animals farrowing within the working hours of the day. At mid December 1999 splay-legs and edematous swelling and reddening of the vulva started to be observed in newborn piglets. A concurrent decline of parameters related to parturition also was noticed. Mycotoxicological analyses of the feeds revealed a co-occurring contamination with deoxynivalenol and zearalenone. For a 4-week period, sows were divided into two groups: (a) an induction-of-parturition and (b) a non-induction-of-parturition group. Significant differences were found between the two groups relating to prevalence of dystocia (<.05) and pregnancy duration (<.05). Moreover, it was found that prevalence of splay-legs and swelling of the vulva were highly correlated (<.05) with reduction of percentage of sows farrowing within the working day and increase of pre-weaning mortality. It was concluded that such an induction-of-parturition program should be avoided during a Fusarium mycotoxicosis.  相似文献   
A sequential oligopeptide carrier of antigenic peptides is presented, incorporating two Aib residues in each repetitive moiety: Ac-(Aib-Lys-Aib-Gly)(n) (SOC(n) -II; n = 2-4). The conformational study, by (1)H-nmr, CD, and Fourier transform ir spectroscopy, indicated that the SOC(n) -II carrier displays a pronounced 3(10)-helix, compared to the Ac-(Lys-Aib-Gly)(n) (SOC(n) -I) carrier of the same approximately backbone length, previously reported. One of the dominant autoimmune epitopes of the Sm and U1RNP cellular components, the PPGMRPP sequence, was coupled to the Lys-N(epsilon)H(2) groups of the SOC(n) -II carrier and used as antigenic substrate for detecting anti-Sm/U1RNP autoantibodies in ELISA assays. Anti-Sm antibodies are highly specific for systemic lupus erythematosus, while anti-U1RNP are specific for mixed connective tissue disease. The anti-(PPGMRPP)(5)-SOC(n) -II ELISA was compared with the anti-(PPGMRPP)(n) -SOC(n) -I ELISA, provided that both antigenic substrates possess the same amount of the epitope replicates. The significance of the lysine positions along the oligopeptide backbone of the carrier for a favorable antibody recognition of the anchored antigens is also examined.  相似文献   
Aiming at contributing to the development of potential atheroprotective agents, we report on the concept and design of two peptide models, which mimic the amphipathic helices of apoA-I and incorporate Met into their sequences to validate its role as oxidant scavenger: Ac-ESK(Palm)KELSKSW(10)SEM(13)LKEK(Palm)SKS-NH(2) (model 1 [W(10), M(13)]) and Ac-ESK(Palm)KELSKSM(10)SEW(13)LKEK(Palm)SKS-NH(2) (model 2 [M(10), W(13)]). Hydrophobic residues of both models cover about the half of the surface, while the positively and negatively charged residues constitute two separate clusters on the hydrophilic face. Palmitoyl groups were introduced into the Lys-N(epsilon)H(2) groups at positions 3 and 17 to contribute to the amphipathic character of the peptides and stabilize the nonpolar face of the helix. Conformational study by the combined application of 2D-NMR and molecular dynamics simulations, CD, FTIR, and fluorescence spectroscopy revealed that model 1 adopts helical conformation and Met is well exposed to the microenvironment. Model 2 that derives from model 1 by exchanging W(10) (model 1) with M(10) and M(13) (model 1) with W(13) also displays helical characteristics, while Met is rather shielded. Oxidation experiments indicated that model 1 exhibits a 2-fold more potent antioxidant activity towards LDL oxidation, compared to model 2, confirming the role of Met, when is devoid of steric hindrances, as oxidant scavenger for the protection of LDL.  相似文献   
Modeling of signal transduction pathways is instrumental for understanding cells’ function. People have been tackling modeling of signaling pathways in order to accurately represent the signaling events inside cells’ biochemical microenvironment in a way meaningful for scientists in a biological field. In this article, we propose a method to interrogate such pathways in order to produce cell-specific signaling models. We integrate available prior knowledge of protein connectivity, in a form of a Prior Knowledge Network (PKN) with phosphoproteomic data to construct predictive models of the protein connectivity of the interrogated cell type. Several computational methodologies focusing on pathways’ logic modeling using optimization formulations or machine learning algorithms have been published on this front over the past few years. Here, we