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Salivary gland duct ligation is an alternative to gland excision for treating sialorrhea or reducing salivary gland size prior to tumor excision. Duct ligation also is used as an approach to study salivary gland aging, regeneration, radiotherapy, sialolithiasis and sialadenitis. Reports conflict about the contribution of each salivary cell population to gland size reduction after ductal ligation. Certain cell populations, especially acini, reportedly undergo atrophy, apoptosis and proliferation during reduction of gland size. Acini also have been reported to de-differentiate into ducts. These contradictory results have been attributed to different animal or salivary gland models, or to methods of ligation. We report here a bilateral double ligature technique for rabbit parotid glands with histologic observations at 1, 7, 14, 30, 60 days after ligation. A large battery of special stains and immunohistochemical procedures was employed to define the cell populations. Four stages with overlapping features were observed that led to progressive shutdown of gland activities: 1) marked atrophy of the acinar cells occurred by 14 days, 2) response to and removal of the secretory material trapped in the acinar and ductal lumens mainly between 30 and 60 days, 3) reduction in the number of parenchymal (mostly acinar) cells by apoptosis that occurred mainly between 14–30 days, and 4) maintenance of steady-state at 60 days with a low rate of fluid, protein, and glycoprotein secretion, which greatly decreased the number of leukocytes engaged in the removal of the luminal contents. The main post- ligation characteristics were dilation of ductal and acinar lumens, massive transient infiltration of mostly heterophils (rabbit polymorphonuclear leukocytes), acinar atrophy, and apoptosis of both acinar and ductal cells. Proliferation was uncommon except in the larger ducts. By 30 days, the distribution of myoepithelial cells had spread from exclusively investing the intercalated ducts pre-ligation to surrounding a majority of the residual duct-like structures, many of which clearly were atrophic acini. Thus, both atrophy and apoptosis made major contributions to the post-ligation reduction in gland size. Structures also occurred with both ductal and acinar markers that suggested acini differentiating into ducts. Overall, the reaction to duct ligation proceeded at a considerably slower pace in the rabbit parotid glands than has been reported for the salivary glands of the rat.  相似文献   
An indirect ELISA was developed and initially evaluated for the detection of bovine antibodies to Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona. The antigen used in this ELISA was extracted from a serovar pomona culture supernatant by a combination of centrifugation, digestion with proteinase K and ultra-centrifugation. The antigen showed little cross-reaction with immune rabbit sera to L. interrogans serovars copenhageni, grippotyphosa, hardjo and sejroe and, Leptospira biflexa serovar patoc. Some cross-reaction was observed with immune rabbit serum to L. interrogans serovar canicola. The relative sensitivity of the ELISA was 94.76% confidence interval =± 3.32%) when estimated with bovine sera (n=172) with serovar pomona microscopic agglutination test (MAT) titers of 100. The relative specificity of the ELISA was 99.28% (95% confidence interval = 1.40%) when estimated with bovine sera (n=139) with MAT titers of <100 to L. interrogans serovars canicola, copenhageni, grippotyphosa, hardjo, pomona and sejroe. Thirty six of 258 field sera (13.95%) with serovar pomona MAT titers of <100, gave positive reactions in the ELISA.  相似文献   
An enzyme-linked immunofiltration assay (ELIFA) and a microtitre plate enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were developed and compared for their ability to detect staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB). The double antibody capture format was used for both assays. Factors which improved the sensitivity of the ELIFA system were (1) addition of casein and thimerosal to the antigen dilution buffer; (2) addition of polyethylene glycol (MW 6000) to the detection and conjugate antibody dilution buffers; and (3) washing with diethanolamine buffer prior to addition of the substrate/chromogen. The ELIFA system had a turnaround time of approximately 1 h and a detection limit of 1 ng/mL of purified SEB. The ELISA had a total turnaround time of 21 h, or 3 h using plates pre-coated overnight with the capture antibody. The detection limit of the ELISA for purified SEB was 0.05 ng/mL. The detection limit of SEB in cheese samples spiked with purified enterotoxin and subjected to a simple extraction procedure was 1 ng/mL and 0.1 ng/mL of extract, with the ELIFA and the ELISA, respectively.  相似文献   
