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A method is described for second-step concentration of viruses from water. This method, combined with an adsorption-elution method, yields a mean recovery of about 75%  相似文献   


Light-emitting diode fluorescence microscopy (LED-FM) has been shown to be more sensitive than conventional bright field microscopy using Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) stain in detecting sputum smear positive tuberculosis in controlled laboratory conditions. In 2012, Auramine O staining based LED-FM replaced conventional ZN microscopy in 200 designated microscopy centres (DMC) of medical colleges operating in collaboration with India’s Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme. We aimed to assess the impact of introduction of LED-FM services on sputum smear positive case detection under program conditions.


This was a before and after comparison study. In 15 randomly selected medical college DMCs, all presumptive TB patients who underwent sputum smear examination in the years 2011 (before LED-FM) and 2012 (after LED-FM) were compared. An additional 15 comparable DMCs that implemented conventional ZN sputum smear microscopy were also selected for comparison between 2011 and 2012.


The proportion of presumptive TB patients (PTP)found sputum smear positive increased by 30%- from 13.6% (3432/25159) in 2011 to 17.8% (4706/26426) in 2012 (P value <0.01) in the sites that implemented LED-FM microscopy, whereas in DMCs where the ZN staining procedure is followed the proportion of sputum smear positive had remained unchanged (13.0%versus 12.6%;P value0.31).


