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The Aminobacter sp. strain MSH1 has potential for pesticide bioremediation because it degrades the herbicide metabolite 2,6-dichlorobenzamide (BAM). Production of the BAM-degrading bacterium using aerobic bioreactor fermentation was investigated. A mineral salt medium limited for carbon and with an element composition similar to the strain was generated. The optimal pH and temperature for strain growth were determined using shaker flasks and verified in bioreactors. Glucose, fructose, and glycerol were suitable carbon sources for MSH1 (μ?=?0.1 h?1); slower growth was observed on succinate and acetic acid (μ?=?0.01 h?1). Standard conditions for growth of the MSH1 strain were defined at pH 7 and 25 °C, with glucose as the carbon source. In bioreactors (1 and 5 L), the specific growth rate of MSH1 increased from μ?=?0.1 h?1 on traditional mineral salt medium to μ?=?0.18 h?1 on the optimized mineral salt medium. The biomass yield under standard conditions was 0.47 g dry weight biomass/g glucose consumed. An investigation of the catabolic capacity of MSH1 cells harvested in exponential and stationary growth phases showed a degradation activity per cell of about 3?×?10?9 μg BAM h?1. Thus, fast, efficient, large-scale production of herbicide-degrading Aminobacter was possible, bringing the use of this bacterium in bioaugmentation field remediation closer to reality.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate how the in situ exposure of a Danish subsurface aquifer to phenoxy acid herbicides at low concentrations (<40 micro g l(-1)) changes the microbial community composition. Sediment and groundwater samples were collected inside and outside the herbicide-exposed area and were analyzed for the presence of general microbial populations, Pseudomonas bacteria, and specific phenoxy acid degraders. Both culture-dependent and culture-independent methods were applied. The abundance of microbial phenoxy acid degraders (10(0) to 10(4) g(-1) sediment) was determined by most probable number assays, and their presence was only detected in herbicide-exposed sediments. Similarly, PCR analysis showed that the 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid degradation pathway genes tfdA and tfdB (10(2) to 10(3) gene copies g(-1) sediment) were only detected in sediments from contaminated areas of the aquifer. PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism measurements demonstrated the presence of different populations of tfd genes, suggesting that the in situ herbicide degradation was caused by the activity of a heterogeneous population of phenoxy acid degraders. The number of Pseudomonas bacteria measured by either PCR or plating on selective agar media was higher in sediments subjected to high levels of phenoxy acid. Furthermore, high numbers of CFU compared to direct counting of 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole-stained cells in the microscope suggested an increased culturability of the indigenous microbial communities from acclimated sediments. The findings of this study demonstrate that continuous exposure to low herbicide concentrations can markedly change the bacterial community composition of a subsurface aquifer.  相似文献   
The mineralization of the herbicide linuron at concentrations of μg and mg L−1 was studied in liquid batch experiments with Variovorax sp. strain SRS16. The strain was highly efficient at mineralizing a range of linuron concentrations (0.002–10 mg L−1) with 20–60% of the added 14C-ring-labeled linuron metabolized to 14CO2 within hours to days depending on the initial linuron concentration and incubation period. At mg L−1 linuron concentrations the mineralization activity by SRS16 was inducible and a shift to constitutive mineralization activity was apparent with a reduction in the linuron concentration to μg L−1 levels. This study revealed that strain SRS16 is a promising candidate for bioaugmentation of water or soil resources contaminated with low linuron concentrations.  相似文献   


Although the X chromosome is the second largest bovine chromosome, markers on the X chromosome are not used for genomic prediction in some countries and populations. In this study, we presented a method for computing genomic relationships using X chromosome markers, investigated the accuracy of imputation from a low density (7K) to the 54K SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) panel, and compared the accuracy of genomic prediction with and without using X chromosome markers.


The impact of considering X chromosome markers on prediction accuracy was assessed using data from Nordic Holstein bulls and different sets of SNPs: (a) the 54K SNPs for reference and test animals, (b) SNPs imputed from the 7K to the 54K SNP panel for test animals, (c) SNPs imputed from the 7K to the 54K panel for half of the reference animals, and (d) the 7K SNP panel for all animals. Beagle and Findhap were used for imputation. GBLUP (genomic best linear unbiased prediction) models with or without X chromosome markers and with or without a residual polygenic effect were used to predict genomic breeding values for 15 traits.


Averaged over the two imputation datasets, correlation coefficients between imputed and true genotypes for autosomal markers, pseudo-autosomal markers, and X-specific markers were 0.971, 0.831 and 0.935 when using Findhap, and 0.983, 0.856 and 0.937 when using Beagle. Estimated reliabilities of genomic predictions based on the imputed datasets using Findhap or Beagle were very close to those using the real 54K data. Genomic prediction using all markers gave slightly higher reliabilities than predictions without X chromosome markers. Based on our data which included only bulls, using a G matrix that accounted for sex-linked relationships did not improve prediction, compared with a G matrix that did not account for sex-linked relationships. A model that included a polygenic effect did not recover the loss of prediction accuracy from exclusion of X chromosome markers.


