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By mixing chlorophyll (Chl) a or b with a dense bovine serum albumin solution, the water-soluble Chl-bovine serum albumin complexes were prepared. These complexes, eluted near the void volume on a gel filtration, were separated well from unreacted bovine serum albumin, indicating an aggregation of such molecules in the complexes. Preparation of chlorophyllide (Chlide) a- or Chlide b-bovine serum albumin complex was unsuccessful, while the phytol-, and β-carotene-bovine serum albumin complexes could be obtained. Chls in the Chl-bovine serum albumin complexes had the following characteristics. (i) Main absorption peak of Chl a or b in the red region occurred at 675 nm or 652 nm, respectively. The Chl a-bovine serum albumin complex having absorption peak at 740 nm was also prepared. As compared with the stabilities of Chl a and b in Triton X-100. (ii) Both Chls in the bovine serum albumin-complexes were stable against oxidative stresses, such as photobleaching, Fenton reagent, peroxidase-H2O2 system. But (iii) they were easily hydrolyzed by chlorophyllase. These properties of Chls in the bovine serum albumin-complexes were similar to those of Chls in the isolated light-harvesting Chl a/b protein complex. A possible localization of Chls within the bovine serum albumin complexes was suggested that the porphyrin moiety of Chl was buried in bovine serum albumin; however, the hydrophilic edge of porphyrin ring, adjacent to the phytol group, occurred in the hydrophilic region of a bovine serum albumin molecule.  相似文献   
Penicillin-susceptible mutants and beta-lactamase-negative mutants were isolated from Mycobacterium smegmatis after nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis. Both the mutants were found to be susceptible to low levels of penicillin and cephalosporins by twofold dilution testing. Clavulanic acid reduced the minimal inhibitory concentrations of beta-lactamase-labile beta-lactams for the penicillin-susceptible mutants and the parent strain, but had no effect on the susceptibility of the beta-lactamase-negative mutants. Comparison of the beta-lactamase activities found in these mutants and the parent strain indicated that there was a rough correlation between the beta-lactamase level in these organisms and their susceptibility to beta-lactams.  相似文献   
By using monoclonal antibodies directed against discoidin II,we have isolated cDNA clones from axenically grown Ax-2 cells.On cDNA clone (D2) condtained a 1.2-k.b insert encoding theentire discoidin II protein, which is conposed of 257 aminoacid residuces and has a calculated molecular mass of 28,574.The amino acid sequences, determined by Edman degradation ofsix tryptic peptides of discoidin II, were identical to thosededuced from the cDNA sequences. The protein bears no resemblanceto any proteins in the data banks, except that its sequenceis 49% identical with the amino acid sequence of discoidin I.Discoidin II shares with discoidin I both a carbohydratebindingsite and an Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence, which has been foundin fibronectin in mammalian cells. With the onset of aggregation(8 h of development), a 1.3-kb discoidin II mRNA begins to accumulate.A similar pattern of regulation occurs at the protein level. 1Present address: MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology,University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT UnitedKingdom  相似文献   
The cellular slime mold, Polysphondylium pallidum, has two EDTA-resistanttypes of cell-cell adhesion. The major component of them hasbeen identified as a glycoprotein with a molecular mass of 64kDa on SDS-PAGE (referred to as gp64). We found that a substantialamount of the gp64 run as dimer, when gp64 was dissolved inSDS-sample buffer without 2-mercaptoethanol and then subjectedto electrophoresis. The occurrence of a homophilic dimer wasdemonstrated by analyzing the dimer-like band on a gel for itsamino acid sequence and amino acid composition. The dimer-likeband also was analyzed by three sorts of monoclonal antibodies,two of which recognize respectively a conforniational epitopeand a denatured epitope of the protein moiety of gp64. The dataindicate that the native conformation of gp64 is necessary fordimer formation. 2Present address: Institute of Immunological Science, HokkaidoUniversity, Sapporo, 060 Japan  相似文献   
Food habits of sika deer on the Boso Peninsula,central japan   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The rumen contents of sika deer (Cervus nippon Temminck) on the Boso Peninsula, central Japan, were analyzed to identify local, sexual and age-specific differences in food habits. Graminoids and woody plants were the primary foods throughout the year. In winter, the use of evergreen broad leaves increased. The food habits of sika deer on Boso Peninsula were intermediate between those of populations inhabiting northern and southern Japan. Acorns, mainlyLithocarpus edulis Nakai, were consumed in fall and winter with a peak in October. Since the availability of acorns is not influenced by foraging in previous years, it can be regarded as a stable food supply and hence may be important for deer on the Boso Peninsula. The local difference between the Amatsukominato (AT) area, having a large plantation ofLithocarpus producing acrons, and the Kamogawa-Katsuura (KK) area, having a small plantation ofLithocarpus, was recognized; seeds and fruit were consumed more in AT than in KK in fall and winter. Males consumed more seeds and fruit than females at both sites in fall. This can be attributed to sexual differences in nutritional requirement.  相似文献   
