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Barley grown in dry soil developed greater adult plant resistance (APR) to powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis DC. f. sp. hordei Mérat) than barley grown in wet soil. Conidial germination and appressorium formation were less, and fungal development between formation of appressoria and elongating secondary hyphae on upper leaves was inhibited, when adult plants were grown in dry soil. Mildew colonies expanded more slowly on leaves of adult plants than on leaves of seedlings, especially if adult plants had grown in dry soil. APR was reduced if plants, previously grown in dry soil, were well watered more than 32 h before inoculation. Conidia originating from plants grown in dry soil had a lower solute potential and greater ability to infect plants grown in dry but not wet soil than conidia originating from plants grown in wet soil. APR could not be attributed simply to increased cell wall or cuticle thickness, nor to lowered leaf solute potentials, as has sometimes been suggested for powdery mildew diseases. Increasing plant age and water stress induced increases in cell wall and cuticle thickness, but these changes did not always coincide with changes in disease resistance. Increasing plant age and water stress also lowered leaf solute potentials but fungal solute potentials were lower than leaf solute potentials and, more importantly, were lower than leaf water potentials. Thus, fungal growth was not limited by the availability of water from the host during penetration and hyphal establishment. It is suggested that resistance levels may be determined not by the thickness of epidermal structures, nor by lowering of solute potential per se, but by specific substances harmful to the fungus which accumulate in either cell wall, cuticle or sap, and whose concentration is dependent on the age and water stress of leaves.  相似文献   
The green leaf area of winter barley, cv. Sonja, sampled fromthe field at different times during winter was always greatestin plants grown at high soil phosphate and smallest in plantsgrown at low soil phosphate, and at each fertilizer level wasgreater in healthy plants than in plants infected by rust (Pucciniahordei). In leaves that survived the coldest period of winter,the percentage area that was damaged was increased by rust infectionwhich prevented the ameliorating effects of high soil P. Rustand low P interacted to reduce the increases in leaf area andshoot d. wt that occurred when higher temperatures prevailedin spring. Under controlled conditions in the laboratory, phosphate reducedthe injury suffered when plants not acclimated to low temperatureswere exposed to freezing conditions, but this effect was removedby rust infection. After rust infection, freezing temperatureswere damaging even to acclimated plants, particularly if grownwith low soil P. Evidence of visible symptoms, and quantitativemeasurements of electrolyte efflux from intact leaves, chlorophyllfluorescence in vivo, and ethane and ethylene evolution fromcold-acclimated plants, showed that infection raised the minimumtemperature at which tissues could survive without injury. Infectedleaves were more sensitive to low temperature post-sporulationthan presporulation. Measurements of electrolyte efflux andchlorophyll fluorescence on plants growing under cold conditionsshowed that infection inhibited the processes of acclimationto low temperatures. Winter barley, Puccinia hordei, injury, low temperature, acclimation  相似文献   
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