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Monkeys are 'flat–footed' in comparison to humans, but they are still able to utilize elastic strain energy stores in their feet to reduce the metabolic energy cost of running. During contact with the ground, bending moments act on the foot to produce a 'reversed arch', storing strain energy which is returned in the subsequent elastic recoil. This energy–saving mechanism has been investigated in dynamic bending tests and is discussed in relation to the arched foot of humans.  相似文献   
Why are mammalian tendons so thick?   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The maximum stresses to which a wide range of mammalian limb tendons could be subjected in life were estimated by considering the relative cross-sectional areas of each tendon and of the fibres of its muscle. These cross-sectional areas were derived from mass and length measurements on tendons and muscles assuming published values for the respective densities. The majority of the stresses are low. The distribution has a broad peak with maximum frequency at a stress of about 13 MPa, whereas the fracture stress for tendon in tension is about 100 MPa. Thus, the majority of tendons are far thicker than is necessary for adequate strength. Much higher stresses are found among those tendons which act as springs to store energy during locomotion. The acceptability of low safety factors in these tendons has been explained previously (Alexander, 1981). A new theory explains the thickness of the majority of tendons. The muscle with its tendon is considered as a combined system which delivers mechanical energy: the thickness of the tendon is optimized by minimizing the combined mass. A thinner tendon would stretch more. To take up this stretch, the muscle would require longer muscle fibres, which would increase the combined mass. The predicted maximum stress in a tendon of optimum thickness is about 10 MPa, which is within the main peak of the observed stress distribution. Individual variations from this value are to be expected and can be understood in terms of the functions of the various muscles.  相似文献   
Inorganic ions and the hatching of Heterodera spp   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Of various inorganic ions tested for their ability to stimulate hatching of eggs of the cyst nematodes of cereals (Heterodera avenae Woll), carrot (H. carotae Jones), cabbage (H. cruciferae Franklin), soybean (H. glycines Ichinohe), pea (H. goettingiana Liebs.), potato (H. rostochiensis Woll.), beet (H. schachtii Schm.), tobacco (H. tabacum Lownsbery & Lownsbery) and clover (H. trifolii Goffart), some were active. Zn2+ hatched many eggs of seven species and some of H. goettingiana, but inhibited hatch of H. avenae to below that in water. Zinc salts are the first recorded very active hatching stimulants for H. glycines in vitro. Many other metal ions stimulated hatching of H. schachtii eggs to varying extents; these also hatched some but not all of the other species. Vanadate ions were particularly effective for H. rostochiensis, more so than Zn2+. No ion increased the hatch of H. avenae to above that in water. The most active ions were not those most abundant in soil. The behaviour of different ions with different species did not suggest any obvious affinities between species, but the differences between the hatching of H. tabacum and H. rostochiensis add weight to the view that, despite morphological similarities and overlapping host ranges, they are distinct species rather than pathotypes of a single species. Ions and other hatching agents may be absorbed by materials within the egg or larva and alter the structure and function of these materials. The lack of correlation between the hatching of H. schachtii by ions and the known stability sequences of various biological metal-binding systems suggests that there may be several sites of action that differ in their response.  相似文献   
The NADPH-dependent conversion of amino acids to their aldoximes is an initial step in glucosinolate biosynthesis. A number of microsomal aldoxime-forming monooxygenase activities were detected in leaves from a variety of glucosi-nolate-containing species, whereas barley, bean and tobacco leaves did not contain any such activities. The substrates for these monooxygenases in each species largely correlated with the spectrum of glucosinolates found in that species. No activity was detected that metabolized homomethionine (supposed precursor of 2-propenylglucosinolate [sinigrin]), even in species where sinigrin was the major glucosinolate. In Sinapis species containing hydroxybenzylglucosinolate (sinalbin), activity with L-Tyr was detected, whereas Brassica species containing sinalbin had no such activity. However, these Brassicas did contain an L-Phe monooxygenase activity. Partial characterization of the monooxygenases indicated that in Brassica species, Nasturtium officinalis and Raphanus sativus these resembled the flavin-linked monooxygenases previously found in oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris). The L-Tyr-dependent activity in Sinapis species, and the L-Phe-dependent activity in Tropacolum majus, had characteristics of cytochrome P450-type enzymes. No similarity was found with any other known amino acid metabolizing enzymes (including decarboxylases, amino acid oxidases and diamine/polyamine oxidases).  相似文献   
