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Typha latifolia L. from aquatic plants is widely found throughout Kehli Stream (Elazig, Turkey). This study examined the uptake of some metals by T. latifolia and the transfer from roots to other plant parts. The accumulation of Mn in T. latifolia L. can be suggested as a tolerance strategy due to its transfer factor higher than 1.0. The enrichment coefficients in the leaves of T. latifolia L. were higher than 1.0 for Zn and Mn and often lower than 1.0 for other metals. Similarly, the enrichment coefficients of all metals, except for Cr, in roots of T. latifolia L. were higher than 1.0. This study demonstrated that T. latifolia L. could be considered as either a bio-indicator or a bio-accumulator for sediments and water polluted by metals.  相似文献   
Allopatric isolation in glacial refugia has caused differentiation and speciation in many taxa globally. In this study, we investigated the nuclear and mitochondrial genetic differentiation of the long fingered bat, Myotis capaccinii during the ice ages in south-eastern Europe and Anatolia. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analyses indicated a suture zone similar to those recorded in other animal species, including bats, suggesting the association of more than one refugium with the region. Contrary to most of the other species where a suture zone was seen in Anatolia, for M. capaccinii the geographical location of the genetic break was in south-eastern Europe. This mitochondrial differentiation was not reflected in the nuclear microsatellites, however, suggesting that the lack of contact during the ice ages did not result in reproductive isolation. Hence taxonomically, the two mitochondrial clades cannot be treated as separate species.  相似文献   
The nocturnally active weakly electric fish Gnathonemus petersii is known to employ active electrolocation for the detection of objects and for orientation in its environment. The fish emits pulse‐type electric signals with an electric organ and perceives these signals with more than 3,000 epidermal electroreceptor organs, the mormyromasts, which are distributed over the animal's skin surface. In this study, we measured the metric dimensions of the mormyromasts from different body regions to find structural and functional specialization of the various body parts. We focused on the two foveal regions of G. petersii, which are located at the elongated and movable chin (the Schnauzenorgan; SO) and at the nasal region (NR), the skin region between the mouth and the nares. These two foveal regions were compared to the dorsal part (back) of the fish, which contains typical nonfoveal mormyromasts. While the gross anatomy of the mormyromasts from all skin regions is similar, the metric dimensions of the main substructures differed. The mormyromasts at the SO are the smallest and contain the smallest receptor cells. In addition, the number of receptor cells per organ is lowest at the SO. In contrast, at the back the biggest receptor organs with the highest amount of receptor cells per organ occur. The mormyromasts at the NR are in several respects intermediate between those from the back and the SO. However, mormyromasts at the NR are longer than those at all other skin regions, the canal leading from the receptor pore to the inner chambers were the longest and the overlaying epidermal layers are the thickest. These results show that mormyromasts and the epidermis they are embedded in at both foveal regions differ specifically from those found on the rest of the body. The morphological specializations lead to functional specialization of the two foveae. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary A local isolate of Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.81) produced crystal protein which was identified as a cry I gene of Class I. The synthesis and assembly of crystal complements were investigated at intervals throughout the growth cycle. Incubation temperature had a marked effect on toxin synthesis; production being the highest at 25°C and the lowest at 42°C. The mutants of B. t. 81, unable to synthesize crystal protein complements, have also been described.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Fortpflanzungsperiode der Palmtaube (Streptopelia s. senegalensis L.) fängt in Diyarbakir/Türkei (37°55N/40°12E) schon Anfang Februar an und kann bis Mitte November dauern. In diesem Zeitraum kann ein Paar bis zu sieben Bruten beginnen (Tab. 1). Nach der Paarbildung fangen die Kopulationen an, die vor allem in der Woche vor der Eiablage stark zunehmen. Während des Brütens und der ersten Woche der Jungenaufzucht sind sie dagegen nicht zu beobachten. Sie werden vom im allgemeinen mit sog. Flügeltippen bzw. Scheinputzen eingeleitet. Nach der Begattung paradiert das um das , das auf der Stelle verharrt. Vor dem Tretakt fällt das dagegen in infantiles Verhalten und bettelt unter Flügelzittern den Partner um Futter an. Es bekommt auch tatsächlich Futter. Die Palmtauben sind zumindest für eine Fortpflanzungssaison monogam. U. a. spielen wechselseitige Gefiederpflege und Anschlußbruten sowie die Fütterung des durch das eine wichtige Rolle für das Zusammenleben und -bleiben der Partner. Der Nistplatz wird vom gezeigt, aber vom gewählt. Das Nistmaterial wird vom eingetragen und im allgemeinen vom alleine in das Nest eingefügt. Nur während des Brutwechsels bringt auch das hin und wieder Nistmaterial, das aber wahrscheinlich nur für den Partner, nicht für das Nest dient. In den späteren Phasen des Brütens gilt dies wahrscheinlich auch für das . 1–4 Tage nach dem Nestbaubeginn wird gegen Abend das erste Ei gelegt, womit auch das Brüten anfängt. Das zweite Ei folgt dann rund 38 Stunden später.
