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To cope with changes in the environment, organisms not only show behavioural but also phenotypic adjustments. This is well established for the digestive tract. Here we present a first case of birds adjusting their flight machinery in response to predation risk. In an indoor experiment, ruddy turnstones Arenaria interpres were subjected to an unpredictable daily appearance of either a raptor or a small gull (as a control). Ruddy turnstones experiencing threat induced by a flying raptor model, longer than after similar passage by the gull model, refrained from feeding after this disturbance. Pectoral muscle mass, but not lean mass, responded in a course of a few days to changes in the perceived threat of predation. Pectoral muscle mass increased after raptor scares. Taking the small increases in body mass into account, pectoral muscle mass was 3.6% higher than aerodynamically predicted for constant flight performance. This demonstrates that perceived risk factors may directly affect organ size.  相似文献   
Accurate retention time (RT) prediction is important for spectral library-based analysis in data-independent acquisition mass spectrometry-based proteomics. The deep learning approach has demonstrated superior performance over traditional machine learning methods for this purpose. The transformer architecture is a recent development in deep learning that delivers state-of-the-art performance in many fields such as natural language processing, computer vision, and biology. We assess the performance of the transformer architecture for RT prediction using datasets from five deep learning models Prosit, DeepDIA, AutoRT, DeepPhospho, and AlphaPeptDeep. The experimental results on holdout datasets and independent datasets exhibit state-of-the-art performance of the transformer architecture. The software and evaluation datasets are publicly available for future development in the field.  相似文献   
Long‐distance migratory flights are predicted to be associated with higher mortality rates when individuals encounter adverse weather conditions. However, directly connecting environmental conditions experienced in‐flight with the survival of migrants has proven difficult. We studied how the in‐flight mortality of 53 satellite‐tagged Black‐tailed Godwits (Limosa limosa limosa) during 132 crossings of the Sahara Desert, a major geographical barrier along their migration route between The Netherlands and sub‐Saharan Africa, is correlated with the experienced wind conditions and departure date during both southward and northward migration. We show that godwits experienced higher wind assistance during southward crossings, which seems to reflect local prevailing trade winds. Critically, we found that fatal northward crossings (15 deaths during 61 crossings) were associated with adverse wind conditions. Wind conditions during migration can thus directly influence vital rates. Changing wind conditions associated with global change may thus profoundly influence the costs of long‐distance migration in the future.  相似文献   
Mycobacteria use the dedicated type VII protein secretion systems ESX-1 and ESX-5 to secrete virulence factors across their highly hydrophobic cell envelope. The substrates of these systems include the large mycobacterial PE and PPE protein families, which are named after their characteristic Pro-Glu and Pro-Pro-Glu motifs. Pathogenic mycobacteria secrete large numbers of PE/PPE proteins via the major export pathway, ESX-5. In addition, a few PE/PPE proteins have been shown to be exported by ESX-1. It is not known how ESX-1 and ESX-5 recognize their cognate PE/PPE substrates. In this work, we investigated the function of the cytosolic protein EspG(5), which is essential for ESX-5-mediated secretion in Mycobacterium marinum, but for which the role in secretion is not known. By performing protein co-purifications, we show that EspG(5) interacts with several PPE proteins and a PE/PPE complex that is secreted by ESX-5, but not with the unrelated ESX-5 substrate EsxN or with PE/PPE proteins secreted by ESX-1. Conversely, the ESX-1 paralogue EspG(1) interacted with a PE/PPE couple secreted by ESX-1, but not with PE/PPE substrates of ESX-5. Furthermore, structural analysis of the complex formed by EspG(5) and PE/PPE indicates that these proteins interact in a 1:1:1 ratio. In conclusion, our study shows that EspG(5) and EspG(1) interact specifically with PE/PPE proteins that are secreted via their own ESX systems and suggests that EspG proteins are specific chaperones for the type VII pathway.  相似文献   
Visual fields were determined in two species of shorebirds (Charadriiformes) whose foraging is guided primarily by different sources of information: red knots (Calidris canutus, tactile foragers) and European golden plovers (Pluvialis apricaria, visual foragers). The visual fields of both species showed features that are found in a wide range of birds whose foraging involves precision pecking or lunging at food items. Surprisingly, red knots did not show comprehensive panoramic vision as found in some other tactile feeders; they have a binocular field surrounding the bill and a substantial blind area behind the head. We argue that this is because knots switch to more visually guided foraging on their breeding grounds. However, this visual field topography leaves them vulnerable to predation, especially when using tactile foraging in non-breeding locations where predation by falcons is an important selection factor. Golden plovers use visually guided foraging throughout the year, and so it is not surprising that they have precision-pecking frontal visual fields. However, they often feed at night and this is associated with relatively large eyes. These are anchored in the skull by a wing of bone extending from the dorsal perimeter of each orbit; a skeletal structure previously unreported in birds and which we have named 'supraorbital aliform bone', Os supraorbitale aliforme. The larger eyes and their associated supraorbital wings result in a wide blind area above the head, which may leave these plovers particularly vulnerable to predation. Thus, in these two shorebirds, we see clear examples of the trade-off between the two key functions of visual fields: (i) the detection of predators remote from the animal and (ii) the control of accurate behaviours, such as the procurement of food items, at close quarters.  相似文献   
The determination of temporal niche dynamics under field conditions is an important component of a species’ ecology. Recent developments in niche mapping, and the possibility to account for spatial autocorrelation in species distributions, hold promise for the statistical approach explored here. Using species counts from a landscape‐scale benthic monitoring programme in the western Dutch Wadden Sea during 1997–2005 in combination with sediment characteristics and tidal height as explanatory variables, we statistically derive realised niches for two bivalves, two crustaceans and three polychaetes, encompassing predators, suspension and bottom feeding functional groups. Unsurprisingly, realized niches varied considerably between species. Intraspecific temporal variation was assessed as overlap between the year‐specific niche and the overall mean niche, and this analysis revealed considerable variation between years. The main functional groups represented by these species showed idiosyncratic and wide variability through the study period. There were no strong associations between niche characteristics and mean abundance or body size. Our assessment of intraspecific niche variability has ramifications for species distribution models in general and offers advances from previous methods. 1) By assessing species’ realized niches in the multivariate environmental space, analyses are independent from the relative availability of particular environments. Predicted realized niches present differences between years, rather than annual differences in environmental conditions. 2) Using spatially explicit models to predict species habitat preferences provide more precise and unbiased estimates of species–environment relationships. 3) Current niche models assume constant niches, whereas we illustrate how much these can vary over only a few generations. This emphasizes the potentially limited scope of global change studies with forecasts based on single‐time species distribution snapshots.  相似文献   


