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The resolution along the optical axis (z) is much less than the in-plane resolution in any current optical microscope, conventional or otherwise. We have used mutually tilted, through-focal section views of the same object to provide a solution to this problem. A tilting specimen stage was constructed for an optical microscope, which with the use of a coverslip-free water immersion lens, allowed the collection of data sets from intact Drosophila melanogaster embryos at viewing directions up to 90 degrees apart. We have devised an image processing scheme to determine the relative tilt, translation, and sampling parameters of the different data sets. This involves the use of a modified phase cross-correlation function, which produces a very sharp maximum. Finally the data sets are merged using figure-of-merit and local area scaling techniques borrowed from x-ray protein crystallography. We demonstrate the application of this technique to data sets from a metaphase plate in an embryo of Drosophila melanogaster. As expected, the merged reconstruction combined the highest resolution available in the individual data sets. As estimated from the Fourier transform, the final resolution is 0.25 microns in x and y and 0.4 microns in z. In the final reconstruction all ten chromosome arms can be easily delineated; this was not possible in the individual data sets. Within many of the arms the two individual chromatids can be seen. In some cases the chromatids are wrapped around each other helically, in others they lie alongside each other in a parallel arrangement.  相似文献   
Human apolipoprotein E is a component of several classes of circulating plasma lipoproteins. In addition to binding lipids, this apolipoprotein, which is composed of two structural domains, mediates some lipoprotein-receptor interactions by binding to the low density lipoprotein receptor. The receptor-binding function, as well as some lipid-binding capability, is contained in the amino-terminal structural domain of apolipoprotein E. Thrombin-catalyzed hydrolysis of apolipoprotein E yields a fragment (residues 1 to 191) that has the same properties as, and seems to be a good model for, the amino-terminal domain. Crystals of this amino-terminal fragment suitable for high-resolution X-ray diffraction experiments have now been grown. The crystals belong to the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) and have unit cell dimensions of a = 86.0 A, b = 40.9 A, and c = 53.3 A (1 A = 0.1 nm). This is the first human serum apolipoprotein to be crystallized.  相似文献   
Borrelia burgdorferi is a spirochete pathogen transmitted among warm- blooded hosts by ixodid ticks. Frequency-dependent selection for variant outer-surface proteins might be expected to arise in this species, since rare variants are more likely to avoid immune surveillance in previously infected hosts. We sequenced the OspA and OspB genes of nine North American strains and compared them with nine strains previously described. For each gene, the mean number of synonymous substitutions per synonymous site and the mean number of nonsynonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site show only a twofold excess of silent mutations. Synonymous rates vary widely along the OspB protein. Some regions show a significant excess of silent substitutions, while divergence in other regions is constrained by biased base composition or selection. The presence, in antigenically important regions of the protein, of significant variation among strains, as well as evidence for recombination among strains, should be considered in attempts to develop vaccines against this disease.   相似文献   
Two monoclonal antibodies, which differentially recognise the two species of potato cyst nematodes (PCN), Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis, are described. They have been shown to have potential for quantification of these two species, recognising proteins of the same molecular weight (34 kD) in both species. Further investigation showed these proteins to have isoelectric points at pH values of 5.7 in G. pallida and 5.9 in G. rostochiensis, in common with the proteins used by Fleming & Marks (1983) to differentiate the species of PCN. They are likely to be structurally very similar, with the same physiological function (and therefore similar concentrations) in the two species. In cross-reactivity tests with a wide range of soil nematode species, the antibodies reacted strongly only with species of the genus Globodera, and thereby confirmed their potential as the basis of a quantitative immunoassay likely to be useful in management of PCN populations.  相似文献   
Gap junction structures: Analysis of the x-ray diffraction data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Models for the spatial distribution of protein, lipid and water in gap junction structures have been constructed from the results of the analysis of X-ray diffraction data described here and the electron microscope and chemical data presented in the preceding paper (Caspar, D. L. D., D. A. Goodenough, L. Makowski, and W.C. Phillips. 1977. 74:605-628). The continuous intensity distribution on the meridian of the X-ray diffraction pattern was measured, and corrected for the effects of the partially ordered stacking and partial orientation of the junctions in the X-ray specimens. The electron density distribution in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the junction was calculated from the meridional intensity data. Determination of the interference function for the stacking of the junctions improved the accuracy of the electron density profile. The pair-correlation function, which provides information about the packing of junctions in the specimen, was calculated from the interference function. The intensities of the hexagonal lattice reflections on the equator of the X-ray pattern were used in coordination with the electron microscope data to calculate to the two-dimensional electron density projection onto the plane of the membrane. Differences in the structure of the connexons as seen in the meridional profile and equatorial projections were shown to be correlated to changes in lattice constant. The parts of the junction structure which are variable have been distinguished from the invariant parts by comparison of the X-ray data from different specimens. The combination of these results with electron microscope and chemical data provides low resolution three- dimensional representations of the structures of gap junctions.  相似文献   
