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To determine the effect of job loss on health an investigation was made of admissions to hospitals in 887 men five years before and three years after the closure of a Danish shipyard. The control group comprised 441 men from another shipyard. The information on hospital admissions was obtained from the Danish national register of patients. The relative risk of admission in the control group dropped significantly in terms of the number of men admitted from the study group from 1.29 four to five years before closure to 0.74 in the three years after closure. This was especially true of admissions due to accidents (1.33 to 0.46) and diseases of the digestive system (4.53 to 1.03). For diseases of the circulatory system, particularly cardiovascular diseases, the relative risk increased from 0.8 to 1.60, and from 1.0 to 2.6 respectively. These changes in risk of illness after redundancy are probably a consequence of a change from the effects of a high risk work environment to the effects of psychosocial stresses such as job insecurity and unemployment.  相似文献   
Juice extracted from pulp of the mature ripe tropical fruit, mango ( Magnifera indica L.), containing 15.9% soluble solids, was fermented with four strains of yeast isolated from palm wine. Two of the strains belonged to the genus Schizosaccharomyces (T1 and T2) while the other two were Saccharomyces (B2 and M1). The two strains of Schizosaccharomyces were found to be suitable for the production of sweet, table mango wine with alcohol contents of 8.0 and 9.0% for T1 and T2, respectively. The two strains of Saccharomyces were found suitable for the production of dry mango fruit wines containing 10.0% alcohol.  相似文献   
In the TRANSFORM experiment for IML-2 on the Space Shuttle Columbia, normal (wild type = WT) and genetically transformed agravitropic rapeseed roots were tested under microgravity conditions. The aim of the experiment was to determine if the wild-type roots behaved differently (growth, morphology, gravitropical sensitivity) from the transgenic roots. The appearance of the organelles and distribution of statoliths (i.e. amyloplasts with starch grains) in the gravitropic reactive cells (statocytes) under weightlessness was compared for the two types of roots. Attempts have also been made to regenerate new plants from the root material tested in space. Both the WT and the transgenic root types showed the expected increase in length during 36 h of photorecording. Contrary to the results of the ground controls, no significant difference in elongation rates was found between the WT and transgenic roots grown in orbit. However, there are indications that the total growth both in the WT and the transgenic roots was higher in the ground control than for roots in orbit. After a 60 min 1 x g stimulation of the roots on board the Shuttle, no detectable curvatures were obtained in either the transgenic or the WT roots. However, it cannot be excluded that a minute curvature development occurs in the root tips but was not detected due to technical reasons. The ultrastructure was well preserved in both the WT and the transgenic roots, despite the fact that the tissue was kept in the prefixative for over 3 weeks. No marked differences in ultrastructure were observed between the transformed root statocyte cells and the equivalent cells in the wild type. There were no obvious differences in root morphology during the orbital period. Light micrographs and morphometrical analysis indicate that the amyloplasts of both the wild type and transformed root statocytes are randomly distributed over the cells kept under micro-g conditions for 37 h after a 14 h stimulation on the 1 x g centrifuge. The main scientific conclusion from the TRANSFORM experiment is that the difference in growth found in the ground control between the WT and the transgenic root types seems to be eliminated under weightlessness. Explanations for this behaviour cannot be found in the root ultrastructure or in root morphology.  相似文献   
Hairless male mice were given 2 mg Bleomycin i.p. on two successive days. At different time intervals from 1 to 10 days after the last Bleomycin injection, groups of animals were killed and water extracts of hemogenized skin were made. These extracts, supposed to contain the epidermal G1 and G2 chalones, were injected into female hairless mice, and their growth inhibitory potency determined by two methods. 5 mg of lyophilized crude skin extract were injected i.p. together with Colcemid, and the animals killed 4 hr later. The number of Colcemid-arrested mitoses was determined, and was considered to be a measure of the G2 inhibitor present in the skin extracts. 10 mg of the same extracts were injected i.p., and these animals also got 3H-TdR i.p. 12 hr later, and were killed after a subsequent 30 min. The epidermal LI was determined, and was considered to be a measure of the epidermal G1 factor in the skin extracts. The results obtained were compared to the effect of Bleomycin alone and to the effects of skin extracts from non-Bleomycin-treated animals. The results show that Bleomycin provoked slight alterations in the growth-inhibitory potency of the G1 chalone, whereas significant effects were seen in the G2 chalone, There was an increased amount of growth-inhibiting factors on days 2 and 3, and on days 8-10. The results are discussed and it is concluded that the most probable hypothesis is that Bleomycin, in addition to its known inhibition by accumulation of cells with high growth inhibitory potency. An initial, additional direct effect of Bleomycin on the chalone system cammot be excluded.  相似文献   
Leptospira interrogans serotype pomona was isolated from the kidneys of a normal striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis hudsonicus) collected near Kindersley, Saskatchewan. Although there were no gross lesions, small foci of chronic interstitial nephritis were observed microscopically. This is the first reported isolation of serotype pomona for the prairie provinces.  相似文献   
Nested-primer polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been applied to the molecular cloning of 4.6-kb half-genome fragments of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) taken directly from the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of an individual with neurological symptoms of HIV-1 infection. In a similar manner, gp120-coding portions of the envelope gene were cloned after PBMC from the same blood sample were cocultivated with uninfected PBMC for 28 days. The complete 1.6-kb nucleotide sequence of the gp120 gene was determined from each of 35 clones examined. Two of 13 (15%) PBMC-derived gp120 genes and 3 of 22 (14%) coculture-derived gp120 genes were defective as a result of frameshifts and an in-frame stop codon(s). Mean diversity between individual gp120-coding sequences in PBMC was fivefold greater (3.24%) than after coculture (0.65%). A predominant sequence of "strain" was found after coculture that was distinct from the diverse viral genotypes detected in vivo and therefore was selectively amplified during in vitro propagation. Multiple distinct third variable (V3) regions encoding the principal neutralizing domain of the envelope protein were detected in PBMC-derived genes, suggesting the presence of immunologic diversity of HIV env genes in vivo not reflected in the cocultured virus sample. The large size of the HIV fragments generated in this study will permit analysis of the diversity of immunologic reactivity, gene function, and pathogenicity of HIV genomes present within infected individuals, including the functional significance of the loss of diversity that occurs upon coculture.  相似文献   
F(ab′)2 anti-μ, as well as anti-δ and anti-γ heavy chains have been found to induce strong increases in the influx of 86Rb+ (a potassium analogue) in cell suspensions from a proportion of human lymphomas staining monoclonally for B cells. The specificity of the response corresponded to the surface immunoglobulin (sIg) isotype present on lymphoma cells. Even when carried out under closely analogous conditions, no relationship between capping and 86Rb+ influx was observed. On the other hand, an association between 86Rb+ influx and mitogenic response to anti-immunoglobulin (anti-Ig) was observed with concordant results in 19 out of 21 comparisons made. These findings suggest that 86Rb+ influx, which appears to be associated with mitogenic signals, and capping may arise as independent phenomena even when elicited through the same membrane receptor (sIg).  相似文献   
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