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An overview is presented of the potential for bioremediation of a range of contaminated sites. Most of the compounds belong to groups that are widespread and are generally persistent or toxic. Although attention has been focused on microbiological aspects of their application, it is pointed out that a successful programme requires integrated input from geologists, engineers, chemists and microbiologists. It is emphasized that a protocol must be available for evaluating the success of the procedures that have been implemented. Attention is directed to critical issues, including partial degradation, formation of metabolites, and recalcitrance of specific components in complex mixtures. An attempt is made to discuss the basic aspects of the biodegradation of components specific to the various sites and to illustrate the outcome of experiments in bioremediation in laboratory-based, pilot-scale or full-scale field operations. Brief discussion is given of some less commonly perceived contaminants that may be present simultaneously.  相似文献   
Vanadyl reacts with hydrogen peroxide forming hydroxyl radicals in a Fenton-like reaction. The hydroxyl radicals were spin trapped and identified using 5.5-dimethyl-I-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO). The quantity of hydroxyl radicals spin trapped during the reaction between vanadyl and hydrogen peroxide are equal to half of the hydroxyl radicals spin trapped during the reaction between ferrous ions and hydrogen peroxide. Experiments in the presence of formate show that this hydroxyl radical scavenger effectively competes with DMPO preventing the formation of the DMPO-OH adduct. However. in experiments using ethanol as the hydroxyl radical scavenger it was not possible to completely prevent the formation of DMPO-OH. The formation of this additional DMPO-OH in the presence of ethanol does not depend on the concentration of dissolved oxygen, but does depend on the concentration of hydrogen peroxide added to the vanadyl solution. The results suggest that the additional DMPO-OH formed in the presence of ethanol originates from a vanadium (V) intermediate. This intermediate may oxidize DMPO leading to the formation of DMPO-0; which rapidly decomposes forming DMPO-OH.  相似文献   
Energetic constraints and foraging efficiency   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Previous research considers foraging options that differ interms of their gross rate of gain b and rate of energy expenditurec. This research argues that maximizing efficiency b/c willmaximize net energetic gain when there is an upper limit onthe amount of energy that can be assimilated. This analysisdoes not include the expenditure during the time for which theanimal is unable to forage because of this constraint. Whenthis expenditure is included, maximizing efficiency is no longeroptimal. Instead the best feeding option is the one with thehighest value of b/(cc1), where c, is the metabolicrate when the animal is not foraging.  相似文献   
Summary Birds show a typical daily pattern of heavy morning and secondary afternoon feeding. We investigate the pattern of foraging by a bird that results in the lowest long-term rate of mortality. We assume the following: mortality is the sum of starvation and predation. The bird is characterized by two state variables, its energy reserves and the amount of food in its stomach. Starvation occurs during the day if the bird's reserves fall to zero. The bird starves during the night if the total energy stored in reserves and the stomach is less than a critical amount. The probability that the bird is killed by a predator is higher if the bird is foraging than if it is resting. Furthermore, the predation risk while foraging increases with the bird's mass. From these assumptions, we use dynamic programming techniques to find the daily foraging routine that minimizes mortality. The principal results are (1) Variability in food finding leads to routines with feeding concentrated early in the day, (2) digestive constraints cause feeding to be spread more evenly through the day, (3) even under fairly severe digestive constraints, the stomach is generally not full and (4) optimal fat reserve levels are higher in more variable environments and under digestive constraints. This model suggests that the characteristic daily feeding pattern of small birds is not due to digestive constraints but is greatly influenced by environmental variability.  相似文献   
The Value of a hoard: not just energy   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
We present a stochastic dynamic programming model of the contributionof stored food to winter survival. Using the acorn woodpecker(Melanerpes formtcivorus) as a model organism, we demonstratethat a hoard of small energetic value can impart considerableimprovement in the probability of surviving the winter and soimprove fitness. With this model we hope to resolve Koenig andMumme's paradox, that acorn woodpeckers expend much time andeffort to create and maintain hoards of acorns which provideno more that 16% of their energetic needs over the period inwhich they are used. We further demonstrate that the contributionof hoarded acorns to survival depends on the variability inforaging outcome, independently of the energetic value of thehoard in absolute terms. We point out that the results applyin principle to all hoarding animals and suggest a number offurther elaborations of the model.  相似文献   
The latter half of the nineteenth century produced a remarkable expansion of surgical practice. Although most of these new techniques and concepts were soundly based, others, such as the movable or floating kidney, were later ridiculed and discredited.In Glasgow Royal Infirmary during the 48 years from 1880, when movable kidney was first mentioned in the annual reports of the hospital, to 1928 472 patients (89% female) were diagnosed as suffering from the condition. Nearly half of them (216) underwent operation and the operative mortality was low. In the first decade of this century an average of 18 cases a year were admitted to the wards of the infirmary. From 1915 to 1920 the number of cases dropped, as did the proportion undergoing operation, but in the 1920s the numbers increased again.In common with other ineffective treatments for imaginary diseases, operations for the movable kidney simply faded away in Britain in the 1930s.  相似文献   
Thrasya oreophila, T. glaziovii, andT. auricoma are described, discussed, and illustrated.  相似文献   
Statistical decision theory is discussed as a general framework for analysing how animals should learn. Attention is focused on optimal foraging behaviour in stochastic environments. We emphasise the distinction between the mathematical procedure that can be used to find optimal solutions and the mechanism an animal might use to implement such solutions. The mechanisms might be specific to a restricted class of problems and produce suboptimal behaviour when faced with problems outside this class. We illustrate this point by an example based on what is known in the literature on animal learning as the partial reinforcement effect.  相似文献   
In this progress report, recent improvements to the room temperaturesyntheses of lead halide perovskite nanocrystals (APbX3, X = Cl, Br, I) are assessed, focusing on various aspects which influence the commercial viability of the technology. Perovskite nanocrystals can be prepared easily from low‐cost precursors under ambient conditions, yet they have displayed near‐unity photoluminescence quantum yield with narrow, highly tunable emission peaks. In addition to their impressive ambipolar charge carrier mobilities, these properties make lead halide perovskite nanocrystals very attractive for light‐emitting diode (LED) applications. However, there are still many practical hurdles preventing commercialization. Recent developments in room temperature synthesis and purification protocols are reviewed, closely evaluating the suitability of particular techniques for industry. This is followed by an assessment of the wide range of ligands deployed on perovskite nanocrystal surfaces, analyzing their impact on colloidal stability, as well as LED efficiency. Based on these observations, a perspective on important future research directions that can expedite the industrial adoption of perovskite nanocrystals is provided.  相似文献   
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