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Small-bodied cladocerans and cyclopoid copepods are becoming increasingly dominant over large crustacean zooplankton in eutrophic waters where they often coexist with cyanobacterial blooms. However, relatively little is known about their algal diet preferences. We studied grazing selectivity of small crustaceans (the cyclopoid copepods Mesocyclops leuckarti, Thermocyclops oithonoides, Cyclops kolensis, and the cladocerans Daphnia cucullata, Chydorus sphaericus, Bosmina spp.) by liquid chromatographic analyses of phytoplankton marker pigments in the shallow, highly eutrophic Lake Võrtsjärv (Estonia) during a seasonal cycle. Copepods (mainly C. kolensis) preferably consumed cryptophytes (identified by the marker pigment alloxanthin in gut contents) during colder periods, while they preferred small non-filamentous diatoms and green algae (identified mainly by diatoxanthin and lutein, respectively) from May to September. All studied cladoceran species showed highest selectivity towards colonial cyanobacteria (identified by canthaxanthin). For small C. sphaericus, commonly occuring in the pelagic zone of eutrophic lakes, colonial cyanobacteria can be their major food source, supporting their coexistence with cyanobacterial blooms. Pigments characteristic of filamentous cyanobacteria and diatoms (zeaxanthin and fucoxanthin, respectively), algae dominating in Võrtsjärv, were also found in the grazers’ diet but were generally avoided by the crustaceans commonly dominating the zooplankton assemblage. Together these results suggest that the co-occurring small-bodied cyclopoid and cladoceran species have markedly different algal diets and that the cladocera represent the main trophic link transferring cyanobacterial carbon to the food web in a highly eutrophic lake.  相似文献   
Metazooplankton grazing on bacteria and on the phytoplanktonof various sizes was estimated in shallow eutrophic lakes Kaiavereand Võrtsjärv (Estonia) by in situ feeding experimentswith fluorescent microspheres (diameters 0.5 µm for bacteriaand 3, 6 and 24 µm for phytoplankton). Zooplankton communitycomposition, abundance and food density were important factorsdetermining grazing rates in these lakes. Cladocerans and rotifersfiltering rates (FR) and ingestion rates (IR) on bacteria andphytoplankton were several times higher in Lake Kaiavere wherebacterivorous rotifers and Daphnia contributed more to zooplanktonassemblage. While cladocerans were generally the main phytoplanktonconsumers, both lakes differed with respect to the groups ofbacterivores. Based on consumption of fluorescent microspheres,the metazooplankton grazing rates were relatively low and hadlow impact on production and standing stock of bacteria andingestible phytoplankton (<30 µm). On average, 0.5and 0.1% of standing stock of bacteria and 2.6 and 1.0% of standingstock of ingestible phytoplankton was grazed daily by metazooplanktonin lakes Kaiavere and Võrtsjärv, respectively. Thatcorresponded to daily grazing of 4.1% of the bacterial productionand 0.43% of the total primary production (PP) by metazooplanktonin Lake Kaiavere compared with 4.3 and 0.06% in Lake Võrtsjärv,respectively. The results suggest that the majority of consumptionof the bacterial and phytoplankton PP is most likely channelledthrough the microbial loop.  相似文献   
Abundance and biomass of the microbial loop members [bacteria, heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF), and ciliates] were seasonally measured in the naturally eutrophic and shallow (2.8 mean depth) Lake Võrtsjärv, which has a large open surface area (average 270 km2) and highly turbid water (Secchi depth <1 m). Grazing rates (filter feeding rates) on 0.5-, 3-, and 6-μm-diameter particles were measured to estimate pico- and nanoplankton grazing (filter feeding) by micro- and metazooplankton. Among grazers, HNF had a low abundance (<50 cells mL?1) and, due to their low specific filtering rates, they only grazed a minor fraction of the bacterioplankton (≤4.2% of total grazing). Ciliates were relatively abundant (≤158 cells mL?1) and, considering their high specific feeding rates, were able to graze more than 100% of the bacterial biomass production in the open part of the lake, whereas the average daily grazing accounted for 9.3% of the bacterial standing stock. Ciliates were potentially important grazers of nanoplanktonic organisms (on average, approximately 20% of the standing stock of 3-μm-size particles was grazed daily). Metazooplankton grazed a minor part of the bacterioplankton, accounting for only 0.1% of standing stock of bacteria. Grazing on nanoplankton (3–6 μm) by metazooplankton was higher (0.4% of standing stock). The hypothesis is proposed that ciliates dominate due to a lack of top–down regulation by predators, and HNF have a low abundance due to strong grazing pressure by ciliates.  相似文献   
