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In this study we used Gardella gel analysis of intact DNA, Southern blotting of digested DNA, and fluorescence in situ hybridization to provide complementary and unequivocal information on the state of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) genome in persistently infected cells. The fluorescence in situ hybridization technique allowed us to directly visualize both integrated and episomal EBV DNA at the single-cell level. We show here that circularization of the EBV genome is rarely detected upon infecting activated normal B cells. The virus can persist upon infection of a different proliferating B-cell target, EBV-negative Burkitt's lymphoma tumor cell lines. Analysis of 16 such lines reveal again, that the virus infrequently persists as covalently closed episomes; rather, the virus preferentially persists by integrating into the host DNA (10 of 16 clones). The integrated virus is linear and usually intact, although 3 of 10 isolates have deletions from the left-hand end including the latent origin of replication. At the level of our analysis, no obvious relationship was seen between the integration sites. These studies provide, for the first time, a reproducible in vitro model system to study integration by EBV.  相似文献   
A total of 578 slaughter pigs from 2 Danish conventional farrow-to-finish operations (Herds A and B) were followed from an age of 14 days to slaughter. Pigs were weighed at 3 weeks intervals and at slaughter and an extended post mortem examination of the plucks was done. Comparison of growth rates in pigs with and without specific types of lesions by the t-test and those with multiple lesions with regression models demonstrated that Mycoplasma-like pneumonia, complicated pneumonia, anterio-ventral pleuritis, fissures and atrophic rhinitis significantly reduced mean daily gain and increased the time required to reach slaughter weight. The total impact of the lesions in Herd A was an estimated reduction in mean daily gain of 27 grams and a 2 day increase in the interval from 14 days of age until slaughter (MDG14). Decreases in MDG14 in Herd B were more substantial, 98 grams and 16.7 days. Reductions in mean daily gains during the interval from the fourth weighing until slaughter were 31 grams in Herd A and 137 grams in Herd B. Chronic dorso-caudal and parietal pleuritis, without other lesions present, had no significant adverse effects on growth rates in either herd. Interactions between lesions did not significantly alter the estimates. The R2 values obtained for the regression models showed that the presence, absence or extent of lesions at slaughter explained only 13-27% of the variations in growth rates in the 2 herds.  相似文献   
Processing of lignocellulosic materials to fuels such as methane and bioethanol may involve several processing steps including pretreatment, saccharification, fermentation, and anaerobic digestion. The amounts of substrate used in these processes are usually based on dry matter content, and the processes themselves typically lead to a change in dry matter content. Thus, it is of great importance to be able to measure dry matter accurately. Dry matter content is commonly determined by measuring loss of water during oven drying. We have used Karl Fischer (KF) titration to measure the water content in a wide range of biomass fractions and have compared these data to results obtained by oven drying. This revealed considerable differences for all tested materials. For lignocellulosic materials, oven drying tends to overestimate dry matter content for untreated material. On the other hand, oven drying generally underestimates dry matter content in pretreated materials due to loss of organic volatiles. These differences have major consequences for the calculation of mass balances and yields in bioprocessing. The KF method gives more accurate water determination than oven drying due to the unique selectivity of the analysis. The method is suitable for the analysis of lignocellulosic biomasses and is particularly useful for determination of water content in pretreated materials, where oven drying usually underestimates the dry matter content due to loss of volatiles.  相似文献   
The dendritic cell (DC) targeting/activation patterns required to elicit Th1/Th17 responses remain undefined. One postulated requirement was that of a physical linkage between Ags and immunomodulators. Accordingly, the separate same-site administration of Ag85B-ESAT-6 (hybrid-1 protein; H1), a mycobacterial fusion Ag, and the CAF01 liposome-based adjuvant induced similar Ab and weak Th2 responses as those of coformulated H1/CAF01 but failed to elicit Th1/Th17 responses. Yet, this separate same-site injection generated the same type and number of activated Ag(+)/adjuvant(+) DCs in the draining lymph nodes (LN) as that of protective H1/CAF01 immunization. Thus, targeting/activating the same DC population by Ag and adjuvant is not sufficient to