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Samples from three hot springs (Alla, Seya and Garga) located in the northeastern part of Baikal rift zone (Buryat Republic, Russia) were screened for the presence of thermophilic nitrifying bacteria. Enrichment cultures were obtained solely from the Garga spring characterized by slightly alkaline water (pH 7.9) and an outlet temperature of 75 degrees C. The enrichment cultures of the ammonia- and nitrite oxidizers grew at temperature ranges of 27-55 and 40-60 degrees C, respectively. The temperature optimum was approximately 50 degrees C for both groups and thus they can be designated as moderate thermophiles. Ammonia oxidizers were identified with classical and immunological techniques. Representatives of the genus Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira-like bacteria with characteristic vibroid morphology were detected. The latter were characterized by an enlarged periplasmic space, which has not been previously observed in ammonia oxidizers. Electron microscopy, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analyses and partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing provided evidence that the nitrite oxidizers were members of the genus Nitrospira.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Stroke is a potential complication of acute coronary syndrome (ACS). The aim of this study was to identify the prevalence, risk factors predisposing to stroke, in-hospital and 1-year mortality among patients presenting with ACS in the Middle East. METHODS: For a period of 9 months in 2008 to 2009, 7,930 consecutive ACS patients were enrolled from 65 hospitals in 6 Middle East countries. RESULTS: The prevalence of in-hospital stroke following ACS was 0.70%. Most cases were ST segment elevation MI-related (STEMI) and ischemic stroke in nature. Patients with in-hospital stroke were 5 years older than patients without stroke and were more likely to have hypertension (66% vs. 47.6%, P = 0.001). There were no differences between the two groups in regards to gender, other cardiovascular risk factors, or prior cardiovascular disease. Patients with stroke were more likely to present with atypical symptoms, advanced Killip class and less likely to be treated with evidence-based therapies. Independent predictors of stroke were hypertension, advanced killip class, ACS type --STEMI and cardiogenic shock. Stroke was associated with increased risk of in-hospital (39.3% vs. 4.3%) and one-year mortality (52% vs. 12.3%). CONCLUSION: There is low incidence of in-hospital stroke in Middle-Eastern patients presenting with ACS but with very high in-hospital and one-year mortality rates. Stroke patients were less likely to be appropriately treated with evidence-based therapy. Future work should be focused on reducing the risk and improving the outcome of this devastating complication.  相似文献   
Members of the nitrite-oxidizing genus Nitrospira are most likely responsible for the second step of nitrification, the conversion of nitrite (NO2) to nitrate (NO3), within various sponges. We succeeded in obtaining an enrichment culture of Nitrospira derived from the mesohyl of the marine sponge Aplysina aerophoba using a traditional cultivation approach. Electron microscopy gave first evidence of the shape and ultrastructure of this novel marine Nitrospira-like bacterium (culture Aa01). We characterized these bacteria physiologically with regard to optimal incubation conditions, especially the temperature and substrate range in comparison to other Nitrospira cultures. Best growth was obtained at temperatures between 28°C and 30°C in mineral medium with 70% North Sea water and a substrate concentration of 0.5 mM nitrite under microaerophilic conditions. The Nitrospira culture Aa01 is very sensitive against nitrite, because concentrations higher than 1.5 mM resulted in a complete inhibition of growth. Sequence analyses of the 16S rRNA gene revealed that the novel Nitrospira-like bacterium is separated from the sponge-specific subcluster and falls together with an environmental clone from Mediterranean sediments (98.6% similarity). The next taxonomically described species Nitrospira marina is only distantly related, with 94.6% sequence similarity, and therefore the culture Aa01 represents a novel species of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria.Numerous sponges have the capacity to accommodate large amounts of diverse microbes and represent significant sources for bioactive natural compounds (13). Many marine invertebrates excrete ammonium as a metabolic waste product (9), and the excretion of nitrite and nitrate has been taken as primary evidence that nitrifiers are active in these animals (10). By modulation of their pumping, sponges are a suitable habitat not only for aerobic microbes but also for anaerobic microbes. Accordingly, Hoffmann et al. (19) were able to detect major microbial pathways of the nitrogen cycle in the sponge Geodia barretti, including nitrification, the anammox process, and denitrification.Nitrification involves the biological oxidation of ammonia (NH3) to nitrite (NO2) and further to nitrate (NO3) for energy purposes. It is of fundamental importance for the global nitrogen cycle in aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Nitrification is catalyzed by two phylogenetically distinct groups of microorganisms: in the first step, ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea (AOB and AOA) take part in the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite, and in the second step nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) convert nitrite to nitrate (38).Nitrite has a central position in