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Toxoplasma gondii infects virtually all warm‐blooded hosts worldwide. Recently, attention has been focused on the genetic diversity of the parasite to explain its pathogenicity in different hosts. It has been hypothesized that interaction between feral and domestic cycles of T. gondii may increase unusual genotypes in domestic cats and facilitate transmission of potentially more pathogenic genotypes to humans, domestic animals, and wildlife. In the present study, we tested black bear (Ursus americanus), bobcat (Lynx rufus), and feral cat (Felis catus) from the state of Pennsylvania for T. gondii infection. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 32 (84.2%) of 38 bears, both bobcats, and 2 of 3 feral cats tested by the modified agglutination test (cut off titer 1:25). Hearts from seropositive animals were bioassayed in mice, and viable T. gondii was isolated from 3 of 32 bears, 2 of 2 bobcats, and 2 of 3 feral cats. DNA isolated from culture‐derived tachyzoites of these isolates was characterized using multilocus PCR‐RFLP markers. Three genotypes were revealed, including ToxoDB PCR‐RFLP genotype #1 or #3 (Type II, 1 isolate), #5 (Type 12, 3 isolates), and #216 (3 isolates), adding to the evidence of genetic diversity of T. gondii in wildlife in Pennsylvania. Pathogenicity of 3 T. gondii isolates (all #216, 1 from bear, and 2 from feral cat) was determined in outbred Swiss Webster mice; all three were virulent causing 100% mortality. Results indicated that highly mouse pathogenic strains of T. gondii are circulating in wildlife, and these strains may pose risk to infect human through consuming of game meat.  相似文献   
An inexpensive, noninvasive system that could accurately classify flying insects would have important implications for entomological research, and allow for the development of many useful applications in vector and pest control for both medical and agricultural entomology. Given this, the last sixty years have seen many research efforts devoted to this task. To date, however, none of this research has had a lasting impact. In this work, we show that pseudo-acoustic optical sensors can produce superior data; that additional features, both intrinsic and extrinsic to the insect’s flight behavior, can be exploited to improve insect classification; that a Bayesian classification approach allows to efficiently learn classification models that are very robust to over-fitting, and a general classification framework allows to easily incorporate arbitrary number of features. We demonstrate the findings with large-scale experiments that dwarf all previous works combined, as measured by the number of insects and the number of species considered.  相似文献   
Previous studies have suggested that administration of oxytocin (OT) can have modulatory effects on social and anxiety-like behavior in mammals that may endure beyond the time of acute OT administration. The current study examined whether repeated administration of OT to male Wistar rats (n = 48) during a key developmental epoch (early adolescence) altered their physiology and behavior in later-life. Group housed rats were given intraperitoneal injections of either 1 mg/kg OT or vehicle during early adolescence (post natal-days [PND] 33–42). OT treatment caused a transient inhibition of body weight gain that recovered quickly after the cessation of treatment. At PND 50, the rats pre-treated with OT displayed less anxiety-like behavior on the emergence test, while at PND 55 they showed greater levels of social interaction. A subgroup of OT pre-treated rats examined at PND 63 showed a strong trend towards increased plasma OT levels, and also displayed significantly increased OT receptor mRNA in the hypothalamus. Rats pre-treated with OT and their controls showed similar induction of beer intake in daily 70 min test sessions (PND 63 onwards) in which the alcohol concentration of beer was gradually increased across days from 0.44% to 4.44%. However, when given ad libitum access to beer in their home cages from PND 72 onwards (early adulthood), consumption of beer but not water was significantly less in the OT pre-treated rats. A “booster” shot of OT (1 mg/kg) given after 25 days of ad libitum access to beer had a strong acute inhibitory effect on beer intake without affecting water intake. Overall these results suggest that exogenous OT administered during adolescence can have subtle yet enduring effects on anxiety, sociability and the motivation to consume alcohol. Such effects may reflect the inherent neuroplasticity of brain OT systems and a feed-forward effect whereby exogenous OT upregulates endogenous OT systems.  相似文献   
