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Nitrosomonas europaea is capable of maintaining an anaerobic metabolism, using pyruvate as an electron donor and nitrite as an electron acceptor; utilization of nitrite depends upon supply of both pyruvate and ammonia. The role of ammonia in this reaction was not determined. N europaea also assimilates CO2 anaerobically into cell material in the presence of nitrite (0.5–1.0 mM), pyruvate and ammonia. This reaction was partially inhibited by nitrite which apparently competed with CO2 for reducing power. Anaerobic nitrite respiration is sensitive to ionophores, FCCP being the most effective.Non-standard-abbreviations TCA trichloroacetic acid - FCCP carbonylcyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazon  相似文献   
Although sleep restriction is associated with decrements in daytime alertness and neurobehavioural performance, there are considerable inter-individual differences in the degree of impairment. This study examined the effects of short-term sleep restriction on neurobehavioural performance and sleepiness, and the associations between individual differences in impairments and circadian rhythm phase. Healthy adults (n = 43; 22 M) aged 22.5 ± 3.1 (mean ± SD) years maintained a regular 8:16 h sleep:wake routine for at least three weeks prior to laboratory admission. Sleep opportunity was restricted to 5 hours time-in-bed at home the night before admission and 3 hours time-in-bed in the laboratory, aligned by wake time. Hourly saliva samples were collected from 5.5 h before until 5 h after the pre-laboratory scheduled bedtime to assess dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) as a marker of circadian phase. Participants completed a 10-min auditory Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT), the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) and had slow eye movements (SEM) measured by electrooculography two hours after waking. We observed substantial inter-individual variability in neurobehavioural performance, particularly in the number of PVT lapses. Increased PVT lapses (r = -0.468, p < 0.01), greater sleepiness (r = 0.510, p < 0.0001), and more slow eye movements (r = 0.375, p = 0.022) were significantly associated with later DLMO, consistent with participants waking at an earlier circadian phase. When the difference between DLMO and sleep onset was less than 2 hours, individuals were significantly more likely to have at least three attentional lapses the following morning. This study demonstrates that the phase of an individual’s circadian system is an important variable in predicting the degree of neurobehavioural performance impairment in the hours after waking following sleep restriction, and confirms that other factors influencing performance decrements require further investigation.  相似文献   
Antiviral immune defenses involve natural killer (NK) cells. We previously showed that the NK-activating receptor NKp44 is involved in the functional recognition of H1-type influenza virus strains by NK cells. In the present study, we investigated the interaction of NKp44 and the hemagglutinin of a primary influenza virus H5N1 isolate. Here we show that recombinant NKp44 recognizes H5-expressing cells and specifically interacts with soluble H5 hemagglutinin. H5-pseudotyped lentiviral particles bind to NK cells expressing NKp44. Following interaction with target cells expressing H5, pseudotyped lentiviral particles, or membrane-associated H5, NK cells show NKp44-mediated induced activity. These findings indicate that NKp44-H5 interactions induce functional NK activation.  相似文献   
Seeds ofLesqurella spices are known to be dormant for five years and more. In oder to make cultivation ofL. fendleri andL. gordonii feasible germination studies were undertaken and practical applications of the results were investigated.  相似文献   
Seed of Molucella laevis (L.) was gathered in the years 1963-66 and germinated soon after harvest and at various intervals subsequently. All seeds showed dormancy on gathering. There was a noticeable fluctuation in the percentage of seeds germinating during storage. Dormancy persisted throughout the years of the experiment. It appears that a number of factors are operative in the inhibition of germination of M. laevis seeds. One factor is an inhibitor which may be adsorbed by active charcoal or heavy loam, involving some process which requires fluctuating temperature. Rupture of the seed-coat also improved the germination of dormant seed, and a subsequent water rinse for 24 hrs. further increased the percent of germinating seed. Immersion of the seed for 48 hrs. in gibberellic acid (G.A.), 400 ppm, greatly improved germination, but it did not completely overcome dormancy. The maximum effect (93% germinating seed) was obtained when seed pre-treated with G.A. was germinated on top of active charcoal. The optimal germination temperature was found to be a daily alternating one of 16 hrs. at 15°C and 8 hrs. at 30°C with light supplied at the latter temperature. Treated seed was sown in the screen house and found to develop normal plants and seed. The dormancy-breaking effect of G.A. lasts for at least 180 days. The fluctuations in germination of seed pre-treated with gibberellin were similar to those of the untreated ones. The effect of dormancy-breaking factors differed with year of gathering and date of application. Thus, M. laevis seeds display much heterogeneity in their germination potential.  相似文献   