alpha-Lytic protease is a bacterial serine protease of the trypsin family that is synthesized as a 39-kD preproenzyme (Silen, J. L., C. N. McGrath, K. R. Smith, and D. A. Agard. 1988. Gene (Amst.). 69: 237-244). The 198-amino acid mature protease is secreted into the culture medium by the native host, Lysobacter enzymogenes (Whitaker, D. R. 1970. Methods Enzymol. 19:599-613). Expression experiments in Escherichia coli revealed that the 166-amino acid pro region is transiently required either in cis (Silen, J. L., D. Frank, A. Fujishige, R. Bone, and D. A. Agard. 1989. J. Bacteriol. 171:1320-1325) or in trans (Silen, J. L., and D. A. Agard. 1989. Nature (Lond.). 341:462-464) for the proper folding and extracellular accumulation of the enzyme. The maturation process is temperature sensitive in E. coli; unprocessed precursor accumulates in the cells at temperatures above 30 degrees C (Silen, J. L., D. Frank, A. Fujishige, R. Bone, and D. A. Agard. 1989. J. Bacteriol. 171:1320-1325). Here we show that full-length precursor produced at nonpermissive temperatures is tightly associated with the E. coli outer membrane. The active site mutant Ser 195----Ala (SA195), which is incapable of self-processing, also accumulates as a precursor in the outer membrane, even when expressed at permissive temperatures. When the protease domain is expressed in the absence of the pro region, the misfolded, inactive protease also cofractionates with the outer membrane. However, when the folding requirement for either wild-type or mutant protease domains is provided by expressing the pro region in trans, both are efficiently secreted into the extracellular medium. Attempts to separate folding and secretion functions by extensive deletion mutagenesis within the pro region were unsuccessful. Taken together, these results suggest that only properly folded and processed forms of alpha-lytic protease are efficiently transported to the medium.  相似文献   
The structures of the complexes with alpha-lytic protease of both phosphorus stereoisomers of N-[(2S)-2-[[[(1R)-1-[N-[(tert-butyloxycarbonyl)-L-alanyl-L-alanyl- L-prolyl]amino]-2-methylpropyl]-phenoxyphosphinyl]oxy]propanoyl]- L-alanine methyl ester, an analogue of the peptide Boc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Val-Ala-Ala where Val is replaced with an analogous phosphonate phenyl ester and the subsequent Ala is replaced with lactate, have been determined to high resolution (1.9 A) by X-ray crystallography. Both stereoisomers inactivate the enzyme but differ by a factor of 2 in the second-order rate constant for inactivation [Sampson, N. S., & Bartlett, P. A. (1991) Biochemistry (preceding paper in this issue)]. One isomer (B) forms a tetrahedral adduct in which the phosphonate phenyl ester is displaced by the active site serine (S195) and interacts with the enzyme across seven substrate recognition sites that span both sides of the scissile bond. Seven hydrogen bonds are formed with the enzyme, and 510 A2 of hydrophobic surface area is buried when the inhibitor interacts with the enzyme. Although two hydrogen bonds are gained by incorporation of two residues on the C-terminal side of the scissile bond into the inhibitor, there is very little adjustment in the structure of the enzyme in this region. Surprisingly, the active site histidine (H57) does not interact with the phosphonate, apparently because the phosphonate lacks negative charge in or near the oxyanion hole, and instead, the side chain rotates out of the active site cleft and hydrogen bonds with solvent. The other isomer (A) forms a mixture of two different tetrahedral adducts in the active site, both covalently bonded to Ser 195. One adduct, at approximately 58% occupancy, is exactly the same in structure as the complex formed with isomer B, and the other adduct, at 42% occupancy, has lost the two residues C-terminal to the scissile bond by hydrolysis. In the lower occupancy structure, His 57 does not rotate out of the active site and forms a hydrogen bond with the phosphonate oxygen instead. The structures of both complexes were insensitive to pH. As very little change in structure accompanies the histidine rotation, the complex with isomer B provides an excellent mimic for the structure of the transition state (or high-energy reaction intermediate) that spans both sides of the scissile bond.  相似文献   
Golgi complex beads are 10-nm particles arranged in rings on the smooth surface of rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) makind the forming face of the Golgi complex (GC). In arthropod cells they stain specifically with bismuth. Their morphology has been studied after treatment with reagents known to interfere with GC function. Inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation (antimycin A, cyanide, and anoxia), but not an inhibitor of glycolysis (iodoacetate), both cause the bead rings to collapse and the GC saccules to round up, and inhibit transition vesicle (TV) formation. Cycloheximide blocks protein synthesis on ribosomes but does not stop TV formation or disrupt bead rings, even after prolonged treatment (6 h) to allow emptying of the rough ER cisternae. Thus the collapse of bead rings is not attributable to inhibition of protein synthesis, and the ring structure of beads does not require continued protein synthesis and secretion for its maintenance. Valinomycin has effects on the GC similar to those of antimycin A, but A23187, monensin, and lasalocid do not affect bead ring structure or TV formation. These results are consistent with valinomycin’s secondarily uncoupling mitochondria, which collapses bead rings and prevents TV formation. Thus inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation do not influence the beads through cation movement. Because mononsin and lasalocid block secretion at the level of the condensing vacuoles, bead rings are not influenced by blocks in secretion distal to them or by the backup of secretory material. These experiments are consistent with inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation collapsing bead rings by decreasing intracellular ATP. The concomitant block to TV formation and the collapse of bead rings suggests that integrity of the bead rings is essential for the transport of secretory material from the rough ER to the GC.  相似文献   
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