introduce a light and fast approach that uses a breadth-first traversal of the graph to identify the shortest pathways and score proteins in the PKN, fitting the dependencies extracted from the experimental design. The pathways are then combined through a heuristic formulation to produce a final topology handling inconsistencies between the PKN and the experimental scenarios. Our results show that the algorithm we developed is efficient and accurate for the construction of medium and large scale signaling networks. We demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach by interrogating a manually curated interaction graph model of EGF/TNFA stimulation against made up experimental data. To avoid the possibility of erroneous predictions, we performed a cross-validation analysis. Finally, we validate that the introduced approach generates predictive topologies, comparable to the ILP formulation. Overall, an efficient approach based on graph theory is presented herein to interrogate protein–protein interaction networks and to provide meaningful biological insights.  相似文献   
The Greek grey-mullet roe is produced from the fully developed gonads of the female mullet (Mugil cephalus) couth in lagoons during their reproductive migration. The traditional processing method of the roe includes, air drying, salting, shape formation and covering with multiple layers of natural beeswax for preservation and distribution. Fish Roe brands have been a staple in local diet and is increasingly becoming popular in the international market. As a ready-to-eat food it’s microbial quality should be of concern for the protection of consumers health. In this study, 48 samples of fish roe, just before waxing, were collected from various local processors for microbiological examination by using selective media and incubated under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The identification of the bacteria was carried out according to the Bergey’s manual. Microscopic examination of Gram stained cells, catalase, oxidase and biochemical tests were performed when necessary to further identify.V. parahaemolyticus, Vibrio spp., Salmonella spp., and Aeromonas hydrophila were detected in one sample (2%). Shigella spp., and Flavobacterium spp. in two samples (4%), Clotriduim perfringens (vegetative forms), E. coli, and spores of Bacillus spp., were detected in three samples (6%), Staphylococcus aureus in four samples (8%). Various Micrococcus spp., and spores of C. perfringens in 16% and 35% of the samples respectively. From the Listeria genus, only the species Listeria innocua, Listeria welshimeri, Listeria seeligeri Listeria ivanovii and Listeria grayi were recovered from 2 to 10% of the samples.Microbiological analyses revealed the presence of a small number of pathogens in grey-mullet roe samples which are in accordance with the findings of similar studies. Traditional processing of the fish roe, seems inadequate to ensure the food safety and even waxing isn’t expected to fully protect them against facultative anaerobes with salt tolerance. Therefore, additional measures should be taken during processing and marketing of fish roe to minimize potential health risks for the consumers.  相似文献   
To study the antimicrobial activity of honey, 60 samples of various botanical origin were evaluated for their antimicrobial activities against 16 clinical pathogens and their respective reference strains. The microbiological quality of honeys and the antibiotic susceptibility of the various isolates were also examined. The bioassay applied for determining the antimicrobial effect employs the well-agar diffusion method and the estimation of minimum active dilution which produces a 1 mm diameter inhibition zone. All honey samples, despite their origin (coniferous, citrus, thyme or polyfloral), showed antibacterial activity against the pathogenic and their respective reference strains at variable levels. Coniferous and thyme honeys showed the highest activity with an average minimum dilution of 17.4 and 19.2% (w/v) followed by citrus and polyfloral honeys with 20.8 and 23.8% respectively. Clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica subsp. Enterica, Streptococcus pyogenes, Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis were proven to be up to 60% more resistant than their equal reference strains thus emphasizing the variability in the antibacterial effect of honey and the need for further research.  相似文献   
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