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AIMS: To investigate the dynamics of binary culture biofilm formation through use of both the Sorbarod model of biofilm growth and the constant depth film fermenter (CDFF). METHODS AND RESULTS: Pseudo steady-state biofilm cultures of laboratory and clinical strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, selected on the basis of their ability to produce a Burkholderia cepacia growth-inhibitory substance, were established on Sorbarod filters and challenged with corresponding planktonic grown cultures of B. cepacia. Reverse challenges were also conducted. Both B. cepacia and P. aeruginosa were able to form steady-state monoculture biofilms after 48 h growth. When steady-state biofilms of B. cepacia NTCT 10661 were challenged with planktonically grown P. aeruginosa PAO1 known to produce a B. cepacia growth-inhibitory substance, the immigrant population was rapidly and almost completely bound to the biofilm, displacing B. cepacia. By contrast, established biofilms of P. aeruginosa PAO1 resisted immigration of B. cepacia 10661. Similar experiments conducted with a nongrowth inhibitory substance producing clinical pairing of P. aeruginosa 313113 and B. cepacia 313113 led to the formation of stable, mixed biofilm populations in both instances. Moreover, co-inoculation with these clinical isolates resulted in a stable, mixed steady-state biofilm. Similar observations were made for biofilms generated in CDFFs. In such instances following pan-swapping between two monoculture CDFFs, B. cepacia 313113 was able to integrate into an established P. aeruginosa 313113 biofilm to form a stable binary biofilm. CONCLUSIONS: Establishment of a mixed species community follows a specific sequence of inoculation that may either be due to some degree of match between co-colonizers or that P. aeruginosa predisposes uncolonized sections of the surface to permit B. cepacia colonization. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Colonization of a surface with one bacterial species confers colonization resistance towards other species. Disinfection of a surface might well increase the probability of pathogen harbourage.  相似文献   


Human serum paraoxonase 1 (PON1) plays a major role in the metabolism of several organophosphorus compounds. The enzyme is encoded by the polymorphic gene PON1, located on chromosome 7q21.3. Aiming to identify genetic variations related to the risk of developing brain tumors, we investigated the putative association between common nonsynonymous PON1 polymorphisms and the risk of developing astrocytoma and meningioma.  相似文献   
Plasmids were found in strains representing all four species of the genus Deinococcus viz. D. radiodurans, D. radiopugnans, D. radiophilus and D. proteolyticus but were not found in the most intensively-investigated strain of the genus, D. radiodurans R1. Their sizes were calculated from electron micrographs. D. radiophilus yielded three size classes of plasmid while D. radiodurans Sark, D. proteolyticus and D. radiopugnans each yielded two. Attempts to cure D. radiophilus and D. radiodurans Sark of any of their plasmids, using a variety of methods, were unsuccessful. A 10.8 kbase pair (kb) plasmid from D. radiophilus, pUE1, was cloned into the PstI site of pAT153 and propagated in Escherichia coli HB101. The recombinant plasmid, pUE109 was subjected to single and double digestion with various restriction endonucleases and its restriction map constructed. The resistance of E. coli HB101 to ultraviolet radiation was not increased when pUE109 was introduced into it. Attempts to transform D. radiodurans with pUE109 failed to detect tetracycline-resistant transformants.  相似文献   
The use of graduated compression stockings (GCS) in sport has been increasing in the last years due to their potential positive effects for athletes. However, there is little evidence to support whether these types of garments actually improve cardiorespiratory performance. The aim of this study was to examine the cardiorespiratory responses of GCS during running after three weeks of regular use. Twenty recreational runners performed three tests on different days: test 1) – a 5-min maximal effort run in order to determine the participants’ maximal aerobic speed; and tests 2) and 3) – a fatigue running test of 30 minutes at 80% of their maximal aerobic speed with either GCS or PLACEBO stockings at random. Cardiorespiratory parameters (minute ventilation, heart rate, relative oxygen consumption, relative carbon dioxide production, ventilatory equivalents for oxygen and carbon dioxide, and oxygen pulse) were measured. Before each test in the laboratory, the participants trained with the randomly assigned stockings (GCS or PLACEBO) for three weeks. No significant differences between GCS and PLACEBO were found in any of the cardiorespiratory parameters. In conclusion, the present study provides evidence that running with GCS for three weeks does not influence cardiorespiratory parameters in recreational runners.  相似文献   
Fourteen elite sorghum lines were evaluated for their resistance to Striga hermonthica at three locations in Nigeria and Mali. Results showed that many of the lines especially MALISOR 84-1, SAMSORG 41, 97-SB-F5DT-64 (Keninkédié) and the check SRN 39 remained resistant to Striga in all locations with low emerged Striga counts, while SAMSORG 14 had the highest Striga infestation in all locations. Considerable variation in reaction to Striga infestation was observed on Séguètana, 97-SB-F5DT-63 (Wasa), 97-SB-F5DT-65, CMDT 38, CMDT 39 and CMDT 45 which were susceptible to Striga at Samaru, Nigeria but were resistant to Striga at both locations in Mali. Based on low Striga resistance and high grain yield, lines MALISOR 84-1, SAMSORG 41, 97-SB-F5DT-64, 97-SB-F5DT-65, CMDT 39 and SAMSORT 14 have been nominated for wider evaluation across more West African countries.  相似文献   
