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Nano-biocomposites of inorganic and organic components wereprepared to produce long-persistent phosphorescent artificial nacre-like materials. Biodegradable polylactic acid (PLA), graphene oxide (GO), and nanoparticles (13–20 nm) of lanthanide-doped aluminate pigment (NLAP) were used in a simple production procedure of an organic/inorganic hybrid nano-biocomposite. Both polylactic acid and GO nanosheets were chemically modified to form covalent and hydrogen bonding. The high toughness, good tensile strength, and great endurance of those bonds were achieved by their interactions at the interfaces. Long-persistent and reversible photoluminescence was shown by the prepared nacre substrates. Upon excitation at 365 nm, the nacre substrates generated an emission peak at 517 nm. When ultraviolet light was shone on luminescent nacres, they displayed a bright green colour. The high superhydrophobicity of the generated nacres was obtained without altering their mechanical characteristics.  相似文献   
The monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) enzyme is linked with Parkinson''s disease. Therefore, it is of interest to document the molecular docking analysis and dynamics simulation of salbutamol, a well-known β2-adrenoceptor agonist, with the monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) enzyme for further consideration in drug design and development.  相似文献   
Flavoenzymes have been extensively studied for their structural and mechanistic properties because they find potential application as industrial biocatalysts. They are attractive for biocatalysis because of the selectivity, controllability and efficiency of their reactions. Some of these enzymes catalyse the oxidative modification of protein substrates. Among them oxygenases (monoxoygenases and dioxygenases) are of special interest because they are highly entantio as well as regio-selective and can be used for oxyfunctionalisation. Dioxygenase enzymes catalyse oxygenation reactions in which both di-oxygen atoms are incorporated into the product. A dioxygenase enzyme purified from Aspergillus fumigatus MC8 was subjected to protein digestion followed by peptide sequencing. The sequence analysis of the peptide fragments resulted in identifying its match with that of an extracellular dioxygenase sequence from the same species of fungus existing in the protein database. The sequence was submitted to protein homology/analogy recognition engine online server for homology modelling and the 3D structure was predicted. Subsequently, the in silico studies of the enzyme–substrate (protein–ligand) interaction were carried out by using the method of molecular docking simulations wherein the modelled dioxygenase enzyme (protein) was docked with the substrates (ligands), catechin and epicatechin.  相似文献   
Beauveria sp. BTMF S10 isolated from marine sediment produced extracellular L-glutaminase. Maximal L-glutaminase yield (46.9U/ml) was obtained in a medium supplemented with 1% (w/v) yeast extract and sorbitol, 9% (w/v) sodium chloride and 0.2% (w/v) methionine, initial pH 9.0 and at 27 °C after 108h. This enzyme was inducible and growth-associated.  相似文献   
This article attempts to evaluate men's approval of family planning in Bangladesh using the couple data set from the recent Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS), 1999-2000. Family planning approval is addressed both from individual and couple perspectives. Analysis of BDHS data shows that about 85% of the wives report that their husbands approve of family planning, which is lower than the wives' own approval rate (95%). Using the couple data set, husbands' characteristics were matched to the wives' responses on family planning approval. Regression analyses show that age, education, access to TV, inter-spousal communication, current use of family planning and the number of living children significantly determine family planning approval among both men as well as couples. Family planning approval was found to be much lower in Sylhet than in the other administrative divisions. Multilevel modelling analysis suggests almost negligible variation at the community level. The findings indicate the need for careful evaluation of the DHS questions in order to measure appropriately men's family planning attitudes.  相似文献   
Phytase production was studied by three Mucor and eight Rhizopus strains by solid-state fermentation (SSF) on three commonly used natural feed ingredients (canola meal, coconut oil cake, wheat bran). Mucor racemosus NRRL 1994 (ATCC 46129) gave the highest yield (14.5 IU/g dry matter phytase activity) on coconut oil cake. Optimizing the supplementation of coconut oil cake with glucose, casein and (NH(4))(2)SO(4), phytase production in solid-state fermentation was increased to 26 IU/g dry matter (DM). Optimization was carried out by Plackett-Burman and central composite experimental designs. Using the optimized medium phytase, alpha-amylase and lipase production of Mucor racemosus NRRL 1994 was compared in solid-state fermentation and in shake flask (SF) fermentation. SSF yielded higher phytase activity than did SF based on mass of initial substrate. Because this particular isolate is a food-grade fungus that has been used for sufu fermentation in China, the whole SSF material (crude enzyme, in situ enzyme) may be used directly in animal feed rations with enhanced cost efficiency.  相似文献   
