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Human embryonic stem cell (hESC) pluripotency has been reported by several groups to be best maintained by culture under physiological oxygen conditions. Building on that finding, we inhibited complex III of the mitochondrial respiratory chain using antimycin A or myxothiazol to examine if specifically targeting the mitochondria would have a similar beneficial result for the maintenance of pluripotency. hESCs grown in the presence of 20 nM antimycin A maintained a compact morphology with high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratios. Furthermore, real-time PCR analysis demonstrated that the levels of Nanog mRNA were elevated 2-fold in antimycin A-treated cells. Strikingly, antimycin A was also able to replace bFGF in the media without compromising pluripotency, as long as autocrine bFGF signaling was maintained. Further analysis using low-density quantitative PCR arrays showed that antimycin A treatment reduced the expression of genes associated with differentiation, possibly acting through a ROS-mediated pathway. These results demonstrate that modulation of mitochondrial function results in increased pluripotency of the cell population, and sheds new light on the mechanisms and signaling pathways modulating hESC pluripotency.  相似文献   
While human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are predisposed toward chromosomal aneploidities on 12, 17, 20, and X, rendering them susceptible to transformation, the specific genes expressed are not yet known. Here, by identifying the genes overexpressed in pluripotent rhesus ESCs (nhpESCs) and comparing them both to their genetically identical differentiated progeny (teratoma fibroblasts) and to genetically related differentiated parental cells (parental skin fibroblasts from whom gametes were used for ESC derivation), we find that some of those overexpressed genes in nhpESCs cluster preferentially on rhesus chromosomes 16, 19, 20, and X, homologues of human chromosomes 17, 19, 16, and X, respectively. Differentiated parental skin fibroblasts display gene expression profiles closer to nhpESC profiles than to teratoma cells, which are genetically identical to the pluripotent nhpESCs. Twenty over- and underexpressed pluripotency modulators, some implicated in neurogenesis, have been identified. The overexpression of some of these genes discovered using pedigreed nhpESCs derived from prime embryos generated by fertile primates, which is impossible to perform with the anonymously donated clinically discarded embryos from which hESCs are derived, independently confirms the importance of chromosome 17 and X regions in pluripotency and suggests specific candidates for targeting differentiation and transformation decisions.  相似文献   
Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) are essential for spermatogenesis, and these adult tissue stem cells balance self-renewal and differentiation to meet the biological demand of the testis. The developmental dynamics of SSCs are controlled, in part, by factors in the stem cell niche, which is located on the basement membrane of seminiferous tubules situated among Sertoli cells. Sertoli cells produce glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), and disruption of GDNF expression results in spermatogenic defects and infertility. The GDNF signals through a receptor complex that includes GDNF family receptor alpha1 (GFRA1), which is thought to be expressed by SSCs. However, expression of GFRA1 on SSCs has not been confirmed by in vivo functional assay, which is the only method that allows definitive identification of SSCs. Therefore, we fractionated mouse pup testis cells based on GFRA1 expression using magnetic activated cell sorting. The sorted and depleted fractions of GFRA1 were characterized for germ cell markers by immunocytochemistry and for stem cell activity by germ cell transplantation. The GFRA1-positive cell fraction coeluted with other markers of SSCs, including ITGA6 and CD9, and was significantly depleted of KIT-positive cells. The transplantation results confirmed that a subpopulation of SSCs expresses GFRA1, but also that the stem cell pool is heterogeneous with respect to the level of GFRA1 expression. Interestingly, POU5F1-positive cells were enriched nearly 15-fold in the GFRA1-selected fraction, possibly suggesting heterogeneity of developmental potential within the stem cell pool.  相似文献   
