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Pancreatic islets of Langerhans are enveloped by peri-islet Schwann cells (pSC), which express glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and S100beta. pSC-autoreactive T- and B-cell responses arise in 3- to 4-week-old diabetes-prone non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice, followed by progressive pSC destruction before detectable beta-cell death. Humans with probable prediabetes generate similar autoreactivities, and autoantibodies in islet-cell autoantibody (lCA) -positive sera co-localize to pSC. Moreover, GFAP-specific NOD T-cell lines transferred pathogenic peri-insulitis to NOD/severe combined immunodeficient (NOD/SCID) mice, and immunotherapy with GFAP or S100beta prevented diabetes. pSC survived in rat insulin promoter Iymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (rip-LCMV) glycoprotein/CD8+ T-cell receptor(gp) double-transgenic mice with virus-induced diabetes, suggesting that pSC death is not an obligate consequence of local inflammation and beta-cell destruction. However, pSC were deleted in spontaneously diabetic NOD mice carrying the CD8+/8.3 T-cell receptor transgene, a T cell receptor commonly expressed in earliest islet infiltrates. Autoimmune targeting of pancreatic nervous system tissue elements seems to be an integral, early part of natural type 1 diabetes.  相似文献   
In type 1 diabetes, T cell-mediated death of pancreatic beta cells produces insulin deficiency. However, what attracts or restricts broadly autoreactive lymphocyte pools to the pancreas remains unclear. We report that TRPV1(+) pancreatic sensory neurons control islet inflammation and insulin resistance. Eliminating these neurons in diabetes-prone NOD mice prevents insulitis and diabetes, despite systemic persistence of pathogenic T cell pools. Insulin resistance and beta cell stress of prediabetic NOD mice are prevented when TRPV1(+) neurons are eliminated. TRPV1(NOD), localized to the Idd4.1 diabetes-risk locus, is a hypofunctional mutant, mediating depressed neurogenic inflammation. Delivering the neuropeptide substance P by intra-arterial injection into the NOD pancreas reverses abnormal insulin resistance, insulitis, and diabetes for weeks. Concordantly, insulin sensitivity is enhanced in trpv1(-/-) mice, whereas insulitis/diabetes-resistant NODxB6Idd4-congenic mice, carrying wild-type TRPV1, show restored TRPV1 function and insulin sensitivity. Our data uncover a fundamental role for insulin-responsive TRPV1(+) sensory neurons in beta cell function and diabetes pathoetiology.  相似文献   
Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) comprises two subunits, including a ligand binding domain on extra- cellular IGF-1Rα and a tyrosine phosphorylation site located on IGF-1Rβ. IGF-1R is over-expressed by orbital fibroblasts in the autoimmune syndrome, Graves' disease (GD). When activated by IGF-1 or GD-derived IgG (GD-IgG), these fibroblasts produce RANTES and IL-16, while those from healthy donors do not. We now report that IGF-1 and GD-IgG provoke IGF-1R accumulation in the cell nucleus of GD fibroblasts where it co-localizes with chromatin. Nuclear IGF-1R is detected with anti-IGF-1Rα-specific mAb and migrates to approximately 110 kDa, consistent with its identity as an IGF-1R fragment. Nuclear IGF-1R migrating as a 200 kDa protein and consistent with an intact receptor was undetectable when probed with either anti-IGF-1Rα or anti-IGF-1Rβ mAbs. Nuclear redistribution of IGF-1R is absent in control orbital fibroblasts. In GD fibroblasts, it can be abolished by an IGF-1R-blocking mAb, 1H7 and by physiological concentrations of glucocorticoids. When cell-surface IGF-1R is cross-linked with (125)I IGF-1, (125)I-IGF-1/IGF-1R complexes accumulate in the nuclei of GD fibroblasts. This requires active ADAM17, a membrane associated metalloproteinase, and the phosphorylation of IGF-1R. In contrast, virally encoded IGF-1Rα/GFP fusion protein localizes equivalently in nuclei in both control and GD fibroblasts. This result suggests that generation of IGF-1R fragments may limit the accumulation of nuclear IGF-1R. We thus identify a heretofore-unrecognized behavior of IGF-1R that appears limited to GD-derived fibroblasts. Nuclear IGF-1R may play a role in disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   
Thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR) plays a central role in regulating thyroid function and is targeted by IgGs in Graves' disease (GD-IgG). Whether TSHR is involved in the pathogenesis of thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy (TAO), the orbital manifestation of GD, remains uncertain. TSHR signaling overlaps with that of insulin-like grow factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R). GD-IgG can activate fibroblasts derived from donors with GD to synthesize T cell chemoattractants and hyaluronan, actions mediated through IGF-1R. In this study, we compare levels of IGF-1R and TSHR on the surfaces of TAO and control orbital fibroblasts and thyrocytes and explore the physical and functional relationship between the two receptors. TSHR levels are 11-fold higher on thyrocytes than on TAO or control fibroblasts. In contrast, IGF-1R levels are 3-fold higher on TAO vs control fibroblasts. In pull-down studies using fibroblasts, thyrocytes, and thyroid tissue, Abs directed specifically against either IGF-1Rbeta or TSHR bring both proteins out of solution. Moreover, IGF-1Rbeta and TSHR colocalize to the perinuclear and cytoplasmic compartments in fibroblasts and thyrocytes by confocal microscopy. Examination of orbital tissue from patients with TAO reveals similar colocalization to cell membranes. Treatment of primary thyrocytes with recombinant human TSH results in rapid ERK phosphorylation which can be blocked by an IGF-1R-blocking mAb. Our findings suggest that IGF-1R might mediate some TSH-provoked signaling. Furthermore, they indicate that TSHR levels on orbital fibroblasts are considerably lower than those on thyrocytes and that this receptor associates with IGF-1R in situ and together may comprise a functional complex in thyroid and orbital tissue.  相似文献   
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a rare life-threatening disease of severe hyperinflammation caused by uncontrolled proliferation of activated lymphocytes and macrophages secreting high amounts of inflammatory cytokines. It is a frequent manifestation in patients with predisposing genetic defects, but can occur secondary to various infectious, malignant, and autoimmune triggers in patients without a known genetic predisposition. Clinical hallmarks are prolonged fever, cytopenias, hepatosplenomegaly, and neurological symptoms, but atypical variants presenting with signs of chronic immunodeficiency are increasingly recognized. Impaired secretion of perforin is a key feature in several genetic forms of the disease, but not required for disease pathogenesis. Despite progress in diagnostics and therapy, mortality of patients with severe HLH is still above 40%. Reference treatment is an etoposide-based protocol, but new approaches are currently explored. Key for a favorable prognosis is the rapid identification of an underlying genetic cause, which has been facilitated by recent immunological and genetic advances. In patients with predisposing genetic disease, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is performed increasingly with reduced intensity conditioning regimes. Current research aims at a better understanding of disease pathogenesis and evaluation of more targeted approaches to therapy, including anti-cytokine antibodies and gene therapy.  相似文献   
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