The results from this study suggest that markers on the X chromosome contribute to accuracy of genomic predictions and should be used for routine genomic evaluation.  相似文献   
A soil bacterium (designated strain SRS2) able to metabolize the phenylurea herbicide isoproturon, 3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (IPU), was isolated from a previously IPU-treated agricultural soil. Based on a partial analysis of the 16S rRNA gene and the cellular fatty acids, the strain was identified as a Sphingomonas sp. within the α-subdivision of the proteobacteria. Strain SRS2 was able to mineralize IPU when provided as a source of carbon, nitrogen, and energy. Supplementing the medium with a mixture of amino acids considerably enhanced IPU mineralization. Mineralization of IPU was accompanied by transient accumulation of the metabolites 3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1-methylurea, 3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-urea, and 4-isopropyl-aniline identified by high-performance liquid chromatography analysis, thus indicating a metabolic pathway initiated by two successive N-demethylations, followed by cleavage of the urea side chain and finally by mineralization of the phenyl structure. Strain SRS2 also transformed the dimethylurea-substituted herbicides diuron and chlorotoluron, giving rise to as-yet-unidentified products. In addition, no degradation of the methoxy-methylurea-substituted herbicide linuron was observed. This report is the first characterization of a pure bacterial culture able to mineralize IPU.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate how the in situ exposure of a Danish subsurface aquifer to phenoxy acid herbicides at low concentrations (<40 μg l−1) changes the microbial community composition. Sediment and groundwater samples were collected inside and outside the herbicide-exposed area and were analyzed for the presence of general microbial populations, Pseudomonas bacteria, and specific phenoxy acid degraders. Both culture-dependent and culture-independent methods were applied. The abundance of microbial phenoxy acid degraders (100 to 104 g−1 sediment) was determined by most probable number assays, and their presence was only detected in herbicide-exposed sediments. Similarly, PCR analysis showed that the 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid degradation pathway genes tfdA and tfdB (102 to 103 gene copies g−1 sediment) were only detected in sediments from contaminated areas of the aquifer. PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism measurements demonstrated the presence of different populations of tfd genes, suggesting that the in situ herbicide degradation was caused by the activity of a heterogeneous population of phenoxy acid degraders. The number of Pseudomonas bacteria measured by either PCR or plating on selective agar media was higher in sediments subjected to high levels of phenoxy acid. Furthermore, high numbers of CFU compared to direct counting of 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole-stained cells in the microscope suggested an increased culturability of the indigenous microbial communities from acclimated sediments. The findings of this study demonstrate that continuous exposure to low herbicide concentrations can markedly change the bacterial community composition of a subsurface aquifer.  相似文献   
Micropollutants in groundwater are given significant attention by water companies and authorities due to an increasing awareness that they might be present even above the legal threshold values. As part of our investigations of the possibility to remove the common groundwater pollutant 2,6-dichlorobenzamide (BAM) by introducing the efficient BAM degrader Aminobacter sp. MSH1 into biologically active sand filters, we investigated if the strain adheres to filters containing various filter materials and if the initial adherence and subsequent degradation of BAM could be optimized. We found that most of the inoculated MSH1 cells adhered fast and that parameters like pH and ionic strength had only a minor influence on the adhesion despite huge influence on cell surface hydrophobicity. At the given growth protocol, the MSH1 strain apparently developed a subpopulation that had lost its ability to adhere to the filter materials, which was supported by attempted reinoculation of non-adhered cells. Analysis by quantitative PCR showed that most cells adhered in the top of the filters and that some of these were lost from the filters during initial operation, while insignificant losses occurred after 1 day of operation. The inoculated filters were found to degrade 2.7 μg/L BAM to below 0.1 μg/L at a 1.1-h residence time with insignificant formation of known degradation products. In conclusion, most filter materials and water types should be feasible for inoculation with the MSH1 strain, while more research into degradation at low concentrations and temperatures is needed before this technology is ready for use at actual waterworks.  相似文献   
In dairy cattle, the widespread use of artificial insemination has resulted in increased selection intensity, which has led to spectacular increase in productivity. However, cow fertility has concomitantly severely declined. It is generally assumed that this reduction is primarily due to the negative energy balance of high-producing cows at the peak of lactation. We herein describe the fine-mapping of a major fertility QTL in Nordic Red cattle, and identify a 660-kb deletion encompassing four genes as the causative variant. We show that the deletion is a recessive embryonically lethal mutation. This probably results from the loss of RNASEH2B, which is known to cause embryonic death in mice. Despite its dramatic effect on fertility, 13%, 23% and 32% of the animals carry the deletion in Danish, Swedish and Finnish Red Cattle, respectively. To explain this, we searched for favorable effects on other traits and found that the deletion has strong positive effects on milk yield. This study demonstrates that embryonic lethal mutations account for a non-negligible fraction of the decline in fertility of domestic cattle, and that associated positive effects on milk yield may account for part of the negative genetic correlation. Our study adds to the evidence that structural variants contribute to animal phenotypic variation, and that balancing selection might be more common in livestock species than previously appreciated.  相似文献   
An extracellular Pseudomonas cepacia lipase, LipA, is inactive when expressed in the absence of the product of the limA gene. Evidence has been presented that LimA is a molecular chaperone. The lipA and limA genes have been cloned in separate and independently inducible expression systems in Escherichia coli. These systems were used to test the molecular chaperone hypothesis by investigating whether LimA could activate presynthesized prelipase and whether presynthesized LimA could activate newly synthesized prelipase. The results show that LimA cannot activate presynthesized prelipase and that presynthesized LimA can activate only a limited number of de novo synthesized prelipase molecules. Co-immunoprecipitation of prelipase/lipase with LimA generated a 1:1 complex of prelipase/lipase and LimA. The results suggest that a 1:1 complex of LipA and LimA is required for prelipase processing and secretion of active lipase.  相似文献   
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