We investigated the interleukin-8 (IL-8)-producing activity of influenza A NWS virus in cultured rat kidney NRK-52E cells and a rat influenza model. The production of rat IL-8 increased significantly in the virus-infected cells but not in UV-inactivated virus- or split-product-treated cells. The increase in IL-8 production could be detected in the bronchoalveolar lavage of infected rats. These data suggest that infectious virus has the potential to accelerate the production of IL-8 in cultured cells and in vivo in airway-lining cells.  相似文献   
Changes in the pattern of soluble proteins that accumulatedat the growth phase, interphase and late-aggregation phase ofthe cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum were studiedby two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Amongthe 300 proteins detected during the early development, themost soluble do not change during the growth and aggregationphases, but about 90 proteins show changes in their relativeintensities on staining. During the transition from growth tothe interphase, the predominant changes were the disappearanceof 16 spots, the decrease in 30 spots, the appearance of 13new spots, and the increase in 14 spots. In contrast, from theinterphase to the late-aggregation phase, there were remarkableprogressive increases in 13 spots, an overall increase in 6spots, a decrease in 16 spots, the appearance of 8 new spotsand the disappearance of 4 spots. (Received July 13, 1979; )  相似文献   
Photosynthetic ATP accumulation was shown in the presence of exogenous ADP plus orthophosphate on illumination to the intact cells of a strain of thermophilic blue-green algae isolated from Matsue hot springs, Mastigocladus sp. Kinetic studies of various effectors on the ATP accumulation proved that the ATP synthesis depends mainly on the cyclic photophosphorylation system around photosystem I (PS-I) in the algal cells. The temperature and pH optima for the accumulation were found at 45 degrees C and pH 7.5. Maximum yield was obtained with light intensity higher than 15 mW/cm(2). Borate ion exerted pronounced enhancement on the ATP synthesis. With a continuous reactor at a flow rate of 1 ml/hr at 45 degrees C and pH 7.5, efficient photoconversion of ADP (2mM, at substrate reservoir) to ATP (1mM, at product outlet) has been maintained for a period of 2.5 days, though the efficiency has decreased in a further 2-day period to the level of 0.5mM ATP/9.5 h of residence time.  相似文献   
The molecular architecture of hemoglobins and their subunits of the earthworms Pheretima communissima and Pheretima hilgendorfi was investigated. In both species, their s0.20,w of 60.8 S and D020,w of 1.80 . 10(-7) cm2 . s-1 corresponded to a molecular weight of 3.07 . 10(6). From electron microscopic observations, the overall structure of the hemoglobins was shown to be two superimposed hexagonal discs, each composed of six-membered constituents. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of both hemoglobins revealed the presence of five species of subunits with molecular weights of 13,000-14,000 (subunit 1), 27,000-28,000 (subunit 2), 30,000-31,000 (subunit 3), 33,000-34,000 (subunit 4) and approx. 52,000 (subunit 5), respectively, and the molar ratio of these subunits 1:2, 3, 4:5 was 2:3:3. If we consider this set of the subunits 1 to 5 as one unit, the molecular weight of this unit should be 2.7-2.8 . 10(5). This one unit, therefore, should be considered to represent one-twelfth the whole molecule with molecular weight of 3.07 . 10(6).  相似文献   
1. The properties of 3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzylidenemalononitrile (SF 6847) were studied chemically and spectroscopically. Two molecular species of SF6847 were identified: the undissociated form (SFH; ?363, 10 mM?1) and the dissociated form (SF?; ?454, 35 mM?1). The pKa value of the molecule was determined to be 6.9.2. On the basis of these properties the interactions of SF6847 with liposomes and valinomycin · K+ were studied. The partition constants of SFH (Knp and SF? (K?p) to liposomes were determined separately; Knp was 56 mM?1 and was independent of the pH of the medium, whereas K?p dependend greatly on the pH, being 1.2 mM?1 at pH 7.0 and 2.9 mM?1 at pH 8.0. Using these values, the partition constant of total SF6847 (Kp) was calculated and found to be essentially the same as that calculated from the kinetics of proton uptake. It was concluded that the amount of SF? bound to liposomes is rate limiting for proton uptake.3. The effects of membrane potential on partition constants were studied. The K?p decreased greatly upon generation of a membrane potential negative inside the liposomes but increased upon generation of a membrane potential positive inside the liposomes.4. The interaction of SF6847 with valinomycin in aqueous solution and in liposomes was demonstrated only in the presence of potassium ion. Potassium ion could not be replaced by sodium ion. Evidence was obtained for the formation of the ternary complex valinomycin · K+ · SF? in liposomes and in hexane. It was concluded that SF? became more soluble in the liposomal membranes on formation of this ternary complex. All these results support our proposed mechanism for the proton uptake cycle (Yamaguchi, A. and Anraku, Y. (1978) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 501, 136–149).  相似文献   
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