The vertebrate proteins Nesprin-1 and Nesprin-2 (also referred to as Enaptin and NUANCE) together with ANC-1 of Caenorhabditis elegans and MSP-300 of Drosophila melanogaster belong to a novel family of alpha-actinin type actin-binding proteins residing at the nuclear membrane. Using biochemical techniques, we demonstrate that Nesprin-2 binds directly to emerin and the C-terminal common region of lamin A/C. Selective disruption of the lamin A/C network in COS7 cells, using a dominant negative lamin B mutant, resulted in the redistribution of Nesprin-2. Furthermore, using lamin A/C knockout fibroblasts we show that lamin A/C is necessary for the nuclear envelope localization of Nesprin-2. In normal skin where lamin A/C is differentially expressed, strong Nesprin-2 expression was found in all epidermal layers, including the basal layer where only lamin C is present. This indicates that lamin C is sufficient for proper Nesprin-2 localization at the nuclear envelope. Expression of dominant negative Nesprin-2 constructs and knockdown studies in COS7 cells revealed that the presence of Nesprin-2 at the nuclear envelope is necessary for the proper localization of emerin. Our data imply a scaffolding function of Nesprin-2 at the nuclear membrane and suggest a potential involvement of this multi-isomeric protein in human disease.  相似文献   
Gene sequences mediating sexual reproduction are more divergent within and between closely related species. Microsatellite or simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers are valuable molecular tools for analysis of genetic variability, phylogeny, and also for identifying sex at seedling stage in dioecious plant species. Calamus travancoricus Bedd. ex. Becc. and Calamus nagbettai R.R.Fernald & Dey are economically important rattan species. The dioecious nature of the Calamus spp. limits its breeding and cultivation. The sex of rattans can only be identified after attaining reproductive maturity which ranges from 5 to 15 years. A study was carried out in this background and 9 putative sex-specific PCR products were identified as sex markers for C. travancoricus and C. nagbettai and sequenced by Sanger method. The sequence homology search revealed occurrence of identical sequences in many plant species across different families indicating the conserved nature of the sequences. However, these sequences were not present in opposite sex in the studied species, indicating divergent evolution favoring sex determination. Annotation of these sequences revealed that most of these are mediating sexual reproduction by and large. An adequate sex ratio is to be maintained for these dioecious palms in natural habitat for producing offsprings having equal gene complements for continual evolution and sustainable utilization. Developing scientific management strategies and improved utilization of canes could help to generate employment locally and thus contribute to the socioeconomics sustainably.  相似文献   
In the complex mechanism of preeclampsia, oxidative stress is an important pathogenic factor, and F2-isoprostane is a marker of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. The objective of this study was to identify if the amniotic fluid (AF) levels of F2-isoprostanes were elevated in women who later developed preeclampsia. In this study, we analyzed AF F2-isoprostane concentrations with enzyme immunoassay (EIA), and the EIA results could be validated by quantitative mass spectrometry. The mean AF concentration of F2-isoprostanes was significantly higher in pregnancies with subsequent development of preeclampsia (123.1 ± 57.6 pg/ml, n = 85) than in controls (73.8 ± 36.6 pg/ml, n = 85). The AF elevation of F2-isoprostanes was even higher in the preeclampsia with intrauterine growth restriction group (138.3 ± 65.2 pg/ml, n = 39). The area under the curve of the receiver operating characteristics analysis for AF F2-isoprostanes assay was 0.81, supporting its potential as a biomarker for preeclampsia. These results indicate that oxidative stress existed before the onset of clinical preeclampsia, further suggesting that the elevation of AF F2-isoprostanes may be used as a guide for antioxidant supplementation to reduce the risk and/or severity of preeclampsia.  相似文献   
This study investigates the correlates of traditional contraceptive use in Moldova, a poor country in Europe with one of the highest proportions of traditional contraceptive method users. The high reliance on traditional methods, particularly in the context of sub-replacement level fertility rate, has not been systematically evaluated in demographic research. Using cross-sectional data on a sub-sample of 6039 sexually experienced women from the 2005 Moldovan Demographic and Health Survey, this study hypothesizes that (a) economic and spatial disadvantages increase the likelihood of traditional method use, and (b) high exposure to family planning/reproductive health (FP/RH) programmes increases the propensity to modern method use. Multilevel multinomial models are used to examine the correlates of traditional method use controlling for exposure to sexual activity, socioeconomic and demographic characteristics and data structure. The results show that economic disadvantage increases the probability of traditional method use, but the overall effect is small. Although higher family planning media exposure decreases the reliance on traditional methods among younger women, it has only a marginal effect in increasing modern method use among older women. Family planning programmes designed to encourage women to switch from traditional to modern methods have some success--although the effect is considerably reduced in regions outside of the capital Chisinau. The study concludes that FP/RH efforts directed towards the poorest may have limited impact, but interventions targeted at older women could reduce the burden of unwanted pregnancies and abortions. Addressing differentials in accessing modern methods could improve uptake in rural areas.  相似文献   
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