elicit Th1/Th17 responses. To identify the determinants of Th1/Th17 adjuvanticity, in vivo tracking experiments using fluorescently labeled Ag and adjuvant identified that a separate same-site administration elicits an additional early Ag(+)/adjuvant(-) DC population with a nonactivated phenotype, resulting from the earlier targeting of LN DCs by H1 than by CAF01 molecules. This asynchronous targeting pattern was mimicked by the injection of free H1 prior to or with, but not after, H1/CAF01 or H1/CpG/ aluminum hydroxide immunization. The injection of soluble OVA similarly prevented the induction of Th1 responses by OVA/CAF01. Using adoptively transferred OT-2 cells, we show that the Ag targeting of LN DCs prior to their activation generates nonactivated Ag-pulsed DCs that recruit Ag-specific T cells, trigger their initial proliferation, but interfere with Th1 induction in a dose-dependent manner. Thus, the synchronization of DC targeting and activation is a critical determinant for Th1/Th17 adjuvanticity.  相似文献   
Incorporation of the glycolipid trehalose 6,6'-dibehenate (TDB) into cationic liposomes composed of the quaternary ammonium compound dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) produce an adjuvant system which induces a powerful cell-mediated immune response and a strong antibody response, desirable for a high number of disease targets. We have used differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to investigate the effect of TDB on the gel-fluid phase transition of DDA liposomes and to demonstrate that TDB is incorporated into DDA liposome bilayers. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and cryo-TEM confirmed that liposomes were formed when a lipid film of DDA containing small amounts of TDB was hydrated in an aqueous buffer solution at physiological pH. Furthermore, time development of particle size and zeta potential of DDA liposomes incorporating TDB during storage at 4 degrees C and 25 degrees C, indicates that TDB effectively stabilizes the DDA liposomes. Immunization of mice with the mycobacterial fusion protein Ag85B-ESAT-6 in DDA-TDB liposomes induced a strong, specific Th1 type immune response characterized by substantial production of the interferon-gamma cytokine and high levels of IgG2b isotype antibodies. The lymphocyte subset releasing the interferon-gamma was identified as CD4 T cells.  相似文献   
Disaccharides are well-known reagents to protect biostructures like proteins and phospholipid-based liposomes during freezing and drying. We have investigated the ability of the two disaccharides trehalose and sucrose to stabilize a novel, non-phospholipid-based liposomal adjuvant composed of the cationic dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) and trehalose 6,6'-dibehenate (TDB) upon freeze-drying. The liposomes were freeze-dried using a human dose concentration containing 2.5 mg/ml DDA and 0.5 mg/ml TDB with varying concentrations of the two sugars. The influence on particle size upon rehydration was investigated using photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS) and the gel to fluid phase transition was examined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Data revealed that concentrations above 211 mM trehalose protected and preserved DDA/TDB during freeze-drying, and the liposomes were readily rehydrated. Sucrose was less efficient as a stabilizer and had to be used in concentrations above 396 mM in order to obtain the same effect. Immunization of mice with the tuberculosis vaccine candidate Ag85B-ESAT-6 in combination with the trehalose stabilized adjuvant showed that freeze-dried DDA/TDB liposomes retained their ability to stimulate both a strong cell-mediated immune response and an antibody response. These findings show that trehalose at isotonic concentrations protects cationic DDA/TDB-liposomes during freeze-drying. Since this is not the case for liposomes based on DDA solely, we suggest that the protection is facilitated via direct interaction with the headgroup of TDB and a kosmotropic effect, whereas direct interaction with DDA plays a minor role.  相似文献   
Paracoccus denitrificans methylamine dehydrogenase (MADH) is an enzyme containing a quinone cofactor tryptophan tryptophylquinone (TTQ) derived from two tryptophan residues (betaTrp(57) and betaTrp(108)) within the polypeptide chain. During cofactor formation, the two tryptophan residues become covalently linked, and two carbonyl oxygens are added to the indole ring of betaTrp(57). Expression of active MADH from P. denitrificans requires four other genes in addition to those that encode the polypeptides of the MADH alpha(2)beta(2) heterotetramer. One of these, mauG, has been shown to be involved in TTQ biogenesis. It contains two covalently attached c-type hemes but exhibits unusual properties compared to c-type cytochromes and diheme cytochrome c peroxidases, to which it has some sequence similarity. To test the role that MauG may play in TTQ maturation, the