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Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) - In vitro culture is not only known for the mass propagation of medicinal plants, it can also be used to boost the accumulation of useful metabolites....  相似文献   
Internal ribosomal entry sites (IRESs) are structured cis‐acting RNAs that drive an alternative, cap‐independent translation initiation pathway. They are used by many viruses to hijack the translational machinery of the host cell. IRESs facilitate translation initiation by recruiting and actively manipulating the eukaryotic ribosome using only a subset of canonical initiation factor and IRES transacting factors. Here we present cryo‐EM reconstructions of the ribosome 80S‐ and 40S‐bound Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) IRES. The presence of four subpopulations for the 80S•HCV IRES complex reveals dynamic conformational modes of the complex. At a global resolution of 3.9 Å for the most stable complex, a derived atomic model reveals a complex fold of the IRES RNA and molecular details of its interaction with the ribosome. The comparison of obtained structures explains how a modular architecture facilitates mRNA loading and tRNA binding to the P‐site. This information provides the structural foundation for understanding the mechanism of HCV IRES RNA‐driven translation initiation.  相似文献   
Island populations are often thought to be more susceptible to the loss of genetic diversity as a consequence of limited population size and genetic drift, greater susceptibility to detrimental stochastic events and low levels of immigration. However the geographic isolation of islands may create refuges for native crop species whose genetic diversity is threatened from the genetic erosion occurring in mainland areas as a result of crop-wild gene flow and genetic swamping. Many UK islands remain uncharacterised in terms of plant genetic diversity. In this study we compared the genetic diversity of mainland populations and landraces of Trifolium repens with wild populations collected from the islands surrounding the UK, including the island of Hirta in the St Kildan archipelago. Individuals from St Kilda represent a unique conservation resource, with populations both highly differentiated from UK mainland populations and genetically distinct from cultivated varieties, whilst able to retain diversity through limited human influence on the islands. In contrast, there is relative genetic similarity of wild UK populations to cultivated forms highlighted in mainland populations, but with geographic barriers preventing complete homogenisation of the mainland UK genepool. We underline the need for conservation priorities to include common species that are threatened by gene flow from cultivation, and draw attention to the potential of islands to preserve natural levels of genetic diversity.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of L-4F, an apolipoprotein A-1 mimetic peptide, alone or with pravastatin, in apoE-/-Fas-/-C57BL/6 mice that spontaneously develop immunoglobulin G (IgG) autoantibodies, glomerulonephritis, osteopenia, and atherosclerotic lesions on a normal chow diet.


Female mice, starting at eight to nine weeks of age, were treated for 27 weeks with 1) pravastatin, 2) L-4F, 3) L-4F plus pravastatin, or 4) vehicle control, followed by disease phenotype assessment.


In preliminary studies, dysfunctional, proinflammatory high-density lipoproteins (piHDL) were decreased six hours after a single L-4F, but not scrambled L-4F, injection in eight- to nine-week old mice. After 35 weeks, L-4F-treated mice, in the absence/presence of pravastatin, had significantly smaller lymph nodes and glomerular tufts (PL, LP < 0.05), lower serum levels of IgG antibodies to double stranded DNA (dsDNA) (PL < 0.05) and oxidized phospholipids (oxPLs) (PL, LP < 0.005), and elevated total and vertebral bone mineral density (PL, LP < 0.01) compared to vehicle controls. Although all treatment groups presented larger aortic root lesions compared to vehicle controls, enlarged atheromas in combination treatment mice had significantly less infiltrated CD68+ macrophages (PLP < 0.01), significantly increased mean α-actin stained area (PLP < 0.05), and significantly lower levels of circulating markers for atherosclerosis progression, CCL19 (PL, LP < 0.0005) and VCAM-1 (PL < 0.0002).


L-4F treatment, alone or with pravastatin, significantly reduced IgG anti-dsDNA and IgG anti-oxPLs, proteinuria, glomerulonephritis, and osteopenia in a murine lupus model of accelerated atherosclerosis. Despite enlarged aortic lesions, increased smooth muscle content, decreased macrophage infiltration, and decreased pro-atherogenic chemokines in L-4F plus pravastatin treated mice suggest protective mechanisms not only on lupus-like disease, but also on potential plaque remodeling in a murine model of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and accelerated atherosclerosis.  相似文献   
Agriculture is now facing the ‘perfect storm’ of climate change, increasing costs of fertilizer and rising food demands from a larger and wealthier human population. These factors point to a global food deficit unless the efficiency and resilience of crop production is increased. The intensification of agriculture has focused on improving production under optimized conditions, with significant agronomic inputs. Furthermore, the intensive cultivation of a limited number of crops has drastically narrowed the number of plant species humans rely on. A new agricultural paradigm is required, reducing dependence on high inputs and increasing crop diversity, yield stability and environmental resilience. Genomics offers unprecedented opportunities to increase crop yield, quality and stability of production through advanced breeding strategies, enhancing the resilience of major crops to climate variability, and increasing the productivity and range of minor crops to diversify the food supply. Here we review the state of the art of genomic‐assisted breeding for the most important staples that feed the world, and how to use and adapt such genomic tools to accelerate development of both major and minor crops with desired traits that enhance adaptation to, or mitigate the effects of climate change.  相似文献   
White clover (Trifolium repens L.) is a forage legume widely used in combination with grass in pastures because of its ability to fix nitrogen. We have constructed a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of an advanced breeding line of white clover. The library contains 37 248 clones with an average insert size of approximately 85 kb, representing an approximate 3-fold coverage of the white clover genome based on an estimated genome size of 960 Mb. The BAC library was pooled and screened by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification using both white clover microsatellites and PCR-based markers derived from Medicago truncatula, resulting in an average of 6 hits per marker; this supports the estimated 3-fold genome coverage in this allotetraploid species. PCR-based screening of 766 clones with a multiplex set of chloroplast primers showed that only 0.5% of BAC clones contained chloroplast-derived inserts. The library was further evaluated by sequencing both ends of 724 of the clover BACs. These were analysed with respect to their sequence content and their homology to the contents of a range of plant gene, expressed sequence tag, and repeat element databases. Forty-three microsatellites were discovered in the BAC-end sequences (BESs) and investigated as potential genetic markers in white clover. The BESs were also compared with the partially sequenced genome of the model legume M. truncatula with the specific intention of identifying putative comparative-tile BACs, which represent potential regions of microsynteny between the 2 species; 14 such BACs were discovered. The results suggest that a large-scale BAC-end sequencing strategy has the potential to anchor a significant proportion of the genome of white clover onto the gene-space sequence of M. truncatula.  相似文献   


Remodeling of the extracellular matrix is one of the most striking features observed in the uterus during the estrous cycle and after hormone replacement. Versican (VER) is a hyaluronan-binding proteoglycan that undergoes RNA alternative splicing, generating four distinct isoforms. This study analyzed the synthesis and distribution of VER in mouse uterine tissues during the estrous cycle, in ovariectomized (OVX) animals and after 17beta-estradiol (E2) and medroxyprogesterone (MPA) treatments, either alone or in combination.  相似文献   
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