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The extended pattern of multiple esterase forms has been revealed in the hemolymph of wax moth Galleria mellonellalarvae infected by the fungi Metarhizium anisopliae, Beauveria bassianaor Paecilomyces fumoso-roseus. The total esterase activity of the hemolymph also increases during mycosis. Mechanical damage of the cuticle, treatment with deltamethrin, and chilling of the caterpillars induced similar changes in the hemolymph pattern of esterase activity. Presumably, the changed spectrum and activity of the hemolymph esterases during mycosis is due to the damaged cuticle and epidermis cells.  相似文献   
Morphofunctional regularities of formation and development of the blood microcirculatory bed in the human tongue have been studied in the prenatal period of morphogenesis. 119 human embryos and fetuses at the age of 5 weeks--9 months have been investigated. A complex of methods have been used: common histological (hematoxylin--eosin, after van Gieson and Mallory), injection of the lingual vessels with 20% suspension of Indian ink--gelatin, transmissive electron microscopy. General regularities of organogenesis, stages of the blood microcirculatory bed development and peculiarities of the process on formation of the primary protocapillary lingual blood bed are revealed. Regularities in structure of the terminal vascular constructions are studied for each structural element of the organ--mucosal membrane, muscles, glands, lingual tonsil. For these elements at the ultrastructural level certain features of the organic specificity in the structure of the blood microcirculatory bed links are determined.  相似文献   
Microwave effect on calcium current of the dialysed snail neurons was investigated. Isolated neurons were irradiated by unmodulated and modulated microwaves (900 MHz) with modulation frequency 0,5 divided by 1000 Hz and SAR = 0,1 divided by 20 W/kg. Calcium current increase was shown to be induced by microwave heating. The current increments were proportional to SAR. Microwave effects on the charge distribution of the cell membrane surface and other non-thermal special microwave effects were not detected.  相似文献   
The effect of sulfhydryl reagents on macroscopic inactivation of A-current in internally perfused Lymnaea neurons under voltage-clamp conditions was investigated. It was found that the binding of Hg2+ rather than PHMB with channel proteins resulted in a strong decrease of the peak current and the inactivation rate. Hg2+ markedly influenced the steady-state inactivation but did not change the rate of recovery from inactivation. It was found that both reagents reacted with the same groups of the channel protein and that those are most likely sulfhydryl groups. These groups seemed not to be involved in the gating charge movement. Hg2+ ions can immobilize some part of the gating charge thereby resulting in strong changes of the steady-state inactivation.  相似文献   
The effects of a continuous wave or pulse-modulated, 900 MHz microwave field were studied by in vitro assays of rat chemoreceptors. The pulsed field was modulated as rectangular waves at rates of 1, 6, 16, 32, 75, or 100 pps. The pulse-period to pulse-duration ratio was 5 in all cases, and specific absorption rates (SARs) ranged from 0.5 to 18 W/kg. Binding of ligands to cell membranes was differentially affected by exposure to microwaves. For example, binding of H3-glutamic acid to hippocampal cells was not altered by a 15 min exposure to a continuous wave field at 1 W/kg, but binding of H3-dihydroalprenolol to liver-cell membranes of neonates underwent a fivefold decrease under the same field conditions. This effect was not dependent on modulation or on a change in the constant of stimulus-receptor binding but depended on a shedding of the membrane's receptor elements into solution. The magnitude of inhibition correlated with the oxygen concentration in the exposed suspension. Antioxidants (dithiothreitol and ionol) inhibited the shedding of receptor elements. The microwave exposure did not cause an accumulation of products from the peroxidation of lipids (POL). Ascorbate-dependent or non-enzymatic POL was not responsible for the inhibition, and POL was not found in other model systems. However, enzymatic POL mechanisms in localized areas of receptor binding remain a possibility. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
【背景】Effective microorganisms (EM)复合菌在我国农业种植上的应用越来越广泛,但对色素辣椒的促生作用与根际细菌群落结构的影响未见报道。【目的】评估EM复合菌对新疆色素辣椒的促生长作用,并分析其对色素辣椒根际细菌群落组成的影响。【方法】通过随水灌溉方式将EM复合菌接种到色素辣椒根部,在收获期测定辣椒生长指标、土壤养分和酶活活性,明确EM复合菌对辣椒生长和土壤质量的影响;利用16S rRNA基因高通量测序技术测定EM复合菌对辣椒根系细菌群落组成和结构的影响。【结果】与对照组相比,EM复合菌的施用使辣椒株高、鲜重、单个果重和单株结果数分别提高23.89%、85.41%、42.31%和46.04%;土壤中碱解氮和速效磷含量分别提高5.83%和13.39%,土壤中脲酶、蔗糖酶和过氧化物酶的活性分别提高11.47%、9.42%和21.43%;施用EM复合菌显著改变辣椒根际微生物群落的α多样性和β多样性,提高有益菌群变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、芽单胞菌门(Gemmatimonadetes)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)的相对丰度,其中变形菌门黄单胞菌科(Xanthomonadaceae)的相对丰度增加119.32%;在属的水平上,施用EM复合菌显著增加了藤黄色杆菌属(Luteitalea)、藤黄单胞菌属(Luteimonas)、鞘脂单胞菌属(Sphingobacterium)和盐单胞菌属(Halomonas)的相对丰度,尤其是藤黄单胞菌属的丰度提高244.17%,同时显著降低黄杆菌属(Flavobacterium)的相对丰度。此外,与土壤理化指标呈正相关的微生物菌群相对丰度也显著升高。【结论】EM复合菌能够通过提高土壤营养成分与酶活活性,调控根系微生物群落结构,富集大量在盐碱地生存能力较强的有益菌群,进而起到促进色素辣椒生长的功效。  相似文献   
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