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Lectin-receptors on leukocyte and endothelial surfaces are becoming more important in the light of increasing evidence which implicates lectin-carbohydrate interactions in diverse physiological phenomena. This study reports the identification of a major 118 kDa granulocyte surface protein, (Protein 1a) which binds the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), and is distinctly different from reported WGA binding granulocyte membrane proteins. Protein 1a has been isolated from the Triton-soluble and Triton-insoluble lysates of normal individuals and patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) using a combination of differential solubilization, lectin affinity, ion exchange chromatography and HPLC. The protein from the detergent lysates of both normal and CML granulocytes has similar pI values, lectin affinities, and hydrophobicity. However, its solubility in Triton is different in the two cell types. In 71% of CML cases examined, Protein 1a exhibits decreased Triton solubility suggesting its increased association with the cytoskeleton (CSK). Stimulation of normal granulocytes with WGA leads to the translocation of the soluble form of Protein 1a to the Triton-insoluble fraction. This cytoskeletal recruitment of Protein 1a is sustained only under conditions of excess WGA and occupied receptor. The CSK disruptive agent dihydrocytochalasin B (H2CB) releases the insoluble form of the receptor into the Triton-soluble fraction. Investigation of a CSK-involving process such as ligand internalization revealed that CML granulocytes exhibit slower kinetics of internalization of fluorescent WGA molecules. Since Protein 1a is a major WGA receptor on the granulocyte surface, its decreased Triton solubility in CML granulocytes suggests that this may be one of the factors contributing to the defective receptor-mediated endocytosis of WGA by CML cells, arising as a consequence of altered membrane-CSK interaction — a nodal point in the signal transduction cascade.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the personal exposure to benzene and its relationship with biomonitoring and quantitative risk assessment among the personnel working and living near oil pits. This study was conducted in one of oil subsidiary companies in Kharg in 2017. Airborne benzene exposure was evaluated over 8-h periods during work-shift by using personal active samplers. Urinary O-Cresol levels were determined using GC-FID for separation and detection. The highest mean concentration of airborne benzene was at monitoring location, A (0.53?ppm), monitoring location H (0.59?ppm) in the spring, monitoring location M (0.72?ppm) and monitoring location P (0.8?ppm) in the summer, which was more than suggested by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. No direct linear relationship was found between the concentration of airborne benzene, age, work experience, urinary creatinine, and O-Cresol in this study (p?>?.05). No significant difference was observed between urinary O-Cresol and benzene in occupational groups and different seasons (p?>?.05). The highest mean quantitative risk of cancers was observed in summer (1.21?±?0.47). According to the results of this study, urinary biomarker O-Cresol is not a suitable measure for evaluating exposure to environmental benzene.  相似文献   
Using phages is a novel field of cancer therapy and phage nanobioparticles (NBPs) such as λ phage could be modified to deliver and express genetic cassettes into eukaryotic cells safely in contrast with animal viruses. Apoptin, a protein from chicken anemia virus (CAV) has the ability to specifically induce apoptosis only in carcinoma cells. We presented a safe method of breast tumor therapy via the apoptin expressing λ NBPs. Here, we constructed a λ ZAP-CMV-apoptin recombinant NBP and investigated the effectiveness of its apoptotic activity on BT-474, MDA-MB-361, SKBR-3, UACC-812 and ZR-75 cell lines that over-expressing her-2 marker. Apoptosis was evaluated via annexin-V fluorescent iso-thiocyanate/propidium iodide staining, flow-cytometric method and TUNEL assay. Transfection with NBPs carrying λ ZAP-CMV-apoptin significantly inhibited growth of all the breast carcinoma cell lines in vitro. Also nude mice model implanted BT-474 human breast tumor was successfully responded to the systemic and local injection of untargeted recombinant λ NBPs. The results presented here reveal important features of recombinant λ nanobioparticles to serve as safe delivery and expression platform for human cancer therapy.  相似文献   