During the Middle Ages Aristotle’s treatises were accessible to intellectuals via translations and commentaries. Among his works on natural philosophy, the zoological books received relatively little scholarly attention, though several medieval commentators carefully studied Aristotle’s investigations of the animal kingdom. Averroes completed in 1169 a commentary on an Arabic translation of Aristotle’s Parts of Animals and Generation of Animals. In 1323 Gersonides completed his supercommentary on a Hebrew translation of Averroes’ commentary. This article examines how these two medieval commentators interpret the first book of Aristotle’s Parts of Animals, at the center of which stand methodological questions regarding the study of animals. Aristotle’s discussion of classification is presented by Averroes and Gersonides in light of an epistemological debate concerning the requisite method for scientific inquiries and discoveries. Sense perception is contrasted with rational reasoning, and ultimately a combined method is proposed, sense perception maintaining supremacy. These commentators outline a clear link between the systematic arrangement of animal species as offered by Aristotle, and his subsequent logical demonstrations which, according to them, form the core of biological investigations.  相似文献   
The eastern Mediterranean is a hotspot of biological invasions. Numerous species of Indo-pacific origin have colonized the Mediterranean in recent times, including tropical symbiont-bearing foraminifera. Among these is the species Pararotalia calcariformata. Unlike other invasive foraminifera, this species was discovered only two decades ago and is restricted to the eastern Mediterranean coast. Combining ecological, genetic and physiological observations, we attempt to explain the recent invasion of this species in the Mediterranean Sea. Using morphological and genetic data, we confirm the species attribution to P. calcariformata McCulloch 1977 and identify its symbionts as a consortium of diatom species dominated by Minutocellus polymorphus. We document photosynthetic activity of its endosymbionts using Pulse Amplitude Modulated Fluorometry and test the effects of elevated temperatures on growth rates of asexual offspring. The culturing of asexual offspring for 120 days shows a 30-day period of rapid growth followed by a period of slower growth. A subsequent 48-day temperature sensitivity experiment indicates a similar developmental pathway and high growth rate at 28°C, whereas an almost complete inhibition of growth was observed at 20°C and 35°C. This indicates that the offspring of this species may have lower tolerance to cold temperatures than what would be expected for species native to the Mediterranean. We expand this hypothesis by applying a Species Distribution Model (SDM) based on modern occurrences in the Mediterranean using three environmental variables: irradiance, turbidity and yearly minimum temperature. The model reproduces the observed restricted distribution and indicates that the range of the species will drastically expand westwards under future global change scenarios. We conclude that P. calcariformata established a population in the Levant because of the recent warming in the region. In line with observations from other groups of organisms, our results indicate that continued warming of the eastern Mediterranean will facilitate the invasion of more tropical marine taxa into the Mediterranean, disturbing local biodiversity and ecosystem structure.  相似文献   
Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the major active component of marijuana, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system during stress conditions, but the defence mechanism is still unclear. The present study was designed to investigate the central (CB1) and the peripheral (CB2) cannabinoid receptor expression in neonatal cardiomyoctes and possible function in the cardioprotection of THC from hypoxia. Pre-treatment of cardiomyocytes that were grown in vitro with 0.1 – 10 μM THC for 24 h prevented hypoxia-induced lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage and preserved the morphological distribution of α-sarcomeric actin. The antagonist for the CB2 (10 μM), but not CB1 receptor antagonist (10 μM) abolished the protective effect of THC. In agreement with these results using RT-PCR, it was shown that neonatal cardiac cells express CB2, but not CB1 receptors. Involvement of NO in the signal transduction pathway activated by THC through CB2 was examined. It was found that THC induces nitric oxide (NO) production by induction of NO synthase (iNOS) via CB2 receptors. L-NAME (NOS inhibitor, 100 μM) prevented the cardioprotection provided by THC. Taken together, our findings suggest that THC protects cardiac cells against hypoxia via CB2 receptor activation by induction of NO production. An NO mechanism occurs also in the classical pre-conditioning process; therefore, THC probably pre-trains the cardiomyocytes to hypoxic conditions.  相似文献   
To gain insight into neovascularization of adult organs and to uncover inherent obstacles in vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-based therapeutic angiogenesis, a transgenic system for conditional switching of VEGF expression was devised. The system allows for a reversible induction of VEGF specifically in the heart muscle or liver at any selected schedule, thereby circumventing embryonic lethality due to developmental misexpression of VEGF. Using this system, we demonstrate a progressive, unlimited ramification of the existing vasculature. In the absence of spatial cues, however, abnormal vascular trees were produced, a consequence of chaotic connections with the existing network and formation of irregularly shaped sac-like vessels. VEGF also caused a massive and highly disruptive edema. Importantly, premature cessation of the VEGF stimulus led to regression of most acquired vessels, thus challenging the utility of therapeutic approaches relying on short stimulus duration. A critical transition point was defined beyond which remodeled new vessels persisted for months after withdrawing VEGF, conferring a long-term improvement in organ perfusion. This novel genetic system thus highlights remaining problems in the implementation of pro-angiogenic therapy.  相似文献   
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