Increased intracellular free calcium ion (Ca2+) concentration induces excessive oxidative stress and apoptosis. Medical procedures such as zoledronic acid (Zol), bevacizumab (Bev), and dexamethasone (Dex) are usually used in the treatment of bone diseases (osteoporosis, Paget’s disease, etc.) and to prevent metastasis in the bone although the procedures induce osteonecrosis of the jaw through excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Recently, we observed regulator roles of selenium (Se) on apoptosis and Ca2+ entry through transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) channels in the cancer cell lines. Therefore, Se may modulate Zol, Bev, and Dex-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis through regulation of TRPV1 channel. In the current study, we investigated the protective effects of Se on apoptosis and oxidative stress through TRPV1 in Zol, Bev, and Dex-induced osteoblast-like cell line. We used human osteoblast-like cell line (Saos-2), and the cells were divided into 12 groups as control, Zol, Bev, Dex, Se, Zol+Se, Bev+Se, Dex+Se, Zol+Dex, Zol+Dex+Se, Zol+Bev, and Zol+Bev+Se which were incubated with drugs (Zol, Bev, Dex, and Se) for 24 h. The cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration was increased by Zol, Bev, Dex, Zol+Bev, and Zol+Dex, although it was reduced by Se treatment. However, Zol, Bev, and Dex-induced increase in apoptosis, caspase 3, caspase 9, poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 expression levels, and intracellular ROS production values in the cells were decreased by Se treatments. In conclusion, we observed that Zol, Bev, and Dex-induced apoptosis, mitochondrial oxidative stress, and calcium signaling are decreased in human osteoblast-like cell line by the Se treatment. Our findings may be relevant to the etiology and treatment of Zol, Bev, and Dex-induced osteonecrosis by Se.  相似文献   
Neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases are incurable progressive neurological disorders caused by the degeneration of neuronal cells and characterized by motor and non-motor symptoms. Curcumin, a turmeric product, is an anti-inflammatory agent and an effective reactive oxygen and nitrogen species scavenging molecule. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is the main source of oxidative stress, which is claimed to be the major source of neurological disorders. Hence, in this study we aimed to investigate the effect of curcumin on Ca2+ signaling, oxidative stress parameters, mitochondrial depolarization levels and caspase-3 and -9 activities that are induced by the H2O2 model of oxidative stress in SH-SY5Y neuronal cells. SH-SY5Y neuronal cells were divided into four groups namely, the control, curcumin, H2O2, and curcumin?+?H2O2 groups. The dose and duration of curcumin and H2O2 were determined from published data. The cells in the curcumin, H2O2, and curcumin?+?H2O2 groups were incubated for 24?h with 5?µM curcumin and 100?µM H2O2. Lipid peroxidation and cytosolic free Ca2+ concentrations were higher in the H2O2 group than in the control group; however, their levels were lower in the curcumin and curcumin?+?H2O2 groups than in the H2O2 group alone. Reduced glutathione (GSH) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) values were lower in the H2O2 group although they were higher in the curcumin and curcumin?+?H2O2 groups than in the H2O2 group. Caspase-3 activity was lower in the curcumin group than in the H2O2 group. In conclusion, curcumin strongly induced modulator effects on oxidative stress, intracellular Ca2+ levels, and the caspase-3 and -9 values in an experimental oxidative stress model in SH-SY5Y cells.  相似文献   
Since the number of cancer-related deaths has not decreased in recent years, major efforts are being made to find new drugs for cancer treatment. In this report we introduce the gonadotropin releasing hormone-Pseudomonas exotoxin (GnRH-PE) based chimeric proteins L-GnRH-PE66 and L-GnRH-PE40. These proteins are composed of a GnRH moiety attached to modified forms ofPseudomonas exotoxin via a polylinker (gly4ser)2. The chimeric proteins L-GnRH-PE66 and L-GnRH-PE40 have the ability to target and kill adenocarcinoma cell linesin vitro, whereas non-adenocarcinoma cell lines are not affected. We demonstrate that L-GnRH-PE66 and L-GnRH-PE40 efficiently inhibit cancer growth. Nude mice were injected subcutaneously with the SW-48 adenocarcinoma cell line to produce xenograft tumours. When the tumours were established and visible, the animals were injected with chimeric proteins for 10 days. At the end of this period, a reduction of up to 3-fold in tumor size was obtained in the treated mice, as compared with the control group, which received equivalent amounts of GnRH; the difference was even greater 13 days after termination of treatment. Thus, the chimeric proteins L-GnRH-PE66 and L-GnRH-PE40 are promising candidates for treatment of a variety of adenocarcinomas and their use in humans should be considered.  相似文献   