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a multicellular disease characterized by chronic inflammation. Peripheral blood-mononuclear cells (PBMCs), as a critical component of immune system, actively cross-talk with pathophysiological conditions induced by endothelial cell injury, reflecting in perturbed PBMC expression. STAT1 is believed to be relevant to CAD pathogenesis through regulating key inflammatory processes and modulating STAT1 expression play key roles in fine-tuning CAD-related inflammatory processes. This study evaluated PBMC expressions of STAT1, and its regulators (miR-150 and miR-223) in a cohort including 72 patients with CAD with significant ( ≥ 50%) stenosis, 30 patients with insignificant ( < 50%) coronary stenosis (ICAD), and 74 healthy controls, and assessed potential of PBMC expressions to discriminate between patients and controls. We designed quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) assays and identified stable reference genes for normalizing PBMC quantities of miR-150, miR-223, and STAT1 applying geNorm algorithm to six small RNAs and five mRNAs. There was no significant difference between CAD and ICAD patients regarding STAT1 expression. However, both groups of patients had higher levels of STAT1 than healthy controls. miR-150 and miR-223 were differently expressed across three groups of subjects and were downregulated in patients compared with healthy controls, with the lowest expression levels being observed in patients with ICAD. ROC curves suggested that PBMC expressions may separate between different groups of study subjects. PBMC expressions also discriminated different clinical manifestations of CAD from ICADs or healthy controls. In conclusion, the present study reported PBMC dysregulations of STAT1, miR-150, and miR-223, in patients with significant or insignificant coronary stenosis and suggested that these changes may have diagnostic implications.  相似文献   
Earlier studies have shown that cdc2 kinase is activated during herpes simplex virus 1 infection and that its activity is enhanced late in infection even though the levels of cyclin A and B are decreased below levels of detection. Furthermore, activation of cdc2 requires the presence of infected cell protein no. 22 and the UL13 protein kinase, the same gene products required for optimal expression of a subset of late genes exemplified by US11, UL38, and UL41. The possibility that the activation of cdc2 and expression of this subset may be connected emerged from the observation that dominant negative cdc2 specifically blocked the expression of US11 protein in cells infected and expressing dominant negative cdc2. Here we report that in the course of searching for a putative cognate partner for cdc2 that may have replaced cyclins A and B, we noted that the DNA polymerase processivity factor encoded by the UL42 gene contains a degenerate cyclin box and has been reported to be structurally related to proliferating cell nuclear antigen, which also binds cdk2. Consistent with this finding, we report that (i) UL42 is able to physically interact with cdc2 at both the amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal domains, (ii) the carboxyl-terminal domain of UL42 can be phosphorylated by cdc2, (iii) immunoprecipitates obtained with anti UL42 antibody contained a roscovitine-sensitive kinase activity, (iv) kinase activity associated with UL42 could be immunodepleted by antibody to cdc2, and (v) UL42 transfected into cells associates with a nocodazole-enhanced kinase. We conclude that UL42 can associate with cdc2 and that the kinase activity has the characteristic traits of cdc2 kinase.  相似文献   
The cauliflower mosaic virus 35S (35S) promoter is used extensively for transgene expression in plants. The promoter has been delineated into different subdomains based on deletion analysis and gain-of-function studies. However, cis -elements important for promoter activity have been identified only in the domains B1 ( as-2 element), A1 ( as-1 element) and minimal promoter (TATA box). No cis -elements have been described in subdomains B2–B5, although these are reported to be important for the overall activity of the 35S promoter. We have re-evaluated the contribution of three of these subdomains, namely B5, B4 and B2, to 35S promoter activity by developing several modified promoters. The analysis of β-glucuronidase gene expression driven by the modified promoters in different tissues of primary transgenic tobacco lines, as well as in seedlings of the T1 generation, revealed new facets about the functional organization of the 35S promoter. This study suggests that: (i) the 35S promoter truncated up to –301 functions in a similar manner to the –343 (full-length) 35S promoter; (ii) the Dof core and I-box core observed in the subdomain B4 are important for 35S promoter activity; and (iii) the subdomain B2 is essential for maintaining an appropriate distance between the proximal and distal regions of the 35S promoter. These observations will aid in the development of functional synthetic 35S promoters with decreased sequence homology. Such promoters can be used to drive multiple transgenes without evoking promoter homology-based gene silencing when attempting gene stacking.  相似文献   
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