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Exposure to interparental violence is associated with negative outcomes, such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and reduced cognitive abilities. However, little is known about the potential effects of witnessing domestic violence during childhood on gray matter volume (GMV) or cortical thickness. High-resolution 3.0 T volumetric scans (Siemens Trio Scanner) were obtained on 52 subjects (18–25 years) including 22 (6 males/16 females) with a history of visually witnessing episodes of domestic violence, and 30 (8 males/22 females) unexposed control subjects, with neither a current nor past DSM-IV Axis I or II disorder. Potential confounding effects of age, gender, level of parental verbal aggression, parental education, financial stress, full scale IQ, and total GMV, or average thickness were modeled using voxel based morphometry and FreeSurfer. Witnessing domestic violence subjects had a 6.1% GMV reduction in the right lingual gyrus (BA18) (P = 0.029, False Discovery Rate corrected peak level). Thickness in this region was also reduced, as was thickness in V2 bilaterally and left occipital pole. Theses regions were maximally sensitive to exposure to witnessing domestic violence between 11–13 years of age. Regional reductions in GMV and thickness were observed in both susceptible and resilient witnessing domestic violence subjects. Results in subjects witnessing domestic violence were similar to previously reported results in subjects with childhood sexual abuse, as the primary region affected was visual cortex. Brain regions that process and convey the adverse sensory input of the abuse may be specifically modified by this experience, particularly in subjects exposed to a single type of maltreatment. Exposure to multiple types of maltreatment is more commonly associated with morphological alterations in corticolimbic regions. These findings fit with preclinical studies showing that visual cortex is a highly plastic structure.  相似文献   
The bacterial H+-translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (NDH-1) catalyzes electron transfer from NADH to quinone coupled with proton pumping across the cytoplasmic membrane. The NuoK subunit (counterpart of the mitochondrial ND4L subunit) is one of the seven hydrophobic subunits in the membrane domain and bears three transmembrane segments (TM1–3). Two glutamic residues located in the adjacent transmembrane helices of NuoK are important for the energy coupled activity of NDH-1. In particular, mutation of the highly conserved carboxyl residue (KGlu-36 in TM2) to Ala led to a complete loss of the NDH-1 activities. Mutation of the second conserved carboxyl residue (KGlu-72 in TM3) moderately reduced the activities. To clarify the contribution of NuoK to the mechanism of proton translocation, we relocated these two conserved residues. When we shifted KGlu-36 along TM2 to positions 32, 38, 39, and 40, the mutants largely retained energy transducing NDH-1 activities. According to the recent structural information, these positions are located in the vicinity of KGlu-36, present in the same helix phase, in an immediately before and after helix turn. In an earlier study, a double mutation of two arginine residues located in a short cytoplasmic loop between TM1 and TM2 (loop-1) showed a drastic effect on energy transducing activities. Therefore, the importance of this cytosolic loop of NuoK (KArg-25, KArg-26, and KAsn-27) for the energy transducing activities was extensively studied. The probable roles of subunit NuoK in the energy transducing mechanism of NDH-1 are discussed.  相似文献   
