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Degradation of extracellular matrix proteins by hemorrhagic metalloproteinases   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The proteolytic activity of four hemorrhagic metalloproteinases (Ht-a, c, d, and e) isolated from the venom of the Western diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox) was investigated using isolated extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. We determined that all of the proteinases are capable of cleaving fibronectin, laminin, type IV collagen, nidogen (entactin), and gelatins. However, none of the proteinases were proteolytic against the interstitial collagen types I and III or type V collagen. With all of the substrates listed above Ht-c and Ht-d produced identical digestion patterns, as would be expected for these isoenzymes. With fibronectin, Ht-a produces a different ratio of products from Ht-c and Ht-d, while Ht-e produces a unique pattern of digestion. Ht-e and Ht-a produced nonidentical patterns with the laminin/nidogen preparation although some similarity was shared between them as well as with the Ht-c/d digestion pattern. Similar results were also observed for these proteinases with nidogen 150 as the substrate. The type IV collagen digestion patterns by Ht-e and Ht-a were similar to the pattern observed with Ht-c/d but differed by two bands. The digestion patterns of the three gelatins produced by the proteinases show differences between Ht-c and Ht-d when compared to Ht-e and Ht-a. This investigation clearly shows that several of the ECM proteins are efficiently digested by these toxins. The proteinases have some digestion sites in common but show differing specificities. In addition, the range of ECM proteins digested by these hemorrhagic proteinases is nearly identical to that demonstrated by the ECM proteinase stromelysin (MMP-3). From these data, and the knowledge of the roles these ECM proteins have in maintaining basement membrane structural/functional integrity, one can envision that the degradation of these ECM proteins could readily lead to loss of capillary integrity resulting in hemorrhage occurring at those sites.  相似文献   
Summary Rhododendrons were grown in containers for a period of six and a half years (six growth cycles) in soil mixes which contained liberal amounts of either CaCO3, Ca(OH)2 or CaSO4.No evidence was obtained to suggest that the plants were sensitive to liming of the soil or to excessive applications of calcium. The only reaction observed was a leaf chlorosis and veinal necrosis which developed for a brief period following the heavy application of CaSO4 in the fifth season. The application of Ca(OH)2 raised the pH throughout the soil profile to over 7, and CaSO4 induced a consistent increase in leaf calcium.  相似文献   
Metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is one of the most treatment-resistant malignancies, and patients have a dismal prognosis, with a <10% five-year survival rate. The identification of markers that can predict the potential for metastases will have a great effect in improving patient outcomes. In this study, we used differential proteomics with isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) labeling and LC-MS/MS analysis to identify proteins that are differentially expressed in metastatic and primary RCC. We identified 1256 non-redundant proteins, and 456 of these were quantified. Further analysis identified 29 proteins that were differentially expressed (12 overexpressed and 17 underexpressed) in metastatic and primary RCC. Dysregulated protein expressions of profilin-1 (Pfn1), 14–3-3 zeta/delta (14–3-3ζ), and galectin-1 (Gal-1) were verified on two independent sets of tissues by means of Western blot and immunohistochemical analysis. Hierarchical clustering analysis showed that the protein expression profile specific for metastatic RCC can distinguish between aggressive and non-aggressive RCC. Pathway analysis showed that dysregulated proteins are involved in cellular processes related to tumor progression and metastasis. Furthermore, preliminary analysis using a small set of tumors showed that increased expression of Pfn1 is associated with poor outcome and is a potential prognostic marker in RCC. In addition, 14–3-3ζ and Gal-1 also showed higher expression in tumors with poor prognosis than in those with good prognosis. Dysregulated proteins in metastatic RCC represent potential prognostic markers for kidney cancer patients, and a greater understanding of their involved biological pathways can serve as the foundation of the development of novel targeted therapies for metastatic RCC.Renal cell carcinoma (RCC)1 is the most common neoplasm of the adult kidney. Worldwide incidence and mortality rates of RCC are rising each decade (1). Seventy-five percent of kidney tumors are of the clear cell (ccRCC) subtype (2). Although modern imaging techniques for abdominal screening have led to increased incidental detection of renal tumors (3), unfortunately ∼25% to 30% of patients still have metastases at presentation.The prognosis with RCC is quite variable. The greatest risk of recurrence following nephrectomy is within the first 3 to 5 years (4). The ability to predict which tumors will metastasize would have a significant effect on patient outcomes, because the likelihood of a favorable response to treatment is greater when the metastatic burden is limited, and surgical resection of a single or limited number of metastases can result in longer survival (5). Furthermore, ∼3% of patients will develop a second primary renal tumor, either synchronous or metachronous. Currently, patient prognosis is assessed based on histological parameters and a multivariate analysis developed at Memorial Sloan Kettering (6), but neither is sufficiently accurate. A more accurate assessment of prognosis is urgently needed to better guide patient management.Although surgery can be curative for localized disease, many patients eventually relapse. Metastatic RCC is one of the most treatment-resistant malignancies, with chemotherapy and radiotherapy having limited effect. The five-year survival rate for metastatic RCC is ≤10% (7). Although there has been much