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Nucleotide sequences of the mtDNA control region were studied in 64 Daurian ground squirrels of the Spermophilus dauricus dauricus subspecies from 20 localities from the territory of Mongolia and Transbaikalia of the Russian Federation. A large number of slightly different haplotypes were detected. It was found that genetic polymorphism is not associated with geographical variability. It seems that the Kherlen River is not an ecological and geographical barrier for Daurian ground squirrels, while an exchange between Mongolian and Chinese populations probably occurs within the southwest end of the Greater Khingan Range. By comparative analysis of a number of molecular genetic markers, it was found that the mitochondrial genome numbered KR534854 (GenBank NCBI) belongs not to S. dauricus, but to one of the members of the Sciurus genus.  相似文献   

Land-use practices in Mongolia can lead to environmental degradation and consequently affect the structure and function of biological communities. The main aim of this study was to determine land-use effects on freshwater macroinvertebrate communities based on their response to grazing and mining, using a trait-based approach (TBA). The functional structure of macroinvertebrate communities was examined using 86 categories of 16 traits. A total of 13 physical and chemical variables were significantly different among the levels of land-use intensity. Significant declines in functional diversity were observed with increased land-use intensity. The community weighted mean of 19 trait categories for 11 traits varied significantly among different levels of land-use intensity. Traits were significantly explained by environmental variables across a land-use intensity gradient. Water temperature, gravel, nitrate, silt, and cobble were the main predictor variables and explained 28% of the total variance of the trait variation. The functional structure of the macroinvertebrate community was strongly related to environmental conditions. The TBA is an important method in assessing disturbance responses in freshwater communities of steppe and taiga regions, such as in Mongolia and other countries in Central Asia and will be useful in finding best management practices for conserving aquatic ecosystems.

The Midday jird Meriones meridianussensu lato is a widely distributed and highly variable species complex, whose taxonomy is still controversial despite several genetic and morphological studies. Dzungaria is a crucial region for understanding the phylogeny and phylogeography of this species complex. In this work, the genetic variation of M. meridianus in Dzungaria and adjacent areas was studied based on mitochondrial (Cytb) and nuclear (BRCA1 and IRBP) genes. To compare morphological and genetic differentiation among lineages, craniological variation of the genotyped specimens was examined. Moreover, environmental data were used to estimate the most probable dispersal routes of M. meridianus clades in the studied area. Three clades of M. meridianus with interspecific level of differentiation were found and treated as distinct species: M. psammophilus (Milne-Edwards, 1871); M. meridianus (Pallas, 1773); and M. penicilliger (Heptner, 1933). The distribution ranges of all three species overlap in Dzungaria. According to the molecular data, M. psammophilus and M. meridianus are sister taxa that diverged ca. 500 kya, while M. penicilliger separated from the common ancestor of the other two lineages ca. 800 kya. These three species have significantly different cranial measurements. Moreover, traces of hybridization between M. psammophilus and M. meridianus were detected, but not between M. penicilliger and the other two species. Finally, the dispersal scenarios for M. psammophilus, M. meridianus, and M. penicilliger are herein discussed. It is suggested that M. meridianusand M. penicilligerindependently colonized Dzungaria from the west via Dzungarian gates.  相似文献   
The phytochemical investigation of the aerial parts of Papaver pseudocanescens M. Pop. of Mongolian origin resulted in the isolation and structural elucidation of 8 alkaloids of the isoquinoline and promorphinane type. 8,14-Dihydroamurine, 8,14-dihydroflavinantine, and flavinantine are promorphinanes. Alborine, mecambridine, and mecambridine methohydroxide are retroprotoberberines. Amurensinine is an isopavine alkaloid and O-methylarmepavine is a benzylisoquinoline alkaloid. O-Methylarmepavine is a new alkaloid for the genus Papaver. Promorphinane-type alkaloids have been found for the first time in the species. All structures were established by physical and spectral analysis. As a first attempt to describe some of the biological activities of these alkaloids, the antiviral effect was tested against the in vitro replication of several viruses which belong to different taxonomic groups and represent significant human pathogens. Based on the results, the conclusion could be drawn that particular alkaloids from P. pseudocanescens possess selective antiviral effects against the replication of poliovirus 1 and human rhinovirus 14, two viruses from the Enterovirus genus of the Picornaviridae family.  相似文献   
罗布泊野骆驼的家域特征及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
野双峰骆驼(Camelus ferus)生活在荒漠戈壁, 种群数量稀少, 栖息地地形复杂多样, 且有长距离迁徙习性, 目前对其家域面积和重要栖息地范围的研究只有定性描述。本研究于2012年5月至2013年7月, 在阿奇克谷地和阿尔金山北麓捕捉了8峰野骆驼并安装GPS卫星跟踪项圈, 分别获得了12-423天的13,748个GPS位点记录。研究结果表明, 8峰野骆驼的100%最小凸多边形(minimum convex polygons, MCP)家域面积分别为1,775-11,768 km2, 总家域面积为32,821 km2, 占罗布泊野骆驼分布区面积的23.1%, 平均家域面积为7,349 ± 1,323 km2。野骆驼个体家域面积季节间差异显著, 秋季最大, 其次是冬季和夏季, 春季最小, 秋季是春季的4.4倍。野骆驼在繁殖季节的家域平均面积为879 ± 320 km2, 非繁殖季节为998 ± 106 km2, 二者间无显著差异。除了项圈编码为135号的野骆驼和其他7峰野骆驼的家域没有重叠外, 其余7峰野骆驼的家域都有重叠。这7峰野骆驼的家域总面积是24,910 km2, 占罗布泊野骆驼分布区总面积的17.5%, 重叠区面积是515 km2。鉴于野骆驼主要分布在阿奇克谷地及以南区域、阿尔金山北麓, 建议将罗布泊野骆驼国家级自然保护区位于阿奇克谷地北山以北的核心区部分区域、磁海低地以南的山区和阿尔金山西部原为实验区的部分区域调整为缓冲区, 而将阿尔金山北麓至库姆塔格沙漠之间的戈壁地带原为缓冲区的部分区域调整为核心区。  相似文献   
Using molecular genetic methods, we investigated the secondary contact zones of two pairs of species of ground squirrels of Mongolia. In common colonies of marmots M. sibirica and M. baibacina, we revealed a high frequency of occurrence of hybrid individuals that were viable and fertile. A hybridization between S. alaschanicus and S. pallidicauda was sporadic in nature. The hypothesis about an extensive hybrid zone in these species of ground squirrels was not confirmed. An occupation of suboptimal biotopes by individuals of different species was the main factor contributing to hybridization in both case. The complex social behavior in marmots affected on the localization and diffusion of the hybridization process.  相似文献   
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