Use of LED-FM significantly increased the proportion of smear positive cases among presumptive TB patients under routine program conditions in high workload laboratories. The study provides operational evidence needed to scale-up the use of LED-FM in similar settings in India and beyond.  相似文献   
Plant roots constantly secrete compounds into the soil to interact with neighboring organisms presumably to gain certain functional advantages at different stages of development. Accordingly, it has been hypothesized that the phytochemical composition present in the root exudates changes over the course of the lifespan of a plant. Here, root exudates of in vitro grown Arabidopsis plants were collected at different developmental stages and analyzed using GC-MS. Principle component analysis revealed that the composition of root exudates varied at each developmental stage. Cumulative secretion levels of sugars and sugar alcohols were higher in early time points and decreased through development. In contrast, the cumulative secretion levels of amino acids and phenolics increased over time. The expression in roots of genes involved in biosynthesis and transportation of compounds represented in the root exudates were consistent with patterns of root exudation. Correlation analyses were performed of the in vitro root exudation patterns with the functional capacity of the rhizosphere microbiome to metabolize these compounds at different developmental stages of Arabidopsis grown in natural soils. Pyrosequencing of rhizosphere mRNA revealed strong correlations (p<0.05) between microbial functional genes involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and secondary metabolites with the corresponding compounds released by the roots at particular stages of plant development. In summary, our results suggest that the root exudation process of phytochemicals follows a developmental pattern that is genetically programmed.  相似文献   
The Alzheimer's Disease Sequencing Project (ADSP) performed whole genome sequencing (WGS) of 584 subjects from 111 multiplex families at three sequencing centers. Genotype calling of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and insertion-deletion variants (indels) was performed centrally using GATK-HaplotypeCaller and Atlas V2. The ADSP Quality Control (QC) Working Group applied QC protocols to project-level variant call format files (VCFs) from each pipeline, and developed and implemented a novel protocol, termed “consensus calling,” to combine genotype calls from both pipelines into a single high-quality set. QC was applied to autosomal bi-allelic SNVs and indels, and included pipeline-recommended QC filters, variant-level QC, and sample-level QC. Low-quality variants or genotypes were excluded, and sample outliers were noted. Quality was assessed by examining Mendelian inconsistencies (MIs) among 67 parent-offspring pairs, and MIs were used to establish additional genotype-specific filters for GATK calls. After QC, 578 subjects remained. Pipeline-specific QC excluded ~12.0% of GATK and 14.5% of Atlas SNVs. Between pipelines, ~91% of SNV genotypes across all QCed variants were concordant; 4.23% and 4.56% of genotypes were exclusive to Atlas or GATK, respectively; the remaining ~0.01% of discordant genotypes were excluded. For indels, variant-level QC excluded ~36.8% of GATK and 35.3% of Atlas indels. Between pipelines, ~55.6% of indel genotypes were concordant; while 10.3% and 28.3% were exclusive to Atlas or GATK, respectively; and ~0.29% of discordant genotypes were. The final WGS consensus dataset contains 27,896,774 SNVs and 3,133,926 indels and is publicly available.  相似文献   
Iron (Fe) deficiency is one of the major environmental stresses affecting plant production in the world. The selection of tolerant genotypes is considered an effective remediation strategy for this stress. The present study was carried out in order to investigate the biodiversity within Medicago truncatula plants in response to Fe deficiency, to identify tolerant genotypes and to assess the main tolerance mechanisms. To do this, a screening test was performed on 20 M. truncatula genotypes cultivated in minimal medium. Biometric and physiological markers were analyzed, including plant biomass, chlorophyll and root architecture. Results showed a biodiversity among the 20 genotypes. Interestingly, Fe deficiency tolerance was highest in TN8.20 and A17 genotypes. However, the lowest tolerance behavior was observed in TN1.11 and TN6.18. In order to investigate the main tolerance mechanisms, an experiment was conducted in the hydroponic system on already selected genotypes. Assessment of Fe deficiency tolerance was performed mainly on plant growth parameters, Fe (III)-chelate-reductase activity, rhizosphere acidification and antioxidant system defense. The relative better tolerance of A17 and TN8.20 to Fe deficiency was positively correlated with their capacity to maintain higher Fe-acquisition efficiency in roots via rhizosphere acidification and the stimulation of Fe (III)-chelate-reductase activity. Moreover, tolerant genotypes showed the lowest decreases in chlorophyll content and photosynthetic activity (CO2 assimilation) compared to the sensitive ones. The efficiency of antioxidant capacity of the tolerant genotypes was revealed in stimulation of catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POX) activities as well as accumulation of polyphenols, leading to the maintenance of cell integrity under Fe deficiency.  相似文献   
We describe real time background suppression of autofluorescence from biological samples during frequency domain or phase modulation measurements of intensity decays. For these measurements the samples were excited with a train of light pulses with widths below 1 ps. The detector was gated off for a short time period of 10 to 40 ns during and shortly after the excitation pulse. The reference signal needed for the frequency domain measurement was provided by a long-lifetime reference fluorophore which continues to emit following the off-gating pulse. Both the sample and the reference were measured under identical optical and electronic conditions avoiding the need for correction of the photomultiplier tube signal for the gating sequence. We demonstrate frequency domain background suppression using a mixture of short- and long-lifetime probes and for a long-lifetime probe in human plasma with significant autofluorescence.  相似文献   
Traditional methods of bone defect repair include autografts, allografts, surgical reconstruction, and metal implants that have several disadvantages such as donor site morbidity, rejection, risk of disease transmission, and repetitive surgery. Biomaterial‐based bone reconstructions can, therefore, be an efficient alternative due to the inherent properties of the materials. Chitosan (CS), the deacetylated form of chitin, is a biopolymer having a wide array of applicability in regenerative tissue applications owing to its biocompatible, in vitro degradative and bioresorbable nature. Extensive studies are being carried out using CS to augment the properties of the already existing methods and to also improve the applicability of CS‐based biocomposites in bone tissue repair. In this review, the suitability of CS as a surface modifier has been discussed in detail for the already existing implants, surface modifications of CS‐based natural biocomposites for bone tissue regeneration, and the wide range of techniques that can introduce these modifications. CS, being a natural polymer, possesses advantageous properties including surface modifier that makes it a suitable candidate for bone regeneration, and further research to investigate its osteogenic potential in vivo along with the molecular and signaling mechanisms involved in bone regeneration can aid in expanding its applicability in clinical trials.  相似文献   
The prevalence of common chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCDs) far overshadows the prevalence of both monogenic and infectious diseases combined. All CNCDs, also called complex genetic diseases, have a heritable genetic component that can be used for pre-symptomatic risk assessment. Common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that tag risk haplotypes across the genome currently account for a non-trivial portion of the germ-line genetic risk and we will likely continue to identify the remaining missing heritability in the form of rare variants, copy number variants and epigenetic modifications. Here, we describe a novel measure for calculating the lifetime risk of a disease, called the genetic composite index (GCI), and demonstrate its predictive value as a clinical classifier. The GCI only considers summary statistics of the effects of genetic variation and hence does not require the results of large-scale studies simultaneously assessing multiple risk factors. Combining GCI scores with environmental risk information provides an additional tool for clinical decision-making. The GCI can be populated with heritable risk information of any type, and thus represents a framework for CNCD pre-symptomatic risk assessment that can be populated as additional risk information is identified through next-generation technologies.  相似文献   
Many proteins are composed of several domains that pack together into a complex tertiary structure. Multidomain proteins can be challenging for protein structure modeling, particularly those for which templates can be found for individual domains but not for the entire sequence. In such cases, homology modeling can generate high quality models of the domains but not for the orientations between domains. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) reports the structural properties of entire proteins and has the potential for guiding homology modeling of multidomain proteins. In this article, we describe a novel multidomain protein assembly modeling method, SAXSDom that integrates experimental knowledge from SAXS with probabilistic Input-Output Hidden Markov model to assemble the structures of individual domains together. Four SAXS-based scoring functions were developed and tested, and the method was evaluated on multidomain proteins from two public datasets. Incorporation of SAXS information improved the accuracy of domain assembly for 40 out of 46 critical assessment of protein structure prediction multidomain protein targets and 45 out of 73 multidomain protein targets from the ab initio domain assembly dataset. The results demonstrate that SAXS data can provide useful information to improve the accuracy of domain-domain assembly. The source code and tool packages are available at https://github.com/jianlin-cheng/SAXSDom .  相似文献   
Draft sequence derived from the 46-Mb gene-rich euchromatic portion of human chromosome 19 (HSA19) was utilized to generate a sequence-ready physical map spanning homologous regions of mouse chromosomes. Sequence similarity searches with the human sequence identified more than 1000 individual orthologous mouse genes from which 382 overgo probes were developed for hybridization. Using human gene order and spacing as a model, these probes were used to isolate and assemble bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone contigs spanning homologous mouse regions. Each contig was verified, extended, and joined to neighboring contigs by restriction enzyme fingerprinting analysis. Approximately 3000 mouse BACs were analyzed and assembled into 44 contigs with a combined length of 41.4 Mb. These BAC contigs, covering 90% of HSA19-related mouse DNA, are distributed throughout 15 homology segments derived from different regions of mouse chromosomes 7, 8, 9, 10, and 17. The alignment of the HSA19 map with the ordered mouse BAC contigs revealed a number of structural differences in several overtly conserved homologous regions and more precisely defined the borders of the known regions of HSA19-syntenic homology. Our results demonstrate that given a human draft sequence, BAC contig maps can be constructed quickly for comparative sequencing without the need for preestablished mouse-specific genetic or physical markers and indicate that similar strategies can be applied with equal success to genomes of other vertebrate species.  相似文献   
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