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Zusammenfassung Nachkommen aus diallelen Kreuzungen zwischen 4 mehltauresistenten Müncheberger Stachelbeerklonen und 4 Sorten wurden auf ihr Verhalten gegenüber dem amerikanischen Stachelbeermehltau (Sphaerotheca mors uvae (Schw.) Berk.) geprüft. Die Methodik der künstlichen Infektion der Sämlinge wird beschrieben.In Abhängigkeit von den verwendeten Kreuzungspartnern wurden 0–30% resistente Sämlinge erhalten. Die unterschiedlichen Aufspaltungsergebnisse weisen auf kompliziertere Verhältnisse bei der Vererbung hin, als bisher angenommen wurde. Im Gegensatz zuLorenz, der trifaktorielle rezessive Vererbung fand, wird vermutet, daß bei Prävalenz der Anfälligkeit die Resistenzallele sich additiv vestärken und beim Erreichen einer bestimmten Quantität. Resistenz auszulösen vermögen. Auf diese Weise können in bezug auf die Mehltauanfälligkeit heterozygote Genotypen resistent sein. Es wird angenommen, daß die einzelnen Faktoren eine unterschiedlich hohe Resistenzkraft besitzen.Durch Infektion junger Blätter anfälliger und resistenter Sorten im Gewächshaus und nachfolgende mikroskopische Untersuchung konnte gezeigt werden, daß vollresistente Pflanzen auch unter günstigen Bedingungen für die künstliche Infektion nicht befallen werden. Die Abwehr des Infektes beruht auf Hypersensibilität der befallenen Epidermiszelle. Feldresistente Individuen wurden unter den angewendeten Bedingungen schwach befallen.Mit 7 Abbildungen  相似文献   
Animals living in extreme environments with predictable seasonality may have important life history events correlated to favourable periods. These animals pass critical life stages in protected habitats, especially during early life, often receiving parental care. It is thus hypothesized that juveniles rely on protective microhabitats provided by their parents, becoming independent only during favourable seasons. Semi-terrestrial crayfish Parastacus pugnax inhabit burrows in highly seasonal and predictable environments, thus being well suited to test this hypothesis. Following marked burrows and individual crayfish we examined the life history patterns of P. pugnax in their natural environment to test the predictions that (i) burrowing activity is higher during the wet season, (ii) reproductive events occur during favourable seasons and (iii) juveniles only disperse after reaching larger sizes. There was little or no burrowing activity during the dry season, when soil was more compact, but burrows became wider and had more openings during the wet season. After hatching, juveniles cohabited with adults for at least 4 months during the dry season. During this period juveniles grew considerably, starting independent lives during the wet season. These results suggest that the prolonged parent-offspring cohabitation evolved in response to the predictable seasonal variations in the crayfish habitat.  相似文献   


It has been hypothesized in the literature that exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (50 or 60 Hz) may lead to human health effects such as childhood leukemia or brain tumors. In a previous study investigating multiple types of cells from brain and kidney of the mouse (Acta Neuropathologica 2004; 107: 257–264), we found increased unrepaired nuclear DNA single strand breaks (nDNA SSB) only in epithelial cells of the choroid plexus in the brain using autoradiographic methods after a continuous eight-week 50 Hz magnetic field (MF) exposure of adult mice with flux density of 1.5 mT.


In the present study we tested the hypothesis that MF exposure with lower flux densities (0.1 mT, i.e., the actual exposure limit for the population in most European countries, and 1.0 mT) shows similar results to those in the previous study. Experiments and data analysis were carried out in a similar way as in our previous study.


Continuous eight-week 50 Hz MF exposure with 0.1 mT or 1.0 mT did not result in increased persisting unrepaired nDNA SSB in distinct types of cells in the brain, kidney, and liver of adult mice. MF exposure with 1.0 mT led to reduced unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) in epithelial cells in the choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle in the brain (EC-CP) and epithelial cells of the cortical collecting duct in the kidney, as well as to reduced mtDNA synthesis in neurons of the caudate nucleus in the brain and in EC-CP.