Fifty-six unrelated Japanese patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) were HLA-typed, and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was performed after enzyme digestion with Bam HI and Taq I by using both DR and DQ probes. As previously reported, increased frequencies of Bw54, Cw1, DR4, and DRw53, which are in strong linkage disequilibrium in the Japanese population and make the characteristic Japanese haplotype, were confirmed. DQw4, a new allele of the DQ system recognized by the monoclonal antibody HU-46 and in linkage disequilibrium with this haplotype, presented the highest IDDM association. The RFLP analysis also showed the strongest correlation to IDDM when the DQ probe was applied. These results indicate that HLA-DQ might play the most important role in the development of IDDM in Japanese as well as in Caucasians. The correlation of DQ amino acid sequences strongly associated with IDDM in Japanese are discussed in this study, and contrasting results were found when such sequences were compared with those of Caucasians.Abbreviations used in this paper IDDM insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism - Asp aspartic acid - Asp-57 aspartic acid at the 57th residue of the DQ chain - non-Asp-57 nonaspartic acid at the 57th residue of the DQ chain - R.R. relative risk of Woolf and Haldane  相似文献   
To study the gene products of the HLA complex, we produced two monoclonal antibodies, termed HU-18 and HU-23. They were active in complement-dependent cytotoxicity and detected B-cell alloantigens encoded by a locus (or loci) linked to HLA. When three types of HLA-DR4 homozygous B-cell lines with different HLA-D specificities were tested for reactivity with HU-18 and HU-23, they displayed distinct reaction patterns depending on the HLA-D specificities they possessed: EBV-Wa (HLA-DYT homozygous), negative for both HU-18 and HU-23; KT2 and KOB (HLA-DKT2 homozygous), positive only for HU-18; and ER (HLA-Dw4 homozygous), positive for both. These differential reaction patterns were further confirmed by testing against a panel of 17 HLA-DR4-positive peripheral blood lymphocytes with known HLA-D specificities. Thus, these monoclonal antibodies allow us to identify HLA-DYT, HLA-DKT2, and HLA-Dw4 solely by serologic methods. This is the first clearcut serologic identification of these three HLA-DR4-associated HLA-D specificities, which have been indistinguishable by conventional serology and identified only by cellular techniques. It is hoped that immunochemical investigations using HU-18 and HU-23 will advance our understanding of the HLA-D region on a molecular level.  相似文献   
Cerulenin, an antifungal antibiotic produced by Cephalosporium caerulens, is a potent inhibitor of fatty acid synthase in various organisms, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The antibiotic inhibits the enzyme by binding covalently to the active center cysteine of the condensing enzyme domain. We isolated 12 cerulenin-resistant mutants of S. cerevisiae following treatment with ethyl methanesulfonate. The mechanism of cerulenin resistance in one of the mutants, KNCR-1, was studied. Growth of the mutant was over 20 times more resistant to cerulenin than that of the wild-type strain. Tetrad analysis suggested that all mutants mapped at the same locus, FAS2, the gene encoding the subunit of the fatty acid synthase. The isolated fatty acid synthase, purified from the mutant KNCR-1, was highly resistant to cerulenin. The cerulenin concentration causing 50% inhibition (IC50) of the enzyme activity was measured to be 400 M, whereas the IC50 value was 15 M for the enzyme isolated from the wild-type strain, indicating a 30-fold increase in resistance to cerulenin. The FAS2 gene was cloned from the mutant. Sequence replacement experiments suggested that an 0.8 kb EcoRV-HindIII fragment closely correlated with cerulenin resistance. Sequence analysis of this region revealed that the GGT codon encoding Gly-1257 of the FAS2 gene was altered to AGT in the mutant, resulting in the codon for Ser. Furthermore, a recombinant FAS2 gene, in which the 0.8 Kb EcoRV-HindIII fragment of the wild-type FAS2 gene was replaced with the same region from the mutant, when introduced into FAS2-defective S. cerevisiae complemented the FAS2 pheno-type and showed cerulenin resistance. These data indicate that one amino acid substitution (Gly Ser) in the subunit of fatty acid synthase is responsible for the cerulenin resistance of the mutant KNCR-1.  相似文献   
