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Formyltransferase catalyzes the reversible formation of formylmethanofuran from N(5)-formyltetrahydromethanopterin and methanofuran, a reaction involved in the C1 metabolism of methanogenic and sulfate-reducing archaea. The crystal structure of the homotetrameric enzyme from Methanopyrus kandleri (growth temperature optimum 98 degrees C) has recently been solved at 1.65 A resolution. We report here the crystal structures of the formyltransferase from Methanosarcina barkeri (growth temperature optimum 37 degrees C) and from Archaeoglobus fulgidus (growth temperature optimum 83 degrees C) at 1.9 A and 2.0 A resolution, respectively. Comparison of the structures of the three enzymes revealed very similar folds. The most striking difference found was the negative surface charge, which was -32 for the M. kandleri enzyme, only -8 for the M. barkeri enzyme, and -11 for the A. fulgidus enzyme. The hydrophobic surface fraction was 50% for the M. kandleri enzyme, 56% for the M. barkeri enzyme, and 57% for the A. fulgidus enzyme. These differences most likely reflect the adaptation of the enzyme to different cytoplasmic concentrations of potassium cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, which are very high in M. kandleri (>1 M) and relatively low in M. barkeri and A. fulgidus. Formyltransferase is in a monomer/dimer/tetramer equilibrium that is dependent on the salt concentration. Only the dimers and tetramers are active, and only the tetramers are thermostable. The enzyme from M. kandleri is a tetramer, which is active and thermostable only at high concentrations of potassium phosphate (>1 M) or potassium cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate. Conversely, the enzyme from M. barkeri and A. fulgidus already showed these properties, activity and stability, at much lower concentrations of these strong salting-out salts.  相似文献   
目的:将新疆南疆地区栽种的主要经济作物之一小白杏应用于化妆品领域,发挥其保持皮肤弹性、柔软和透明的功效。方法:以小白杏杏仁油为原料,运用正交实验设计,加入一定量的乳化剂,通过改变乳化温度、时间、转速,使油相与水相搅拌均匀。结果:最佳配方为:杏仁油13%,羊毛脂4%,蜂蜡3%,尿素3%,乳化剂1.5%,温度85℃,时间7 min,转速140 r/min。结论:以新疆小白杏杏仁油为主要原料,可研制适合于干性皮肤的防皲裂护手霜。  相似文献   
In human‐modified landscapes, important ecological functions such as predation are negatively affected by anthropogenic activities, including the use of pesticides and habitat degradation. Predation of insect pests is an indicator of healthy ecosystem functioning, which provides important ecosystem services, especially for agricultural systems. In this study, we compare predation attempts from arthropods, mammals, and birds on artificial caterpillars in the understory, between three tropical agricultural land‐use types: oil palm plantations, rubber tree plantations, and fruit orchards. We collected a range of local and landscape‐scale data including undergrowth vegetation structure; elevation; proximity to forest; and canopy cover in order to understand how environmental variables can affect predation. In all three land‐use types, our results showed that arthropods and mammals were important predators of artificial caterpillars and there was little predation by birds. We did not find any effect of the environmental variables on predation. There was an interactive effect between land‐use type and predator type. Predation by mammals was considerably higher in fruit orchards and rubber tree than in oil palm plantations, likely due to their ability to support higher abundances of insectivorous mammals. In order to maintain or enhance natural pest control in these common tropical agricultural land‐use types, management practices that benefit insectivorous animals should be introduced, such as the reduction of pesticides, improvement of understory vegetation, and local and landscape heterogeneity.  相似文献   
The iron-sulphur cluster-free hydrogenase (Hmd, EC from methanogenic archaea is a novel type of hydrogenase that tightly binds an iron-containing cofactor. The iron is coordinated by two CO molecules, one sulphur and a pyridone derivative, which is linked via a phosphodiester bond to a guanosine base. We report here on the crystal structure of the Hmd apoenzyme from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii at 1.75 A and from Methanopyrus kandleri at 2.4 A resolution. Homodimeric Hmd reveals a unique architecture composed of one central and two identical peripheral globular units. The central unit is composed of the intertwined C-terminal segments of both subunits, forming a novel intersubunit fold. The two peripheral units consist of the N-terminal domain of each subunit. The Rossmann fold-like structure of the N-terminal domain contains a mononucleotide-binding site, which could harbour the GMP moiety of the cofactor. Another binding site for the iron-containing cofactor is most probably Cys176, which is located at the bottom of a deep intersubunit cleft and which has been shown to be essential for enzyme activity. Adjacent to the iron of the cofactor modelled as a ligand to Cys176, an extended U-shaped extra electron density, interpreted as a polyethyleneglycol fragment, suggests a binding site for the substrate methenyltetrahydromethanopterin.  相似文献   
