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In this review we examine the effects of the allosteric activator, acetyl CoA on both the structure and catalytic activities of pyruvate carboxylase. We describe how the binding of acetyl CoA produces gross changes to the quaternary and tertiary structures of the enzyme that are visible in the electron microscope. These changes serve to stabilize the tetrameric structure of the enzyme. The main locus of activation of the enzyme by acetyl CoA is the biotin carboxylation domain of the enzyme where ATP-cleavage and carboxylation of the biotin prosthetic group occur. As well as enhancing reaction rates, acetyl CoA also enhances the binding of some substrates, especially HCO3-, and there is also a complex interaction with the binding of the cofactor Mg2. The activation of pyruvate carboxylase by acetyl CoA is generally a cooperative processes, although there is a large degree of variability in the degree of cooperativity exhibited by the enzyme from different organisms. The X-ray crystallographic holoenzyme structures of pyruvate carboxylases from Rhizobium etli and Staphylococcus aureus have shown the allosteric acetyl CoA binding domain to be located at the interfaces of the biotin carboxylation and carboxyl transfer and the carboxyl transfer and biotin carboxyl carrier protein domains.  相似文献   
High‐definition optical coherence tomography (HD‐OCT) scanners have recently been developed. We assessed micromorphological HD‐OCT correlates of benign naevi (BN) and malignant melanoma (MM). 28 BN and 20 MM were studied using HD‐OCT and histology. Epidermal honeycomb/cobblestone pattern, regular junctional cell nests, and edged papillae are more often observed in BN, whereas fusion of rete ridges, pagetoid cells and junctional and/or dermal nests with atypical cells are more frequently seen in MM. A high overlap of HD‐OCT features in BN and MM was observed and in 20% of MM we did not find evidence for malignancy in OCT images at all. Using HD‐OCT it is possible to visualize architectural and cellular alterations of melanocytic skin lesions. The overlap of HD‐OCT features seen in BN and MM and the absence of suspicious HD‐OCT features in some MM represents an important limitation of HD‐OCT affecting the sensitivity of HD‐OCT in diagnosing MM.

High‐definition optical coherence tomography and the corresponding vertically sectioned histology of a compound naevus.  相似文献   

The native form of pyruvate carboxylase is an alpha4 tetramer but the tetramerisation domain of each subunit is currently unknown. To identify this domain we co-expressed yeast pyruvate carboxylase 1 isozyme (Pyc1) with an N-terminal myc tag, together with constructs encoding either the biotin carboxylase (BC) domain or the transcarboxylase-biotin carboxyl carrier domain (TC-BCC), each with an N-terminal 9-histidine tag. From tag-affinity chromatography experiments, the subunit contacts within the tetramer were identified to be primarily located in the 55 kDa BC domain. From modelling studies based on known structures of biotin carboxylase domains and subunits we have predicted that Arg36 and Glu433 and Glu40 and Lys426, respectively, are involved pairwise in subunit interactions and are located on opposing subunits in the putative subunit interface of Pyc1. Co-expression of mutant forms with wild type Pyc1 showed that the R36E mutation had no effect on the interaction of these subunits with those of wild type Pyc1, while the E40R, E433R and R36E:E433R mutations caused severe loss of interaction with wild type Pyc1. Ultracentrifugal analysis of these mutants when expressed and purified separately indicated that the predominant form of E40R, E433R and R36R:E433R mutants is the monomer, and that their specific activities are less than 2% of the wild type. Studies on the association state and specific activity of the R36E mutant at different concentrations showed it to be much more susceptible to tetramer dissociation and inactivation than the wild type. Our results suggest that Glu40 and Glu433 play essential roles in subunit interactions.  相似文献   
Type I chaperonins (cpn60/Hsp60) are essential proteins that mediate the folding of proteins in bacteria, chloroplast and mitochondria. Despite the high sequence homology among chaperonins, the mitochondrial chaperonin system has developed unique properties that distinguish it from the widely-studied bacterial system (GroEL and GroES). The most relevant difference to this study is that mitochondrial chaperonins are able to refold denatured proteins only with the assistance of the mitochondrial co-chaperonin. This is in contrast to the bacterial chaperonin, which is able to function with the help of co-chaperonin from any source. The goal of our work was to determine structural elements that govern the specificity between chaperonin and co-chaperonin pairs using mitochondrial Hsp60 as model system. We used a mutagenesis approach to obtain human mitochondrial Hsp60 mutants that are able to function with the bacterial co-chaperonin, GroES. We isolated two mutants, a single mutant (E321K) and a double mutant (R264K/E358K) that, together with GroES, were able to rescue an E. coli strain, in which the endogenous chaperonin system was silenced. Although the mutations are located in the apical domain of the chaperonin, where the interaction with co-chaperonin takes place, none of the residues are located in positions that are directly responsible for co-chaperonin binding. Moreover, while both mutants were able to function with GroES, they showed distinct functional and structural properties. Our results indicate that the phenotype of the E321K mutant is caused mainly by a profound increase in the binding affinity to all co-chaperonins, while the phenotype of R264K/E358K is caused by a slight increase in affinity toward co-chaperonins that is accompanied by an alteration in the allosteric signal transmitted upon nucleotide binding. The latter changes lead to a great increase in affinity for GroES, with only a minor increase in affinity toward the mammalian mitochondrial co-chaperonin.  相似文献   