Electrophysiology of electric organ in Gymnotus carapo   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The electric organ of G. carapo is formed by linearly arrayed electroplaques which lie in four tubes on each side of the fish. In one tube the electroplaques are innervated on their rostral surfaces, in the others on the caudal. Both surfaces of each electroplaque produce spikes, and either can be excited alone by a suitably oriented externally applied stimulating current. The innervated surface, however, has a lower threshold, and in the normal organ activity, which is a continuous discharge at 35 to 60/sec., it is always fired first by the large neurally evoked postsynaptic potential. The spike of the innervated face then fires the opposite face. The potential recorded external to the innervated face is initially negative and becomes positive when the other face fires. The potential outside the other face is inverted. The p.s.p.'s are electrically inexcitable, have short duration, and are augmented by hyperpolarization. A single electroplaque is innervated by several nerve fibers, which produce summative p.s.p.'s. Homosynaptic facilitation of p.s.p.'s is common. The synapses are cholinoceptive. The organ discharge begins with synchronized activity in the rostrally innervated electroplaques. After a brief interval, the electroplaques in the other three tubes fire. The organ discharge therefore is triphasic, resulting from the summation of the two diphasic components that are oppositely directed and asynchronous. Observations on the sensory role of the organ are included.  相似文献   
Of about five million problem drinkers in the United States, at least 750,000 are chronic alcoholics, a sixth of whom are in California. Seven phases of drinking patterns are described, from nondependent or "social" drinking, to the last two phases, when blackouts become more frequent and severe, "benders" fade into each other and serious organic diseases appear. General principles of treatment, after medical diagnosis and psychosocial evaluation, include hospitalization for acute episodes and physical disabilities, use of Antabuse (disulfiram) in suitable cases, psychotherapy, and the use of social aids such as Alcoholics Anonymous. The problem requires all resources available in the community, since chronic alcoholics are never cured and need support for long periods. A cooperative patient can finally readjust himself and get along without alcohol. Physicians must recognize the seriousness of alcohol addiction and help patients to accept treatment.  相似文献   
Ultrastructure of the Tubificid Acrosome (Annelida, Oligochaeta)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The later morphogenesis of the acrosome of Limnodriloides winckelmanni and Rhyacodrilus arthingtonae is compared with that in Enchytraeus and in earthworms. After superposition of the acrosome on the tip of the nucleus the manchette continues apically beyond the nucleus to ensheath the acrosomal tube. At the posterior limit of, and probably contained in, the spacious/ terminal primary acrosomal vesicle is an electron-dense ring. A domed protrusion into the floor of the primary vesicle is tentatively regarded as the secondary acrosome vesicle. The axial rod when first observed is attached to the vesicle complex. Later, the rod detaches and extends deeply into the acrosome tube. A membrane ensheathes the tubificid axial rod but its exact homology with the complex layers surrounding the lumbricid or megascolecid axial rod is not clear. The domed apical region of the tubificid acrosome is probably a persistence of the primary acrosome vesicle and it is deduced that the acrosome vesicle surrounding the axial rod in lumbricids and megascolecids is a product, by invagination, of the secondary acrosome vesicle only.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: A process for dehydrating fish under vacuum and in contact with heated plates is described. Although the conditions, in respect of time and temperature, appeared suitable for microbial development, a reduction in the number of bacteria usually occurred. A survey of the data accumulated over twenty months, including a series of experimental production periods, showed that the bacterial population estimated at 22° was reduced in the process as a whole to about 1% of its initial value and that estimated at 37° to about 10%. Species of the genus Micrococcus tended to predominate on the finished product. Contrary to earlier expectations, there should be no serious microbiological hazards if high standards of personal and factory hygiene are maintained.  相似文献   
Resistance to powdery mildew infection was compared in 18 winter wheat cultivars under field conditions in three seasons, 1977 to 1979. In each year, natural infection occurred from populations of Erysiphe graminis f. sp. tritici containing host-specific pathogenicity characters matching identified cultivar resistance. Leaves, ears and stems were assessed separately. The expression of resistance in leaves appeared to be independent of that in ears. There were few consistent differences between cultivars in stem infection. Resistance in adult leaves did not necessarily correspond with that in seedling leaves; resistance in ears did not appear to be correlated with plant height. Quantitative differences between cultivars having the same identified resistance characters occurred in both leaves and ears; Flinor, Avalon and Bounty were most resistant on leaves whereas Iona, Wizard and Bounty were most resistant on ears. Differences in background resistance were considered to be responsible for these observations.  相似文献   
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