为加强野苹果种质资源利用与研究,促进野苹果研究工作,以3年来调查收集的新疆野苹果(赛威士苹果)的129个单株资源为材料,对单果重、果实纵横经、叶片大小等12个数量性状和叶片颜色、叶尖类型等5个质量性状进行遗传多样性及相关性分析。分析结果表明:叶片颜色、叶尖类型、叶姿、叶缘、叶面状态5个质量性状分布频率较集中;单果重、果实纵横经、叶柄长、叶片长宽、可溶性固形物、干周、树高均存在较大变异,变异系数幅度为16%~51%。各性状多样性指数也较大,均值为1.9264,叶片长的多样性指数最小为1.7359;果梗长的多样性指数最大为2.0525。新疆野苹果资源拥有丰富的遗传多样性,在于果实相关性状的多样性指数高,且变异幅度大,表明丰富的遗传多样性是新疆野苹果资源的重要特征。  相似文献   
High-density and well-aligned ZnO–ZnS core–shell nanocone arrays were synthesized on fluorine-doped tin oxide glass substrate using a facile and cost-effective two-step approach. In this synthetic process, the ZnO nanocones act as the template and provide Zn2+ ions for the ZnS shell formation. The photoluminescence spectrum indicates remarkably enhanced luminescence intensity and a small redshift in the UV region, which can be associated with the strain caused by the lattice mismatch between ZnO and ZnS. The obtained diffuse reflectance spectra show that the nanocone-based heterostructure reduces the light reflection in a broad spectral range and is much more effective than the bare ZnO nanocone and nanorod structures. Dye-sensitized solar cells based on the heterostructure ZnO–ZnS nanocones are assembled, and high conversion efficiency (η) of approximately 4.07% is obtained. The η improvement can be attributed primarily to the morphology effect of ZnO nanocones on light-trapping and effectively passivating the interface surface recombination sites of ZnO nanocones by coating with a ZnS shell layer.  相似文献   
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is located on the surface of Gram-negative bacteria and is responsible for maintaining outer membrane stability, which is a prerequisite for cell survival. Furthermore, it represents an important barrier against hostile environmental factors such as antimicrobial peptides and the complement cascade during Gram-negative infections. The sugar 3-deoxy-d-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (Kdo) is an integral part of LPS and plays a key role in LPS functionality. Prior to its incorporation into the LPS molecule, Kdo has to be activated by the CMP-Kdo synthetase (CKS). Based on the presence of a single Mg2+ ion in the active site, detailed models of the reaction mechanism of CKS have been developed previously. Recently, a two-metal-ion hypothesis suggested the involvement of two Mg2+ ions in Kdo activation. To further investigate the mechanistic aspects of Kdo activation, we kinetically characterized the CKS from the hyperthermophilic organism Aquifex aeolicus. In addition, we determined the crystal structure of this enzyme at a resolution of 2.10 Å and provide evidence that two Mg2+ ions are part of the active site of the enzyme.  相似文献   
Lysogenic Acetobacter methanolicus strains carrying the prophage Acm1 were found to be unable to synthesize both the capsutar polysaccharide (CPS) and the O-specific side-chain of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and to represent rough variants of the host bacterium. A 262 bp DNA fragment of phage Acm1, obviously required for interference with LPS biosynthesis, was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli Independently of the O-type, transformation of various E. coli strains with the recombinant DNA resulted in a suppression of biosynthesis of the O-specific chains. The DNA fragment of phage Acm1 contained three very short open reading frames of 21, 24, and 36 bp. However, attempts to express phage-encoded peptides were not successful. Instead, the Acm1-derived DNA fragment was shown to code for the synthesis of a trans-acting RNA molecule of 97 nucleotides, designated lbi (L PS b iosynthesis-i nterfering) RNA. This RNA contains sequence complementarity to E. coli target RNA sequences and appears to have the ability to form intracellularly RNA hybrid duplexes with mRNA. The data presented in this study support the hypothesis that the phenotypic effect of conversion to rough-type LPS is accompanied by the expression of an antisense RNA of phage Acm1.  相似文献   
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