A gene library from Deinococcus radiodurans has been constructed in the cosmid pJBFH. A 51.5-kb hybrid cosmid, pUE40, that transduced Escherichia coli HB101 from leucine dependence to independence was selected, and a 6.9-kb fragment which carried the leuB gene from D. radiodurans was subcloned into the EcoRI site of pAT153. The DNA repair genes mtcA, mtcB, uvsC, uvsD and uvsE, which code for two D. radiodurans UV endonucleases were identified by transforming appropriate repair-deficient mutants of D. radiodurans to repair proficiency with DNA derived from the gene library. Hybrid cosmid pUE50 (37.9 kb) containing an insert carrying both the mtcA and mtcB genes was selected and 5.6- and 2.7-kb DNA fragments carrying mtcA and mtcB, respectively, i.e., the genes that code for UV endonuclease alpha, were subcloned into the EcoRI site of pAT153. The three genes uvsC, uvsD and uvsE, that code for UV endonuclease beta, were all present in the 46.0-kb hybrid cosmid pUE60. The uvsE gene in a 12.2-kb fragment was subcloned into the HindIII site of pAT153 and the size of the insert reduced to 6.1 kb by deletion of a 6.7-kb fragment from the hybrid plasmid pUE62. None of the uvs genes introduced into the UV-sensitive E. coli CSR603 (uvrA-) was able to complement its repair defect. The mtcA, uvsC, uvsD and uvsE genes were found in the 52.5-kb hybrid cosmid pUE70. It is concluded that the DNA repair genes mtcA, mtcB, uvsC, uvsD and uvsE are located within an 83.0-kb fragment of the D. radiodurans genome.  相似文献   
Many structural, signaling, and adhesion molecules contain tandemly repeated amino acid motifs. The alpha-actinin/spectrin/dystrophin superfamily of F-actin-crosslinking proteins contains an array of triple alpha-helical motifs (spectrin repeats). We present here the complete sequence of the novel beta-spectrin isoform beta(Heavy)- spectrin (beta H). The sequence of beta H supports the origin of alpha- and beta-spectrins from a common ancestor, and we present a novel model for the origin of the spectrins from a homodimeric actin-crosslinking precursor. The pattern of similarity between the spectrin repeat units indicates that they have evolved by a series of nested, nonuniform duplications. Furthermore, the spectrins and dystrophins clearly have common ancestry, yet the repeat unit is of a different length in each family. Together, these observations suggest a dynamic period of increase in repeat number accompanied by homogenization within each array by concerted evolution. However, today, there is greater similarity of homologous repeats between species than there is across repeats within species, suggesting that concerted evolution ceased some time before the arthropod/vertebrate split. We propose a two-phase model for the evolution of the spectrin repeat arrays in which an initial phase of concerted evolution is subsequently retarded as each new protein becomes constrained to a specific length and the repeats diverge at the DNA level. This evolutionary model has general applicability to the origins of the many other proteins that have tandemly repeated motifs.   相似文献   
Endothelial cell junctions   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In the course of a freeze-cleave study on intercellular junctions in the regenerating rat liver, we observed an unusual array of intramembranous particles located in regions of contact between endothelial cells lining the hepatic sinusoids. These arrays were characterized by an accumulation of particles which resembled a zonula occludens in their linear deployment but differed in that the contact regions were composed of individual particles which remained separated from each other by regular particle-free intervals.  相似文献   
Nep1-like proteins (NLPs) are a novel family of microbial elicitors of plant necrosis that induce a hypersensitive-like response in dicot plants. The spatial structure and role of these proteins are yet unknown. In a paper published in BMC Plant Biology (2008; 8:50) we have proposed that the core region of Nep1-like proteins (NLPs) belong to the Cupin superfamily. Based on what is known about the Cupin superfamily, in this addendum to the paper we discuss how NLPs could form oligomers.Key words: quaternary structure, necrosis and ethylene inducing proteins, NLPs, MpNEP1, MpNEP2, NPP1, Moniliophthora perniciosa, Phytophthora parasiticaCupins may be organized as monomers, dimers, hexamers and octamers of β-barrel domains.1 To the best of our knowledge trimers have not been detected yet. The interaction of two monomers building up a dimeric structure is basically performed by three types of interactions: hydrophobic interactions between β-strands in different subunits, salt bridges and hydrogen bonds between β-strands. In cupin dimers, the hydrophobic interactions occur between two βI strands in different subunits (Fig. 1A and B). This strand represents the central axis of rotation of the dimer as one residue in βI interacts with the corresponding residue in the other subunit (Fig. 1B). Therefore, all residues in βI must be hydrophobic, as one residue interacts