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Cytochrome oxidase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been crystallized from 2 m-ammonium sulfate. The crystals occur principally as thin diamond-shaped plates of space group P21212 with unit cell dimensions of 92 Å × 115 Å × 76 Å. Determination of the density of glutaraldehyde-fixed, water-equilibrated crystals (1.167 g/cm3), coupled with the unit cell volume (804,000 Å3), indicates that there is one subunit (~63,000 Mr) per asymmetric unit. X-ray diffraction data which were limited to 12 Å resolution due to small crystal size were obtained for the hk0 and 0kl zones using precession photography. Amplitude and phase data for the hk0, 0kl, and h0l zones were obtained from computer-based Fourier analysis of appropriate micrographs recorded from negatively stained microplates and thin sections of larger crystals using minimal beam electron microscopy. For crystals embedded in the presence of tannic acid it was possible to achieve 20 Å resolution which is comparable to the resolution achieved with negative staining of thin crystalline arrays. In addition, unstained electron diffraction on glutaraldehyde-fixed, glucose-stabilized plates was recorded to a resolution of 9 Å. The three-dimensional packing of the cytochrome oxidase dimer in the unit cell has been deduced from computer reconstructed images of the three principal projections along the crystallographic axes. The cytochrome oxidase dimer is located in the unit cell with the dimer axis coincident with a crystallographic 2-fold axis; thus within the resolution of the present data in projection (9 Å) the two subunits are identical, in agreement with biochemical evidence. The crystals have been prepared with the enzyme in the fully oxidized state and upon reduction a progressive cracking of the crystals is observed, possibly due to a conformational change dependent on the oxidation state of the heme iron.  相似文献   
Assaying DNA methylation based on high-throughput melting curve approaches   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Akey DT  Akey JM  Zhang K  Jin L 《Genomics》2002,80(4):376-384
Here we describe two high-throughput methods to assay DNA methylation, melting curve methylation specific PCR (McMSP) and melting curve combined bisulfite restriction analysis (McCOBRA), which adapt standard MSP and COBRA methods to a melting curve analysis based platform. We show that McMSP and McCOBRA can accurately determine methylation status in a high-throughput and gel-free manner. Moreover, McCOBRA can be used to quantitatively estimate the percent of methylated DNA at a specific CpG site within a heterogeneous sample. The accuracy of McMSP and McCOBRA was initially tested using the 5'-CpG site of the tumor-suppressor gene CDKN2A as a model system in homogeneous and heterogeneous controls, and cancer cell line samples. Furthermore, the robustness of McMSP and McCOBRA was validated in four additional loci. We demonstrate that McCOBRA and McMSP provide several advantages over existing methods, as they are simple, accurate, and high-throughput, which makes them widely applicable to large-scale methylation studies.  相似文献   
High voltage-activated (HVA) Cav channels form complexes with KCa1.1 channels, allowing reliable activation of KCa1.1 current through a nanodomain interaction. We recently found that low voltage-activated Cav3 calcium channels also create KCa1.1-Cav3 complexes. While coimmunoprecipitation studies again supported a nanodomain interaction, the sensitivity to calcium chelating agents was instead consistent with a microdomain interaction. A computational model of the KCa1.1-Cav3 complex suggested that multiple Cav3 channels were necessary to activate KCa1.1 channels, potentially causing the KCa1.1-Cav3 complex to be more susceptible to calcium chelators. Here, we expanded the model and compared it to a KCa1.1-Cav2.2 model to examine the role of Cav channel conductance and kinetics on KCa1.1 activation. As found for direct recordings, the voltage-dependent and kinetic properties of Cav3 channels were reflected in the activation of KCa1.1 current, including transient activation from lower voltages than other KCa1.1-Cav complexes. Substantial activation of KCa1.1 channels required the concerted activity of several Cav3.2 channels. Combined with the effect of EGTA, these results suggest that the Ca2+ domains of several KCa1.1-Cav3 complexes need to cooperate to generate sufficient [Ca2+]i, despite the physical association between KCa1.1 and Cav3 channels. By comparison, Cav2.2 channels were twice as effective at activating KCa1.1 channels and a single KCa1.1-Cav2.2 complex would be self-sufficient. However, even though Cav3 channels generate small, transient currents, the regulation of KCa1.1 activity by Cav3 channels is possible if multiple complexes cooperate through microdomain interactions.  相似文献   
There is considerable interest in identifying and characterizing block-like patterns of linkage disequilibrium (LD; haplotype blocks) in the human genome as these may facilitate the identification of complex disease genes via genome-wide association studies. Although recombination hot-spots have been suggested as the primary mechanism to explain the block-like pattern of LD, other forces, such as genetic drift, may also be important. To this end, we have studied the effect of various recombination models on patterns of LD by using extensive simulations. As expected, haplotype blocks were observed under a model allowing recombination hot-spots. However, we also observed similar block-like patterns in the models where recombination crossovers are randomly and uniformly distributed, and we demonstrate that these blocks are generated by genetic drift. We caution that genetic drift may be an alternative mechanism (in addition to recombination hot-spots) that can lead to block-like patterns of LD. Our findings highlight the necessity of characterizing haplotype blocks in world-wide populations.  相似文献   


Of the animals typically used to study fertilization-induced calcium dynamics, none is as accessible to genetics and molecular biology as the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. Motivated by the experimental possibilities inherent in using such a well-established model organism, we have characterized fertilization-induced calcium dynamics in C. elegans.