the nitrogen cycle, connecting aerobic and anaerobic pathways. Nitrite-oxidizing bacteria play a major role in removing nitrite from the environment because it is toxic for living organisms (31). Based on morphological characteristics, NOB have been divided into five genera. This classification also reflects the phylogenetic diversity of NOB, which includes Nitrobacter and Nitrococcus (Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria), Nitrospina (putative Deltaproteobacteria), and the candidate genus “Candidatus Nitrotoga” (Betaproteobacteria) (2). The genus Nitrospira is more distantly related to the other known NOB because it is part of its own deep-branching bacterial phylum Nitrospirae. Marine species are present in all genera of NOB except in the newly identified genus “Candidatus Nitrotoga.”As all known nitrifying prokaryotes are slow growing and hard to maintain, their enrichment and isolation from environmental samples is difficult. Most physiological studies have been performed with pure cultures of a few “model” nitrifiers, in particular AOB related to the genus Nitrosomonas and NOB of the genus Nitrobacter. For the genus Nitrospira there are only four pure cultures available: the marine species Nitrospira marina (37), Nitrospira moscoviensis (12), “Candidatus Nitrospira bockiana” (25), and Nitrospira calida (E. Lebedeva, personal communication).Sponges of the family Aplysinidae contain large amounts of bacteria embedded within the sponge tissue matrix (15). For example, the biomass of Aplysina aerophoba consists of up to 40% bacteria (36). These sponges are able to differentiate between food bacteria and their own bacterial symbionts (41). Investigations of the diversity of sponge-associated bacteria, including different genetic and also cultivation approaches, have been made with several specimens (15, 16, 39). In terms of nitrification, Hentschel et al. (17) gave first evidence for the presence of nitrite oxidizers, and it has been verified that sponges harbor AOB and AOA (8). Most of the recognized NOB in sponges are Nitrospira-like bacteria (17, 32, 35), although in the beginning, there were further hints to 16S rRNA sequences, which are most closely related to Nitrospina gracilis (17). However, as these sequences were found only once, it could be assumed that Nitrospira is the main nitrite oxidizer in this environment. Nitrospira-like bacteria are deemed to be recalcitrant and fastidious, and they are easily overgrown by other bacteria under suboptimal conditions. Despite these limitations in the laboratory, Nitrospira was determined to be the most important nitrite oxidizer during wastewater treatment (21, 33), in aquaculture biofilters (14) and in freshwater systems (20, 29).Identification of sponge-associated microorganisms has been performed largely with culture-independent methods, which are 16S rRNA gene based (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis [DGGE], terminal restriction fragment-length polymorphism [TRFLP]) or visual (fluorescence in situ hybridization [FISH], electron microscopy) (8, 11). Nevertheless, the cultivation of microorganisms is still essential for the investigation of their physiological potential and function in the environment. Information about physiological characteristics helps us to understand the metabolism and possible nutritional interactions of nitrifiers with the host sponge (8).This is the first report about cultivation of nitrifying bacteria originating from a marine sponge. We obtained a nitrite-oxidizing enrichment culture of a Nitrospira-like bacterium derived from Aplysina aerophoba, characterized it phylogenetically, and analyzed the most important physiological features.  相似文献   
Biofilters operated for the microbial oxidation of landfill methane at two sites in Northern Germany were analysed for the composition of their methanotrophic community by means of diagnostic microarray targeting the pmoA gene of methanotrophs. The gas emitted from site Francop (FR) contained the typical principal components (CH4, CO2, N2) only, while the gas at the second site Müggenburger Strasse (MU) was additionally charged with non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs). Methane oxidation activity measured at 22 degrees C varied between 7 and 103 microg CH4 (g dw)(-1) h(-1) at site FR and between 0.9 and 21 microg CH4 (g dw)(-1) h(-1) at site MU, depending on the depth considered. The calculated size of the active methanotrophic population varied between 3 x 10(9) and 5 x 10(11) cells (g dw)(-1) for biofilter FR and 4 x 10(8) to 1 x 10(10) cells (g dw)(-1) for biofilter MU. The methanotrophic community in both biofilters as well as the methanotrophs present in the landfill gas at site FR was strongly dominated by type II organisms, presumably as a result of high methane loads, low copper concentration and low nitrogen availability. Within each biofilter, community composition differed markedly with depth, reflecting either the different conditions of diffusive oxygen supply or the properties of the two layers of materials used in the filters or both. The two biofilter communities differed significantly. Type I methanotrophs were detected in biofilter FR but not in biofilter MU. The type II community in biofilter FR was dominated by Methylocystis species, whereas the biofilter at site MU hosted a high abundance of Methylosinus species while showing less overall methanotroph diversity. It is speculated that the differing composition of the type II population at site MU is driven by the presence of NMVOCs in the landfill gas fed to the biofilter, selecting for organisms capable of co-oxidative degradation of these compounds.  相似文献   