with the other subunit and the next one in the sequence interacts with the interior of the protein. Charged residues in βI would disrupt such interactions. Most cupin dimers have strong hydrophobic residues such as tryptophan (W), phenylalanine (F) and methionine (M) pointing towards the own subunit (↓), while small hydrophobic residues such as leucine (L), isoleucine (I), and valine (V) point to the other subunit (↑). A particular case is leucine that interacts with other subunits, for instance, βI = liaW (positions 217–220 in Fig. 1B) and βI = LVsw of type I and II NLP consensuses, respectively. Therefore, the pattern of hydropathicity suggests that the side chain orientation is βI = l217 ↑ i218 ↓ a219 ↑ W220 ↓ d221 ↑. However we observe that just after βI there is a charged residue (aspartate D221) which would point outwards disrupting the dimer or at least making it less stable. It is interesting to observe that the requirement for a negatively charged residue at this last position is very high: 96% of all type I NLPs contains an aspartate (D) or glutamate (E) indicating an important role for it, maybe in avoiding dimerization of the NLPs. A second interesting hypothesis is as follows: several cupins are oxygenases, decarboxylases, etc. and use a negatively charged residue, such as aspartate or glutamate as proton donor.1 Now, if the alternate pattern of side chains of the residues is βI = l217 ↓ i218 ↑ a219 ↓ W220 ↑ d221 ↓, instead of the previous one, then the aspartate or glutamate residue would point to the hydrophobic pocket and would be positioned to interact with the metal ion, as in cupins with enzymatic activity. However, there are no experimental evidences that the NLPs have enzymatic activity.Open in a separate windowFigure 1(A) Three-dimensional structure prediction for type I NLP consensus, (B) Interface between two βI strands in type I NLP consensus. From the left to the right: EF-coil with the conserved residue H162, βC and βH strands (superposed) with the conserved histidines H133 and H135 in βC, H193 and leucine L195 in βH, W220 in βI and W118 in βB. The strands in the right subunit follow the same pattern but rotated.The second type of interaction is salt bridges between charged residues in different subunits. Analyzing all interacting side chains in the 1VJ2 protein (dimer), we verify that the charged side chains of N35 and E57 (numbers in original structure) are only 2.72 Å apart. In the NLPs, this corresponds to N10836% (Q10860%) at the border of βB and E13898%. The negatively charged residue D125 helps to correct the orientation of the subunits in relation to each other avoiding any disorientation. The high conservation level of these residues suggests that NLPs are dimeric structures. However, as we will see next, only hydrophobic and charged interactions are not enough to build a dimer.Garcia et al. (2007)2 have used small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) to show that, in solution, at low concentrations (<2 mg/ml) the two copies of the NLPs of Moniliophthora perniciosa, MpNEP1 and MpNEP2, exist as dimers and monomers, respectively. The same technique showed that at higher concentrations, >5 mg/ml, both proteins exist as dimers, as is the case for PpNPP1.2 They also reported, based on electrophoresis analysis, that PpNPP1 and MpNEP1 exist as oligomers and MpNEP2 as monomers.2 However, experiments with the PpNPP1 in size exclusion chromatography using myoglobin as size standard suggest that PpNPP1 is a monomer.3 Figure 2 compares MpNEP1, MpNEP2 and PpNPP1, where the most relevant differences in sequence are marked with asterisks (*) and are possibly related to the differences in oligomeric properties between MpNEP1 and PpNPP1 with MpNEP2. These positions are methionine M27 and leucine L35, which occur only in MpNEP2, glycine G250, which occurs only in MpNEP2 and NEP1 (Fusarium oxysporum) and lysine K31, which occurs only MpNEP2, BAB04114 (Bacillus halodurans) and AAU23136 (Bacillus licheniformis). The other residues are aspartate D28, which occurs 9 times and alanine A37 which occurs 7 times of all investigated NLPs. Thus, the sequence mdHDkiakl at the start of the NLPs seems to explain the monomeric state of MpNEP2, although at higher concentrations they form dimers. Besides the weak hydrophobic interactions, dimeric cupins and bicupins (two β barrels in the same sequence building up a dimeric-like 4d-structure) are stable structures (see Fig. 1 in ref. 4). By aggregating the first β-strand in the start domain of one β-barrel to the ABIDG β-sheet of the other β-barrel, composing a big ABIDGY β-sheet (Y is the first β-strand). For instance, using the bicupin 1L3J (oxalate decarboxylase) as template, the low confidence level β-strand at position 26–33 (v in H29D30 avv) in type I NLPs corresponds to the first β-strand. Since this proceeds from both barrels they can build a stable structure (see Fig. 1 in ref. 4). The quaternary structure is related to the presence of interaction residues in the BID β-sheet of the cupin structure. These are present in the NLPs and would enable them to form dimers.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Alignment of type I NLP consensus, PpNPP1, MpNEP1 and MpNEP2. Solid line boxes are β-strands, double line boxes are α-helices. The sequence positions marked with asterisks (*) are possibly related to the differences in oligomeric properties between MpNEP1 and PpNPP1 with MpNEP2.  相似文献   
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