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The Escherichia coli dnaW mutation is an allele of the adk gene   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary A dnaW mutant, isolated on the basis of inability to effect conjugal DNA transfer at high temperature, has been shown by complementation and enzyme assay to be defective in the adk (adenylate kinase; EC locus. The adk mutant, known to have reduced ATP concentration at the nonpermissive temperature (Cousin and Belaich 1966), was used to demonstrate a donor energy requirement for stable aggregate formation and for chromosome transfer in conjugation.  相似文献   
The cichlid fishes comprise the largest extant vertebrate family and are the quintessential example of rapid “explosive” adaptive radiations and phenotypic diversification. Despite low genetic divergence, East African cichlids harbor a spectacular intra- and interspecific morphological diversity, including the hyper-variable, neural crest (NC)-derived traits such as coloration and craniofacial skeleton. Although the genetic and developmental basis of these phenotypes has been investigated, understanding of when, and specifically how early, in ontogeny species-specific differences emerge, remains limited. Since adult traits often originate during embryonic development, the processes of embryogenesis could serve as a potential source of species-specific variation. Consequently, we designed a staging system by which we compare the features of embryogenesis between three Malawi cichlid species—Astatotilapia calliptera, Tropheops sp. ‘mauve’ and Rhamphochromis sp. “chilingali”—representing a wide spectrum of variation in pigmentation and craniofacial morphologies. Our results showed fundamental differences in multiple aspects of embryogenesis that could underlie interspecific divergence in adult adaptive traits. First, we identified variation in the somite number and signatures of temporal variation, or heterochrony, in the rates of somite formation. The heterochrony was also evident within and between species throughout ontogeny, up to the juvenile stages. Finally, the identified interspecific differences in the development of pigmentation and craniofacial cartilages, present at the earliest stages of their overt formation, provide compelling evidence that the species-specific trajectories begin divergence during early embryogenesis, potentially during somitogenesis and NC development. Altogether, our results expand our understanding of fundamental cichlid biology and provide new insights into the developmental origins of vertebrate morphological diversity.  相似文献   
Summary Npalmitoyl-L-lysyl-L-lysine dihydrochloride ethyl ester (PLL) in sublethal doses (6–12.5 g/ml) inhibits cell division in E. coli K12 strains C600, JM1, and derivatives of JM1 carrying mutations tif-1, tif-1 sfiA, tif-1 sfiB and sfiB in conditions which do not induce SOS functions. Only sfiA mutants divide normally in the presence of PLL. This response enables direct discrimination between phenotypes of sfiA and sfiB and moreover, also the selection of spontaneous mutants sfiA in a tif + (recA+) genetic background. The PLL mediated inhibition of cell division in tif-1 sfiA double mutants may indicate that the recA gene product plays a role in the restoration of cell division by sfiA.  相似文献   
The HAV nonstructural protein 2C is essential for virus replication; however, its precise function remains elusive. Although HAV 2C shares 24–27% sequence identity with other 2Cs, key motifs are conserved. Here, we demonstrate that HAV 2C is an ATPase but lacking helicase activity. We identified an ATPase-independent nuclease activity of HAV 2C with a preference for polyuridylic single-stranded RNAs. We determined the crystal structure of an HAV 2C fragment to 2.2 Å resolution, containing an ATPase domain, a region equivalent to enterovirus 2C zinc-finger (ZFER) and a C-terminal amphipathic helix (PBD). The PBD of HAV 2C occupies a hydrophobic pocket (Pocket) in the adjacent 2C, and we show the PBD–Pocket interaction is vital for 2C functions. We identified acidic residues that are essential for the ribonuclease activity and demonstrated mutations at these sites abrogate virus replication. We built a hexameric-ring model of HAV 2C, revealing the ribonuclease-essential residues clustering around the central pore of the ring, whereas the ATPase active sites line up at the gaps between adjacent 2Cs. Finally, we show the ribonuclease activity is shared by other picornavirus 2Cs. Our findings identified a previously unfound activity of picornavirus 2C, providing novel insights into the mechanisms of virus replication.  相似文献   
Many p53 missense mutations possess dominant-negative activity and oncogenic gain of function. We report that for structurally destabilized p53 mutants, these effects result from mutant-induced coaggregation of wild-type p53 and its paralogs p63 and p73, thereby also inducing a heat-shock response. Aggregation of mutant p53 resulted from self-assembly of a conserved aggregation-nucleating sequence within the hydrophobic core of the DNA-binding domain, which becomes exposed after mutation. Suppressing the aggregation propensity of this sequence by mutagenesis abrogated gain of function and restored activity of wild-type p53 and its paralogs. In the p53 germline mutation database, tumors carrying aggregation-prone p53 mutations have a significantly lower frequency of wild-type allele loss as compared to tumors harboring nonaggregating mutations, suggesting a difference in clonal selection of aggregating mutants. Overall, our study reveals a novel disease mechanism for mutant p53 gain of function and suggests that, at least in some respects, cancer could be considered an aggregation-associated disease.  相似文献   
Ubiquitin and UBL (ubiquitin-like) modifiers are small proteins that covalently modify other proteins to alter their properties or behaviours. Ubiquitin modification (ubiquitylation) targets many substrates, often leading to their proteasomal degradation. NEDD8 (neural-precursor-cell-expressed developmentally down-regulated 8) is the UBL most closely related to ubiquitin, and its best-studied role is the activation of CRLs (cullin-RING ubiquitin ligases) by its conjugation to a conserved C-terminal lysine residue on cullin proteins. The attachment of UBLs requires three UBL-specific enzymes, termed E1, E2 and E3, which are usually well insulated from parallel UBL pathways. In the present study, we report a new mode of NEDD8 conjugation (NEDDylation) whereby the UBL NEDD8 is linked to proteins by ubiquitin enzymes in vivo. We found that this atypical NEDDylation is independent of classical NEDD8 enzymes, conserved from yeast to mammals, and triggered by an increase in the NEDD8 to ubiquitin ratio. In cells, NEDD8 overexpression leads to this type of NEDDylation by increasing the concentration of NEDD8, whereas proteasome inhibition has the same effect by depleting free ubiquitin. We show that bortezomib, a proteasome inhibitor used in cancer therapy, triggers atypical NEDDylation in tissue culture, which suggests that a similar process may occur in patients receiving this treatment.  相似文献   
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