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Human Ecology - We examine the ongoing transformation of the livestock raising component of a complex agrosilvopastoral management system associated with the Geraizeiro of northern Minas Gerais...  相似文献   
Natural tree regeneration in abandoned pastures can be hampered by various biotic and abiotic filters, including seed removal and predation. We tested the effects of maintenance and removal of grass and seed deposition (buried and unburied) on seed germination of 12 tree species in dry forest pastures. We obtained evidence supporting the hypothesis that seeds attain higher germination under a grass canopy than on bare ground. For most species, grass cover provides safety from seed predators and facilitates germination by providing a suitable microclimate with soil humidity similar to the forest. The hypothesis that buried seeds attain higher germination was not supported by our data. Predation and removal of unburied seeds ranged from 0 to 77 % and, alone or together, were the major causes of non-germination. Direct seeding is a promising technique for revegetation of recently abandoned pastures in areas originally covered by tropical dry forests. The high germination rate of seeds deposited on the ground and under grass reduces costs during initial restoration stages, potentially facilitating the spread and use of this technique.  相似文献   
The flowering phenology of 27 taxa of palms in a lowland moist forest in the central Amazon was recorded over a 40 month period. Phenological data were transformed into measures, of synchrony, regularity, and duration. Flowering was observed at all times of year and there was no correlation with rainfall either for the current month or for any monthly lag interval. The 27 taxa were divided into three pollination groups—weevil, bee/fly, or beetle—based on their behavior at anthesis. Phenology was significantly correlated with pollination groups. Weevilpollinated palms had higher synchrony and shorter duration of flowering than other groups. Bee/fly-pollinated palms had lower synchrony and longer duration of flowering. The beetle-pollinated palms were intermediate between the two other groups. Seasonal regularity of flowering was similar in all three groups. We suggest that, at least inBactris, taxa exhibit staggered flowering.  相似文献   
The goal of restoration is to accelerate ecosystem recovery, but in ecosystems that naturally regenerate rapidly restoration techniques need to be selected carefully to facilitate rather than impede natural recovery. We compared the effects of five restoration techniques, such as plowing the soil, removing grasses, adding forest litter, seeding, and planting nursery‐growing seedlings, on the regeneration of seasonal deciduous forest trees in four abandoned pastures in central Brazil. We monitored all woody stems immediately prior to treatments and again 14 months after the treatments. We recorded an average of 16,663 tree stems per hectare and a total of 83 species before implementing treatments. Planting strongly increased species richness; adding litter and seeding had weaker positive effects on richness; and plowing and grass removal had no effect. Plowing substantially reduced the density of naturally established stems. Despite the high survival of planted seedlings, stem density in planting treatments did not change because the tractor and digging holes to plant seedlings caused mortality of naturally regenerating seedlings. Tree stems grew more in the grass release plots than in the control plots. Our results suggest that early succession of seasonal deciduous forest in pastures in the region studied does not need to be stimulated once the perturbation is stopped and that intensive restoration efforts may actually slow recovery. We recommend only enrichment planting of seedlings that are not able to resprout.  相似文献   
We studied the effect of forest gaps and cattle grazing on survival and growth of seedlings of seven native tree species, planted in dry forest fragments with different intensities of past logging in Central Brazil. Seedling survival after 12 mo ranged from 35 to 77 percent among species. Survival of most species was similar in gaps and understory in minimally disturbed forest remnants, but was lower in the gaps of more heavily logged forests. In contrast, growth was much higher in gaps than in understory in minimally disturbed forests, but for most species was similar in gaps and understory in more heavily logged forests. We did not detect an effect of cattle on seedling survival. Seedlings of the most commonly logged species show a high potential to survive and grow when planted in logged forests.  相似文献   
We tested the relationship between the length of pasture use and the density, richness, and composition of naturally regenerating tropical seasonal deciduous forest in pastures. We sampled regenerating trees in 25 pastures distributed in four age classes ranging from < 6 to 40 yr of use. Density and composition of regenerating trees did not change with pasture age, but richness was lower in 25- and 40-yr-old pastures. Nonetheless, a number of species seem to be able to resprout even after 40 yr of ranching.  相似文献   
Forest fragmentation effects on palm diversity in central Amazonia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1 The effects of fragmentation on quantitative measures of floristic diversity in a palm community were examined in the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments study area in central Amazonia. Three 1-ha, three 10-ha, two 100-ha and three continuous forest reserves, distributed among three sites, were surveyed. In each reserve, 10 20 × 20 m plots were sampled, resulting in a total of 110 plots representing 4.4 sampled hectares.
2 The taxon composition of this palm community was dominated by stemmed, understorey palms. A total of 23 225 individuals from 36 taxa was recorded; five of the taxa were not sampled in continuous forest.
3 Taxa richness did not vary across reserve size or sites unless taxa not sampled in the continuous forest were removed from the analysis. Smaller forest fragments then harboured fewer taxa in the seedling stage than large forest fragments or continuous forest, despite the short time since isolation (10–15 years). There was a significant effect of location on the number of taxa per plot for all life stages, but only seedling and total were significantly affected by reserve size.
4 Reserve size did not affect the Shannon and Evenness indices. Reserves of similar sizes were floristically more similar than reserves of very different sizes.
5 Palms are important for the structure and composition of the forest. Their conservation may require the establishment of a number of large reserves.  相似文献   
Principles of Natural Regeneration of Tropical Dry Forests for Restoration   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
Tropical dry forests are the most threatened tropical terrestrial ecosystem. However, few studies have been conducted on the natural regeneration necessary to restore these forests. We reviewed the ecology of regeneration of tropical dry forests as a tool to restore disturbed lands. Dry forests are characterized by a relatively high number of tree species with small, dry, wind‐dispersed seeds. Over small scales, wind‐dispersed seeds are better able to colonize degraded areas than vertebrate‐dispersed plants. Small seeds and those with low water content are less susceptible to desiccation, which is a major barrier for establishment in open areas. Seeds are available in the soil in the early rainy season to maximize the time to grow. However, highly variable precipitation and frequent dry spells are important sources of mortality in seeds and seedlings. Collecting seeds at the end of the dry season and planting them when soil has sufficient moisture may increase seedling establishment and reduce the time they are exposed to seed predators. Germination and early establishment in the field are favored in shaded sites, which have milder environment and moister soil than open sites during low rainfall periods. Growth of established seedlings, however, is favored in open areas. Therefore, clipping plants around established seedlings may be a good management option to improve growth and survival. Although dry forests have species either resistant to fire or that benefit from it, frequent fires simplify community species composition. Resprouting ability is a noticeable mechanism of regeneration in dry forests and must be considered for restoration. The approach to dry‐forest restoration should be tailored to this ecosystem instead of merely following approaches developed for moister forests.  相似文献   
The handicrafts made fromSyngonanthus nitens scapes have been an important source of income for rural communities in the Jalapão region of Brazil since the late 1990s. This study analyzedS. nitens harvest and management techniques and the economic importance of the handicrafts. We also tested the effects of harvest onS. nitens population ecology. Handicrafts provide about US$1,800/year per artisan, being especially important to women. Experimental scape harvesting in mid-October, which is when knowledgeable artisans harvest and when the seeds are mature, had no consistent effects on population density, plant survival, or reproduction (clonal or sexual) after one year. Since 40% of the new recruits come from seeds, harvest after seed maturation, combined with removal of only the scapes and not the flowerheads, can allow forS. nitens seeds to remain in the populations and help ensure sustainability of the growingS. nitens handicraft activity. Important economic aspects ofS. nitens harvest sustainability include the high value of the handicrafts and the fact they are not perishable.  相似文献   
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