The chloroplast cpn20 protein is a functional homolog of the cpn10 co-chaperonin, but its gene consists of two cpn10-like units joined head-to-tail by a short chain of amino acids. This double protein is unique to plastids and was shown to exist in plants as well plastid-containing parasites. In vitro assays showed that this cpn20 co-chaperonin is a functional homolog of cpn10. In terms of structure, existing data indicate that the oligomer is tetrameric, yet it interacts with a heptameric cpn60 partner. Thus, the functional oligomeric structure remains a mystery. In this review, we summarize what is known about this distinctive chaperonin and use a bioinformatics approach to examine the expression of cpn20 in Arabidopsis thaliana relative to other chaperonin genes in this species. In addition, we examine the primary structure of the two homologous domains for similarities and differences, in comparison with cpn10 from other species. Lastly, we hypothesize as to the oligomeric structure and raison d’être of this unusual co-chaperonin homolog. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Transport of essentially all matrix and a number of inner membrane proteins is governed, entirely or in part, by N-terminal presequences and requires a coordinated action of the translocases of outer and inner mitochondrial membranes (TOM and TIM23 complexes). Here, we have analyzed Tim50, a subunit of the TIM23 complex that is implicated in transfer of precursors from TOM to TIM23. Tim50 is recruited to the TIM23 complex via Tim23 in an interaction that is essentially independent of the rest of the translocase. We find Tim50 in close proximity to the intermembrane space side of the TOM complex where it recognizes both types of TIM23 substrates, those that are to be transported into the matrix and those destined to the inner membrane, suggesting that Tim50 recognizes presequences. This function of Tim50 depends on its association with TIM23. We conclude that the efficient transfer of precursors between TOM and TIM23 complexes requires the concerted action of Tim50 with Tim23.  相似文献   
The involvement of type I chaperonins in bacterial and organellar protein folding has been well-documented. In E. coli and mitochondria, these ubiquitous and highly conserved proteins form chaperonin oligomers of identical 60 kDa subunits (cpn60), while in chloroplasts, two distinct cpn60 α and β subunit types co-exist together. The primary sequence of α and β subunits is ~50% identical, similar to their respective homologies to the bacterial GroEL. Moreover, the A. thaliana genome contains two α and four β genes. The functional significance of this variability in plant chaperonin proteins has not yet been elucidated. In order to gain insight into the functional variety of the chloroplast chaperonin family members, we reconstituted β homo-oligomers from A. thaliana following their expression in bacteria and subjected them to a structure-function analysis. Our results show for the first time, that A. thaliana β homo-oligomers can function in vitro with authentic chloroplast co-chaperonins (ch-cpn10 and ch-cpn20). We also show that oligomers made up of different β subunit types have unique properties and different preferences for co-chaperonin partners. We propose that chloroplasts may contain active β homo-oligomers in addition to hetero-oligomers, possibly reflecting a variety of cellular roles.  相似文献   
The mitochondrial chaperone mhsp70 mediates protein transport across the inner membrane and protein folding in the matrix. These two reactions are effected by two different mhsp70 complexes. The ADP conformation of mhsp70 favors formation of a complex on the inner membrane; this 'import complex' contains mhsp70, its membrane anchor Tim44 and the nucleotide exchange factor mGrpE. The ATP conformation of mhsp70 favors formation of a complex in the matrix; this 'folding complex' contains mhsp70, the mitochondrial DnaJ homolog Mdj1 and mGrpE. A precursor protein entering the matrix interacts first with the import complex and then with the folding complex. A chaperone can thus function as part of two different complexes within the same organelle.  相似文献   
The activity of the biotin-dependent enzyme pyruvate carboxylase from many organisms is highly regulated by the allosteric activator acetyl-CoA. A number of X-ray crystallographic structures of the native pyruvate carboxylase tetramer are now available for the enzyme from Rhizobium etli and Staphylococcus aureus. Although all of these structures show that intersubunit catalysis occurs, in the case of the R. etli enzyme, only two of the four subunits have the allosteric activator bound to them and are optimally configured for catalysis of the overall reaction. However, it is apparent that acetyl-CoA binding does not induce the observed asymmetrical tetramer conformation and it is likely that, under normal reaction conditions, all of the subunits have acetyl-CoA bound to them. Thus the activation of the enzyme by acetyl-CoA involves more subtle structural effects, one of which may be to facilitate the correct positioning of Arg353 and biotin in the biotin carboxylase domain active site, thereby promoting biotin carboxylation and, at the same time, preventing abortive decarboxylation of carboxybiotin. It is also apparent from the crystal structures that there are allosteric interactions induced by acetyl-CoA binding in the pair of subunits not optimally configured for catalysis of the overall reaction.  相似文献   
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