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Accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau in the entorhinal cortex (EC) is one of the earliest pathological hallmarks in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It can occur before significant Aβ deposition and appears to “spread” into anatomically connected brain regions. To determine whether this early-stage pathology is sufficient to cause disease progression and cognitive decline in experimental models, we overexpressed mutant human tau (hTauP301L) predominantly in layer II/III neurons of the mouse EC. Cognitive functions remained normal in mice at 4, 8, 12 and 16 months of age, despite early and extensive tau accumulation in the EC. Perforant path (PP) axon terminals within the dentate gyrus (DG) contained abnormal conformations of tau even in young EC-hTau mice, and phosphorylated tau increased with age in both the EC and PP. In old mice, ultrastructural alterations in presynaptic terminals were observed at PP-to-granule cell synapses. Phosphorylated tau was more abundant in presynaptic than postsynaptic elements. Human and pathological tau was also detected within hippocampal neurons of this mouse model. Thus, hTauP301L accumulation predominantly in the EC and related presynaptic pathology in hippocampal circuits was not sufficient to cause robust cognitive deficits within the age range analyzed here.  相似文献   
Summary The mutagen-sensitive mutant mus(1)104 D1 of Drosophila melanogaster maps to a position on the X chromosome very close to the meiotic mutant mei-41 D5 . Both mutants have been characterized as mutagen-sensitive and defective in post-replication repair. In the present report we show by complementation studies that mus(1)104 and mus(1)103 are allelic with mei-41. In addition, two reported alleles of mus(1)104 lie between the mei-41 alleles A10 and D5. The size of the mei-41 locus is estimated to be about 0.1 centimorgans (cM). Because several alleles of mei-41 have been shown to reduce recombination and increase meiotic chromosome loss and nondisjunction, mus(1)104 D1 females were examined for defects in meiosis. Although there was no evidence for reduced recombination on the second chromosome in homozygous mus(1)104 D1 females, heterozygous mus(1)104 D1 /mei-41 >D5 and mus(1)104 D1 /deficiency females showed reduced levels of recombination. However, there was no evidence of an increase in nondijunction in these females.We dedicate this article to the memory of Larry Sandler, who passed away suddenly on February 7, 1987  相似文献   
Summary Biosynthesis and processing of the protective protein for -galactosidase in normal and galactosialidosis fibroblasts were investigated using specific antiserum preparations. A 45-kd precursor was processed to a mature 30-kd protein in normal fibroblasts. The mature protective protein was not detected in any of the twelve galactosialidosis fibroblast strains examined in this study. The precursor was not detected in two cases and in the others was of heterogeneous molecular weight, i.e., normal, abnormally low, or abnormally high. These molecular abnormalities were not correlated with clinical manifestations of the patients.  相似文献   
In order to elucidate the maternal factors influencing the functional development of the fetal rat thyroid gland, pregnant rats were subjected to either thyroidectomy or administration of PTU or TSH and the thyroid glands of the fetuses were examined chronologically by immunohistochemistry to detect thyroglobulin (Tg), T4 and T3. In the group undergoing thyroidectomy, the occurrence of immunoreactive Tg, T4 and T3 was the same as in the control group in spite of slight retardation of the development of the thyroid gland. On the other hand, PTU administration caused remarkable degeneration of the hyperplastic epithelium of the follicles, where immunoreactivity of T4 and T3 was barely detectable, suggesting a transplacental effect of PTU on the fetal thyroid gland. However, Tg remained unaffected and was stained as well as in the controls. Injection of TSH led to a delay in the occurrence of T4 and T3 by one day, probably due to increased levels of thyroid hormone from the stimulated thyroid gland of the mother rats.  相似文献   
“Bulk density” and “dry-matter content” are useful indices of dry-matter accumulation in plant organs. A theoretical equation describing the relationship between these two indices was put forward. To examine the reliability of this equation, the seasonal changes of these two indices were investigated in the leaves and stems of different ages ofAucuba japonica. In each organ both indices varied seasonally almost parallel to each other, but the seasonal changes of dry-matter content were less obvious than those of bulk density. The observed bulk density was always larger than that calculated from the observed dry-matter content by the theoretical equation. A drying experiment showed that this discrepancy was caused by the decrement of the volume of the plant material by water loss during the period from the weight measurement to the volume measurement. When the water loss was negligible, the equation described well the relationships between the two indices of the experimental materials. It was also shown that this equation was useful for the estimation of the amount of air space in plant materials.  相似文献   
Ontogenies of cultured Panus conchatus, P. rudis, and P. fulvus sporocarps were observed macroscopically and with scanning electron microscopy. Hymenophore differentiation in Panus involves periclinal growth of context hyphae below a closed surface palisade of hymenial elements, resulting in a cantharelloid appearance and radiate trama. This pattern is qualitatively different from that in Lentinus s. str., which suggests that lamellae of Panus and Lentinus are not homologous. Panus conchatus and P. rudis sporocarps have short stipes, develop directly from the mycelium, and mature in 5–10 d. Panus fulvus sporocarps have an elongate stipe, develop from a pseudosclerotium, and mature in about 3 wk, the first approximately 15 d of which involve apical elongation of a stipelike primordium that is able to dedifferentiate and regenerate cut apices. Panus conchatus and P. rudis sporocarps lacked regeneration ability. Panus conchatus sporocarps developed an ephemeral partial veil that was obliterated during sporocarp expansion. Outgroup comparison suggests that evolutionary changes in developmental programs in Panus have included: 1) delay in offset of primordium growth, with a corresponding increase in primordium size and time to maturation (hypermorphosis); 2) insertion of the pseudosclerotial stage in ontogeny; 3) gain of ability for dedifferentiation and regeneration; and 4) nonterminal gain or loss of veil tissue.  相似文献   
Human plasmain vitro inhibits the growth of coagulase negative staphylococci,S. epidermidis, which may be pathogenic in the immunocompromised host. To determine the antimicrobial components, serum was fractionated by column chromatography, which revealed that elution areas where lipoproteins can be yielded had high antimicrobial activity againstS. epidermidis. Therefore, lipoprotein fractions, including very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL), were separated by ultracentrifugation and incubated withS. epidermidis. All 3 lipoprotein fractions suppressed bacterial growth within the first 3 h but VLDL enhanced bacterial growth after 9 h of incubation compared with the control. HDL, however, inhibited bacterial growth throughout 21 h of incubation.To confirm these results, serum from healthy volunteers was separated by ion exchange column chromatography and again by HPLC to purify the antimicrobial fraction. In the protein analysis with gradient polyacrylamide-SDS gel, apolipoprotein Al (apo Al), which is a major apolipoprotein of HDL, was detected in the antimicrobial fraction. Therefore, this fraction was loaded onto an immunoaffinity column coupled with the anti-apo Al monoclonal antibody (Mab). Unbound fraction had no antimicrobial activity, but anti-S. epidermidis activity was recovered from the bound fraction which consisted mainly of apo Al, All and apo C in protein composition.These results indicated that the antimicrobial activity was associated with the apo Al-containing lipoprotein particles (HDL). This property of HDL may directly affect bacterial growth and promote the self-defense mechanisms of normal and immunocompromised individuals.  相似文献   
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