Blood donors unaware of Trypanosoma cruzi infection may donate infectious blood. Risk factors and the presence of T. cruzi antibodies in at-risk Dutch blood donors were studied to assess whether specific blood safety measures are warranted in the Netherlands.


Birth in a country endemic for Chagas disease (CEC), having a mother born in a CEC, or having resided for at least six continuous months in a CEC were considered risk factors for T. cruzi infection. From March through September 2013, risk factor questions were asked to all donors who volunteered to donate blood or blood components. Serum samples were collected from donors reporting one or more risk factors, and screened for IgG antibodies to T. cruzi by EIA.


Risk factors for T. cruzi infection were reported by 1,426 of 227,278 donors (0.6%). Testing 1,333 at-risk donors, none (0.0%; 95%, CI 0.0–0.4%) was seroreactive for IgG antibodies to T. cruzi. A total of 472 donors were born in a CEC; 553 donors reported their mother being born in a CEC; and 1,121 donors reported a long-term stay in a CEC. The vast majority of reported risk factors were related to Suriname and Brazil. Overall, the participants resided for 7,694 years in CECs, which equals 2.8 million overnight stays. Of those, 1.9 million nights were spent in Suriname.


Asymptomatic T. cruzi infection appears to be extremely rare among Dutch blood donors. Blood safety interventions to mitigate the risk of T. cruzi transmission by transfusion would be highly cost-ineffective in the Netherlands, and are thus not required.  相似文献   
Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) allows the direct investigation of both the identity and the spatial distribution of the molecular content directly in tissue sections, single cells and many other biological surfaces. In this protocol, we present the steps required to retrieve the molecular information from tissue sections using matrix-enhanced (ME) and metal-assisted (MetA) secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) as well as matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) IMS. These techniques require specific sample preparation steps directed at optimal signal intensity with minimal redistribution or modification of the sample analytes. After careful sample preparation, different IMS methods offer a unique discovery tool in, for example, the investigation of (i) drug transport and uptake, (ii) biological processing steps and (iii) biomarker distributions. To extract the relevant information from the huge datasets produced by IMS, new bioinformatics approaches have been developed. The duration of the protocol is highly dependent on sample size and technique used, but on average takes approximately 5 h.  相似文献   
Vero cell cultures are used in the quality control of Diphtheria vaccines: to estimate vaccine potency and to determine residual toxicity and reversion to toxicity. The impact of replacing foetal calf serum containing medium (SCM) by serum free media (SFM) on the sensitivity of Vero cells to Diphtheria Toxin was studied. Compared to SCM, SFM showed an eight-fold decrease in sensitivity to Diphtheria Toxin. This decrease was almost immediate, indicating that this phenomenon was not caused by a change in membrane structure or protein expression. We investigated the effect of SFM on Diphtheria Toxin in order to determine the cause of the decrease in sensitivity. Our results show that oligopeptides, which are often used in SFM as part of the replacement of foetal calf serum, are the most likely cause.  相似文献   


Bacterial respiratory tract infections, mainly caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis are among the leading causes of global mortality and morbidity. Increased resistance of these pathogens to existing antibiotics necessitates the search for novel targets to develop potent antimicrobials.


Here, we report a proof of concept study for the reliable identification of potential drug targets in these human respiratory pathogens by combining high-density transposon mutagenesis, high-throughput sequencing, and integrative genomics. Approximately 20% of all genes in these three species were essential for growth and viability, including 128 essential and conserved genes, part of 47 metabolic pathways. By comparing these essential genes to the human genome, and a database of genes from commensal human gut microbiota, we identified and excluded potential drug targets in respiratory tract pathogens that will have off-target effects in the host, or disrupt the natural host microbiota. We propose 249 potential drug targets, 67 of which are targets for 75 FDA-approved antimicrobials and 35 other researched small molecule inhibitors. Two out of four selected novel targets were experimentally validated, proofing the concept.


Here we have pioneered an attempt in systematically combining the power of high-density transposon mutagenesis, high-throughput sequencing, and integrative genomics to discover potential drug targets at genome-scale. By circumventing the time-consuming and expensive laboratory screens traditionally used to select potential drug targets, our approach provides an attractive alternative that could accelerate the much needed discovery of novel antimicrobials.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-958) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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