Oxidative stress is important in the pathogenesis of renal ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury; however whether imbalances in reactive oxygen production and disposal account for susceptibility to injury is unclear. The purpose of this study was to compare necrosis, apoptosis, and oxidative stress in IR-resistant Brown Norway rats vs. IR-susceptible Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats in an in vivo model of renal IR injury. As superoxide (O2·−) interacts with nitric oxide (NO) to form peroxynitrite, inducible NO synthase (iNOS) and nitrotyrosine were also examined. Renal IR was induced in SD and BN rats by bilateral clamping of renal arteries for 45 min followed by reperfusion for 24 h (SD 24 and BN 24, respectively). BN rats were resistant to renal IR injury as evidenced by lower plasma creatinine and decreased acute tubular necrosis. TUNEL staining analysis demonstrated significantly decreased apoptosis in the BN rats vs. SD rats after IR. Following IR, O2·− levels were also significantly lower in renal tissue of BN rats vs. SD rats (P < 0.05) in conjunction with a preservation of the O2·− dismutating protein, CuZn superoxide dismutase (CuZn SOD) (P < 0.05). This was accompanied by an overall decrease in 4-hydroxynonenal adducts in the BN but not SD rats after IR. BN rats also displayed lower iNOS expression (P < 0.05) resulting in lower tissue NO levels and decreased nitrotyrosine formation (P < 0.01) following IR. Collectively these results show that the resistance of the BN rat to renal IR injury is associated with a favorable balance of oxidant production vs. oxidant removal. This work was supported in part by a Medical College of Wisconsin-Research Affairs Committee Grant to V. Nilakantan, and by divisional funds to V. Nilakantan and B.D. Shames.  相似文献   
Opiate drugs such as morphine and heroin are among the most effective analgesics known. Prolonged or repeated administration of opiates produces adaptive changes in the nervous system that lead to reduced drug potency or efficacy (tolerance), as well as physiological withdrawal symptoms and behavioral manifestations such as craving when drug use is terminated (dependence). These adaptations limit the therapeutic utility of opiate drugs, particularly in the treatment of chronically painful conditions, and are thought to contribute to the highly addictive nature of opiates. For many years it has been proposed that physiological tolerance to opiate drugs is associated with a modification of the number or functional activity of opioid receptors in specific neurons. We now understand certain mechanisms of opioid receptor desensitization and endocytosis in considerable detail. However, the functional roles that these mechanisms play in the complex physiological adaptation of the intact nervous system to opiates are only beginning to be explored.  相似文献   
Oxidant-mediated apoptosis has been implicated in renal injury due to ischemia reperfusion (IR); however, the apoptotic signaling pathways following IR have been incompletely defined. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of oxidants on cell death in a model of in vitro simulated IR injury in renal proximal tubular epithelial cells by analyzing the effects of a cell-permeable superoxide dismutase mimetic, manganese (III) tetrakis (1-methyl-4-pyridyl) porphyrin pentachloride (MnTmPyP). Renal proximal tubular epithelial cells were ATP depleted for 2, 4, or 6 h, followed by 2 h of recovery. We found that MnTmPyP was effective in attenuating cytotoxicity (P<0.001) and decreasing steady-state oxidant levels (P<0.001) and apoptotic cell death (P<0.001) following ATP depletion-recovery. MnTmPyP treatment prevented the early cytosolic release of cytochrome c and increased Bcl-2 protein levels following short durations of ATP depletion-recovery. After longer periods of ATP depletion-recovery, we observed a significant increase in TNF-alpha protein levels (P<0.001) and caspase-8 activation (P<0.001), both of which were decreased (P<0.001) by treatment with MnTmPyP. Our results suggest that oxidant mediated apoptosis via the mitochondrial pathway during the early phase of ATP depletion and by activation of the receptor-mediated apoptotic pathway following longer durations of injury.  相似文献   