Owing to the transparency of the nematode, we have been able to study the calcium signal in C. elegans fertilization in vivo by monitoring the fluorescence of calcium indicator dyes that we introduce into the cytosol of oocytes. In C. elegans, fertilization induces a single calcium transient that is initiated soon after oocyte entry into the spermatheca, the compartment that contains sperm. Therefore, it is likely that the calcium transient is initiated by contact with sperm. This calcium elevation spreads throughout the oocyte, and decays monotonically after which the cytosolic calcium concentration returns to that preceding fertilization. Only this single calcium transient is observed.


Development of a technique to study fertilization induced calcium transients opens several experimental possibilities, e.g., identification of the signaling events intervening sperm binding and calcium elevation, identifying the possible roles of the calcium elevation such as the completion of meiosis, the formation of the eggshell, and the establishing of the embryo's axis of symmetry.  相似文献   
Akey JM  Sosnoski D  Parra E  Dios S  Hiester K  Su B  Bonilla C  Jin L  Shriver MD 《BioTechniques》2001,30(2):358-62, 364, 366-7
High-throughput methods for assaying DNA variation require two important steps: (i) discriminating the variation and (ii) detecting the signal. In this report, we describe a novel SNP genotyping method that we refer to as melting curve analysis of SNPs (McSNP). McSNP combines a classic approach for discriminating alleles, restriction enzyme digestion, with a more recent method for detecting DNA fragments, melting curve analysis. Melting curve analysis is performed by slowly heating DNA fragments in the presence of the dsDNA-specific fluorescent dye SYBR Green I. As the sample is heated, fluorescence rapidly decreases when the melting temperature of a particular fragment is reached. We show that it is possible to determine the composition of simple mixtures of DNA fragments, such as those that result from restriction enzyme digestions of short PCR products. McSNP is well suited for high-throughput genotyping because 96 samples can be analyzed and automatically scored in 20 min. Our results clearly demonstrate that McSNP is a simple, inexpensive, and accurate means of genotyping SNP variation.  相似文献   
The co-translational translocation of proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen and the biogenesis of membrane proteins require ribosome binding to a membrane channel formed by the Sec61p complex. We now report the 17A structure of a mammalian ribosome-channel complex derived from ER membranes. Atomic models of the ribosomal subunits were aligned to the programmed ribosome from Thermus thermophilus, to provide a common reference frame. The T.thermophilus ribosome, and by extension all known high resolution subunit models, were then docked within our map of the ribosome-channel complex. The structure shows that the ribosome contains a putative tRNA in the exit site, and a comparison with a non-programmed, yeast ribosome suggests that the L1 stalk may function as a gate in the tRNA exit path. We have localized six major expansion segments in the large subunit of the vertebrate ribosome including ES27, and suggest a function for ES30.The large ribosomal subunit is linked to the channel by four connections. We identified regions in the large subunit rRNA and four proteins that may help form the connections. These regions of the ribosome probably serve as a template to guide the assembly of the asymmetric translocation channel. Three of the connections form a picket fence that separates the putative translocation pore from the attachment site of an additional membrane component. The ribosome-channel connections also create an open junction that would allow egress of a nascent chain into the cytosol. At a threshold that is appropriate for the entire complex, the channel is rather solid and the lumenal half of the putative translocation pore is closed. These data suggest that the flow of small molecules across the membrane may be impeded by the channel itself, rather than the ribosome-channel junction.  相似文献   
Recent studies suggest that haplotypes are arranged into discrete blocklike structures throughout the human genome. Here, we present an alternative haplotype block definition that assumes no recombination within each block but allows for recombination between blocks, and we use it to study the combined effects of demographic history and various population genetic parameters on haplotype block characteristics. Through extensive coalescent simulations and analysis of published haplotype data on chromosome 21, we find that (1) the combined effects of population demographic history, recombination, and mutation dictate haplotype block characteristics and (2) haplotype blocks can arise in the absence of recombination hot spots. Finally, we provide practical guidelines for designing and interpreting studies investigating haplotype block structure.  相似文献   
At present there is tremendous interest in characterizing the magnitude and distribution of linkage disequilibrium (LD) throughout the human genome, which will provide the necessary foundation for genome-wide LD analyses and facilitate detailed evolutionary studies. To this end, a human high-density single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker map has been constructed. Many of the SNPs on this map, however, were identified by sampling a small number of chromosomes from a single population, and inferences drawn from studies using such SNPs may be influenced by ascertainment bias (AB). Through extensive simulations, we have found that AB is a potentially significant problem in estimating and comparing LD within and between populations. Specifically, the magnitude of AB is a function of the SNP discovery strategy, number of chromosomes used for SNP discovery, population genetic characteristics of the particular genomic region considered, amount of gene flow between populations, and demographic history of the populations. We demonstrate that a balanced SNP discovery strategy (where equal numbers of chromosomes are sampled from multiple subpopulations) is the optimal study design for generating broadly applicable SNP resources. Finally, we validate our theoretical predictions by comparing our results to publicly available data from ten genes sequenced in 24 African American and 23 European American individuals.  相似文献   
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