predicted proximal histidine to each heme (His(35) and His(205)) has each been mutated to valine, and wild-type MADH was expressed in the background of these two mauG mutants. The resultant MADH has been characterized by mass spectrometry and electrophoretic and kinetic analyses. The majority species is a TTQ biogenesis intermediate containing a monohydroxylated betaTrp(57), suggesting that this is the natural substrate for MauG. Previous work has shown that MADH mutated at the betaTrp(108) position (the non-oxygenated TTQ partner) is predominantly also this intermediate, and work on these mutants is extended and compared to the MADH expressed in the background of the histidine to valine mauG mutations. In this study, it is unequivocally demonstrated that MauG is required to initiate the formation of the TTQ cross-link, the conversion of a single hydroxyl located on betaTrp(57) to a carbonyl, and the incorporation of the second oxygen into the TTQ ring to complete TTQ biogenesis. The properties of MauG, which are atypical of c-type cytochromes, are discussed in the context of these final stages of TTQ biogenesis.  相似文献   
Mannan-binding lectin (MBL) is an oligomeric lectin that binds neutral carbohydrates on pathogens, forms complexes with MBL-associated serine proteases (MASP)-1, -2, and -3 and 19-kDa MBL-associated protein (MAp19), and triggers the complement lectin pathway through activation of MASP-2. To identify the MASP binding site(s) of human MBL, point mutants targeting residues C-terminal to the hinge region were produced and tested for their interaction with the MASPs and MAp19 using surface plasmon resonance and functional assays. Mutation Lys(55)Ala abolished interaction with the MASPs and MAp19 and prevented formation of functional MBL-MASP-2 complexes. Mutations Lys(55)Gln and Lys(55)Glu abolished binding to MASP-1 and -3 and strongly inhibited interaction with MAp19. Conversely, mutation Lys(55)Arg abolished interaction with MASP-2 and MAp19, but only weakened interaction with MASP-1 and -3. Mutation Arg(47)Glu inhibited interaction with MAp19 and decreased the ability of MBL to trigger the lectin pathway. Mutant Arg(47)Lys showed no interaction with the MASPs or MAp19, likely resulting from a defect in oligomerization. In contrast, mutation Arg(47)Ala had no impact on the interaction with the MASPs and MAp19, nor on the ability of MBL to trigger the lectin pathway. Mutation Pro(53)Ala only had a slight effect on the interaction with MASP-1 and -3, whereas mutations at residues Leu(49) and Leu(56) were ineffective. In conclusion, the MASP binding site of MBL involves a sequence stretch centered on residue Lys(55), which may form an ionic bond representing the major component of the MBL-MASP interaction. The binding sites for MASP-2/MAp19 and MASP-1/3 have common features but are not strictly identical.  相似文献   
Methylated lysines are important epigenetic marks. The enzymes involved in demethylation have recently been discovered and found to be involved in cancer development and progression. Despite the relative recent discovery of these enzymes a number of inhibitors have already appeared. Most of the inhibitors are either previously reported inhibitors of related enzymes or compounds derived from these. Development in terms of selectivity and potency is still pertinent. Several reports on the development of functional assays have been published.  相似文献   
Trivalent inactivated vaccines (TIV) against influenza are given to 350 million people every year. Most of these are non-adjuvanted vaccines whose immunogenicity and protective efficacy are considered suboptimal. Commercially available non-adjuvanted TIV are known to elicit mainly a humoral immune response, whereas the induction of cell-mediated immune responses is negligible. Recently, a cationic liposomal adjuvant (dimethyldioctadecylammonium/trehalose 6,6'-dibehenate, CAF01) was developed. CAF01 has proven to enhance both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses to a number of different experimental vaccine candidates. In this study, we compared the immune responses in ferrets to a commercially available TIV with the responses to the same vaccine mixed with the CAF01 adjuvant. Two recently circulating H1N1 viruses were used as challenge to test the vaccine efficacy. CAF01 improved the immunogenicity of the vaccine, with increased influenza-specific IgA and IgG levels. Additionally, CAF01 promoted cellular-mediated immunity as indicated by interferon-gamma expressing lymphocytes, measured by flow cytometry. CAF01 also enhanced the protection conferred by the vaccine by reducing the viral load measured in nasal washes by RT-PCR. Finally, CAF01 allowed for dose-reduction and led to higher levels of protection compared to TIV adjuvanted with a squalene emulsion. The data obtained in this human-relevant challenge model supports the potential of CAF01 in future influenza vaccines.  相似文献   
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