Young children regularly engage in musical activities, but the effects of early music education on children''s cognitive development are unknown. While some studies have found associations between musical training in childhood and later nonmusical cognitive outcomes, few randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have been employed to assess causal effects of music lessons on child cognition and no clear pattern of results has emerged. We conducted two RCTs with preschool children investigating the cognitive effects of a brief series of music classes, as compared to a similar but non-musical form of arts instruction (visual arts classes, Experiment 1) or to a no-treatment control (Experiment 2). Consistent with typical preschool arts enrichment programs, parents attended classes with their children, participating in a variety of developmentally appropriate arts activities. After six weeks of class, we assessed children''s skills in four distinct cognitive areas in which older arts-trained students have been reported to excel: spatial-navigational reasoning, visual form analysis, numerical discrimination, and receptive vocabulary. We initially found that children from the music class showed greater spatial-navigational ability than did children from the visual arts class, while children from the visual arts class showed greater visual form analysis ability than children from the music class (Experiment 1). However, a partial replication attempt comparing music training to a no-treatment control failed to confirm these findings (Experiment 2), and the combined results of the two experiments were negative: overall, children provided with music classes performed no better than those with visual arts or no classes on any assessment. Our findings underscore the need for replication in RCTs, and suggest caution in interpreting the positive findings from past studies of cognitive effects of music instruction.  相似文献   
The cannabis constituent cannabidiol (CBD) possesses anxiolytic and antipsychotic properties. We have previously shown that transmembrane domain neuregulin 1 mutant (Nrg1 TM HET) mice display altered neurobehavioural responses to the main psychoactive constituent of cannabis, Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol. Here we investigated whether Nrg1 TM HET mice respond differently to CBD and whether CBD reverses schizophrenia-related phenotypes expressed by these mice. Adult male Nrg1 TM HET and wild type-like littermates (WT) received vehicle or CBD (1, 50 or 100 mg/kg i.p.) for 21 days. During treatment and 48 h after withdrawal we measured behaviour, whole blood CBD concentrations and autoradiographic receptor binding. Nrg1 HET mice displayed locomotor hyperactivity, PPI deficits and reduced 5-HT(2A) receptor binding density in the substantia nigra, but these phenotypes were not reversed by CBD. However, long-term CBD (50 and 100 mg/kg) selectively enhanced social interaction in Nrg1 TM HET mice. Furthermore, acute CBD (100 mg/kg) selectively increased PPI in Nrg1 TM HET mice, although tolerance to this effect was manifest upon repeated CBD administration. Long-term CBD (50 mg/kg) also selectively increased GABA(A) receptor binding in the granular retrosplenial cortex in Nrg1 TM HET mice and reduced 5-HT(2A) binding in the substantia nigra in WT mice. Nrg1 appears necessary for CBD-induced anxiolysis since only WT mice developed decreased anxiety-related behaviour with repeated CBD treatment. Altered pharmacokinetics in mutant mice could not explain our findings since no genotype differences existed in CBD blood concentrations. Here we demonstrate that Nrg1 modulates acute and long-term neurobehavioural effects of CBD, which does not reverse the schizophrenia-relevant phenotypes.  相似文献   
Endogenous heat shock proteins (HSPs) 70 and 25/27 are induced in renal cells by injury from energy depletion. Transfected over-expression of HSPs 70 or 27 (human analogue of HSP25), provide protection against renal cell injury from ATP deprivation. This study examines whether over-expressed HSP27 depends on induction of endogenous HSPs, in particular HSP70, to afford protection against cell injury. LLC-PK1 cells transfected with HSP27 (27OE cells) were injured by ATP depletion for 2 h and recovered for 4 h in the presence of HSF decoy, HSP70 specific siRNA (siRNA-70) and their respective controls. Injury in the presence of HSF decoy, a synthetic oligonucleotide identical to the heat shock element, the nuclear binding site of HSF, decreased HSP70 induction by 80% without affecting the over-expression of transfected HSP27. The HSP70 stress response was completely ablated in the presence of siRNA-70. Protection against injury, provided by over-expression of HSP27, was reduced by treatment with HSF decoy and abolished by treatment with siRNA-70. Immunoprecipitation studies demonstrated association of HSP27 with actin that was not affected by either treatment with HSF decoy or siRNA. Therefore, HSP27 is dependent on HSP70 to provide its maximal cytoprotective effect, but not for its interaction with actin. This study suggests that, while it has specific action on the cytoskeleton, HSP 25/27 must have coordinated activity with other HSP classes, especially HSP70, to provide the full extent of resistance to injury from energy depletion.  相似文献   
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