We recently designed and constructed chimeric proteins for the elimination of specific cell populations. These chimeric proteins are composed of a targeting component fused to an apoptotic protein as the killing moiety. However, chimeric proteins can serve not only to eliminate cell populations, but also as "biological tools" for studying the fate of endogenous proteins. We show here that upon entering their target cell, a variety of chimeric proteins composed of an endogenous protein as their killing moiety reach the subcellular location of their endogenous counterpart. In contrast, bacterial-based killing domains head for the subcellular site of their substrate. Moreover, the chimeric protein acts similarly to the endogenous protein, while causing the cell to die. Therefore, chimeric proteins may serve as a unique tool for investigating cellular proteins and their intracellular localization, without the need to overexpress them.  相似文献   


The ability of chemicals to disrupt neonatal development can be studied using embryonic stem cells (ESC). One such chemical is nicotine. Prenatal nicotine exposure is known to affect postnatal lung function, although the mechanisms by which it has this effect are not clear. Since fibroblasts are a critical component of the developing lung, providing structure and secreting paracrine factors that are essential to epithelialization, this study focuses on the differentiation of ESC into fibroblasts using a directed differentiation protocol.


Fibroblasts obtained from non-human primate ESC (nhpESC) differentiation were analyzed by immunohistochemistry, immunostaining, Affymetrix gene expression array, qPCR, and immunoblotting.


Results of these analyses demonstrated that although nhpESCs differentiate into fibroblasts in the presence of nicotine and appear normal by some measures, including H&E and SMA staining, they have an altered gene expression profile. Network analysis of expression changes demonstrated an over-representation of cell-cycle related genes with downregulation of N-myc as a central regulator in the pathway. Further investigation demonstrated that cells differentiated in the presence of nicotine had decreased N-myc mRNA and protein expression and longer doubling times, a biological effect consistent with downregulation of N-myc.


This study is the first to use primate ESC to demonstrate that nicotine can affect cellular differentiation from pluripotency into fibroblasts, and in particular, mediate N-myc expression in differentiating ESCs. Given the crucial role of fibroblasts throughout the body, this has important implications for the effect of cigarette smoke exposure on human development not only in the lung, but in organogenesis in general.  相似文献   
Noninvasive detection of differentiated cells is increasingly demanded for accurate and reliable assessments of both in vitro and in vivo experimental systems. Here we present an efficient, innovative approach for imaging the beta cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans. The main physiologic function of beta cells is glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. This function is facilitated through the synthesis and storage of insulin in secretory vesicles of beta cells, which then release their contents when beta cells are exposed to hyperglycemic conditions. To visualize beta cells in vivo in the mouse, we used targeted mutagenesis techniques to construct a modified insulin II (InsII) gene allele, InsII(EGFP), that expresses a proinsulin-EGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein) fusion peptide. The EGFP portion of this fusion is entirely within the C-peptide portion of the proinsulin peptide. This fusion protein is processed in beta cells to insulin and EGFP-tagged C peptide, which are stored together in cytoplasmic secretory vesicles. The large amount of vesicular EGFP-tagged C peptide is evident as a characteristic robust and specific fluorescence pattern in the beta cells of InsII(EGFP) mice. This innovative method of visualizing beta cells will be a useful tool in the study of both beta cell physiology and the development of the endocrine cells of the pancreas.  相似文献   
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