Bacterial spores are the most resistant form of life and have been a major threat to public health and food safety. Nonthermal atmospheric gas discharge plasma is a novel sterilization method that leaves no chemical residue. In our study, a helium radio-frequency cold plasma jet was used to examine its sporicidal effect on selected strains of Bacillus and Clostridium. The species tested included Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus stearothermophilus, Clostridium sporogenes, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium difficile, and Clostridium botulinum type A and type E. The plasmas were effective in inactivating selected Bacillus and Clostridia spores with D values (decimal reduction time) ranging from 2 to 8 min. Among all spores tested, C. botulinum type A and C. sporogenes were significantly more resistant to plasma inactivation than other species. Observations by phase contrast microscopy showed that B. subtilis spores were severely damaged by plasmas and the majority of the treated spores were unable to initiate the germination process. There was no detectable fragmentation of the DNA when the spores were treated for up to 20 min. The release of dipicolinic acid was observed almost immediately after the plasma treatment, indicating the spore envelope damage could occur quickly resulting in dipicolinic acid release and the reduction of spore resistance.  相似文献   
Mammalian cell‐based bioprocesses are used extensively for production of therapeutic proteins. Off‐line monitoring of such cultivations via manual sampling is often labor‐intensive and can introduce operator‐dependent error into the process. An integrated multi‐functional off‐line analyzer, the BioProfile FLEX (NOVA Biomedical, Waltham MA) has been developed, which combines the functionality of three off‐line analyzers (a cell counter, an osmometer, and a gas/electrolyte & nutrient/metabolite bio‐profile analyzer) into one device. In addition, a novel automated sampling system has also been developed that allows the BioProfile FLEX to automatically analyze the culture conditions in as many as ten bioreactors. This is the first report on the development and function of this integrated analyzer and an auto‐sampler prototype for monitoring of mammalian cell cultures. Evaluation of the BioProfile FLEX was conducted in two separate laboratories and involved two BioProfile FLEX analyzers and two sets of reference analyzers (Nova BioProfile 400, Beckman‐Coulter Vi‐Cell AS, and Advanced Instruments Osmometer 3900), 13 CHO cell lines and over 20 operators. In general, BioProfile FLEX measurements were equivalent to those obtained using reference analyzers, and the auto‐sampler did not alter the samples it provided to the BioProfile FLEX. These results suggest that the system has the potential to dramatically reduce the manual labor involved in monitoring mammalian cell bioprocesses without altering the quality of the data obtained, and integration with a bioreactor control system will allow feedback control of parameters previously available only for off‐line monitoring. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   
In the study of 65 microbial cultures isolated from the purulent foci in acute pulmonary abscess and acute pyothorax of 48 patients, a wide spectrum of microflora was detected. Staphylococci and Pseudomonas prevailed among aerobes, bacteroids and peptostreptococci--among anaerobes. In cases of the prolonged course of the pathological process, as compared with the common one, microorganisms exhibited hemolytic activity and high antilysozyme and anticomplementary levels. These findings served as the basis for working out a mathematical model for the prognosis of the disease course with 95% probability.  相似文献   
The chromosome 9p21 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-frontotemporal dementia (ALS-FTD) locus contains one of the last major unidentified autosomal-dominant genes underlying these common neurodegenerative diseases. We have previously shown that a founder haplotype, covering the MOBKL2b, IFNK, and C9ORF72 genes, is present in the majority of cases linked to this region. Here we show that there is a large hexanucleotide (GGGGCC) repeat expansion in the first intron of C9ORF72 on the affected haplotype. This repeat expansion segregates perfectly with disease in the Finnish population, underlying 46.0% of familial ALS and 21.1% of sporadic ALS in that population. Taken together with the D90A SOD1 mutation, 87% of familial ALS in Finland is now explained by a simple monogenic cause. The repeat expansion is also present in one-third of familial ALS cases of outbred European descent, making it the most common genetic cause of these fatal neurodegenerative diseases identified to date.  相似文献   
In a number of in vitro experiments the effect of oxytocin on the antilysozyme and anticomplemental activity of Propiobacterium propionicum, Bacteroides fragilis, Prevotella melaninogenica and Peptostreprtococcus anaerobius, isolated from patients with acute pyoinflammatory pleuropulmonary diseases, was studied. Antibiotic resistance dynamics of the infective agents under study to lincomycin, clindamycin, thienam, vancomycin was also detected. The inhibiting activity of oxytocin on the persistence properties of B. fragilis, P. melanogenica and P. anaerobius was noted. Under the influence of the preparations used changes in the sensitivity of the strains to a number of antibiotics of the lincosamide, carbapenem and glycopeptide groups were found to occur. The data thus obtained were indicative of the possible mechanisms of action of oxytocin in the treatment of acute pyoinflammatory pleuropulmonary diseases of anaerobic nonclostridial etiology.  相似文献   
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