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Synaptonemal complexes and meiosis in myxomycetes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Synaptonemal complexes (SC) have been observed in spores 18–24 hr past cleavage in natural fruitings of Physarum cinereum, P. bogoriense, Hemitrichia stipitata, Tubifera ferruginosa, and Arcyria incarnata. Laboratory fruitings of Arcyria cinerea, Stemonitis herbatica, and a homothallic isolate of Physarum pusillum also have SC's present in spores during the same postcleavage period. The presence of these paired chromosomes of meiotic prophase in spores of species collected in nature and in a diversity of taxa suggests that the usual position of meiosis in Myxomycetes is inside the postcleavage spore. Criteria are proposed for evaluating the validity of the SC as an indicator of meiosis.  相似文献   
Chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons are widely used in industry and agriculture, and comprise the bulk of environmental pollutants. Although simple aromatic compounds are biodegradable by a variety of degradative pathways, their halogenated counterparts are more resistant to bacterial attack and often necessitate evolution of novel pathways. An understanding of such evolutionary processes is essential for developing genetically improved strains capable of mineralizing highly chlorinated compounds. This article provides an overview of the genetic aspects of dissimilation of chloroaromatic compounds and discusses the potential of gene manipulation to promote enhanced evolution of the degradative pathways.  相似文献   
Summary Guinea pig spermatocytes were fixed in glutaraldehyde, frozen in freon 22 cooled by liquid nitrogen, and then fractured to show the subcellular component previously identified as lddictyosome-like structure (DLS). The DLS membranes had fewer particles than those of the Golgi apparatus. Moreover, the DLS saccules were without fenestrae which were common to Golgi apparatus cisternae. These results further confirm that the DLS are unique subcellular components of mammalian testes, and may prove useful in determining the etiology and function of DLS.  相似文献   
Properties of the whole-cell K+ currents and voltage-dependent activation and inactivation properties of single K+ channels in clonal pheochromocytoma (PC-12) cells were studied using the patch-clamp recording technique. Depolarizing pulses elicited slowly inactivating whole-cell K+ currents, which were blocked by external application of tetraethylammonium+, 4-aminopyridine, and quinidine. The amplitudes and time courses of these K+ currents were largely independent of the prepulse voltage. Although pharmacological agents and manipulation of the voltage-clamp pulse protocol failed to reveal any additional separable whole-cell currents in a majority of the cells examined, single-channel recordings showed that, in addition to the large Ca++-dependent K+ channels described previously in many other preparations, PC-12 cells had at least four distinct types of K+ channels activated by depolarization. These four types of K+ channels differed in the open-channel current-voltage relation, time course of activation and inactivation, and voltage dependence of activation and inactivation. These K+ channels were designated the Kw, Kz, Ky, and Kx channels. The typical chord conductances of these channels were 18, 12, 7, and 7 pS in the excised configuration using Na+-free saline solutions. These four types of K+ channels opened in the presence of low concentrations of internal Ca++ (1 nM). Their voltage-dependent gating properties can account for the properties of the whole-cell K+ currents in PC-12 cells.  相似文献   
Bright nucleolar immunofluorescence was observed in HeLa S3 cells by immunostaining with a monoclonal antibody to the nucleolar phosphoprotein B23 (MW 37 kD/pI 5.1). After 48 h of incubation in a serum-free medium, the nucleolar fluorescence was diminished and a general nuclear immunofluorescence was observed. This change in localization of fluorescence indicated that protein B23 had migrated out of the nucleoli. No gross morphological change in nucleoli was observed by light microscopy and the immunolocalization of another nucleolar phosphoprotein, C23, was unaffected by serum deprivation. Relocation of protein B23 in nucleoli was observed after refeeding with serum-containing medium. This re-entry process was not observed after treatment with actinomycin D (50 ng/ml-5 micrograms/ml), but the process was unaffected by cycloheximide (0.2 mM). Quantitation of protein B23 in the nucleoli of the control (fed) or starved HeLa cells was done by ELISA immunoassay. A marked decrease in the amount of protein B23 occurred in the nucleoli of the starved cells (11.8 micrograms B23/mgDNA) as compared with the control nucleoli (20.8 micrograms B23/mgDNA). The amount of protein B23 in the nucleoplasm (excluding nucleoli) was 70% higher in the starved cells. Protein B23 was analysed by one- and two-dimensional PAGE. Three components of protein B23 with slightly different molecular weights and pIs (37 kD/5.1, 35 kD/5.1 and 35 kD/5.3) were observed in nucleoli. The lower molecular weight components were predominantly found in the nucleoplasm.  相似文献   
Diaphragmatic contractility was assessed in spontaneously breathing ketamine-anesthetized rabbits by measuring the strength of diaphragmatic contraction in response to bilateral supramaximal phrenic nerve stimulation at frequencies between 10 and 100 Hz. During 10-180 min of inspiratory resistive loading, contractility decreased by approximately 40%, and hypoxemia and both respiratory and lactic acidosis developed. After 10 min of recovery, both the response to high-frequency stimulation (100 Hz) and the arterial PO2 and PCO2 returned to base-line levels, whereas metabolic acidosis and reduced response to low-frequency stimulation (10-20 Hz) persisted. Similar levels of hypoxemia and respiratory acidosis in the absence of inspiratory resistive loading did not alter diaphragmatic contractility. We conclude that in anesthetized rabbits excessive inspiratory resistive loading results in partially reversible diaphragm fatigue of the high- and low-frequency types, accompanied by hypoventilation and lactic acidosis.  相似文献   
SP62, a mutant of bacteriophage T4 shown by Wiberg et al. (1973) to be defective in regulation of T4 protein synthesis, was shown by complementation tests to define a new gene, regA, and by intergenic mapping to lie between genes 43 and 62. The mapping involved crossing SP62 with a quadruple amber mutant defective in genes 42, 43, 62, and 44, selecting all six classes of amber-containing recombinants caused by single crossover events, and then scoring the presence or absence of SP62 in these recombinants. In addition, 15 new, spontaneous regA mutants were isolated, and 13 of these were mapped against each other; a total of eight different mutation sites were thus defined. Most of the new mutants were isolated as pseudorevertants of a leaky amber mutant in gene 62, according to Karam and Bowles (1974), whereas one was identified by virtue of the "white ring" around its plaque, a phenotype possessed by all the regA mutants at high temperature, SP62 was renamed regA1, and the new mutants were named regA2, regA3, etc.  相似文献   
Microcysts of the myxomycete Didymium iridis were induced to excyst by transfer to 5mM potassium phosphate buffer. After 1 h in suspension, 90% of the microcysts had germinated into myxamoebae distinguishable by phase contrast microscopy and staining with Lugol's iodine. Both pH and osmolarity affected the kinetics of excystment. The rate and extent of excystment were decreased by cycloheximide but remained unaffected by actinomycin D, suggesting a requirement for protein synthesis but not RNA synthesis. Initially, the outer wall layers separated from the inner layer, which gradually expanded and loosened. The protoplast rehydrated and reverted to a vegetative morphology. Excysting cells were characterized by nucleolar inclusions, changes in the nuclear envelope and plasma membrane, appearance of ringed cisternal elements and microbodies in the cytoplasm, and formation of a densely fibrous zone adjacent to the site of emergence. Excysting populations have been classified into characteristic stages: mature, initiated, swollen, and pre-emergent microcysts.Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. 2407  相似文献   
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