A comparison of the mitochondrial NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase and the energy-transducing NADH-quinone oxidoreductase (NDH-1) ofParacoccus denitrificans revealed that both systems have similar electron-transfer and energy-transduction pathways. In addition, both complexes are sensitive to the same inhibitors and contain similar electron carriers, suggesting that theParacoccus NDH-1 may serve as a useful model system for the study of the human enzyme complex. The gene cluster encoding theParacoccus NDH-1 has been cloned and sequenced. It is composed of 18,106 base pairs and contains 14 structural genes and six unidentified reading frames (URFs). The structural genes, URFs, and their polypeptides have been characterized. We also discuss nucleotide sequences which are believed to play a role in the regulation of the NDH-1 gene cluster andParacoccus NDH-1 subunits which may contain the binding sites of substrates and/or electron carriers.  相似文献   
From plate cultures of Campylobacter jejuni grown in room air a particulate protein of 62 kDa was isolated by ion-exchange chromatography. The protein had a square shape from the side view but when viewed from the top it had a star-shaped structure. The molecular size of the whole particle determined by gel filtration was 850 kDa which suggested the presence of 14 subunits of 62 kDa in each particle. The N-terminal 37 amino residues showed more than 80% homology with the sequence of these heat shock protein (HSP) 60 homologs of Chlamydia trachomatis, Helicobacter pylori, and Escherichia coli (GroEL). This protein is immunologically cross-reactive with the antiserum for the 60-kDa HSP of Yersinia enterocolitica. Production of the 62-kDa protein increased under heat stress and growth in an aerobic atmospheric environment. From these observations we concluded that the 62-kDa protein is a Campylobacter stress protein (Cj62) which belongs to the HSP 60 family.  相似文献   
Transgenic rice plants (Oryza sativa cv. Nipponbare) carrying 1 or 2 copies of a rice homeobox gene, OSH1, under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter were generated. The transgene caused altered morphology of leaf, such as ligule-replacement and abnormal division of sclerenchyma cells. The phenotype of these leaves resembles that of maize leaf morphological mutant, Knotted 1, which is caused by duplication of the KN1 gene (Veit et al., 1990). The in situ hybridization analysis has revealed that the expression of endogenous OSH1 is mainly localized in developing vascular strands of stem. We have discussed the biological roles of OSH1 in rice based on these results.  相似文献   
Four analogs of succinoyl trehalose lipid-3 (STL-3)with saturated even-number or odd-number carbonchains, and unsaturated or halogenated fatty acidswere examined for their ability to inhibit the growthand induce the differentiation of HL-60 humanpromyelocytic leukemia cells. The optimalconcentration of STL-3 at which such activities wererecognized was closed to the critical micelleconcentration of STL-3. Analog of STL-3 witheven-number or odd-number carbon chain and unsaturatedfatty acids strongly inhibited growth and induced thedifferentiation of HL-60 cells, as evaluated in termsof nitroblue tetrazilium-reducing activity and theappearance of the CD36 antigen. An analog of STL-3with halogenated fatty acids significantly inhibitedproliferation but only induced the differentiation ofHL-60 cells. Our results indicate that the effects ofSTL-3 and its analogs on HL-60 cells depend on thestructure of the hydrophobic moiety of STL-3.These authors contributed equally to this work  相似文献   
The polymorphic variation of liver GM1 (NeuGc) ganglioside was found in inbred strains of the mouse. The genetic analysis using C57BL/10 (GM1-negative) and SWR (GM1-positive) mice revealed that a single autosomal gene (Ggm-1) was involved in the expression of liver GM1(NeuGc) and that C57BL/10 mice lacking GM1(NeuGc) expression carried a defective gene on Ggm-1. Since our previous study on H-2 congenic mice indicated that Ggm-1 was linked to the H-2 complex, in this study we measured recombination frequencies among Ggm-1, Go-1 and H-2K in the backcross progeny between (C57BL/10 × SWR)F1 and C57BL/10. Ggm-1 was mapped 1 cM centromeric to H-2K on chromosome 17.Abbreviations used in this paper GM1(NeuGc) Gal1-3GalNAc1-4 (NeuGc2-3)Gal1-4Glc1-ceramide - GM2(NeuGc) Gal1-4(Neu Gc2-3)Gal1-4Glc1-ceramide - GM3(NeuGc) NeuGc2-3Gal1-4 Glc1-ceramide - GD1a(NeuGc) NeuGc2-3Gal1-3GalNAc1-4 (NeuGc2-3)Gal1-4Glc1-ceramide  相似文献   
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