progress in RCC treatment with the new era of antiangiogenic therapy, the majority of patients ultimately suffer a relapse and die from progression of the cancer. A more in-depth understanding of the pathogenesis of metastasis will be a cornerstone in the development of new targeted therapies. A number of prognostic markers have previously been identified based on comparative analysis of primary and metastatic tumors, including C-reactive protein, tetraspanin 7, hypoxia-inducible factor 1 α, phos-S6, U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein protein, carbonic anhydrase IX, and microvascular density (814). However, no biomarker has yet had an established clinical role independent of stage (15). Differential protein expression between primary RCC and normal tissues was previously studied (1618). Also, differential expression between primary and metastatic kidney disease has been investigated at the microRNA level (19, 20). Molecular analyses hold the promise of providing a better understanding of the pathogenesis of kidney cancer (21).In this study, we aimed to elucidate the pathogenesis of RCC metastasis through proteomic analysis and to identify potential prognostic markers for kidney cancer. We performed quantitative proteomic analysis using isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) labeling and LC-MS/MS to identify proteins that were dysregulated in metastatic RCC relative to primary RCC. Differential expressions of selected biologically interesting proteins—profilin-1 (Pfn1), 14–3-3 zeta/delta (14–3-3ζ), and galectin-1 (Gal-1)—were validated on two independent sets of tumors by means of western blot (WB) analysis and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Hierarchical clustering analysis showed that differential protein expression can distinguish between aggressive and non-aggressive tumors. In order to explore the role of these dysregulated proteins in tumor progression, we performed Gene Ontology (GO) and pathway analyses. In addition, we carried out a preliminary analysis to assess the potential of Pfn1, 14–3-3ζ, and Gal-1 as prognostic markers in RCC.  相似文献   
Circadian clocks control cellular proliferation and drug metabolism over the 24?h. However, circadian chronomodulated chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and oxaliplatin (chronoFLO4) offered no survival benefit as compared with the non-time-stipulated FOLFOX2, in an international randomized trial involving patients with previously untreated metastatic colorectal cancer (EORTC 05963). The authors hypothesized that treatment near maximum tolerated dose could disrupt circadian clocks thus impairing the efficacy of chronoFLO4 but not of FOLFOX2. Patients with available data (N?=?556) were categorized into three subgroups according to the worst grade (G) of neutropenia experienced during treatment. Distinct multivariate models with time-dependent covariates were constructed for each treatment schedule. Neutropenia incidence (all grades) was 33% on chronoFLO4 and 61% on FOLFOX2 (p?相似文献   
Eighteen binary polymorphisms and 16 multiallelic, short-tandem-repeat (STR) loci from the nonrecombining portion of the human Y chromosome were typed in 718 male subjects belonging to 12 ethnic groups of Pakistan. These identified 11 stable haplogroups and 503 combination binary marker/STR haplotypes. Haplogroup frequencies were generally similar to those in neighboring geographical areas, and the Pakistani populations speaking a language isolate (the Burushos), a Dravidian language (the Brahui), or a Sino-Tibetan language (the Balti) resembled the Indo-European-speaking majority. Nevertheless, median-joining networks of haplotypes revealed considerable substructuring of Y variation within Pakistan, with many populations showing distinct clusters of haplotypes. These patterns can be accounted for by a common pool of Y lineages, with substantial isolation between populations and drift in the smaller ones. Few comparative genetic or historical data are available for most populations, but the results can be compared with oral traditions about origins. The Y data support the well-established origin of the Parsis in Iran, the suggested descent of the Hazaras from Genghis Khan's army, and the origin of the Negroid Makrani in Africa, but do not support traditions of Tibetan, Syrian, Greek, or Jewish origins for other populations.  相似文献   
The effects of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) superoxide anion (O2*-) and hydroxyl radical (*OH) on the surface tension lowering properties of bovine lipid extract surfactant (BLES) were compared to the effects of calf serum protein (CSP) in a captive bubble surfactometer (CBS). O2*- was generated from xanthine/xanthine oxidase (X/XO), and *OH was generated by the Fenton reaction. ROS were demonstrated by electron spin resonance (ESR) using 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO) as the spin trap. Lipid peroxidation was measured using the thiobarbituric acid method. *OH had broad inhibitory effects on surface tension parameters, including adsorption, minimum surface tension, percentage film area change and film compressibility. O2*- showed inhibitory effects on adsorption, film area change and film compressibility but had no significant effect on minimum surface tension. Both O2*- and *OH treatment were associated with a large 'squeezeout' plateau around 20-25 mN/m in the surface tension-area relation, indicating poor film organization during the compression phase. At the concentrations used, ROS were associated with lipid peroxidation of BLES, which also demonstrated radical scavenging properties. Calf serum protein produced inhibitory effects on adsorption, minimum surface tension and percentage film area change that were quantitatively similar to those produced by *OH. The effects on film compression were significantly greater and qualitatively different from those seen with either O2*- or *OH. We conclude that the inhibition of BLES surface activity by ROS and inhibitory proteins can be distinguished in the captive bubble surfactometer and, particularly, by changes in the film compressibility modulus.  相似文献   
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