Surgical patients are at high risk for developing infectious complications and postoperative delirium. Prolonged infections and delirium result in worse outcome. Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and influenza vaccination are known to increase HLA-DR on monocytes and improve immune reactivity. This study aimed to investigate whether GM-CSF or vaccination reverses monocyte deactivation. Secondary aims were whether it decreases infection and delirium days after esophageal or pancreatic resection over time.


In this prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, double dummy trial setting on an interdisciplinary ICU of a university hospital 61 patients with immunosuppression (monocytic HLA-DR [mHLA-DR] <10,000 monoclonal antibodies [mAb] per cell) on the first day after esophageal or pancreatic resection were treated with either GM-CSF (250 μg/m2/d), influenza vaccination (Mutagrip 0.5 ml/d) or placebo for a maximum of 3 consecutive days if mHLA-DR remained below 10,000 mAb per cell. HLA-DR on monocytes was measured daily until day 5 after surgery. Infections and delirium were followed up for 9 days after surgery. Primary outcome was HLA-DR on monocytes, and secondary outcomes were duration of infection and delirium.


mHLA-DR was significantly increased compared to placebo (p < 0.001) and influenza vaccination (p < 0.001) on the second postoperative day. Compared with placebo, GM-CSF-treated patients revealed shorter duration of infection (p < 0.001); the duration of delirium was increased after vaccination (p = 0.003).


Treatment with GM-CSF in patients with postoperative immune suppression was safe and effective in restoring monocytic immune competence. Furthermore, therapy with GM-CSF reduced duration of infection in immune compromised patients. However, influenza vaccination increased duration of delirium after major surgery.

Trial Registration

www.controlled-trials.com ISRCTN27114642  相似文献   
In order to enable competitive manufacturing routes, most biocatalysts must be tailor-made for their processes. Enzymes from nature rarely have the combined properties necessary for industrial chemical production such as high activity and selectivity on non-natural substrates and toleration of high concentrations of organic media over the wide range of conditions (decreasing substrate, increasing product concentrations, solvents, etc.,) that will be present over the course of a manufacturing process. With the advances in protein engineering technologies, a variety of enzyme properties can be altered simultaneously, if the appropriate screening parameters are employed. Here we discuss the process of directed evolution for the generation of commercially viable biocatalysts for the production of fine chemicals, and how novel approaches have helped to overcome some of the challenges.  相似文献   
The concentrations of catecholamines were determined in the decuticalarized retinas and brains at different ages in wildtype and ebony Drosophila melanogaster using the HPLC-technique with an electrochemical detector. L-Dopa, dopamine (DA), α-methyldopa (α-MD) and unidentified compounds X1, X2 and X3 were found in decuticalarized retinas and brains of wildtype and ebony at different ages. Retinas and brains of the mutant ebony have higher concentrations of L-Dopa, DA and α-MD than the wildtype. In both wildtype and ebony, the concentrations of X1, X2 and X3 were found to be higher in decuticalarized retinas than in brains. The identity and importance of X1, X2 and X3 are still unknown.  相似文献   
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