The influence of functional group specific production and respiration patterns on a lake''s metabolic balance remains poorly investigated to date compared to whole-system estimates of metabolism. We employed a summed component ecosystem approach for assessing lake-wide and functional group-specific metabolism (gross primary production (GPP) and respiration (R)) in shallow and eutrophic Lake Võrtsjärv in central Estonia during three years. Eleven functional groups were considered: piscivorous and benthivorous fish; phyto-, bacterio-, proto- and metazooplankton; benthic macroinvertebrates, bacteria and ciliates; macrophytes and their associated epiphytes. Metabolism of these groups was assessed by allometric equations coupled with daily records of temperature and hydrology of the lake and measurements of food web functional groups biomass. Results revealed that heterotrophy dominated most of the year, with a short autotrophic period observed in late spring. Most of the metabolism of the lake could be attributed to planktonic functional groups, with phytoplankton contributing the highest share (90% of GPP and 43% of R). A surge of protozooplankton and bacterioplankton populations forming the microbial loop caused the shift from auto- to heterotrophy in midsummer. Conversely, the benthic functional groups had overall a very small contribution to lake metabolism. We validated our ecosystem approach by comparing the GPP and R with those calculated from O2 measurements in the lake. Our findings are also in line with earlier productivity studies made with 14C or chlorophyll a (chl-a) based equations. Ideally, the ecosystem approach should be combined with diel O2 approach for investigating critical periods of metabolism shifts caused by dynamics in food-web processes.  相似文献   
The vertical and temporal distribution of metazooplankton in the small hypertrophic, strongly stratified, temperate Lake Verevi (Estonia) was studied during 1998–2001. The zooplankton of Lake Verevi is characteristic of hypertrophic lakes, with a small number of dominant species, rotifers being the main ones, and juveniles prevailing among copepods. In 1999–2001, the average abundance of metazooplankton in the lake was 1570 × 103 ind m−3; in the epilimnion 2320 × 103 ind m−3, in the metalimnion 2178 × 103 ind m−3, and in the hypolimnion 237 × 103 ind m−3. The average biomass of metazooplankton was 1.75 g m−3; in the epi-, meta- and hypolimnion, accordingly, 2.16, 2.85 and 0.26 g m−3. The highest abundances – 19,136 × 103 ind m−3 and 12,008 × 103 ind m−3 – were registered in the lower half of the metalimnion in 24 May and 5 June 2001, respectively. Rotifer Keratella cochlearis f. typica (Gosse, 1851) was the dominating species in abundance. In biomass, Asplanchna priodonta Gosse, 1850, among the rotifers, and Eudiaptomus graciloides (Lilljeborg, 1888), among the copepods, dominated. According to the data from 2000–2001, the abundance and biomass of both copepods and rotifers were highest in spring. Zooplankton was scarce in the hypolimnion, and no peaks were observed there. During the summers of 1998 and 1999, when thermal stratification was particularly strong, zooplankton was the most abundant in the upper half of the metalimnion, and a distinct peak of biomass occurred in the second fourth of the metalimnion. Probably, the main factors affecting the vertical distribution of zooplankton in L. Verevi are fish, Chaoborus larvae, and chemocline, while food, like phytoplankton, composition and abundance may affect more the seasonal development of zooplankton.  相似文献   
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