No evidence was found for increased persisting unrepaired nDNA SSB in distinct types of cells in the brain, kidney, and liver of adult mice after continuous eight-week 50 Hz magnetic field exposure with flux density of 0.1 mT or 1.0 mT.  相似文献   
The role of the N-terminal domains of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and CRF-like peptides in receptor subtype selectivity, ligand affinity and biological potency was investigated. Therefore, human CRF(12-41), human URP(12-38) and antisauvagine-30 (aSvg) were N-terminally prolonged by consecutive addition of one or two amino acids. The peptides obtained were tested for their binding affinities to rat CRF1 and murine CRF(2beta) receptor, and their capability to stimulate cAMP-release by HEK cells producing either receptor.It was observed that human CRF N-terminally truncated by eight residues was bound with high affinity to CRF2 receptor (Ki=5.4nM), whereas affinity for CRF1 receptor was decreased (Ki=250 nM). A similar shift of affinity was found with sauvagine (Svg) analogs. Truncation of human URP analogs did not affect their preference for CRF(2beta) receptor, but reduced their affinity. Changes in affinity were positively correlated with changes in potency. These results indicated that CRF1 receptor was more stringent in its structural requirements for ligands to exhibit high affinity binding than CRF(2beta) receptor.  相似文献   
A fundamental challenge to contemporary genetics is to distinguish rare missense alleles that disrupt protein functions from the majority of alleles neutral on protein activities. High-throughput experimental tools to securely discriminate between disruptive and non-disruptive missense alleles are currently missing. Here we establish a scalable cell-based strategy to profile the biological effects and likely disease relevance of rare missense variants in vitro. We apply this strategy to systematically characterize missense alleles in the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) gene identified through exome sequencing of 3,235 individuals and exome-chip profiling of 39,186 individuals. Our strategy reliably identifies disruptive missense alleles, and disruptive-allele carriers have higher plasma LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C). Importantly, considering experimental data refined the risk of rare LDLR allele carriers from 4.5- to 25.3-fold for high LDL-C, and from 2.1- to 20-fold for early-onset myocardial infarction. Our study generates proof-of-concept that systematic functional variant profiling may empower rare variant-association studies by orders of magnitude.  相似文献   
The unbiased and comprehensive analysis of metabolites in any organism presents a major challenge if proper peak annotation and unambiguous assignment of the biological origin of the peaks are required. Here we provide a comprehensive multi-isotope labelling-based strategy using fully labelled (13) C, (15) N and (34) S plant tissues, in combination with a fractionated metabolite extraction protocol. The extraction procedure allows for the simultaneous extraction of polar, semi-polar and hydrophobic metabolites, as well as for the extraction of proteins and starch. After labelling and extraction, the metabolites and lipids were analysed using a high-resolution mass spectrometer providing accurate MS and all-ion fragmentation data, providing an unambiguous readout for every detectable isotope-labelled peak. The isotope labelling assisted peak annotation process employed can be applied in either an automated database-dependent or a database-independent analysis of the plant polar metabolome and lipidome. As a proof of concept, the developed methods and technologies were applied and validated using Arabidopsis thaliana leaf and root extracts. Along with a large repository of assigned elemental compositions, which is provided, we show, using selected examples, the accuracy and reliability of the developed workflow.  相似文献   
We have recently described induction of apoptosis of transformed target cells by TGF-β-treated nontransformed effector cells as a potential novel control step in oncogenesis. Here we study the role of proliferation of both cell types for the efficiency of induction of apoptosis. Inhibition of proliferation of transformed target cells by gamma irradiation or colchicine treatment did not affect their sensitivity to induction of apoptosis by TGF-β-treated nontransformed effector cells. This finding indicates that sensitivity to intercellular induction of apoptosis is not related to cell cycle control. In contrast, the ability of nontransformed effector cells to induce apoptosis was dependent on their proliferation. Nontransformed cells blocked by gamma irradiation, colchicine treatment, or thymidine treatment were no longer able to induce apoptosis of transformed target cells. This inability seems to be partially due to substances that are released from proliferation-inhibited nontransformed effector cells and that interfere with induction of apoptosis.  相似文献   
Antisauvagine-30 (aSVG) is the only high-affinity antagonist for the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) type 2 (CRF(2)) receptor. A structure-activity relationship study was performed to pinpoint residues conferring aSVG's selectivity. The aSVG-analogues being N-terminally extended by one or two residues or containing the Ala(22)Arg(23)Ala(24) (ARA-motif) of CRF, were synthesized. Additionally, a lactam bridge between positions 29 and 32 was introduced. The modified peptides were analyzed for alpha-helicity properties, binding affinities and antagonistic potencies at the rat CRF(1) and mouse CRF(2B) receptors. While N-terminal prolongation and replacement of D-Phe(11) by Tyr(11) increased the affinity for the CRF(2) receptor, the introduction of the ARA motif resulted in a loss of CRF(2) receptor selectivity. These data show that aSVG(10-40) analogues are more potent CRF(2) receptor antagonists than aSVG(11-40) peptides, while introduction of the ARA-motif or a cyclic constraint between residues 29 and 32 favors binding to the CRF(1) receptor.  相似文献   
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