On the reproductive behaviour of the Laughing Dove (Streptopelia senegalensis): pair-formation to egg-laying
Summary In Diyarbakr/Turkey, the reproductive season of the Laughing Dove begins in early February and lasts til mid November. One pair may start with breeding up to seven times a year. The frequency of copulations which could be observed only after pair formation increased considerably in the week before incubation starts. During incubation and during the first week of the nestling period no copulations could be observed. Usually copulations are initiated by the male pecking behind its folded wings (displacement-preening). Before mating, the female turns into infantile behaviour begging food from its partner by wing-twitching. Food is then delivered by the male. After mating the female parades around the male which stays motionless. Paired birds stay together at least during one reproductive season. Reinforcement of the pair bond will be achieved by mutual preening, courtship feeding of the female by the male, and successive broods. The male indicates the nest site which is successively chosen by the female. The nest material is brought by the male and usually placed by the female at the nest site. Only during change-overs the female sometimes brings nesting material, too. However, this material probably is for the partner, not actually for the nest. The same may be true for similar behaviour of the male in late stages of incubation. One to four days after nest building has started the first egg is laid, mostly in late afternoon. Incubation starts with the first egg; the second egg is laid about 38 hours later.
Summary The protothyroid region in the endostyles of four species of tunicates was examined by means of autoradiography and cytochemistry, at both the light and electronmicroscopic levels. To reveal the primary binding site for iodine, autoradiography was carried out on endostylar tissue from animals that had been incubated with high activity 125I- over a short period of time. The specific iodine binding enzyme, a peroxidase, was traced by its reaction with DAB. In accordance with previous findings, the iodinebinding cells proved to be the same as those containing the peroxidase. There were also strong indications of a secondary uptake of iodinated compounds and subsequent release into the body fluid. Together with the ultrastructural features, the data provided strong evidence indicating that these cells constitute a protothyroid region, which partly functions as an endocrine organ, possibly homologous with the vertebrate thyroid gland. Since the number of zones varied between the species, the numeration of the protothyroid region also varied. However, in all the examined endostyles, the protothyroid region was seen to be situated dorsolaterally to the glandular regions of the endostyle concerned with food capture.  相似文献   
Summary Large amounts of data indicated that most of the metabolic processes of the acidogenic (acid producing) and the solventogenic (solvent producing) fermentations were regulated by product accumulation. A simple unstructured model simulated microbial growth, product formation and substrate utilization in six different fermentations, where five different microorganisms produced various combinations of ten different products. Specific growth rates of these microorganisms decreased proportionally with overall product accumulation. The products were excreted in non-growth associated pattern. Excretion of some of these products were inhibited by the overall product accumulation similarly as the microbial growth. A substrate consumption model which considered the biomass and individually all the products as separate substrate sinks simulated the data satisfactorily.  相似文献   
Among a total of 135 tissue-reactive monoclonal antibodies previously prepared, 81 were brain-selective and were classified into neuronal and non-neuronal categories. The neuronal antibodies were again subdivided into antineurofibrillar, antiperikaryonal-neurofibrillar, and antisynapse-associated groups. On the basis of morphologic, developmental, biochemical, and pathologic criteria, the antibodies in at least two of these groups were found to detect heterogeneous antigens (called "neurotypes") rather than different antigenic determinants in single antigens. On examining the distribution in peripheral organs of staining patterns of 11 antineuronal brain-reactive antibodies, we now confirm that these antibodies are, indeed, largely brain-specific. In general, non-neuronal elements in liver, lung, heart, thymus, intestine, adrenal, and spleen remained unstained. However, most of the antibodies stained peripheral neural elements. Occasional antibodies did stain selected, non-neuronal structures. Four out of five antineurofibrillar antibodies stained nerve fibers in adrenal medulla, intestine and thymus. All of three antiperikaryonal-neurofibrillar antibodies also stained nerve fibers in the adrenal medulla, but not in other organs. Two out of three antisynapse-associated antibodies stained what appear to be nerve contacts on adrenal medullary cells, but not on any other peripheral cells examined. The non-neuronal peripheral staining patterns were restricted to selective nuclear staining exhibited by two out of five antineurofibrillar antibodies and the staining of macrophage and selected cardiac muscle nuclei by two of three antisynapse-associated antibodies. However, one antineurofibrillar antibody also stained the cytoplasm of selected liver cells. Among non-neuronally reacting antibodies, two antibodies stained nuclei of all cells except neurons in brain as well as peripheral organs. An antibody staining the ciliary epithelium of choroid plexus also stained basal bodies of ciliated bronchial epithelium. The overall data suggest that the specificity of brain-reactive antibodies is high and that their cross-reactivity with epitopes in non-nervous tissue is rare. In these cases, the antibodies seem to provide specific reagents for these additional structures as well as for their specific brain antigens.  相似文献   
Since the exact mechanism of manganese (Mn)-induced learning disability is not known, we investigated the role of elevated cholesterol in rats exposed daily to 357 and 714 μg Mn/kg for 30 d. Significant Mn accumulation was accompanied by increased cholesterol content in the hippocampal region of Mn-treated rats. The learning, which is based on the time needed to reach food placed at the exit of a T-maze after a 1-d training period, was significantly slower in exposed rats than in unexposed rats. The rats receiving 357 and 714 μg Mn/kg reached the food in 104.5±13.8 and 113.3±25.7 s, respectively, on d 30, whereas their untreated counterparts reached the food in 28.7±11.4 s. This delay was completely corrected to 29.3±7.8 and 30.7±6.0 s in rats with coadministration of an inhibitor of cholesterol biosynthesis with 357 and 714 μg/kg of Mn. The correction of impaired learning was associated with the normalization of hippocampal cholesterol, but the Mn level in this region of the brain was not influenced in rats treated with a drug that inhibits cholesterol biosynthesis. These results suggested that Mn-induced hypercholesterolemia is involved in Mn-dependent learning disability.  相似文献   
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