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Isolated testes of the locust Schistocerca gregaria were immersed in solutions of tritiated thymidine, cytidine, uridine, or arginine for short periods to study nucleic acid and protein synthesis during spermatogenesis. DNA synthesis in this tissue is completed prior to initiation of meiosis. Protein synthesis continues throughout the whole meiotic cycle as well as during spermatid development. Meiotic cells, except those in metaphase through early telophase, and early spermatids are also actively synthesizing RNA. The heteropycnotic X-chromosome does not produce RNA at any stage of spermatogenesis. The rates of protein and particularly RNA synthesis decrease as chromosome condensation progresses. Depression of RNA synthesis, however, is not always accompanied by cytologically detectable condensation of chromatin, since very little or no RNA is synthesized in spermatids in which chromatin condensation has barely begun.  相似文献   
Understanding of the pedogenic pathways associated with arsenic (As) transformations in soil is important to understanding arsenic soil chemistry and discriminating between natural background and anthropogenic arsenic (As). Twenty-one soil series, some with multiple pedons, were assessed to determine if the As distributions in soil profiles exhibit discrete maxima that correspond to the presence of agrillic horizons. The majority of pedons exhibiting argillic horizon expression show a Fe-oxyhydroxide and As maxima corresponding precisely with the argillic horizon. Pearson correlation coefficients verify the close correspondence of Fe and As. Soil profiles having cambic horizons, and lacking argillic horizons, may also show As and Fe accumulations at soil depths. Some coarse-textured, well-drained to moderately well-drained Entisols and Inceptisols have Fe-oxyhydroxide accumulation in their cambic horizons, promoting As accumulation. Conversely, silty-textured and poorly drained to somewhat poorly drained Entisols and Inceptisols have C and Cg horizons that show somewhat uniform Fe and As concentrations throughout their soil profiles. Analysis of selected pedons having well-drained to moderately well-drained soil profiles demonstrates that clay fraction Fe and As concentrations are closely correlated and that the As and Fe concentrations are greater than those from the corresponding whole soil. The somewhat poorly drained Crowley pedon exhibited cohesive masses of Fe and Mn accumulation (sand separate) that had greater arsenic concentrations than those of the clay and silt separates. These pedogenic nodules with enhanced arsenic concentrations reveal alternative pathways involving arsenic transformation.  相似文献   

The “Nanguo” pear is a typically climacteric fruit and ethylene is the main factor controlling the ripening process of climacteric fruit. Ethylene biosynthesis has been studied clearly and ACC synthase (ACS) is the rate-limited enzyme. ACO (ACC oxidase) is another important enzyme in ethylene biosynthesis. By exploring the pear genome, we identified 13 ACS genes and 11 ACO genes, respectively, and their expression patterns in fruit and other organs were investigated. Among these genes, 11 ACS and 8ACO genes were expressed in pear fruits. What’s more, 4 ACS and 3ACO genes could be induced by Ethephon and inhibited by 1-MCP treatment. This study is the first time to explore ACS and ACO genes at genome-wide level and will provide new data for research on pear fruit ripening.

1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase (ACS) is one of the key regulatory enzymes involved in the synthesis of ethylene. Climacteric fruit ripening is accompanied by increased ethylene production, in which ethylene biosynthesis is changed from system 1 to system 2. In apple, at least four members of the ACS gene family have been identified, two of which, MdACS1 and MdACS3a, have been studied extensively due to their specific expression in fruit tissue. However, the regulatory role of MdACS1 and MdACS3a in the ethylene biosynthesis system is unknown. Here we addressed this issue by investigating ACS expression in ripening apple fruits. Expression analysis in ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Red Fuji’ fruits, in combination with treatments of 1-MCP (1-methylcyclopropene, an ethylene inhibitor) and Ethephon (an ethylene releaser) has demonstrated that MdACS3a and MdACS1operate in system 1 and system 2 ethylene biosynthesis, respectively.  相似文献   
Forest cover change directly affects biodiversity, the global carbon budget, and ecosystem function. Within Latin American and the Caribbean region (LAC), many studies have documented extensive deforestation, but there are also many local studies reporting forest recovery. These contrasting dynamics have been largely attributed to demographic and socio‐economic change. For example, local population change due to migration can stimulate forest recovery, while the increasing global demand for food can drive agriculture expansion. However, as no analysis has simultaneously evaluated deforestation and reforestation from the municipal to continental scale, we lack a comprehensive assessment of the spatial distribution of these processes. We overcame this limitation by producing wall‐to‐wall, annual maps of change in woody vegetation and other land‐cover classes between 2001 and 2010 for each of the 16,050 municipalities in LAC, and we used nonparametric Random Forest regression analyses to determine which environmental or population variables best explained the variation in woody vegetation change. Woody vegetation change was dominated by deforestation (?541,835 km2), particularly in the moist forest, dry forest, and savannas/shrublands biomes in South America. Extensive areas also recovered woody vegetation (+362,430 km2), particularly in regions too dry or too steep for modern agriculture. Deforestation in moist forests tended to occur in lowland areas with low population density, but woody cover change was not related to municipality‐scale population change. These results emphasize the importance of quantitating deforestation and reforestation at multiple spatial scales and linking these changes with global drivers such as the global demand for food.  相似文献   
A new class of Conus peptides, the I-superfamily of conotoxins, has been characterized using biochemical, electrophysiological and molecular genetic methods. Peptides in this superfamily have a novel pattern of eight Cys residues. Five peptides that elicited excitatory symptomatology, r11a, r11b, r11c, r11d and r11e, were purified from Conus radiatus venom; four were tested on amphibian peripheral axons and shown to elicit repetitive action potentials, consistent with being members of the 'lightning-strike cabal' of toxins that effect instant immobilization of fish prey. A parallel analysis of Conus cDNA clones revealed a new class of conotoxin genes that was particularly enriched (with 18 identified paralogues) in a Conus radiatus venom duct library; several C. radiatus clones encoded the excitatory peptides directly characterized from venom. The remarkable diversity of related I-superfamily peptides within a single Conus species is unprecedented. When combined with the excitatory effects observed on peripheral circuitry, this unexpected diversity suggests a corresponding molecular complexity of the targeted signaling components in peripheral axons; the I-conotoxin superfamily should provide a rich lode of pharmacological tools for dissecting and understanding these. Thus, the I-superfamily conotoxins promise to provide a significant new technology platform for dissecting the molecular components of axons.  相似文献   
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